Chen Yu knew that Jiang Lin was in trouble, and brought almost all the magic tools that he could bring in the shop.

With these instruments close to him and a pair of crossbow arrows in his hands, Jiang Lin is still taking care of him in the town. Even if he encounters a zombie in golden armor, he can still support him to rush.

Chunlai Town is the source of the corpse disaster, and for the time being, Jiang Lin's family will deal with it.

"Husband, we are having a family fun of hunting ghosts."

"It's the Zombie Family!"

Ayan and Caiyi made a joke, and only now did they realize that their Jiang family could almost form a small sect.

Moreover, it may be the most harmonious and enviable family in history.

"Don't take it lightly. If someone has an accident, I can't spare her."

"Don't worry, husband, any of us has an accident, it's not digging your heart."

Jin Tianyi came to Jiang Lin's side and blinked at him, so they wouldn't let them have an accident and make their husband feel bad.

"It's good to know."

Jiang Lin touched Jin Tianyi's big white leg and patted her round patpat.

"Hate, in broad daylight."

Jin Tianyi glanced at Jiang Lin angrily, there are still guests here, so embarrassed.

Seeing Jiang Lin and Jin Tianyi being so affectionate and affectionate in public, Heiyue was envious and embarrassed.

If she also has the opportunity to get close to Jiang Lin in the future, wouldn't she have to touch her fart in front of so many sisters) (Share?

Ayan found that Heiyue looked like she was thinking about something, she didn't move, she followed Jiang Lin and went up to her) (touching her buttocks, hehe laughed: "Sister Xiaoyue, what are you thinking?"


Seeing Ayan's meaningful smile, Heiyue stomped her feet in annoyance.

After entering the town, Jiang Lin followed the induction to dig out the zombie's nest, and he let the hordes of zombies run away by himself.

The upper beam of the upper beam, the climbing wall of the climbing wall.

It's like spraying a swarm of cockroaches with insecticide.

Jiang Lin didn't kill the zombies very fast. All of these zombies were the same as Bolt, the world's trapeze man. Even if Jiang Lin wanted to chase them, he couldn't catch them.

One day and one night, at noon on the second day, Jiang Lin had killed about [*] zombies, while his wife and pets had killed almost [*] zombies.

Compared with Zhuge Kongping and the others who killed a hundred or so, Ahai and Achu blocked a dozen or so, the Jianglin family was definitely a corpse-killing family.

A corpse-strengthening company!

Chapter [*]: Pioneer of the Dao altar, General Maoshan!

Even though Jiang Lin was an iron man, he was so tired this time that he was spitting rust.

It was fine in the daytime, but at night, thousands of zombies swarmed all over the place. Jiang Lin chased and killed the zombies while circling around the town. Well, it's hard to say there's no danger.

At midnight, the signal fireworks on Bai Min'er and Chen Yu's side were almost one after another.

One night in Chunlai Town, I made N laps, and I was still sprinting, which is really not something that ordinary people can withstand.

Fortunately, these zombies are still easy to kill, and they can be killed if their heads are dropped or their brains are seriously injured.

Jiang Lin was sitting on the ground at the entrance of the town. Now he wanted to find a bed, move his waist to do some exercise with his wife, and sleep after smoking a cigarette.

Not only Jiang Lin, but Bai Min'er and the others were also very tired, blood was splashed all over their bodies, and their faces were disheartened.Now Jiang Lin's family is sitting at the entrance of the town, waiting for Zhuge Kongping and the others to come to meet and report on the situation.

"I can finally rest for a while, I'm so tired."

Jin Tianyi sat beside Jiang Lin, hugged Jiang Lin and let him rest on his big white lap.

It didn't take long for Zhuge Kongping and the others to arrive. They were also panting, especially Zhuge Kongping, who was exhausted.

Zombies are not difficult to kill, but they are very capable of running away.

"Oh my god, I only dare to kill three or five groups. If it is surrounded, it will be incredible."

Zhuge Kongping stuck his tongue out of exhaustion. Even if he killed three or five zombies, he would have to deal with them for a while. They were not able to carry out long-range attacks like Jiang Lin did.

If they are surrounded by a large number of zombies, they will also fart.

A few minutes later, Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice also arrived at the town's entrance, looking very tired.

A Hai and A Chu were okay, Mao Xiaofang and A Xiu chased the escaped zombies all the way, and they all ran out of the mountain thirty or forty miles and turned several towns.

"Uncle, when will the reinforcements arrive? My brother and I ran all over the mountain, and we killed less than twenty zombies. It's too tiring. No, we have to use a formation."

"You just save it, there's no time to set up a formation."

Ah Hai nodded Ah Chu's head, if he could set up the formation, he would have set it up early.

"Wojiao, Daoist brother, I really convinced you, it's okay to be strong, and a wife is so strong."

After learning that the Jiang Lin family had killed almost [*] zombies, Zhuge Kongping and the others refused to accept it.

After resting for a while, Zhuge Kongping and the others consciously went to the side to rest. The dozen or so beauties on Jiang Lin's side were panting together, and even a man couldn't stand it.

"Master Mao!"

Everyone rested for more than ten minutes, and a dozen horses came from a distance, and the people from the Maoshan South faction came galloping on their horses.

Among them, there was Jiang Fatty, who used to smash Li Yangju's signboard, and that month and a half Daoist priest.

I'm going!

Is this a fairy party?

