Fu Yuechi didn't pout anymore. When she entered Jiang's house, she already knew that there were many things that women couldn't get, so she and her elder sister were also mentally prepared, maybe there was a younger sister, the only thing that worried her, It's just that her husband will snub her.

Now that Jiang Lin wanted her to accompany her, she naturally didn't have to look jealous.

If she continues to be jealous, Jiang Lin's family law will fall on her.

Chapter [*] The Dragon Ball Game!

Shu Ning woke up from Jiang Lin's arms, blinked, and when she saw Jiang Lin, she was still a little scared.

"Okay, I didn't pay attention to my senses last night, and I won't in the future."

Jiang Lin put Shu Ning on the bed and stroked her hair.

"It hurts."

There was still a little resentment on Shu Ning's face, but she was screwed a little bit, and she served her family law to the top three last night.

She finally knew why her sisters were so friendly and kind, they didn't compete for favor at all, and she was afraid that she couldn't stand it!

"Yo, Sister Ning, it seems that you have expressed some thoughts to make your husband dote on you fiercely."

Ayan giggled, Shu Ning raised her eyebrows and hissed from time to time, Jiang Lin must have made her taste great.

She knew Jiang Lin quite well, and she was gentle with her new daughter-in-law, unless there were exceptions.

When Ayan said this, Ren Zhuzhu and Jin Tianyi pursed their lips and chuckled, Shu Ning blushed and covered his head with the quilt.

The next day, a new family member was added to Li Yangju. Jiang Lin asked Uncle Ping to bring a few people to Shuning's residence and moved her things into Liyangju.

In the future, Shu Ning will no longer have to live alone.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the whole family was very happy. Jiang Lin's only regret was that his foreign wife Eve was not there, and it was not convenient for Axiu to live in Liyang for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

A month later, Jiang Lin took the bronze mirror on the road, and then went to the East China Sea. The last time he went down to the bottom of the sea, the treasures in the Nanhua Tomb Mansion were not brought out.

Several new daughters-in-law knew that Jiang Lin was going out again, but none of them were willing. In the end, Jiang Lin could only go with Yue Mei, Jing Yuan, Ying Shu Ning, and sister Hua with the surname Fu.

Jiang Lin was also on a honeymoon trip with his wife. He rode the family carriage and looked at the mountains and rivers all the way, but he was not in a hurry.

"I didn't expect that there is such a good Feng Shui treasure here."

Before the Double Ninth Festival, they didn't have any activities. Jiang Lin let the carriage stop by the road at the foot of the mountain. He took a few wives to the top of the mountain and looked into the distance. Seeing the weather ahead, he couldn't help but sigh about the geomantic terrain below.

"Husband, what's so special about this?"

Yuemei took out a pen and paper and was about to take notes. She is now serializing it in Guangming Daily and needs materials on feng shui.

"The three mountains below are connected together to form a flying dragon, and the water area looks like a ball being held by the dragon's mouth and surrounded by the dragon's tail. From the perspective of feng shui, the pattern here is a giant dragon. In the three mountains of Hidden Dragon, there are [*]% ancient people's yin houses, the yin houses are on the ground, and the situation is different, and the people buried must be at the level of princes and generals."

Jiang Lin looked at the three mountains and one water in the distance, and explained to Yue Mei. Shu Ning and Fu Yuechi also listened very seriously.

On a mountaintop three miles away from Jianglin, a young man said to a fat man in a military uniform: "Zhang Dashuai, this Chunlai Town is surrounded by mountains on three sides, one side faces the water, and the side facing the water is exactly the east. Mountains are in charge of people and water is in charge of wealth. Naturally, this place has formed a situation of sitting on the ground and facing the sky, and Ding and wealth are prosperous. The purple energy comes from the east, is blocked by three mountains, and is surrounded by eternal years. It is a unique place. Down, there must be a big family to set up their tombs. I think the jade mandarin duck that the commander is looking for should be in this mountain."

