The zombie howled on the ground, Jiang Lin was stunned, he seemed to have discovered a rare thing, a zombie king had lost his mind.

In other words, this guy is mentally ill, and he's not the one who goes crazy.

"Being a zombie, you still have to take it step by step, step by step, and make steady progress, otherwise it will become like you."

Jiang Lin taught the zombie some truths, and then chopped off its head.

Even if the other zombie kings are killed by Taoist priests, they will not become insane. The psychological quality of this guy is too poor. Except for the realm, he will not go up to anything.

Still can't stand the blow.

"Pop! Kill the Zombie King and get a grudge... [-] points."

The funny thing is that when the system analyzed the transferred anger, it actually paused for a while, probably because the zombie king was too hydrated.

Really weak!

Jiang Lin had a look of contempt on his face, this guy didn't contribute as much savage energy as a big demon.

However, when he saw the black teeth in the zombie's mouth and the coffin fungus, Jiang Lin's face looked better.

This kind of black tooth is very rare. It can solve all corpse poisons. As long as the strength is below the level of the zombie king, it can basically be solved. As for Mao Zong and Fei Zong, although it cannot be solved, the effect is also very good.

The coffin fungus is not so good, the quality is quite inferior, but it is better than nothing.

After throwing out a few fire talismans, Jiang Lin set the zombie king's body on fire.

"Former... senior."

When Qian Zhenzhen saw Jiang Lin, he wiped out a zombie king in two or three times, and the admiration on his face was like a surging river.

On the other hand, Ah Fa gave Jiang Lin a big gift.

As for Cao Dashuai, he nodded and bowed. He remembered that when he was drunk, he provoked Jiang Lin and bent the barrel of his gun.

Even if he is sober now and has an army, he does not dare to have the idea of ​​finding a place.

The invulnerable zombies have been chopped into pieces, and their gun barrels are really nothing.

"Cough cough, I took your car and helped you kill this zombie king. It's not a fare. Goodbye. I'm going to talk with Zhang Zhenren in a dream, and Yuanshen is out of the body to play chess with Wang Chongyang."

Jiang Lin made a joke to Qian Zhenren, patted him on the shoulder, and entered the elevator.


Qian Zhenren's old face turned red as the Second Master Guan.

Jiang Lin didn't care about the affairs between Qian Zhenren and Cao Dashuai. The next morning, he rented a carriage with Shu Ning and set off on the road.

"Jiang Lin, you have also helped me so much. In addition to the payment, I think I want to treat you to a meal. Let's go, I'll go shopping."

In the evening four days later, Jiang Lin and Shu Ning entered Gantian Town, and when Shu Ning said that he would invite him to eat and buy vegetables, Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I can't tell, Miss Shu will still do it. rice."

Now that Shu Ning opened his mouth, Jiang Lin did not refuse. He had helped Shu Ning so much, so there must be a meal.

Who knows how to cook, I still want to drag you to my house.

Shu Ning's face was blushing. Fortunately, she was walking in front of Jiang Lin, otherwise it would have been seen that something was wrong.

Chapter [-] Family Law Serving!

Shu Ning touched her hot cheeks and recalled that since she and Jiang Lin met, they had hugged and hugged, and the places they couldn't see were seen. Jiang Lin asked for it, and she was willing to stick her body to Jiang Lin.

Even if Jiang Lin didn't speak, she still wanted to be the wife of the Jiang family.

Shu Ning is not stupid, Jiang Lin did take her as an ordinary friend in the past, but now, the two have the possibility of further development.

Shu Ning said that it was too natural to invite guests to dinner, and he had said before that he would pay him back when he went back, so Jiang Lin really didn't think too much about it.

"You live here?"

When he arrived at Shu Ning's residence, Jiang Lin discovered that the place where the daughter lived was very simple. It was about the size of a house in his front yard. Although it was not large, it was very clean.

"What's the matter, isn't frugality our traditional virtue?"

Shu Ning wrinkled his nose at Jiang Lin and went to the kitchen with vegetables and meat.


It didn't take long before the sound of Shu Ning's pain came from the kitchen.

Jiang Lin heard the sound and entered the kitchen, and saw Shu Ning pinching his fingers.

"It's okay, I cut the vegetables and cut my nails, but fortunately it didn't hurt."

"You swordsman..."

Seeing the different thickness of potato chips on the cutting board, Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "I'll come."

In fact, Jiang Lin has never practiced any knife skills, but he has a very strong control over his body muscles, and he can cut how he wants.

"I'm sorry, I said to invite you to dinner, but I still made you turn the spoon."

