At the same time, a large number of people and horses were moving in Canglong Mountain around Chunlai Town.

"Commander Zhang, the jade ducks and the treasures in the tomb have already been obtained. This coffin is very evil, so it's better not to move it."

Zhang Quan tried hard to persuade Zhang Dashuai that he had fought a lot over the years and had seen many coffins, but he had never been so strange as this one.

The entire coffin is covered with runes: The commander is here.

Although Zhang Quan is not a Taoist, but he has been exposed to Feng Shui and astrology, and he can still see the Taoist talisman.

Thousands of talismans are densely lined up on the coffin, and the things inside must be extraordinary.

However, Zhang Dashuai did not listen to the persuasion at all, he said: "There are so many treasures buried with them, and there is a pair of jade mandarin ducks, how can there be no treasures in this coffin. And you don't know about Zhang Baotou, now foreigners The ancient corpses in our country like it very much. The coffin is so well sealed, and the corpse inside must not be melted. It is still a treasure. Come and carry it back to the town!"

"Turn your head, I think that coffin is definitely not easy."

"Unfortunately, there are big dumplings that we can't handle."

Beside Zhang Quan, a thin monkey and a big man went to Zhang Quan and talked about their worries after seeing Zhang Dashuai leave.

Zhang Quan waved his hand and said, "Brothers have not had an accident for so many years, all because they are very sensitive to the smell of danger, and if the situation is not right, they will retire. Find a suitable opportunity to do him, and then you will control the adjutant."

Ganfaqiu is also a ruthless man who hangs his head on his belt. Zhang Quan has been able to make a name for himself in the past few years, not only by his skills, but also by his own ruthless means.

After instructing the two of some things, Zhang Quan followed, and after finding a reason, he suggested that the commander should dry the talisman for a few days, and then open the coffin to prevent any evil spirits in it.

Zhang Dashuai felt that the words made sense, so he put the coffin in a farmyard that was requisitioned.

Chapter [*] Golden Armored Zombies!

Zhang Dashuai looked at the boxes of antiques he was carrying, and was full of joy. Thanks to his use of thunderous means to control Zhang Quan and their family, these few talented people had to do things for him.

If there are not these capable people, I am afraid that he will lose a lot of people when he enters the Tibetan Dragon Mountain this time.

The ancient tombs in the mountains are full of organs, and Zhang Quanneng won the title of "Little Tomb King", which is naturally a means of housekeeping. He led the crowd all the way to avoid the real and the false. Although the process was extremely dangerous, fortunately, the loss was not large.

In exchange for these babies, Zhang Dashuai also felt that it was worth it.

Let the two soldiers look at the coffin, and Zhang Dashuai and his subordinates went to count the harvest.

Before leaving, Zhang Quan told the two soldiers a few words and frightened them. He didn't want him and his brother to have dumplings running out of the coffin before he killed Dashuai Zhang. It is estimated that some of their brothers will be pushed by that time. Come out to die.

Zhang Quan didn't expect that Zhang Dashuai and the two guarding soldiers listened to his words, but Zhang Dashuai's idiot brother, Cross Eyes, didn't take his words seriously at all.

"Everyone says I'm stupid, but I'm not stupid. If you don't get a few pieces of the treasure in the coffin first, I'll definitely lose my share."

At night, cross-eyed looked at the two soldiers standing guard in the corner, and then threw a kitten in his arms in front of them.

The kitten let out a meow when it fell, and scared the two soldiers standing guard together.

It was terrifying enough to look at a coffin at night, but now there is a cat meowing, which makes both of them feel cold.

The cub's cry drew a big black female cat over, and when she saw her child was in front of the two soldiers, it rushed up immediately.

The night was misty, and the black cat was completely dark and fast. The two soldiers thought they had encountered something strange, so they ran away with their guns in their hands.

The mother cat jumped on the coffin with her kitten in her mouth. Seeing that the guard had already run away, she quickly walked to the coffin.

After he beat the black cat away with one hand, he began to move the coffin board.


The sealed state of the coffin was broken, and a strong corpse gas came out of the coffin, causing a thunderbolt to strike the coffin.

Seeing this, the fighting cock dared to find any more treasures, and ran away quickly.

"Guest officer, the meal is here."

The old shopkeeper knocked on Jiang Lin's door and brought all the food in the food box to the table beside the door.

"The shopkeeper, Xiao Er and the others haven't come back yet? How come you, the shopkeeper, are doing the job of a guy?"

"Hey, I'm back, but I'm so tired of carrying the coffin and the box that I don't even have the strength to walk. This indifferent Zhang Dashuai dug up the tomb of someone's ancestors, and brought out a lot of antiquities, including the coffin. Now, listen to Xiao Er, there is still a large piece of ghost painting on the coffin, it is very evil."

The shopkeeper put the plates one by one on the table, and started the Tucao mode.

"Ghost talisman? What talisman?"

Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows when he heard the talisman on the coffin. There would not be any talismans on the upper pocket of a normal coffin.

Even if there are some patterns, it will not be in the shape of runes. The ancients paid attention to decency in life and death. It is basically non-existent to engrave characters on coffins.

Of course, with some exceptions.

