"Next time, your neck will be like this barrel."

Jiang Lin snorted and strode out of the bar.

Although Cao Dashuai was drunk, he was still not stunned. When he saw his gun barrel being bent, how could he dare to be arrogant to Jiang Lin again.

Ah Fa and Wang Cai also wanted to leave after seeing this, but they were not as shocking as Jiang Lin.

Cao Dashuai took out another pistol, and the two could only be obedient, but these two guys were not stupid. Seeing that Cao Dashuai was already drunk, they conspired to make him almost unconscious.

The two of them picked up the photo that the commander put on the bar, only to find that the female corpse in the room was actually the Jiuyitai of Commander Cao.

Wang Cai's face turned blue in an instant, and what he dug was actually the tomb of this great lover Cao Dashuai Jiuyitai!

At the same time, Wu Zhenren followed him all the way to the provincial capital, sneaked into Qian Zhenren's room, fed a box of poisonous snake blood to the zombie, and smeared Qian Zhenren's hair oil on the zombie's nose.

The zombie was so fixed by him that it directly turned into a black zombie.

That's not all, he also put the revival mirror that he inherited from his master in a mass grave, and let the revival mirror collect some lonely ghosts, and prepare to use it for this zombie at night.

Do things, do not know how to do things.

Jiang Lin went back to the room and unbuttoned Shu Ning's clothes on the bed, the soft white belly and the pink lace cover) (The cover came into his eyes.

What are you looking at, when the disease is cured, you can pick it up.

Shu Ning looked at the ceiling, and noticed that Jiang Lin's eyes seemed to fall on his plump part, and Shu Ning's forehead was full of fine sweat.

"Bite it."

Jiang Lin handed Shu Ning a handkerchief, then went to the side to clean his hands.

Although he didn't know when Jiang Lin understood the medical skills, Shu Ning chose to trust him.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin recovered the corpse poison around Shu Ning's lower abdomen wound, and then dripped a lot of corpse poison essence on it to smooth it out.

As for the inflammation in Shu Ning's body, it gradually began to improve because of the wrapping of the corpse poison essence.

Jiang Lin's corpse poison was better than anesthesia, and Shu Ning didn't suffer any guilt during the whole process.

Chapter [*] Create a Zombie King!

"It doesn't look like you're going to have surgery, but the tools are quite special."

Shu Ning felt that her cognition was refreshed by Jiang Lin again. Jiang Lin didn't use any anesthetics or scalpel, so he cut a hole in her belly with his nails and cured her appendicitis.

And there is no need to suture the wound, just wipe the wound with the blood from the finger, and the wound will be closed together.

Jiang Lin wiped the blood from Shu Ning's stomach with a handkerchief, and warned, "Don't talk, just heal."

"That...will it leave a scar?"

Women love beauty, even on the belly, Shu Ning didn't want to have an ugly scar.

"Of course it will, and it will leave a big, big scar."

Jiang Lin deliberately frightened Shu Ning, who frowned at first, but then relaxed again.

Since it's the opposite, it definitely won't.

"I'll give you the reward after I go back."

After Shu Ning returned, he gave Jiang Lin a precious reward, something that was extremely precious to her.

"Can the remuneration given by you, Miss Shu, be lower?"

Jiang Lin smiled, and suddenly heard the sound of marching downstairs outside. He went to the window and found a group of officers and soldiers on the street.

Cao Dashuai's adjutant found out that Cao Dashuai's Jiuyitai's tomb had been dug up, so he rushed to the hotel. After Cao Dashuai was woken up, he realized that his concubine's tomb had been stolen. Look for tomb robbers around and even in the entire provincial capital.

Qian Zhenzhen had already returned to the room a quarter of an hour before the arrival of the officers and soldiers. When he learned that the female corpse was the ninth concubine of Cao Dashuai, his first thought was to leave quickly with the zombie and the female corpse, but he did not expect that Cao Dashuai had already given the hotel to him. blocked.

As soon as the three and two corpses got off the elevator, they met Cao Dashuai and were caught.

After Qian Zhenren and Master Afa talked nonsense, Cao Dashuai, the funny guy, believed them and didn't kill them. After that, this big lover would dance with his "lived" Jiuyitai.

The female corpse is now only half-human and half-corpse, because it had been exposed to the sun before, and was frequently exposed to popularity.

If the female corpse can't be saved, Zhenren Qian and the others will die, so in order to survive, Zhenren Qian and the others lied again, saying that there is a way to revive the female corpse.

It wasn't until night that the three of them thought of a way to electrify the woman's corpse, and they burned the entire hotel's circuit at once.

"The power goes out at this time, and God helps me again!"

When Wu Zhenren saw the power outage in the hotel, he quietly found the zombie and carried it to the window.

