The larger the zombie base, the more difficult it is to save the villagers in it, even if there are close to [*] people now, it is just as difficult.

It is a helpless move to give up the small and choose the big.

"How can Daoist Li Yang rest assured that you are guarding here?"

Daoist Ziyun looked at Fu Yuechi and the others, and couldn't help frowning. These flower-like girls are not cultivators. They are all as delicate as a few flowers. Zombies are so fast. After all, wouldn't these beauties die?

"Sisters, someone looks down on us."

When Shu Ning heard Daoist Ziyun's meaning, he seemed to be saying that they were useless at all, and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

She already had the character of a strong woman, and her sisters did play a lot of roles. If one person held two crossbows, many zombies would be killed. Now that she is looked down upon by others, she naturally wants to speak up. .

Daoist Ziyun laughed dryly, but didn't say much. Although he was very impressed with Jiang Lin, it was because Jiang Lin had the ability to cultivate and he would not accept Wu Jiwu.

In his opinion, Jiang Lin should have asked him to protect these delicate roses.

Just protect it, so that Daoist Li Yang can feel at ease inside.

Although there is no possibility of beauties favoring being a flower protector, Daoist Ziyun still thinks it is a good experience to protect a few delicate beauties.

It didn't take long for seven or eight zombies to run towards this side from the street. Daoist Ziyun pulled out his peach wood sword and was ready to go up to deal with them.


Suddenly, there were several sounds of sharp arrows breaking through the air, and then Daoist Ziyun found that the zombies rushing over exploded one by one.

How is this going?

Ziyun Daochang was stunned for a moment, and then found the crossbow arrows in Shu Ning's hands.

Turns out it was this thing.

"Oh no, I missed the target!"

Fu Yuechi even shot two arrows without hitting the zombies crawling on the wall. Daoist Ziyun smiled lightly when he saw this scene.

Where can there be a crossbow arrow alone, if it fails to hit one after another, it is not the same as dangerous.

Thinking of this, he clenched the peach wood sword, preparing to deal with the zombie that was about to pounce.

But at this moment, an aura that made him horrified suddenly burst out around him, causing him to sweat coldly.

The Flying Rat King jumped out of Fu Yuechi's pocket and turned into a giant rat with a body length of seven or eight meters. With a "jiji" sound, a green demon light blasted past, and the zombies were blasted into scum on the wall.

Then the giant mouse waved its tail, rolled up the short arrows on the corpse and the wall, and placed it beside Fu Yuechi and the others.

These short arrows have Jiang Lin's blood essence and can be used repeatedly.

"Demon... Demon King?"

Daoist Ziyun was very frightened, he had never seen the demon king before.

"These are my mistresses."

The Flying Rat King's fist-sized rat eyes glanced at Daoist Ziyun, with an expression that I doubt your IQ.

Since its owner has a few weak wives here, how can he not take precautions.

Just think about it with your toes.

Silly batch!

"Humph, our men are all so strong, how could a woman who is him be a layman."

Fu Yuechi raised her pretty face, there were seven or eight zombies, none of this Daoist Ziyun moved, and they were all destroyed.

Daoist Ziyun: "..."

There's no reason for this Nima, a spirit beast actually calls these women mistresses, no, that's not the point, the point is that Jiang Lin's wife uses the demon king as her bodyguard!

Is the poor road lost!


It's weakness that limits my imagination!

Daoist Ziyun was fortunate that he didn't say to protect this group of beauties just now, otherwise he would definitely be embarrassed to death.

"Sister Yuechi, what do you mean by your husband's strength?"

Yue Mei asked softly in Fu Yuechi's ear.

"Sister Mei, how did you learn from Sister Ayan? I'm not ashamed."

Fu Yuechi glanced at Yue Mei, and her ears were all blushing.

You have to throw away the goods, and you have to step on the flowers.

Seeing Fu Yuechi and the others, they were able to show the aura of not letting their men down in the face of zombies. Daoist Ziyun thought of his own yellow-faced woman. As long as his wife saw the guests he was chasing the corpse, she would scream in fright and ask her son to stay away. Learn from his unpromising father.

There are not many zombies in Zhenkou. If there are too many, Fu Yuechi and the others will also light up signal fireworks. Jiang Lin is like a trapeze. He arrives in the blink of an eye. After dealing with the problem in Zhenkou, signal fireworks appear on the other side, and Jiang Lin flashes again. No shadow.

How can you protect your wife like this? ?

Daoist Ziyun felt that his imagination was limited by his own weakness.

In the afternoon, Daoist Master Ziyun and his disciples rushed over, and when they saw a few flowers in Zhenkou, they almost drooled.

The Flying Rat King changed from a mouse boy to a giant rat, staring at the little Taoist priests with bad eyes, making their feet go soft with fright.

"See no evil!"

Daoist Ziyun felt that his face had no face, and scolded several juniors.

"Master (Uncle), do you think this demon king is their bodyguard??"

"It's impossible!"

"Use a demon king as a bodyguard?"