If Jiang Lin was here, he would be surprised that this young man who spoke up was the leader of the group of tomb robbers he rescued in Renjia Town, where Ren Zhuzhu was.

That is, Zhang Quan, who has now been mixed with the title of "Little Tomb King" in the tomb robbery world.

After Zhang Quan and a few brothers were rescued by Jiang Lin in the tomb, Zhang Quan studied art everywhere, meticulously studied yin and yang Feng Shui, and finally made some achievements. fame.

This time, he was coerced and lured by the warlord Zhang Dashuai, so he had no choice but to help him visit his tomb. The lives of his family were pinched, and Zhang Quan could only take one step at a time.

Now many warlords have smelled the coming of the mountains and rain, and they have grown strong, dug ancient tombs, and madly expanded their power.

In fact, the Northern Expedition is about to start soon, and although the situation of the division of the heroes cannot be said to be eradicated, it will improve a lot.

After listening to Zhang Quan's analysis, Zhang Dashuai nodded again and again, and then said: "Zhang Baotou, you can see when it is suitable for us to start construction. You can rest assured that as long as there is something to gain, the benefits of Zhang Baotou will not be lost."

Zhang Quan snorted coldly in his heart, but there was no expression on his face, and said, "It's almost frost, it's best to start work before the temperature drops."

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, and it's better to hit the sun today. I'll let the brothers go to Chunlai Town!"

Since Zhang Quan meant that it should be sooner rather than later, Zhang Dashuai decided to start construction immediately.

Jianglin and the others saw that the surrounding landscape was very beautiful, so they strolled a few times on the mountain, enjoying the flowers and grass.

"Husband, am I beautiful?"

Seeing a few sisters enjoying the mountain flowers behind, Fu Yuechi ran to Jiang Lin's side and intertwined his fingers with him, acting coquettishly at him.

"Like an angel."

Jiang Lin scratched the bridge of Fu Yuechi's nose. Fu Yuechi and Fu Qingfeng's mother is Portuguese from Aomen, so the two sisters are Chinese-Portuguese half-breeds. In terms of appearance, the two sisters are evenly matched with Xiaoqian. Fu Yuechi's mixed blood level is a little more obvious.

"Husband, what about me? Sisters all say that I and Sister Xiaoqian are more like twins. Who is more beautiful, Sister Xiaoqian and I?"

Fu Qingfeng also came up and grabbed Jiang Lin's other hand, causing problems for Jiang Lin.She remembered that when she first met Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin recognized her as Xiao Qian.

"Okay, my good breeze, you are beautiful, you are beautiful, go back and let you sleep for a year."

This time in the East China Sea to take out the pills from the Nanhua Tomb Mansion, Jiang Lin estimates that Xiaoli, Xiaoqian and Xiaohong will be in retreat for a while, and they won't hurt Xiaoqian, nor will they hurt Fu Qingfeng.

Hearing that she had been in bed for a year, Fu Yuechi involuntarily clenched his legs and looked at her sister with a little sympathy.

You can ask yourself whether you are beautiful or not, but don't ask who is more beautiful than anyone else, you will be pulled to warm the bed.

"Okay, it's getting late, camp tonight and go to the town below tomorrow."

After giving Fu Qingfeng a look of you're ready, Jiang Lin planned to spend the night on the mountain tonight, and go to the town surrounded by the giant dragon and bead bureau a few miles away tomorrow.

Chapter [*] Qianfu Town Coffin!

Although the possibility of Zuo Ci's tomb being here is very small, since he has encountered this feng shui treasure, Jiang Lin is going to ask for some information.

Jiang Lin took out the items to be used from the bronze mirror. With the bronze mirror, it is a good treasure. It is very convenient to carry things when traveling, including tents, bedding, cooking utensils, etc., and it will not add much weight.

With the improvement of Jing Yuanying's cultivation in the future, the volume of the mirror virtual world inside the bronze mirror will continue to expand. Whether it is the bronze mirror or Jing Yuanying, they are Jiang Lin's good treasures.

"Sister, it's time to wash and eat."

