"Hey, there are so many people here, and there is a big marshal to testify. As long as you say 'I am incompetent', I will tell you and spare your life."

Wu Zhenren said this seriously, but in fact he knew that even if he told Qian Zhenren, the latter wiped the hair oil on the zombie's nose, it was useless.

The smell of the hair oil is not ordinary, and the smell on it cannot be removed.

So even if he told Qian Zhenren the secret, Qian Zhenren would still be chased by zombies.

A group of people knew that the zombies weren't chasing them, and they were all ready to watch the show. This kind of scene was invisible to ordinary people.

The zombie chased Afa and Wangcai away, and then went after Qian Zhenren. Qian Zhenren hid under the table and held his breath.

"Did you hear that, he admitted that he was incompetent."

"Zhenzhen Qian, a manly man, you should be able to bend and stretch. Say it earlier, so you don't have to be so miserable."

Cao Dashuai followed his subordinates to watch the play, and now it is also commented on.

"Well, since you said that you are incompetent, I will tell you, this is what you love to be beautiful and self-sufficient, who makes you always like to use hair oil, I rubbed the hair oil you used on the nose of the zombie, so it Just staring at you."

Wu Zhenren clapped his palms, admiring his wit.

Qian Zhenzhen felt a greasy crook in his heart. He desperately pressed against the zombie's chin, took out a handkerchief with one hand, wiped it on the zombie's nose, and wiped off the hair oil on it.

Sure enough, as soon as the hair oil was wiped off, the zombies who didn't open their eyes stopped moving and sniffed around.

Qian Zhenren hurriedly ran to the side, and if he was later, he would be bitten to death.

"Oops! Can't wipe it!"

Wu Zhenzhen saw the zombie's nose moving around, and his face changed greatly.

"Why can't you wipe it?"

Cao Dashuai thought that zombies would never find them.

"After wiping off the hair oil, the zombies can smell the popularity, catch people, bite people!"

Wu Zhenren didn't expect that after the hair oil on the zombie's nose was wiped off, he would stop chasing Qian Zhenren, and it was over!

As soon as the words fell, the zombie roared loudly. It still had hair oil residue on its nose and was not so sensitive to popularity, but it could still sense the smell of blood.

Wu Zhenren used a dagger to prick his arm last night. Although it was bandaged, the blood still seeped into the bandage.

It just so happened that Cao Dashuai and Wu Zhenren were standing together, and when they saw the zombies rushing towards them, they hurriedly called someone to shoot, but it was still useless.

Wu Zhenzhen really never imagined the series. He wiped hair oil on the nose of the zombie, and after wiping it off, the zombie actually rushed towards him.

Compared to Qian Zhenren's skill, he was a lot worse. He didn't even walk a few rounds in the zombie's hands before being pinched on his shoulder.

"Ah woo", the zombie's black fangs were bitten on Wu Zhenren's neck.

"It's over, we're all going to die here, this is a zombie king!"

Qian Zhenren wanted to kneel down to his grandfather and ask him to bless him. As for the others, their guns were too unstable to hold, and they ran out one by one.

"call out!"

In fact, it didn't take long from the zombie outbreak to Wu Zhenren's bite. In addition, Jiang Lin lived on a relatively high floor, so he only got out of the elevator now.

When he saw a zombie king biting, he subconsciously shot out a yang finger.


Yang Zhiqi blew a big hole in the zombie's body and bombarded it on the wall. Wu Zhenren also fell to the ground. Although his trachea was not bitten through, the aorta was bitten. Basically, it belongs to the upcoming report. Happening.

When Jiang Lin saw Wu Zhenren on the ground, and then saw that the zombie from last night had become the zombie king, he roughly guessed what happened.

The zombie was bombarded and hit the wall. Qian Zhenren and Cao Dashuai both looked at Jiang Lin. Qian Zhenren's eyes were wide open. This eldest brother was not a boxer, but his comrade!

"How is this going?"

"Dao... Fellow Daoist? It's all my damned junior brother who turned a zombie into a zombie king."

Qian Zhenren quickly explained the matter to Jiang Lin briefly.

It really is so.

Jiang Lin looked at the ground and twitched) (The twitching real Wu had no sympathy at all, and he didn't even have the intention to help.

This is his own death, or a big death!

It only took two nights to turn a corpse into a zombie king. Jiang Lin was not as good as himself.

Wu Zhenren's Taoism and cultivation are not very good, and he has the ability to do things, even if he refuses to accept it.

Even if the corpse is often chased away, in extremely unfortunate circumstances, the corpse has almost become a zombie, but now Wu Zhenren has created a zombie king.

Although the zombie has not opened its eyes and its breath is unstable, it has become a zombie king after all.

"Those who don't want to die, spread out!"