"I don't know. I heard what the words on the top of Xiao Er said that made what generals come here."

"Edict the general to come here?"

A look of shock appeared on Jiang Lin's face. These idiots dared to carry out the coffins of the thousand corpse talismans!

The rune on the corpse-suppressing talisman is "Command the general to come here".

"Yes, yes, Xiao Er said that there are almost a thousand ghosts and talismans. I won't say anything about the guest officer, I have to greet other guests."

The shopkeeper sighed and continued downstairs to serve dishes.

These scumbags!

Jiang Lin frowned. He had only seen the story of the Qianfu coffin in ancient books. All the corpses in the Qianfu coffin were extremely terrifying.

As far as he knows, there was a case of such a situation in the Han Dynasty. Before Wen Jingzhi’s rule, the Han Dynasty was oppressed by the Xiongnu in the north.

General Sheng's coffin was covered with corpse-suppressing talismans, and the coffin was restrained with a thousand talismans.

Later, the tomb of this general Han was stolen, and the corpse was turned into the world, bleeding thousands of miles.

Yue Mei took the food case, and when she saw Jiang Lin frowning, she asked, "Husband, what's the matter?"

"This town is not safe. I'll send you away after dinner and come back again."

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, a cloud of evil energy erupted from the other side of the town.

At this time, in the farmyard, the two people who were standing guard were hit by two green electric lights in the coffin and flew towards the coffin, and then the blood of the two people flowed into the coffin along the coffin board.

The two went to Dashuai Zhang earlier and said that the coffin was weird, Dashuai Zhang brought someone over and asked them to get close to the coffin to see what was wrong.

Then the coffin exploded suddenly, and a zombie wearing a golden armor and a golden helmet with green eyes appeared in front of everyone.

A Golden Armored Zombie!

The golden-armored zombie picked up the body from the bottom of the coffin, jumped up, jumped more than ten meters high, and then landed heavily in the yard.

There was a big pit in the slate-paved yard, and the spider web-like traces spread all the way to Zhang Dashuai and the others.


When Zhang Dashuai saw the extraordinary power of the Golden Armored Zombie, he could only hold on to the pillar and shout at his subordinates.

"Shoot! Shoot!"

Zhang Dashuai was so frightened that his legs were completely soft, and he immediately asked his subordinates to set off muskets. However, to their despair, even if they updated their equipment, the muskets had no effect on zombies.

The Golden Armor Zombie stretched out his hand, and the fat handsome Zhang flew up, and in a blink of an eye, he was in the hands of the Golden Armor Zombie.

The Golden Armor Zombie didn't move its neck at all, its mouth opened, and calyx-like fleshy teeth emerged from the bloody mouth, wrapping it around Zhang Dashuai's head.

Just like the zombies in Resident Evil.

After a scream, Zhang Dashuai's bloated body moved twice, and there was no more movement.


The golden-armored zombie roared in the sky, and a crescent knife flew out of the room and was held in his hand.

Chapter [*] Is this Nima a Resident Evil?

After Zhang Quan and the others heard the movement, they also rushed to the yard.

When a few people saw the golden armored zombie jumping to the ground, they could smash a big hole in the yard, and they could pick up objects from the air, and they could stick out worm-like fleshy teeth from their mouths, so that their hearts almost stopped beating.

How could they not understand "Zongzi", but this golden-armored zombie completely broke away from their cognition.

Now Zhang Quan, Thin Monkey and Dahan really forgot to even run away.

Is there such a dumpling?

Not to mention Zhang Quan and the others, they have never seen such a weird zombie.

This golden armor zombie was actually the founding general of the Song Dynasty during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. He was a loyal and good general who defended the territory. In the end, it aroused the suspicion of the monarch that he was given death, or was put on the hat of treason before he died.

This is not enough, in order to continue to stabilize his own country, the emperor wiped out the nine clans of this meritorious general.

Dedicated to the people and the court, he bleeds and sweats, but in the end he ends up punishing the nine clans. It is conceivable that his resentment can really soar to the sky.

After the general's death, an earthquake occurred in the capital, and white hair grew everywhere.

The emperor at that time wanted to destroy the corpse so as not to change, but at that time the body of this general Jinjia was already invulnerable to swords and fire.

The emperor had no choice but to follow the example of his predecessors and found a famous Taoist priest to put the general in a coffin with a thousand talismans and buried him.

Now that the Golden Armor Zombie broke out of the coffin, even the Millennium Zombie King still has a gap compared to it.

Even if a normal zombie was killed unjustly, or had resentment, the level of resentment was incomparable to this gold-armored zombie.

The Golden Armor Zombie waved the crescent blade, and the crescent-shaped blade qi burst out, and the rifles in the hands of the soldiers with guns became two pieces together with their bodies.

The soldiers and Zhang Dashuai who were sucked by the golden armor zombies were also infected by the corpse poison at this time.

Like the Golden Armored Zombies, they do not have zombie teeth in their mouths, but they can spit out silkworm-like fleshy teeth, like rows of fangs embedded in the tentacles of an octopus.

Compared with the visual effects, neither native zombies nor Western zombies can compare with them.



"Father, mother!"

All the soldiers cried out and fled around.


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