"By the way, Jiang Lin, do you know how to arrange some kind of sound insulation formation, and help me get one."


"To avoid being discovered, photographing ghosts is better than photographing people. What if you are discovered?"

If you are found, you will be found, and the ghost doesn't know that you are shooting it. Whether it recognizes the camera or not is a matter of two things.

Later, Shu Ning made some arrangements on the window so that she and Jiang Lin could see inside, but it was difficult for the people inside to find them.

"Do you often do this kind of thing? Candid photography!"

Jiang Lin couldn't help but be speechless when he saw Shu Ning who was familiar with the road. A Miss Shu, she was like a thief now.

And to be able to shoot openly, she didn't want to, so she had to be sneaky.

"Sudden shooting? What secret shooting! Can news people's affairs be considered secret shooting!"

Hearing Jiang Lin mentioned the word "sneak shooting", Shu Ning immediately became arrogant. Miss Ben is a reporter and a journalist!

How can it be considered stealing!shoot!

"Shu Yiji, I think you have the potential to be a paparazzi."

Jiang Lin glanced at Shu Ning, she was acting like Kong Yiji in Mr. Lu Xun's novels, but also like a paparazzi in later generations.

"You're Shu Yiji!" Shu Ning glared at Jiang Lin, didn't he just use a sentence from a novel to call others Shu Yiji, hate it!

"What is a paparazzi?"

"The paparazzi are..."

Jiang Lin brought the concept of "paparazzi" to the Republic of China in advance.

Am I gossiping that much?

Shu Ning groaned angrily, she was a serious professional reporter, but Jiang Lin actually regarded her as one of those boring and evil reporters.

"Should I call you Shu Paparazzi?"


Seeing Shu Ning angrily, Jiang Lin thought it was very interesting. I am afraid that since childhood, he was the only one who could make this Miss Shu have a temper.

Flicking his fingers, Jiang Lin placed a small soundproof barrier around the two of them.

At this time, in the backstage place where the makeup was applied, A Gui and A Guang got together and discussed how to scare Blink, while the Chaozhou Ghost was sitting beside them.

"It's really interesting that they act like ghosts and scary people, and I'm here to join in the fun."

After Agui and the others dispersed, the Chaozhou Ghost appeared, clapping his hands and looking like a chicken thief.


Shu Ning held the camera at the window and took several pictures inside.

This candid kung fu is really six!

As soon as Jiang Lin turned his face, Shu Ning changed the film and put the camera in front of him again, with first-rate speed.

Chapter seven hundred and eighty fourth Bao Gong trial ghost

Not long after, the Chaozhou ghost in the backstage wore a costume and took a golden mask and put it on his head.

Seeing Agui and the others didn't realize that there was a ghost beside them and interacted with him, Shu Ning shivered.

Playing as a ghost is scary, but I don't even know that there is a ghost beside me.

After a while, Blinky Biao entered the tent, looking for his belongings, and a few of his friends sneaked up behind him.

Blinking Biao turned around and saw a few bad friends dressed as ghosts. He screamed in horror, turned around and ran, but he just turned around and saw Chaozhou ghosts wearing masks.

The cowardly blinked Biao was stunned and fainted.

"Haha~ so many of us didn't frighten Blink Biao, but he stunned Blink Biao by himself. He's awesome."

Agui laughed and took off the official hat of the Qing Dynasty on his head, and the other three also took off the crown of Yin Siguan.

Suddenly, Agui felt something was wrong and counted the number of people.

"One two three four, who are you?"

Chaozhou Ghost shook his head and said, "I am me."

Agui frowned, went up and took off the mask on the Chaozhou Ghost's face, the Chaozhou Ghost smiled at Agui, and then disappeared abruptly.

"Hehehe~ It's really fun."

The costumes lost their heads, but they were still able to make sounds, making the faces of the four damaged goods turn blue.


Agui and the others were so frightened that they almost wet their pants, they raised the blinking mark on the ground and ran towards the outside of the theatre.

"Hahaha, Jiang Lin, it's so funny."

Seeing Agui and the others, Shu Ning laughed and leaned back and forth.

"When others see ghosts, they are too frightened to avoid them, but I am here to see ghosts haunting people. This experience is really not something ordinary people can have."

Shu Ning thought it was interesting to be by Jiang Lin's side. Without Jiang Lin, she would not be able to be like what she is today.

"Is it done? Let's go back to sleep."

"After filming, I can write a report after I go back, which is called 'fake ghost meets real ghost'."

Shu Ning was very satisfied with what he had achieved. Candid photography is really not an ordinary stimulus, especially secret photography of ghosts.

Photographing people is a good reporter, but photographing ghosts is different. Ghosts are invisible, even with a camera.

This thing is harder to shoot than zombies.

"Who wants to sleep with you!"

Shu Ning was happy for a while, only to realize that there was some ambiguity in Jiang Lin's words just now, and her face suddenly turned red. She gave Jiang Lin a white look and ran back shyly.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Lin said he was speechless. Now Shu Ning looked at him like he was looking at a big bad wolf.