The performance of the little Taoist priests was similar to Daoist Ziyun's previous reaction, even more exaggerated. Two of their jaws almost dropped.

"You guys, don't let weakness limit your imagination. They are Daoist Li Yang's wife!"

Daoist Ziyun pretended to be well-informed, patted a few backs on the shoulders, and persuaded them to improve their strength and vision, otherwise it would be rare and strange.

Chapter [*]: The capable people gather together to slay the corpses!

Daoist Ziyun did not continue to teach his juniors. After explaining the seriousness of the matter to them, he asked them to support Daoist Yishui and the others.

After that, many people came to Chunlai Town one after another. Some Taoists from Longhu Mountain and monks from Kaiyuan Temple in Fujian also came here one after another because of their close distance.

After these Taoist priests and monks came, Taoist Master Ziyun briefly greeted them and explained the situation, and they immediately went into the operation of killing corpses and saving people.

"I didn't expect it to be so serious this time."

Two days later, at noon, Master Hong Jinbao, Master Jiang Shengdao and their disciples came to Chunlai Town. They were equally shocked when they learned of the situation here.

After they received the news, they rushed to this place day and night from Shu, but they did not expect that the news they received was still shocking.

It is initially estimated that there are nearly [*] zombies left, and there should only be about [*]% of normal people left in Chunlai Town and the five surrounding villages.

"You kid, I haven't seen you for a few years, and I've already looked up to you."

Master Hong Jinbao was very emotional. When he saw Jiang Lin this time, he found that he could not see through Jiang Lin no matter what.

And not only his cultivation, but Jiang Lin's ability to deal with corpse disasters also deeply impressed him.

If Jiang Lin hadn't commanded properly to prevent the zombies from running out of the mountain, the area covered by the zombies would have been dozens of miles or even further away.

At that time, if you want to chase and block these zombies, it may not be something that their Taoist priests can do.

In addition to curbing the corpse disaster, after Jiang Lin had more staff, he asked the county to notify the county, and asked the county government to send people to respond to the refugees who were transferred out and treat those who had the plague, thus avoiding the problem to the greatest extent possible. die.

Master Hong Jinbao knows that a corpse disaster can be controlled to this extent, which is already the best result.

To know that a plague in this era can almost kill tens of thousands of people.

"Master, it's been a long time. Luckily, this place is surrounded by mountains on three sides, the mountains are not low, and there is water blocking the road on one side."

A smile appeared on Jiang Lin's tired face. If it weren't for the environment, I'm afraid this world might have staged a biochemical crisis.

Although the corpse disaster was initially controlled, they also lost a lot of comrades.

On the one hand, it was because of the small number of people, and on the other hand, because of the outbreak of the plague, although Jiang Lin could make some magic talismans to clear the plague and drive away the disease, the effect of the magic talismans would always gradually disappear.

So far, seven or eight fellows have been infected with the plague, and four of them have perished with the zombies.

There were also about a dozen people who became zombies, all of them were extremely tired, and were swarmed by the sudden outbreak of zombies and drowned.

Not to mention zombies, even ordinary people swarming up, using only their teeth, can also bite a Taoist to death.

In addition, the Golden Armor Zombie appeared twice, the monks of Kaiyuan Temple died four or five people, Longhushan lost two Taoists and two small Taoists, and Maoshan also lost six people.

If Jiang Lin hadn't arrived in time, it would have been a unilateral massacre by the Golden Armored Zombies.




"Daoist Li Yang!"

Hearing the call, Jiang Lin turned around and saw Fat Bao Xiaohai and Jia Le, as well as four elders, Yixiu, Simu, Qianhe, and Wangui. Besides them, there were many acquaintances.There is Zheng Chuyi, the watcher of the Mai-clothed Taoist temple who loves cannons, Zhang Dandan, who was cuckolded by his wife, and his master Xu Daochang, Ma Daochang, who wrote a letter to let him deal with the Yin Demon, and the man who worked with him to deal with Wu. A ghost baby is suspected to be gay in Qinghai.

"Two junior brothers, three uncles, and Master Yixiu, why are you all here?"

After saying hello to a few acquaintances, Jiang Lin asked about Fat Bao and the Taoist Master Simu.

"With such a big thing, how can we not come?"

"It's not just us, look at the back, Jiang Lin, you don't know how powerful you are now, almost all the famous sects south of the river are here. It's a pity that we didn't meet senior brothers and Qiusheng, Senior Brother Hangu went out to his three-person world again."

Daoist Qianhe and Daoyuan Simu pointed to the back, and the dust on their fingertips made horseshoes fly, and a dozen or so carriages were coming here.

"Little Leiyin Temple wastedly leading half the monks of the temple to come to support!"

"Putuo Temple Xuanyin led a hundred monks to destroy the corpse!"

"Laoshan Qingsongmen has never really seen Daoist Li Yang!"

"Yue Song, the lucky star of Yuhuang Mountain, is fortunate to see the true face of Daoist Li Yang."

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