The severity of the situation was several levels higher than the original Tengteng Town.

In fact, in just a short while, the number of zombies in Chunlai Town has grown exponentially.

"Yes! Grace!"

The three of Zhang Quan were also unequivocal and set off immediately.

It took less than half an hour from the time the Golden Armored Zombies came out of the coffin. The whole street was full of zombies. If this continued, the surrounding villages would not be spared at all, and it would even spread farther.

If the snowball rolls bigger and bigger, they will become sinners through the ages. Even if the Golden Armored Zombie was not released by them, but the Thousand Talisman Coffin was carried out by Zhang Dashuai, they could not clear the relationship no matter what.

"Yuan Ying, Yue Mei, you come to Zhenkou with me."

Jiang Lin went to the already empty inn, and took Jing Yuanying, the others, and the driver down. He is now helpless and lacking skills, so he can only go to the town entrance to stop him first, so as to prevent a large number of zombies from escaping elsewhere.

As for the zombies that jumped out by other means, Jiang Lin had no choice but to hope that Mao Xiaofang and the others would come here as soon as possible.

In just two nights, the entire Chunlai Town has become a city of corpses, and the corpses at the entrance of the town have piled up into hills after another.

This is a cataclysm!

Chapter [*] The situation is serious

Fortunately, Chunlai Town and the surrounding villages are surrounded by three mountains and one water. The exit is the town entrance, which is located in the low-lying place where the two mountains meet. Otherwise, even if Jiang Lin was watching here, zombies would have already spread around in batches. everywhere.

On the morning of the second day, Jiang Lin saw Mao Xiaofang and the others came galloping. In front of them, the [*]-meter-long Flying Rat King and many female masters rushed towards the town entrance.

Apart from Tianji Xiaoqian and the others at home and the Xiaobai nursing home, Chen Yu, Jin Tianyi, the three sisters of Microwave School, and Xiaoru, who knew Taoism, all sat on the back of the giant mouse and came here, and the unicorn corpse was also in the flying mouse. The king stood on his back.

To Jiang Lin's surprise, Hei Yue, the apprentice of the Black Faced God, the girl he met in Chenjia Village who likes to wear a navel-baring outfit, also came.

After Heiyue left the school, he came to find his master, Heimian Shen, so after some inquiries, he came to Liyangju.

"Senior, I haven't seen you for many years."

After seeing Jiang Lin, Heiyue couldn't help but have a bright smile on her face, but there was a bit of shyness on Keren's face.

After Fu Qingfeng and the others saw Heiyue, their eyes fell on Jiang Lin. Is this another one?

Jiang Lin gave them a roll of eyes and said, "She is the apprentice of the Black Faced God."

Heiyue was here, so Jiang Lin didn't call the black-faced god a unicorn corpse.

"Yeah, Sister Yuechi, this is our guest, just to call our husband a senior. It's affectionate."

Ayan deliberately said something, causing a lot of blush on Hei Yue's smiling face.

For so many years, she has not been married, just because she has someone in her heart, otherwise she would have found Li Yangju just after leaving the school.

"Husband, there is a car behind. That fat man Zhuge Kongping and several Taoist priests who were shopping in the store heard that you issued a summoning order and came here together."

Chen Yu didn't let Ayan continue joking, and asked about Jiang Lin's specific situation.

"When Master Mao and the others arrive, I'll talk together. You guys are running all the way, rest first."

It didn't take long for Mao Xiaofang and his three apprentices to arrive at the town, and a car behind them also arrived.


"Brother Dao."

"Daoist Li Yang."

After Mao Xiaofang, the fat man Zhuge Kongping and a few colleagues came down, they greeted Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin nodded and asked where Zhang Quan had gone.

"Brother Dao, he has already dared to go to Shu by car, to inform Master Hong Jinbao and the Dao Master. This time the situation is no trivial matter. I will also let my colleagues in Shu come here as quickly as possible."

Zhuge Kongping learned that Jiang Lin had issued a summoning order, and after listening to Zhang Quan's brief explanation of the corpse disaster here, he realized the seriousness of the problem and decided to let the Taoist priests from Shu come as soon as possible.

