"It's not suitable for Bao Gong to judge ghosts, so use 'people to scare ghosts'."

"Well, it's very good. By the way, did you know that Yue Mei serialized a novel "The Last Celestial Master" in Guangming Daily, which is based on you, and people in the town like to read it very much."

Shu Ning smiled and looked at Jiang Lin. She originally thought that Jiang Lin had so many wives because he was rich. Unexpectedly, there was a story between them.

I go!

Jiang Lin's eyes widened, he didn't know that his wife could still write novels.

Later, Shu Ning said that it was too boring to travel by car, so she pestered Jiang Lin to tell him the story of her subduing demons and subduing demons. In fact, she wanted to know more about Jiang Lin. After returning to Gantian Town, she wanted to live in Liyang. live.

Jiang Lin didn't know that Shu Ning was now mentally prepared to be understood by him.

Three nights later, Jiang Lin and Shu Ning were walking on the road, preparing to rest in the town in front of them.

Shu Ning got motion sickness in the carriage. Jiang Lin had no choice but to walk for two days before finding a carriage.

"Mom! Help!"

The two were walking when they suddenly heard someone calling for help in front of them, and then they saw a young man running around the ground chased by a coffin.

That's right, being chased by a broken coffin.

"Jiang Lin, this... what's the situation? Can the coffin survive?"

The moonlight was good, so Shu Ning also saw the situation in front of him and thought it was incredible.

"It's not that the coffin is alive, it's that there are zombies in it, and it's a zombie with special abilities."

Jiang Lin explained to Shu Ning that this situation is very rare. If a few zombies have the ability to telephoto, they can also control their coffins, but they generally don't do that.

The coffin is like a zombie's bed, chasing people is also carrying a bed, except for the disease of the brain, that is, the brain is sick.

Jiang Lin had seen so many zombies, and this was the first time he had seen them.

"The zombie inside is estimated to be a peerless flower."

"I don't think so. It sleeps in the coffin and can move without jumping. It's like a sleeper. I want to say that the zombies in it know how to enjoy it."

I was speechless.

Regarding Shu Ning's understanding, Jiang Lin said that the thief is so special.

The unlucky guy who was chased by the coffin was pretty good. After being caught up, he jumped to the tree, but the coffin board suddenly stood up and shot him down again.

After landing, the hapless man shouted: "Brother, little brother, I just don't have the money to cook, I just give away a fortune, you are poorer than me, there is nothing in the coffin, and I don't take anything, you still don't let it go. I."

The hapless man shouted as he ran to the town in front of him.

The coffin swayed twice, but was blocked by the stone and couldn't move. The zombie inside flipped out of the coffin, lifted the coffin and moved a bit, then went inside again and continued to "open" his own coffin.

"I've never seen such a weird zombie before."

Jiang Lin was amused by this zombie who likes to sit in a sleeper, and then he said to Shu Ning, "Let's go, let's go and see the excitement."

This wonderful zombie made him feel a little unwilling to kill it.

Shu Ning nodded. She had never seen a zombie, and this funny zombie made her feel very interesting, so she followed Jiang Lin.

The tomb robber Wang Cai has been chased by the coffin. When he arrived in the town, he saw a family's plaque that said "the first family in Maoshan", so he hurried up to pat the door.

"Master, open the door, Master!"

"What is it?"

A tall and thin middle-aged man opened the door, and then a young man dressed as an apprentice also came to the door.

"There are zombies chasing me!"

The middle-aged man raised his brows and said, "Then you hit the right door and found the right person. I am the famous Qian Zhenren."

His apprentice Ah Fa glanced at Wang Cai and said, "It doesn't matter if you chase after the zombies, I'm most afraid that you will have no money."

"Money is not a problem, as long as you can save my life."

"It's easy to negotiate with money. We are the first in Maoshan."

Ah Fa pointed to the plaque on his head with an air of expression on his face.

The first in Maoshan?

Jiang Lin just turned the corner when he heard Ah Fa shouting.

"Jianglin, there is actually the first house in Maoshan, so what is our Liyangju?"

"Let's live in Li Yangju??"

"Mouth... slip of the tongue."

Shu Ning explained repeatedly that she was too surprised to hear the name of the first Maoshan family, so she spoke without thinking.

Jiang Lin gave Shu Ning a strange look, and then looked across from Wang Cai and the others. There was also a plaque - the first family in Maoshan.

It's just that the plaque looks worn and the facade is not clean.

Sure enough.

Fragments of memories just now surfaced in Jiang Lin's mind, reminding him of a movie. He had forgotten the name of the movie, but he only remembered that it was about two brothers fighting against each other.

