Zhang Quan had recovered from his shock at this time, shouted at the two brothers, and joined the fleeing team.

The Golden Armor Zombie walked over to a horse, touched the horse's head with his palm, and the corpse poison on his body passed through the horse's body.

After jumping on the horse's back, the golden-armored zombie chased the fleeing living person on the horse.

In the inn, Jing Yuanying heard the roaring sound of the golden armored zombies, and they all fought a cold war, hair all over, not to mention Fu Yuechi and the others.

"Husband, are there zombies?"

"Not bad, and this is no ordinary zombie."

Jiang Lin heard the movement on the street outside and pushed open the window. On the street below, dozens of soldiers were crying, running on two legs faster than a rabbit.

Behind them, the zombie team is like a snowball, more and more.

All the living people who fled in front of the corpse group hated their parents for having two less legs.

This Nima is Resident Evil? ?

This time, even Jiang Lin was stunned. He had never seen such a corpse since he crossed into this world.

The zombies chasing living people on the street are different from ordinary zombies. The color of their bodies has turned blue and white, and their speed is very fast. One by one, they can sprint like Bolt, and some even touch the ground with their hands like a cheetah. run.

Not only on the streets, but also on the walls of the residential buildings downstairs, and even the speed of large geckos can't match them.

Seeing the three acquaintances in front of the escape team, Jiang Lin said to his wives, "Don't go out here, Yuan Ying, protect your sisters."

After speaking, Jiang Lin jumped out of the window.

"Husband, this is the fifth floor!"

Shu Ning was so frightened that she ran to the window and was relieved to see Jiang Lin flying down, but after seeing the scene of zombies biting people on the street, she screamed in horror.

Fu Qingfeng and the others also looked down from the window, and they all felt their scalps go numb.

On the street, as long as there are people left behind, they will be attacked by a group of zombies, like wild animals.

Jiang Lin went down into the air and threw out a few explosive flame talismans. With a sound of "Boom", the broken arms and stump legs of many zombies flew in the air, and a small pit was blown out in the street.

"Crack! Kill zombies and get [-] points of malice."

"Crack! Kill the zombies and get [-] points of anger."


These zombies only have the instinct to rush for food, their body functions are stimulated, and the speed is extremely fast, but because of this, they do not know how to avoid the road pit in front of them. The corpse group is like a stack of Arhats, forming a wall of corpses.

The zombies behind were blocked, and one by one chose to climb the wall to take a detour.

Seeing the zombies climbing on the wall, Jiang Lin shot out his yang fingers one after another, piercing their heads.

"En... Engong!"

Zhang Quan was very surprised to see Jiang Lin flying down in midair, and the thin monkey and the big man were also surprised when they found Jiang Lin.

They didn't expect to meet the benefactor who saved their lives many years ago here again.

Jiang Lin threw out a few talismans and could wipe out those corpses, which shocked Zhang Quan, the thin monkey, and the big man.

These corpses drove them like dogs.

Now it's saved!

Zhang Quan and others, who were chased by zombies to the point of despair, encountered Jiang Lin who fell from the sky, it was like encountering a life-saving god.

Blindly fleeing, it is better to follow the benefactor!

Zhang Quan immediately decided to hug the benefactor's thigh tightly. The speed of these zombies is not ordinary. Even if they run desperately, they will be caught up sooner or later.

As for the other soldiers and townspeople, they did not stop and continued to run forward.

Jiang Lin ignored Zhang Quan and the others, took out a flaming paper crane and an explosive talisman from the cloth bag, and projected it at the group of corpses.


Dozens of bombings were carried out at the same time, and more than half of the zombies on the road were instantly killed, and the surrounding houses were also damaged due to the huge blasting force.

However, the residents of these houses had already heard the screams of fleeing, and followed the escape team to flee for their lives.


The zombies on the street were emptied almost instantly, and even a big hole was blown out of the street, and Zhang Quan was completely stunned.


Amidst the dust, a warhorse carrying a golden-armored zombie jumped over from the edge of the pit. Jiang Lin was shocked when he saw the golden-armored zombie on the horse. This thing is even more terrifying than the Millennium Zombie King!

The Golden Armored Zombie galloped on horseback, and a moon-shaped knife slashed at Jiang Lin.

Chapter [-] Cataclysm!

"God, what is that?"

"Mom! People eat people!"

"Monster, monster!"

It took less than half a minute from when Jiang Lin heard the movement until he eliminated a large group of zombies, and many townspeople had not heard the sound of the crowd fleeing.

The blasting sound on the street awakened the residents in the area that was not covered by zombies. These people opened doors or windows, and saw the golden armor zombies and the group of zombies behind them. They were all scared to death.

In addition, the people who have fled shouted that there were zombies, and the lights in the whole town were all lit up, escape!

In the inn, Fu Qingfeng and the others ignored the chaos outside and the people fleeing below, and their eyes were all staring at Jianglin, a few hundred meters away.

Jiang Lin had said before that the zombies that appeared were unusual. Even a Celestial Master said it was not easy. It must be quite troublesome. Now they are very worried about their men.