Looking at the dishes on the table, Shu Ning felt embarrassed. If Jiang Lin didn't help, she would be embarrassed enough.

"Isn't it the same as having dinner? I didn't spend any money."

"By the way, I have Lafite here in [-]."

Shu Ning went to his bedroom and took out a bottle of wine.

Lafite in [-]...

Jiang Lin inexplicably remembered his uncle.

"Do you like to drink?"

"I usually drink a little when I'm tired from work, sleep more deeply, and have a good rest."

Shu Ning would never say that he drinks to strengthen his courage.

After a meal, it was already late.

Shu Ning looked at the night outside, and with a bit of alcohol, he said, "It's getting late, and Li Yangju is not near. I'm big enough here, why don't you stay here tonight."

After finishing speaking, Shu Ning went into the bedroom next to her and came out with a pajamas and a robe. The robe still belonged to Jiang Lin, and she never returned it.


There was a question mark at the head of Jiang Lin, Li Yangju was just a few steps away, is this not close?There are only fifty or sixty square meters here, is it big enough?And the point is that Shu Ning wants him to stay here tonight.

Shu Ning's cheeks turned an alluring pink because of drinking Lafite or other reasons.

She didn't dare to look into Jiang Lin's eyes, and said softly, "Actually, I get along well with Tingting Zhuzhu and the others. These are your clothes to wash. I'll go take a shower first."

"I...I...I'm lonely, are a responsible man."

The last sentence, what Shu Ning said was smaller than the buzzing of mosquitoes, she ran to the bathroom after saying that.

Jiang Lin looked at the change of clothes on the stool, and then looked at Shu Ning's back, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

It would be nice not to have trouble with Ren Tingting and the others.

Ten minutes later, Shu Ning walked out wearing a pair of pajamas, and got into the bedroom with a sullen face.

After washing up, Jiang Lin also entered the bedroom.

With some strange noises, the two finished the procedure, and Miss Shu became Mrs. Jiang smoothly.

"Didn't you say that men with three wives and four concubines are not good men? Tell me where I am?"

After a long time, Jiang Lin teased Miss Shu who was panting heavily.

It seemed that the reward Shu Ning gave him this time was not money, but a person.

"I hate you, people have given you the body, and you still ask like that."

Shu Ning lightly beat Jiang Lin's chest. Although it was dark, Jiang Lin could still see Shu Ning as shy as a water lotus.

"Jiang Lin, if my father found out that his precious daughter became your tenth wife, I don't know how he would be angry."

"In the future, I have to change my words and call me my husband. Since you gave yourself to me, you should know how I treat Chili Tingting and the others. You have changed from a baby girl to a baby wife, and they are both babies. What can my father-in-law say. Come on, call me husband."

"No, it's so embarrassing to call my husband, he's not married yet, so people can't call him... oh!"

Hearing Shu Ning's exclamation, Jiang Lin laughed and said, "The two of us are here now. If we don't call, I will continue to serve the family."

She has become his woman, and she still doesn't change her name.Sorry to call my husband, just wait and exclaim.

Shu Ning's little fist pounded Jiang Lin's chest hard, this man didn't even know how tired he was!

"Also, you are not a dozen rooms, but twenty rooms."

Shu Ning didn't know that there were three sisters, Eve, Xiaoru and Xiaoshuang, in front of her.

"I've got a few more sisters, hum, you won't be so energetic in the future, what should you do!"

Shu Ning twisted Jiang Lin's waist hard. Jiang Lin left Gantian Town and drifted at sea not long after he came back. He went to her house shortly after returning, so she could add three more sisters. .

"Okay, I haven't passed the door yet, so I dare to be rough with my husband, and I also doubt my husband's ability, and the family law serves!"

There was another sound of slapping mosquitoes in the bedroom.

"Ah! Husband, I was wrong!"

"Husband forgive me."

"Help me."

It wasn't until the third day of the sun that Shu Ning let out a sob, and Jiang Lin put him in his arms and fell asleep.

The bright moonlight filtered through the curtains, Jiang Lin looked at Shu Ning, who was lying on his chest with saliva still in his mouth, and kissed him on the forehead.

Gently helping Shu Ning get dressed, Jiang Lin picked her up while she was sleeping and went to Liyang Residence.

"Looks like we have another sister."

Fu Yuechi pouted and looked at Jiang Lin and Shu Ning in his arms.

This is their big bedroom, even Uncle Ping is not allowed to come in. Jiang Lin carried a beautiful woman in, and this is the door to the house.

"Yuechi, I'll go to the East China Sea in a month or two and take you there."

"Really? My husband is so nice."

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