
  Shu Ning responded with a loud voice and took a few steps forward.

  "Shangfang Baojian is waiting!"

  "Yes!" Shu Ning pulled out half of the long sword in his arms and shouted angrily, "Shangfang's sword is here, the little ghosts come quickly!"

  Jiang Lin held back his laughter, even if Shu Ning raised his voice, the voice could not escape the female voice.

  Also, is Zhan Zhao's chest that big?

  "The little devil is here, kowtow to Lord Bao!"

  When there was no movement, a puff of smoke rose from the middle of the table, and then there was the sound of Chaozhou ghosts.

  Shu Ning's wide sleeves kept making a "click" sound, but because Jiang Lin did some tricks to her, the sound couldn't spread.

  This kind of scene definitely needs a thirty-two continuous shooting!

  Jiang Lin also raised his brows. In fact, he was still a little skeptical about the success of the ghost trial, but he didn't expect to actually deceive the Chaozhou ghost.


  This is acting, it can fool the kid.

  In fact, Chaozhou ghosts are not very shrewd ghosts. Otherwise, when he was playing tricks on Jia's big name, he would not have been drunk and beaten by him.

  Now that the Chaozhou ghost came to the theater, I really thought it was Mr. Bao who came up to judge him.

  "There is a voice, why is there no one?"

  Agui and the others didn't open their eyes. If the Chaozhou ghosts didn't show up, they wouldn't be able to see them.

  "Since you are here, you are not showing up with the old man!"

  "Follow your orders, Lord Bao!"

  As soon as it fell, the real body of the Chaozhou Ghost appeared at the source of the sound on the stage, and he was now kneeling on the stage.

  Agui and the others closed their eyes in fright.

  Even men, there are many who dare not see ghosts.

  "What grievances are there, hurry up and tell!"

  "Reporting to my lord, the kid is a Chaozhou native. He was killed with a random knife, and his body was divided into seven parts..."

  The Chaozhou ghost regards Uncle Sheng as Bao Qingtian, and dares not hide it at all, saying that he cannot be reincarnated because no one has overtaken him, and his bones are scattered. be human.

  "It makes sense, the old man will follow your request. The little devil obeys the order! From now on, it is not allowed to harass all beings in the world. If you repeat the crime, you will definitely be executed!"

  Then Uncle Sheng asked where the Chaozhou ghost's corpse was. The Chaozhou ghost just said that it was under the stage, and Ajia came to the stage to shout.

  The Chaozhou Ghost finally found out that he had been deceived and disappeared without a trace.

Chapter seven hundred and eighty sixth dig the wrong bones

"What the hell, you guys are too outrageous! Don't start the gong today and don't tell me. Aren't you an uncle? How did you pretend to be Bao Gong, you are so old, and you are so addicted to acting. Oops~ Isn't it my python robe, take it off for me!"

Ajia doesn't know anything about her being overwhelmed by a ghost, so let's start when she comes to the stage. Agui and the others didn't have a chance to speak if they wanted to explain.

"Shut up, don't think that you are a big name, so you can be arrogant, discord with your brother, and be tricked by ghosts. Obviously, you have reached the point where people hate ghosts."

"Damn, I'm Taizhu, how dare you say that to me?"

"You bastard! You were haunted by ghosts today, and you hit a pillar yourself and hurt your head. You brothers can't bear it, so you don't avoid the good or the bad. For you, they and I play the ghost of Bao Gong together. To eliminate disasters and solve problems for you, but you do not distinguish between right and wrong, and repay kindness with resentment."

Uncle Sheng was also full of anger. They wanted to help the Chaozhou ghost clean up the corpse and give him reincarnation, but now they found out that he was pretending to be Bao Gong to deceive him. If this angered the ghost, they were kind, or maybe misunderstood.

"You got fucked by a ghost this morning."

"Also, your trunk is also a mess."

Agui and Aguang are the same, they don't have a good tone for Ajia.

"This man really doesn't know what to do."

Shu Ning came to Jiang Lin's side and complained in a low voice that A Jia had ruined her addiction before she was over. More importantly, Uncle Sheng and their plans were all smashed by this big name Jia.

This time, the trial of ghosts may become ghosts.

After Ajia knew everything, she was silent for a moment, and admitted to Uncle Sheng and Agui.

Uncle Sheng saw that Jia, who was always invincible on weekdays, admitted his mistake, and did not give him any more black face.

Then Uncle Sheng asked Agui and Ajia to dig under the stage immediately, and they really collected a basket of bones.

However, because the Chaozhou ghost had not finished speaking, there were two sets of corpses under the stage. Uncle Sheng and the others dug up the wrong corpse and dug out the corpse of the green ghost.

Even Jiang Lin didn't know this.

"Jiang Lin, do you know how to choose Feng Shui?"

Seeing that the corpse had been dug up, Uncle Sheng was going to find a place with good feng shui, bury the corpse, and let the Chaozhou ghost reincarnate as a human as soon as possible.

"Yes, tomorrow I will go to the town to find a good feng shui land."

"Well, it's not too early, you should rest early."

Since Jiang Lin has the ability to see Feng Shui, Uncle Sheng doesn't need to spend money to hire a master.

"Jiang Lin, what do you think of my Zhan Zhao? I feel like I'm an actor who was delayed by the news."

On the way back to the inn, Shu Ning always said that her acting was not enough, and asked Jiang Lin if she had any talent for acting.

"How is it? It's okay. It's just that the front is too convex and the back is too warped."

Jiang Lin can't stand it a bit. You said that you are addicted to acting, so just act, but Uncle Sheng and they are not from the same dimension, and they keep asking how they are acting.

Bulging forward and backward?

Shu Ning looked at his body and instantly knew what Jiang Lin was referring to.

"I hate you!"

Beating Jiang Lin's chest, Shu Ning pushed open the door of the inn and dodged in.

After dawn, Jiang Lin found a suitable place for a tomb around the town, Uncle Sheng and Agui built a tomb for the Chaozhou ghost and erected an anonymous monument.

After the head teacher knew that the matter was resolved, he paid out of his own pocket and borrowed the kitchen and space of the inn to hold a big banquet.

"Jiang Lin, are you leaving today? Do you want to stay for two more days?"

At the dinner table, Uncle Sheng heard the news that Jiang Lin was going home, and he also spoke out to retain him.

"No, I haven't been back for a while."

Jiang Lin had stayed here for three or four days, and if he stayed longer, his daughter-in-law should be anxious.

Uncle Sheng thought about it, and it was almost the Mid-Autumn Festival, so he didn't keep Jiang Lin anymore.

Shu Ning sat next to Jiang Lin, thinking that she was about to go on the road, after returning to Gantian Town, where would she have the chance to be alone with Jiang Lin?

His heart has moved, and Shu Ning has known it for a long time.

Take the initiative to take the initiative, who said that Miss Qian Jin can't post it backwards.

Looking at Jiang Lin's handsome profile, Shu Ning made up his mind.

"Uncle Sheng, eat fish."

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