Agui signaled Uncle Sheng to move his chopsticks. Uncle Sheng was the oldest at this table. If he didn't move his chopsticks, no one else would be able to eat it.

As soon as Uncle Sheng's chopsticks reached out, everyone noticed that the mouth of the cooked fish moved, and then the whole fish fluttered on the table.

Agui and the others all stood up and looked at each other.

"Noon, there are ghosts!"

Jiang Lin looked at the opposite wall. With a "boom", a large hole was blown out of a wall, and a green electric light shot out from the inside, slamming into Uncle Sheng.

With a cold snort, Jiang Lin shot out a yang finger, blocking the lasing electric light.


Around the wall that broke a big hole, all the drinks prepared by the class leader exploded, and the tiles were shot in all directions.

Many people were hit by the lasing tiles, and screams were heard for a while.

Then the beams and pillars also fell down, injuring several people.

"Broken your grandfather's Yaxing, you are courting death!"

Such good food and atmosphere were disturbed by a ghost, and he dared to hurt someone in front of him. Jiang Lin's aura burst out, making both Agui and Uncle Sheng feel depressed.

With a bang, the bone sword jumped out of Jiang Lin's body and shot at the big hole in the wall.

"Flying sword!"

"Sword... Sword Immortal!"

Agui and the others hadn't recovered from their shock, but they were taken aback by Jiang Lin, and even Uncle Sheng's eyes widened.

The Zheng Bone Sword shot away, and behind the big hole, a green-haired ghost with white hair on his head and a green face saw the flying Zheng Bone Sword, and hurriedly ducked to hide, and then drilled in from the hole.

Seeing the appearance of Sheqing Ghost, everyone was so frightened that they ran towards Jiang Lin and the others.


The green ghost dodged the puncture of the bone sword twice, and saw Jiang Lin who was imposing like a rainbow.

"The King of Hell can't save you today!"

"Master, wait a minute, I'm not convinced! This group of people moved my bones, and I came here to seek revenge."

Feeling the momentum of Jiang Lin's body, the green ghost immediately assumed a theoretical attitude.

"Your corpse?"

"Isn't that the Chaozhou ghost?"

"How is this going?"

Agui and the others were both afraid and full of doubts.

Seven hundred and eighty-seventh octopus dead and net broken, you also have this qualification?

They obviously had good intentions to make the Chaozhou ghost complete, so that it could be reborn as soon as possible, but how could they have provoked such a terrifying ghost, and they were called to the door.

Uncle Sheng was also a question mark at this time. The Chaozhou ghost should have told the truth at the time. How could they excavate the bones to turn into the bones of this blue-faced ghost?

"Get me out!"

Jiang Lin stepped on the ground, and the Chaozhou Ghost was shaken out of the ground and fell on the open space in front of him.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he didn't bother to deal with a ghost who was about to die, so he could just ask the ghost from Chaozhou.

"Didn't you say your bones were under the stage?"

"Shangxian, Shangxian, the kid's corpse is indeed under the stage, but there are two sets of corpses there. I saw that I was deceived that night, so I went down, and I was detained by this old ghost. I don't know if you guys will be real. Help me dig my bones, because freedom is limited and I can't notify you, you will dig wrong."

Chaozhou ghosts kowtowed to Jiang Lin again and again. He never expected that there would be such a powerful Taoist priest here, and he was still wandering in front of this Taoist priest.

It's really a ghost!

Now that Jiang Lin is questioning, how dare he hide anything, Jiang Lin is aggressive and wants to settle accounts with ghosts.

Hearing what the Chaozhou ghost said, Jiang Lin turned his attention to the Qing ghost again, and said, "It's not wrong to move your corpse, but I also found a good place for your corpse, and come here even if it's cheap. Looking for trouble, is it possible that if I'm not here, a few people here won't die?"

Uncle Sheng and the others did dig it wrong, but they buried those bones in a place with good feng shui. Even if this green ghost doesn't appreciate it, can he come here to hurt people indiscriminately?

It's really cheap and still selling well, this is not just selling well, it's courting death.


Sheqing Ghost shook his head again and again, even he had to say no.

"My lord, this old ghost just wanted to kill people, and said that uncle and the others moved his bones, and even if they were placed in the imperial mausoleum, he would go to seek revenge."

Chaozhou Ghost is fed up with Sheqing Ghost, and now there is a terrible Taoist priest, can he still not assist?

"That's true. I said just now that today is the King of Hell, and I can't save you!"

Jiang Lin couldn't keep this ghost looking for death no matter what, he was justified if he moved the bones, but in the end it benefited him. It's just that the ghost didn't appreciate it, and he wanted to kill.

Sheqing Ghost's complexion changed greatly. Don't look at his ferocity on weekdays, it also depends on the object.

Now Jiang Lin's aura has exploded, and he is much stronger than the average celestial master. Even if the green ghost is approaching the level of a ghost general, he is too afraid.