Jiang Lin snorted at the surroundings. He didn't want to be blocked when he was killing zombies.

"Master Qian, who is this eldest brother? He's so powerful that he made a big hole in the zombie's body all at once."

"I don't know. I thought he was a boxer. We met halfway."

Qian Zhenzhen really doubted whether his eyes were blind now, even he couldn't see it, and he was still such a powerful fellow.

"Master, in the car before, I heard that the young lady called him Jiang Lin. Is he also a Taoist priest? So powerful?"

"Jiang...Jiang Lin??"

Qian Zhenzhen screamed, Ah Fa had never heard Jiang Lin's name, but he had.

"He is Daoist Li Yang! Celestial Master! Idol! Today's Taishan Beidou in Maoshan and even the Taoist world!"

Chapter [-]: The Zombie King with the Most Moisture

"Li... Daoist Li Yang!"

Hearing Master's scream, Ah Fa also screamed in shock. He didn't expect that he would be fortunate enough to meet that legendary senior.

Jiang Lin's real name is not as loud as his Taoist name. Ah Fa doesn't know who Jiang Lin is, but he knows what Daoist Li Yang means.

Cao Dashuai was stabbed by the voices of the two, he had never heard of the Tianshi Daoist, but he still knew what Taishan Beidou represented.

"This little brother is the Taishan Beidou of your Taoist priests??"

"What little brother, this is the senior!" Qian Zhenzhen corrected Cao Dashuai's address to Jiang Lin, and then said, "As early as many years ago, this senior was able to kill the zombie king alone. We are saved, saved!"

Qian Zhenzhen hugged Ah Fa excitedly. With this Taishan Beidou around, they were still afraid of the gross zombie king!

But when he thought that he was called Brother Jiang Lin, Big Brother, and Fellow Daoist, and he was still bragging in front of Jiang Lin, Qian Zhenzhen was so ashamed that he wanted to find a hole in the ground.

How can he be qualified to match Jiang Lin's peers at this level, this is a proper senior!

Although Jiang Lin looks very young, in today's circle, who would dare not respect him as long as he heard or knew him?

Jiang Lin heard Qian Zhenren's scream, and looked back, seeing the embarrassment on the latter's face, he couldn't help but laugh.

It's not funny enough to get a big axe in front of Lu Ban. What's funny is that he can't even get a big axe and keeps blowing it.


The zombie felt the severe pain on his body and roared again, making Cao Dashuai and the others feel terrified.

This Nima knows how terrifying just by listening to the roar. Compared with this, the general lion roar and tiger roar are simply weak.

Sniffing and sniffing, the zombie sensed the scent of Jiang Lin's body. Although it was in a frenzy now, it still remembered that Jiang Lin was the one who beat it up last night.


Unexpectedly, I have become the zombie king!

Find a place!

The zombie jumped and rushed towards Jiang Lin.

"Hehe, want to find a place?"

Jiang Lin laughed, and he understood the meaning of the zombie's roar.

He threw out the bone sword, Jiang Lin lifted it up, and one arm of the zombie was thrown into the air, and the sword moved again, and the other arm also flew up.

"It's weak."

Jiang Lin couldn't help frowning. The physical strength of this zombie was stronger than that of a refined zombie, and it was incomparable to any zombie king.

But thinking about it, Jiang Lin also thinks it's normal. Some zombies can't reach the level of zombie kings for hundreds of years or even thousands of years. These people have reached the level of zombie kings in two nights. If they can really compare with normal zombie kings, Then all the zombie kings can go to the southeast branch.

The overall strength of this zombie king is very poor, and his eyes are not opened. The speed and strength cannot be compared with those of the same level, that is, he has reached the realm.

In other words, this zombie king is very hydrated.

Even the zombie king who is all dry goods dare not come to Jiang Lin to find a place, let alone this guy who is full of moisture.

It is impossible to find the field, but you can find it in death.




Qian Zhenren, Ah Fa and Cao Dashuai were shocked at first, and then they were speechless when they heard Jiang Lin's words.

This Nima spear has no way to do it, copper skin and iron bones, Taoism does not have much effect, and it is weak? ?

Jiang Lin held the bone sword in his hand and chopped at the zombie, just like a butcher slaughtering a pig.

In just a few breaths, Jiang Lin also chopped off the zombie's legs, leaving only a head and upper body.

This hydrated zombie king didn't have much time to react at all, and he only had half of his body left.


how is this possible?Lao Tzu is the Zombie King!

This zombie had just experienced the feeling of "a householder in the morning and a prince in the evening", and became the "upstart" among the zombies. As a result, he didn't cry twice, and his hands and feet were chopped off.

The gap is really too big.

"Ow, ooh, ooh..."

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