Agui and the others ran back to the inn with blinking signs. Because they didn't take off their costumes, they scared a lot of people along the way and yelled at ghosts.

"Uncle, we really saw a ghost."

Agui and the others talked to Uncle Sheng about what happened tonight. They didn't even know that the Chaozhou ghost also came to the inn with them.

Uncle Sheng asked Agui to put the incense stick first, and then he said to the surrounding "how offended", the Chaozhou ghost nodded, thinking that Uncle Sheng was a good person.

"A ghost is just a ghost after a person dies. After a person dies, his spirituality will not disperse, and he will become a ghost. Therefore, ghosts, like humans, still maintain their original humanity."

Because Uncle Sheng had encountered ghosts in his early years, he also had some understanding of this aspect, so he explained it to Agui and the others.

"Ghosts also have human nature? Logically speaking, they won't harm people."

Uncle Sheng nodded and said, "Yeah, apart from scaring you, the ghost you met didn't harm you, and you have nothing to lose, so I think he's probably not an evil ghost."

"Yes, yes, you're right, my Chaozhou ghost heart is fine."

Chaozhou ghost heard that Uncle Sheng said that he was not an evil ghost, and his heart was overjoyed.

Agui and the others couldn't hear the nonsense, so they asked Uncle Sheng, "Uncle, since it's haunted, do you want to ask Jiang Lin to exorcise the ghost? He's a Taoist priest."

"No need, since it's not an evil ghost, it's fine for everyone to be at peace with each other."

Uncle Sheng waved his hand. In fact, he felt that the ghosts in the awning were not even afraid of Master Hua Guang, and Jiang Lin probably couldn't deal with them. When the ghosts were angered, not only Jiang Lin, but also the troupe would suffer.

Let Agui and the others go back to rest, and Uncle Sheng himself turned off the light.

In the middle of the night, the Chaozhou ghost blew ghost air to Uncle Sheng, gave him a dream, and said that he wanted something from him.

But just halfway through the conversation, he was interrupted by a knock on the door of Jia Da, who was drunk.

The good thing of the Chaozhou ghost was ruined by Ajia, so he was going to play tricks on him. Who knew that Ajia was so daring to be drunk that the Chaozhou ghost didn't scare Ajia at all, but he was beaten up because of his appearance.

"Ahhh~ Shu Paparazzi, I said if you are addicted to filming, you can take pictures secretly, why did you pull me out in the middle of the night?"

Jiang Lin yawned. Shu Ning was addicted to ghost photography. After hearing the movement outside, he brought his camera to the railing and took pictures and pulled him out.

"It's nothing, I just woke you up because you were sleeping soundly."


It's really untidy!

"If you are lonely and unbearable and want to sleep with me, you can just go into my room without waking me up."

"Go to hell! You are so lonely!"

Shu Ning entered the door and slammed it shut.

Just imply that I take the initiative, bad Jianglin!

The next day, in the backstage of the theatre, A Jia's suitcase was messed up. The Chaozhou ghost didn't fix him last night, so he got angry on his suitcase.

After Ajia woke up, she thought about the incident of being frightened by ghosts last night, and thought it was Agui and the others pretending to be ghosts to be scary. In the background, the two fought again.

When the Chaozhou ghost saw that Agui was beaten because of a wrongful reason, he got on the body of a big name Jia. After singing and somersaults, the Chaozhou ghost controlled Ajia's head and rammed it against the pillar. Everyone in the troupe knew that it was haunted.

Seeing such a situation, the class teacher asked people to take the boy's urine and poured it on Ajia's body, and then called Uncle Huisheng to come over.

"Master, what do you think of my idea?"

After Uncle Sheng learned about the situation, he told the class teacher a method of Bao Gong's trial of ghosts.

He recalled the events of the past few days. The ghost did not harm anyone here, and he had been struggling with Ajia, so he guessed that it might be Ajia's big-name temper, plus the lack of taboos to provoke the ghost.

As long as you understand the reason why ghosts trick people, this kind of thing will not happen in the future.

"Good or bad, why don't you let your grand-niece-in-law deal with that ghost?"

"Class master, we have Master Hua Guang here, and he is not afraid of ghosts. Although they are not evil ghosts, it is estimated that they are dangerous if they are fierce. I have not seen my nephew for more than [*] years. Where can I go to see him again. Let's go to the soldiers first, I'll ask him if it really doesn't work."

Jiang Lin didn't expect that he was just being humble at the time, which really made Uncle Sheng think that he was a little Taoist so weak that even a kid couldn't solve it.

Because his sleep was disturbed in the middle of the night, Jiang Lin didn't know what was going on in the tent, so he blinked his eyes and opened his mouth to say that Agui and Uncle Sheng were going to pretend to be the ghosts of Bao Gong trial tonight.

"Jiang Lin, Bao Gongzheng, let's go too."

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