Jiang Lin held the bone sword in his hand, shouted violently, and swung his sword to block the slash of the Golden Armored Zombie.


Jiang Lin held the bone sword upside down and inserted it into the ground, preventing him from retreating.

"Husband (Lang Jun)!"


Upstairs, Fu Yuechi and the others, and Zhang Quan on the street, saw Jiang Lin was slashed by a long knife and flew back, so they could not help shouting loudly.

"What a powerful force!"

Jiang Lin shook his numb arm, and now his body has been tempered to be comparable to the Zombie King, but his arm was numb after being cut by the Golden Armored Zombie.

With his toes a little on the ground, Jiang Lin charged violently and jumped onto the wall on the street. With his legs together, he ejected and slashed at the Golden Armored Zombie with his sword.


The Golden Armor Zombie held long handles in both arms and blocked it in front of him. Jiang Lin's face was only half a meter away from the former's helmet. Suddenly, the Golden Armor Zombie raised his head and drilled three and a half meters long fleshy teeth from its mouth. It was about to bite Jiang Lin on the head.

Jiang Lin's response was not slow, he placed his foot on the horse's head and teleported back to the ground.

Biting his finger and swiping the sword, Jiang Lin teleported again and appeared behind the Golden Armored Zombie, slashing down with a slash.

However, the Golden Armored Zombie is protected by battle armor all over the body. Even if the bone sword is sharp, it only cuts through the battle armor, leaving a not-so-deep wound on the Golden Armored Zombie.

But Rao is like this, and it also makes the Jinjia Zombie scream in pain.

The two forearms of the warhorse were raised, and the body was almost upright, pushing Jiang Lin down.

The Golden Armor Zombie pulled the reins, causing the warhorse to turn around, slashing at Jiang Lin out of thin air, and the majestic blade qi charged towards Jiang Lin.

"The crescent moon rushes into the sky!"

Jiang Lin's body was surging with spiritual energy, and he slashed out a sword qi in the air, colliding with the sword qi in mid-air.


The spiritual power and the sword energy exploded together, causing a gust of wind to blow up. When the wind fell, the Golden Armored Zombie had already galloped away in the direction of Hidden Dragon Mountain.

There were already a large number of zombies in the town, so Jiang Lin did not chase after Jing Yuanying, the others, and the rest of the townspeople.

And, most importantly, the Golden Armor Zombies left trouble before they fled.

A large number of black and green spiritual bodies gradually emerged from the ground, some of them rushed towards Jiang Lin and Zhang Quan, and the other scattered in all directions.

"Extradition the God of Plague??"

Jiang Lin connected his fingers and wiped out the gods of plague around him.

These "Gods of Plague" are actually some ghosts who died of plague but could not be reincarnated immediately. They have plague on their bodies, similar to the tuberculosis poison of tuberculosis ghosts. If they are possessed or come into contact with them, they will get plague in a day or two.

However, the underworld controls such ghosts very strictly, and unless there is an extradition technique, they will not be able to go to the world.

"This golden-armored zombie was released by you?"

Jiang Lin looked at Zhang Quan and the others coldly. He knew that Zhang Quan and the others were tomb robbers.

Moreover, the golden armor zombies can also extradite the god of plague. Although the god of plague in this area has been eliminated, a considerable number of them have gone to other places.

Whether it's a zombie or a god of plague, Jiang Lin can't handle it alone. Even if he knows Zhang Quan and the others, he doesn't have a good face.

"Engong, you misunderstood. Although we dig graves and fight, we are not the kind of robbers who don't know the importance and only for money. This horrible thing was released by Marshal Zhang."

Seeing Jiang Lin's gaze, Zhang Quan felt cold all over his body, and immediately explained the matter to Jiang Lin.

"It's a shitty handsome again, there are not many good things!"

Knowing what happened to Zhang Quan and the others, Jiang Lin spat.

"Zhang Quan, there is a horse behind the inn. You go south all the way to Gantian Town in Chaozhou Prefecture, and ask Mao Xiaofang from Fuxitang to inform all parts of Maoshan, Qijie Chunlai Town, Gantian Town. The hostess inside brought all the utensils and came with Mao Xiaofang. That skinny man, you went north overnight and went to Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi Province, saying that Daoist Li Yang issued a summoning order and asked the Daoist priests of Longhu Mountain to inform the other sects as soon as possible. Come here, bearded man, you go to Xiangxi and inform the major sects of Chenzhou about the situation here."

Jiang Lin pondered for a moment, and then issued an order to Zhang Quan and the others, asking them to gather Taoist temples all over Jiangnan as quickly as possible.

He couldn't handle the situation in Chunlai Town by himself.

These zombies are even fiercer than those in Resident Evil, and if they continue to ferment, they may cause a cataclysm.

The end of the world is not impossible.

The mobility of these zombies is so strong, and the speed of the spread of the corpse poison is extremely fast. If they are not stopped at the fastest speed, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Chunlai Town is not like the original Tengteng Town, which was surrounded by city walls. If the zombies here want to run away, they can go everywhere.

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