Let you be more arrogant.

Seeing the look of horror on Sheqing Ghost's face, Chaozhou Ghost's music was broken. Even if he couldn't reincarnate, at least he wouldn't have to be angry in the future.

"Okay... so domineering."

"Didn't Jiang Lin say he didn't learn anything?"

"I thought he was just a little Taoist priest."

Both Agui and Blink Biao could not have imagined that the blue-faced ghost who had scared them by screaming and hurt many people just now would be scared like this by Jiang Lin now.

Except for Shu Ning, everyone looked at Jiang Lin, and the expressions on their faces were similar to those of Agui.

As for Shu Ning, the camera is ready again.Now in her cognition, as long as Jiang Lin is there, no evil spirits will be able to turn the waves.

Jiang Lin said that even the King of Hell couldn't save the blue-faced ghost, so the blue-faced ghost must be doomed.

"Want to run? Can you run away?"

With a snort, Jiang Lin shook out the Yang Yan Whip from his hand, and in the blink of an eye, it was wrapped around Sheqing Ghost's body.


The blazing Yang Yan burned on the body, causing the Green Shooting Ghost to make a sharp scream.

"That's outrageous, don't think I'm really afraid of you! If you have to die, you will regret it!"

Jiang Lin's will to kill, aroused the fierceness of Sheqing Ghost.

Since the other party is determined and unwilling to let him go, and he can't even run away, can't he fight back at the end of the day and fight for a fish to die and a net to break?

Sheqing Ghost endured the pain like a cannonball on his body, his eyes glowed green, and the stools around him were held up by him and smashed at everyone.

"You devil!"

Agui was hit by a chair. Seeing that Sheqing Ghost was still restrained by Huo Lian, he grabbed the kitchen knife from the cook next to him, rushed up and chopped him on the head.

With a sound of "Dang", the kitchen knife was shaken away, and Agui's hand was numb from the shock.

Jiang Lin controlled the smashed chairs and looked at Sheqing Ghost.

"Yo, did you escape from the underworld? No wonder you dare to say that the fish is dead and the net is broken."

The ordinary kitchen knife did not hurt the green shooter, so Jiang Lin guessed the root of the green shooter.

Other ghosts, even ghost generals and ghost kings, cannot greatly improve their defense.

The Zhengbone Sword flew out, a sword stabbed into the heart of Sheqing Ghost, and the Yang Yan on the fire whip entered his body through the sword body.

The green ghost didn't think that his defense actually didn't play the slightest role, and was pierced by the sharp sword.

"Your defense is stronger than the average ghost, but is this what you rely on to talk big? You have this qualification too? Are you planning to laugh at me?"

A smirk appeared on the corner of Jiang Lin's mouth, not to mention a ghost who was about to reach the level of a ghost general, even the Ksitigarbha Ghost King back then, he still didn't kill him like that.

Back then, the Ksitigarbha Ghost King cost him a lot, but now that his strength has improved greatly, even if there is another Ksitigarbha Ghost King, he is not qualified to fight with him.

This weak chicken, the green ghost, speaks flamboyantly, yelling at the jade, the stone, the fish, the fish, the net, and the net, Jiang Lin almost laughed.) (The glands are leaking.

With one palm, a pillar of fire shot out from Jiang Lin's palm and submerged into the sword's head, and then the green ghost turned to ashes in the wailing.

"Pop! Kill the green ghost and get [*] points of hostility."

This harvest is pretty good.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly. If this guy kills him, he will not only gain hostility, but also increase his political achievements as a sinner.

Taken together, it's almost like a ghost general.

After the green ghost was eliminated, everyone was silent for a while, and the green-faced ghost that made such a big noise just now was eliminated in an instant.

"Jiang Lin, if I knew that you were so capable, what kind of Bao Gong would I be?"

Uncle Sheng looked at Jiang Lin with a bit of complaint in his eyes. With such a skill, he had to say what he didn't learn. If he was not humble, he could die!

Agui and the others also said that they knew that Jiang Lin was such a powerful Taoist priest, and they were no longer afraid of being haunted.

After the episode of Sheqing Ghost, the banquet began to change the cups again. Many people came to Jiang Lin to toast Jiang Lin.

Chapter seven hundred and eighty-eight the first in Maoshan

After the banquet, Jiang Lin and Shu Ning left the town.

As for the Chaozhou ghost, Uncle Sheng and the others decided to dig up its bones again and bury it there with good feng shui.

The skeleton of the blue-faced ghost was dug out and smashed by Agui, and a piece was also taken away by the dog.

"Jiang Lin, I'm going to open a column in the newspaper when I go back, and put the story of the ghost in the trial of Bao Gong on it, but 'Gun Bao' is not suitable for the title, you can help me think of one."

In the carriage, Shu Ning wrote down this experience. Seeing Jiang Lin closed her eyes, she wanted to talk to Jiang Lin for a while.

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