If he hadn't heard the words "Maoshan's first home", he really couldn't remember it.

"Master, help!"

Because Wang Cai said that there was a coffin chasing him, Qian Zhenzhen and his apprentice looked outside and saw nothing, so they closed the door. Now the coffin flew over from the corner, making Wang Cai slap the door loudly again.

Seeing the coffin rushing over, Wang Cai could only dodge aside.


The coffin broke through the gate at once, and Zhen Zhen Qian inside held the coffin with one hand.

"What kind of guy is this?"

Even Jiang Lin had never seen a coffin that could run, let alone Zhenren Qian. He gathered his energy with one palm and lined up on the head of the coffin, and the coffin slid all the way to the opposite door.

There is the Taoist temple of Qian Zhenren's junior brother Wu Zhenren.

With a "bang", the coffin broke through the door, directly breaking Wu Zhenren's bed legs, and then the coffin hit the wall and bounced out.

"what happened?"

Wu Zhenren fell off the bed and got up to the door.

"It's you bastard again!"

When Wu Zhenren saw his senior brother resisting the coffin, he was so angry that he cursed.

Chapter seven hundred and eighty-ninth wonderful brothers and sisters

"Jianglin is actually the first of the two Maoshans."

"Shh, watch the show."

When Jiang Lin saw Wu Zhenren pointing angrily, he was sure that what happened was basically the same as the original plot.

He still remembers the beginning of the movie.

He is not going to intervene in the matter of the two brothers and sisters of the same family. There is an inn next to the two Taoist halls.

I found a place to live, and it's not bad to watch a play before going to bed.

Qian Zhenren felt the constant force coming from the coffin, and pushed it with another palm, and the coffin slammed into Wu Zhenren.The latter also resisted the coffin and scolded: "Qian, you bastard, tearing down the door is equivalent to tearing down the signboard."

At this moment, the zombie inside stood up, Wu Zhenren greeted the zombie with three punches and two feet, let it fall into the coffin, and then pushed the coffin back.

"Junior brother, you have seen it, it's not me, it's the zombies in the coffin."

"Damn old ghost, it's okay if you admit it, and you still use this thing to harass me. Today, if there is you, there will be no me!"

"Xiao Wu, how can I say that I am also your senior brother, we are from the same sect, I have nothing to do with opening your door!"

"Master your mother's head, bastard, brother-in-law, shit!"

The two funny brothers pushed the coffin, beat the zombies, and scolded each other.

The two of them beat the zombies between them like they were hitting stakes. As a result, because the zombies were forced to turn around, they either hit the brother with the arm or the brother with the palm of the hand.

Seeing this scene, Shu Ning covered her mouth and chuckled lightly. She originally thought that the two people's signboards were the first in Maoshan.

Unexpectedly, there are two funny ratios.

Jiang Lin also watched with great interest the pair of brothers and sisters greeting each other for the eighteenth generation of each other's ancestors.

As for the wealthy tomb robber, he has long since disappeared.

"Why the two of them again?"

A door next to Jiang Lin and Shu Ning was opened, and an old man came out, and he was helpless when he saw the two real people yelling in the street so late.

"Uncle, do these two priests often do this?"

This pair of senior brothers dared to call themselves the first in Maoshan, and Jiang Lin also wanted to know which lineage they belonged to.

"That's right. The two of them are brothers from the same sect. They are both Taoist priests from Maoshan, and they both settled in our town. The brother's name is Qian Zhenzhen. His name is Wu Zhenren, he is sloppy, he speaks and does things cunningly, but he likes to say that he is honest. Although the fees are not high, few like to deal with him. The two brothers and sisters have different personalities, and they often compete with each other. Noisy, one small noise every three days. Sometimes it is very disturbing to the people.”

The old man shook his head. He was such an old man, and he was still cultivating the Tao. He didn't even know how to cultivate his mind.


Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing, these two brothers really dared to take such a name.

Even a peak Tianshi like him dare not call himself a real person, as long as he has self-knowledge, he will not use such a name for himself.

That's right, even the celestial masters can't be called real people unless they go to another level.

There are only a handful of people who can be called real people in history, such as real people Zhang Sanfeng, real people Wang Chongyang, real people Zhuang Zhou and Nanhua.

In the eyes of those who know it, the "Maoshan No. [*] family" of these two brothers and sisters is not as exciting as their "real people".

Completely ignorant.

"Jiang Lin, I don't think they can match even one-tenth of you. With such a high profile, aren't you afraid that someone will make trouble?"

"There are a lot of shameless people. Can you trouble others because of their shamelessness?"

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