When a group of Taoist priests saw a group of beautiful women beside Jiang Lin, they were all speechless, but they were also cultivated people.

"Master Mao, Daoist Li Yang, fellow Daoists, poor Dao Ziyun."

"Poor Dao Yi Shui."

"Poor Dao Jinglan."

Daoist Ziyun and his colleagues introduced themselves. Because Jiang Lin visited Daoist Ziyun when he went to Luofu Mountain, he knew Jiang Lin.

Is this the legendary Daoist Li Yang?Celestial Master?

Among the southern faction, there are many people who have only heard of the reputation but have never seen Jiang Lin. Seeing Jiang Lin so young, they feel very incredible.

"Li Yang has met fellow Daoists. These are the widow of the poor Daoist, Chen Yu from the Chen Dao faction in Maoshan, Bai Min'er, Zhou Caiyi, and Sima Ayan from the microwave faction in Shudi..."

Jiang Lin nodded to Daoist Ziyun and the others, and introduced Chen Yu and the others.

If it is normal, he does not need to introduce, but now because he wants to join hands to deal with zombies, it is convenient to cooperate with everyone by introducing his name.

After listening to Jiang Lin's introduction, Daoist Ziyun and the others couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths a few times. Nima alchemist, Daoist, Daoist... A Daoist has married so many Daoist nuns, and they are all so beautiful!

Even if there is some dust on their faces and blood on their bodies, it is difficult to hide their appearance.


Even the most cultivated Daoist Ziyun has been slandering in his heart. He is also a Daoist. This gap is huge!

If my mother-in-law can become a Celestial Master, I might be able to hug each other.

This is the common thought of many Taoist priests around Taoist Master Ziyun.

Chen Yu, Bai Min'er and the others looked just like Erba Fang Ling because of their reverse growth. They were young and beautiful, and their cultivation was not low, which made these Taoist priests envious.

However, the group also knew that now was not the time to be envious, so they quickly inquired about the situation here, and Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang told them the situation.

"so serious!"

Master Yishui screamed in shock after hearing what Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang had to say.

And there was a golden-armored zombie comparable to Mao Zong, and they were all horrified when they learned this information.

There are about three or four thousand people in Chunlai Town. I don't know how many people are left now. Even if only [*]% of them have become zombies, plus the eight or nine surrounding villages, it is extremely terrifying.

If it weren't for the fact that several villages in this town were surrounded by mountains and rivers, which hindered traffic and caused zombies to run wild, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"We have already notified Longhu Mountain, the five major gates of western Hunan and the fellows of Shu, and it is estimated that there will be people coming from Donglin Temple, Nanyue Temple and Zhaojue Temple."

Mao Xiaofang sighed, now that there are survivors in the town and surrounding villages who are unable to rescue them, the first priority must be to control the corpse disaster within this range.

"It's really thanks to Daoist Li Yang, Ziyun is thanking you for the common people. Daoist priest is really a pioneer in the Taoist altar, General Maoshan!"

Daoist Ziyun gave Jiang Lin a deep bow. If Jiang Lin had not injured the golden armored zombie and made it hide, and another person was sitting at the exit, the corpses would not be opened. I don’t know how many people in this land would have become A zombie that is neither human nor ghost.

At the same time, Daoist Ziyun secretly regretted that when Jiang Lin visited his sect and wanted to discuss the Tao with him, he was clinging to the sect and politely declined.Thinking about it now, Jiang Lin's current cultivation level is not an ordinary Celestial Master, and he can slash a golden-armored zombie with stiff shoulders.If he hadn't cherished his broom at that time, he would have benefited a lot.

"It's really a Daoist pioneer!"

"It's worthy of being a general of Maoshan!"

Daoist Yishui and the others also paid tribute to Jiang Lin. Using one person's power to injure a golden-armored zombie comparable to Mao Zong was indeed a feat in this age of the end of the law.

If they were envious, jealous and hated towards Jiang Lin earlier, now they are sincerely admiring him.

A really strong person can not only convince women, but also make men bow down.

At this time, Jiang Pang, who once had a holiday with Jiang Lin, had a hard time knowing how he felt. It was ridiculous that he still wanted to smash Jiang Lin's signboard.

Now he felt that he was the light of a grain of rice and dared to compete with Haoyue.

Chapter [*]: The imagination is limited by weakness

"Everyone is running all the way, rest for a while, after noon, the zombies are released, and we will be busy."

Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang told Daoist Ziyun and the others about their temporary plans, and let them rest first, and then they would be busy until noon the next day.

"Master Mao, you don't have to frown. Daoist Li Yang found out early and informed him early, and my disciples are also on their way. As long as they get tired in a day or two, it is estimated that the corpse disaster will not spread any more. ."

Seeing Mao Xiaofang's sad face, Daoist Ziyun comforted him. They heard that Jiang Lin had issued a summoning order, so they did not bring their respective disciples and rushed here first on horseback.

Now Jiang Lin's appeal is extraordinary, and because it is to deal with the corpse, the colleagues who receive the news will basically come as soon as possible.

After noon, Jiang Lin, Chen Yu, Bai Min'er, and the others continued to go inside the town. Daoist Ziyun surrounded the zombies at the entrance of the town and received people; Mao Xiaofang and Axiu continued to go outside the mountain with the assistance of two people; Ahai Achu Two more people helped to prevent the zombies from fleeing; the rest went to the farther village first, stopped the fleeing zombies and prevented them from entering the village, and at the same time eliminated the few zombies in the village.

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