"The situation this time is indeed very serious. Here is the Dragon Ball Title Bureau, there are ancient tombs in the mountains, and there was a warlord Zhang Dashuai here a few days ago..."

Jiang Lin informed Mao Xiaofang, Zhuge Kongping, and a few colleagues of the situation in Chunlai Town in detail. Although they were psychologically prepared, they still sighed after hearing Jiang Lin's words.

"More powerful than the thousand-year-old zombie king and comparable to Mao Zong? Can you extradite the god of plague?"

Rao Shi Mao Xiaofang has seen many scenes in the past two years, and was also shocked by the events in Chunlai Town.

Zhuge Kongping and the others were equally astonished.

"Yes, not to mention the golden armor zombies, the mobility of these zombies is simply not comparable to that of ordinary zombies. I suspect that during the two days I was guarding the town entrance, many zombies have already climbed the mountains and fled. Those zombies We can only try our best to catch up, and before the rest of the fellows arrive, we should make sure to isolate all the zombies here and hunt them down bit by bit.”

Jiang Lin's face was solemn. Now the situation is quite serious. At noon during the day, zombies were dormant. He went to the nearby village at the fastest speed and found that there was no one on the street, and there were large bloodstains. This means that The surrounding villages have been attacked by zombies.

These zombies can also come out during the day, except when they hide in the shade at noon, they can be active at the rest of the time, which is more harmful than zombies.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin told Mao Xiaofang and the others about his plan to remove corpses. Now, eight or nine villages around Chunlai Town are estimated to have suffered from the corpse disaster. With the outbreak of the plague, the villagers have almost no ability to escape. They can only keep warm and resist zombies. .

Fortunately, although the speed of zombies is fast, the speed of the spread of corpse poison is very fast, but the strength of the physical body is not comparable to that of local zombies. Some physical attacks have an effect on them. Otherwise, there will be a few more in the two nights and two days. Corpse Village.

"In this case, let's follow the Taoist friend's advice, Ahai, Achu, and Axiu, let's go over the mountain. Ahai and Achu are temporarily guarding the mountain. Axiu and I will go to the villages around the mountain to search for zombies. trace."

"Brother Daoist, then the source of this zombie will be handed over to your family. These fellow Daoists and I will go to the nearby village first."

Mao Xiaofang and Zhuge Kongping had no opinion on Jianglin's deployment. They were in groups of three, with two guarding the head and tail of the village, while one went in to kill zombies and save people. This would not only reduce the number of zombies, but also prevent zombies from continuing. spread far away.

As for the zombies that have run far away, there are not enough manpower now, so they can only be left.

"Master Mao, the golden armored zombie may have escaped into the tomb in the mountain. You must pay attention to safety when you climb the mountain. These are the explosive flame talismans and flame paper cranes that are never sold. They can form a chain of explosions. As a bodyguard, you must not be able to compete head-on when encountering golden armor zombies, and retreat is the best. Also, this is a very rare zombie king corpse tooth powder, which can detoxify zombies, so you should also prepare it.”

From the utensil box brought by the Flying Rat King, Jiang Lin took out a flaming paper crane, a flaming talisman, and a few pocket porcelain vases the size of fingernails. This action must be without any reward, but as a Taoist priest, Now that this is the case, even if you want to post it backwards, you must hoe.

Looking at Ah Hai and Ah Chu, Jiang Lin said again: "You two boys have to guard in the mountains, these pictures are for your body protection, save some use, throw them all, even the Zombie King can do it. Blast to death. And the corpse poison of zombies spreads very quickly, this zombie tooth powder can dissolve the corpse poison of the zombie king, don't give it to me!"

Can the zombie king blow up? ?Can the corpse poison of the zombie king be solved? ?

The two boys, A Hai and A Chu, were stunned. When Mao Xiaofang saw the two of them, they looked like they were stupid, so he snorted, "Thank you for your uncle!"

"Thank you, uncle!"

Chapter [*]: Killing the Corpse Family

Not to mention the two juniors, A Hai and A Chu, were shocked and dumbfounded, even Mao Xiaofang and Zhuge Kongping were equally shocked.

Especially Zhuge Kongping, he didn't even know that Jiang Lin's flaming paper cranes and flaming talismans could make a series of explosions. If five or six cards were thrown in, the zombie king would be able to burp at once.