On the second day, it was past nine o'clock, and Fu Qingfeng hadn't woken up yet. Fu Yuechi entered the tent and patted her sister awake.

"Okay, my little sister, I didn't even ask you for help last night. She's not born by a mother."

Fu Qingfeng rolled her eyes at her sister, her sister was fed, and her own sister didn't come to share.

"I've been menstruating in the past few days, and my husband wants to hurt you alone. We finally got a good night's sleep, so we'll have to work hard for my sister."

Fu Yuechi covered her mouth and chuckled lightly. She glanced at her sister with some schadenfreude and ran out.

After enjoying the scenery for another half-day, Jiang Lin returned to the carriage with the five beauties, and went to the town below—Chunlai Town.

"Oh, what a bandit, what a sin!"

"Isn't it true, we took away all our heads."

"It doesn't matter if our wheat is sown, what will we eat next year, these officers and soldiers are bandits!"

When Jiang Lin and others entered Chunlai Town, they found that there were many women complaining on the street.

Fu Yuechi went up to ask people, only to know that there were officers and soldiers stationed there, and he also recruited a lot of labor from the town to enter Canglong Mountain.

"What a beautiful little sister."

"These girls are from all over the world."

"It must be! Hey, look, that young man looks like a man from a few fairies."

Jiang Lin and the others hadn't entered the town yet. Only at the entrance of the town, a group of elder sisters and aunts saw Jing Yuanying, Fu Yuechi, and the others, and they were all dumbfounded.

Some aunts even wished they could become boys and change their identities with Jiang Lin.

"My wives at the level of trouble, this is not in the town, it's still some aunts and sisters, all of you have made such a move, if this is in the town... melancholy!"

Looking at the wives who got out of the car and came out to breathe, Jiang Lin pressed his eyebrows with his fingers. Fortunately, he had a carriage, otherwise, if he entered the town, there would definitely be a major earthquake.

"Lang Jun, you don't want to be cheap and good-looking. Yuan Ying has been in and out of the court. She is the emperor's concubine, and her beauty is not as good as the sisters. In other words, Lang Jun, you are more beautiful than the emperor."

Jing Yuanying pursed her lips and looked at Jiang Lin angrily. Her wives looked worse than angels, and she blamed them for making a lot of noise.

"Okay, okay, know that your husband is the happiest man in the world, get in the car."

Jiang Lin carried his wives into the car one by one, seeing the aunts and aunts with envy, jealousy and hatred on their faces.

Really enjoyed the blessing of Qi people!

Interesting, it seems to be preparing to rob the ancient tombs in the mountains, but the tombs in this feng shui treasure land are not easy to steal.

Jiang Lin didn't care about the generals and officers and soldiers, so he let the driver drive the car into the town, and was going to find a few old people to ask him about his concerns.

Unfortunately, there is no rumor about Zuo Ci at all.

Seeing that the sky seemed to be raining, Jiang Lin also prepared to rest at the inn in the town.

"The shopkeeper, come to a room of the emperor."

Because the officers and soldiers recruited labor, even the second child in the inn was not spared. In a huge inn, there was only one shopkeeper left.

The shopkeeper saw the girls from Fu Yuechi behind Jiang Lin, his feet slipped, and he fell on the counter.

He had lived for more than fifty years, and he had never seen such a beautiful woman, and five came at once.

"How many...rooms?"

"One room, the biggest and the best."

Jiang Lin put out fifty oceans of silver notes on the counter.

a room?A total of five fairies) (One husband?

The shopkeeper looked at Jiang Lin, stunned, what a great blessing for him!

"Is there a problem?"

"No... no problem, this is the room key, on the fifth floor."

The shopkeeper hurriedly handed over the keys and looked at the few people who went upstairs, he was simply envious.

Just when he was about to look at Fu Yuechi and the others, the driver knocked on the counter and said to him, "Come to an ordinary room, don't look around if you don't want to be blind."

The driver's tone was not very good, and the hostess and the others didn't dare to take a second glance. How dare this old fritters dare to take a peek?

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