Definitely ask the Daoist brother for some!

Zhuge Kongping immediately decided to stalk Jianglin when no one was there, even if he paid a lot of money, he would buy some.

As for the corpse tooth powder that can solve the zombie king's corpse poison, he doesn't expect it. No matter how high the price of such a good thing is, it may not be sold by anyone.

Seeing the burning in Zhuge Kong Fatty's eyes, it was like color) (Like a ghost seeing Fairy Guanghan, how could Jiang Lin not know what he was thinking.

Zhuge Kongping has also brought him a lot of wealth over the years, and he is considered a long-term partner, so if Zhuge Kongping wants to buy some, he doesn't mind selling a few to him. Of course, the total will never exceed ten open.

"That Daoist Li Yang..."

Beside Zhuge Kongping, several Taoist priests are drooling. Who wouldn't want such a good amulet? ?

Not to mention anything else, that is, in case of encountering a zombie king, and killing him in self-defense, he will be able to blow it for a lifetime in the circle of cultivators.

"What? You want to go to the mountains too?"




A few Taoist priests suddenly slumped, what a joke, but there are golden armored zombies on the mountain, let them deal with ordinary zombies, go take that risk, don't be joking!

"Master Mao, keep these for you, Axiu, these are yours."

After getting these rarest flaming paper cranes and flaming talismans, Mao Xiaofang was still smiling, but seeing Jiang Lin stuffed a large amount of flaming talismans and a knuckle-sized porcelain bottle into Axiu's waist pocket, even if he Very cultivated, but also extremely unbalanced in his heart for a time.

One of his apprentices has more than ten times more magic talismans than him!The corpse tooth powder obtained is also several times that of him!

What made Mao Xiaofang almost mad was that Jiang Lin took out another treasure of the sect from the box - the Ice Soul Sword and handed it to Axiu.

It's muddy!

Didn't get through the door!Didn't get through the door!

Mao Xiaofang's face turned black. He guessed that something had happened between Jiang Lin and Axiu, but after all, there was nothing in name.

The precious female apprentice who loves him so much, let him put his face as a master!

This is my apprentice!

Ah Hai and Ah Chu were originally very excited. Although it was dangerous to go to the mountain to guard, but after all, the magic talisman used for body protection was too heaven-defying, they felt that the danger was not too big, and in broad daylight, the danger was much less.

If they did not encounter any danger, they would not have to return these powerful magic talismans.

But now compared to Axiu, it is simply incomparable!

Even the Frozen Soul Sword, the treasure of the town school, the sacred weapon that their master was thinking of, was given to their junior sister.

No, it should be my aunt!

"Axiu, pay attention to safety, follow your master, don't be alone."


Axiu didn't refuse and accepted it obediently. Now she knows more about men and women than before. Jiang Lin is worried about her safety.

Although she had a father and a master, Axiu felt that the only person in the world who loved her the most was Jiang Lin.

Mao Xiaofang took away the different emotions in his heart, and went to the surrounding mountains with his three apprentices. As for Zhuge Kongping and a few comrades, he brought all the guys into the car and went to the nearby village.

Even if there are more than a dozen of them, there are still not enough manpower. If you want to arrange a large-scale formation to trap the zombies in the town or village, there is no way to do it. The workload is too much, and you have to prevent the zombies from jumping out. Can't make a move.

For now, the only way is to use people to block the way, and kill some but some.

"Yuechi, Qingfeng, Yuanying, you bring these crossbow arrows and guard here with Jerry; Chili, Xiaoru, Ningshuang, Heiyue, you control the black-faced god to go to Zhenwei; Miner, Caiyi, Ayan And the big long legs, the four of you are guarding the largest Nanjiekou in the town, and I will enter the town alone to kill the corpse."

Jiang Lin distributed a pair of crossbow arrows to Yuemei and Shu Ning, and let the Flying Rat King stay at the town entrance to protect their safety, and let Chen Yu and Xiaoru take the black-faced god and the ghost chessboard to guard at the end of the town. , Bai Min'er has the highest cultivation base, and they sent the three sisters and Jin Tianyi to take a piece of the town's treasure and go to South Street to block it.

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