"Honey, suck it, suck it, this is the revival mirror that my master passed on to me. With the moonlight of nature, it will make you feel good."

Wu Zhenren, who didn't know whether to live or die, brought the revival mirror full of wandering spirits and reflected the moonlight on the zombie's face.

A wisp of wandering soul penetrated into the zombie's nose along the yellow light reflected by the mirror.

The face of the zombie changed rapidly, gradually turning from black to dark green, until finally, light green patches had appeared.

With just a little more excitement, this zombie can become the Zombie King.

It is now several times more vicious than a fine zombie!

It's just because the eyes were not opened, and there was hair oil on the nose, and I couldn't smell the popularity, so it didn't break out immediately.

Wu Zhenzhen was looking like a chicken thief, and suddenly the lights came on, and he found that there were more than ten long guns aimed at him around him.

Cao Dashuai's adjutant grabbed Wu Zhenren's neck and covered his mouth again. The commander made a silent gesture to Wu Zhenren.

Qian Zhenren fooled him into saying that the voice conference would disturb Mrs. Jiu, so Dashuai Cao took it as the golden rule.

This unscrupulous Wu Zhenzhen was strangled by the adjutant, and a group of soldiers went up to give him a shudder.

Then Cao Dashuai opened the door of Qian Zhenren and asked him if he had a junior brother.

"This bastard, why don't you kill him!"

When Qian Zhenzhen saw this junior brother who had been doing things all the time, he could not wait to kick him to death immediately.

"Master Qian, I asked your junior brother, and he said he came to mess with your zombies."

"Huh? Zombies?"

Only then did Qian Zhenzhen realize that the zombie by the wall had disappeared, and he was absorbing the moonlight by the bed.


Because of the absorption of a lot of wandering souls and moonlight, and the smell of Qian Zhenren's hair, the zombie immediately fell into a frenzy, and it broke the ropes all over his body.

At this time, its hair was scattered, its nails were black, and it grew to more than an inch long, and its two fangs had also turned black and bucked out.

"This momentum, Zombie King?"

Jiang Lin was shocked by the roar of the corpse in the room, and immediately stood up.

When he got to the next door, Jiang Lin separated out his charm and said to Shu Ning, "I'll go down and see what's going on."

At this moment, Qian Zhenzhen on the first floor felt that both his legs were soft, and the zombie had just disappeared for a while, and it became so terrifying!

The corpse itself was born in the yin year, the yin moon, the yin day, and the yin day. The snake blood, and finally ingested a lot of wandering souls, and in just one day, he became a zombie king!

Now the corpse qi in the throat of the zombie has begun to gradually dissolve into bacteria, and after it is completely stabilized, it will become a veritable zombie king.

If the Taoist priest wants to do something, it shouldn't be too scary!

In the era of the end of the law, it is very difficult for zombies to become a zombie king, but Wu Zhenzhen, a warlock who has not even broken through the Taoist level, can create a zombie king if the conditions are met.


When Cao Dashuai saw the zombie rebirth, he immediately asked his subordinates to shoot, but it didn't work at all.

"Everyone, stop breathing!"

Don't look at what Qian Zhenzhen usually blows, but now he is so cowardly.

Wu Zhenren sneered silently and stopped breathing?If it works, I will eat Yoneda Gong upside down!

A group of people immediately covered their mouths and noses, but the zombies were still sniffing the smell in the air and approached Qian Zhenren step by step.

Wu Zhenren, who wanted to kill his senior brother, moved behind Qian Zhenren and blew in front of him.

The zombie smelled the hair oil and rushed towards Qian Zhenren.

"Yes, that's it, K him!"

Wu Zhenren laughed, and then said to Cao Dashuai and Wang Cai, "You don't have to stop breathing, zombies won't bite you."

Seeing that the zombies were only staring at Qian Zhenzhen, everyone tried to catch their breath. Sure enough, the zombies ignored them at all.

"Xiao Wu, have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this?"

Qian Zhenzhen kicked the zombie away and shouted angrily at his junior brother.

"The consequence is that you'll be homeless and disgraced, and you'll never survive, and I'll be a blockbuster and the world will be smooth sailing."

Seeing that his senior brother was being chased like a bereaved dog, Wu Zhenzhen raised his head and laughed.

Chapter [*] Taishan Beidou!

It is also thanks to the fact that there are more tables, chairs and beams on the first floor of the hotel, otherwise Qian Zhenzhen would be really dangerous.

"Come and help!"

Qian Zhenzhen was picked up by the zombies by the neck, and yelled at Ah Fa and Wang Cai. Don't tell me, the two of you are in the same boat as me, just watching me being chased by zombies?

So I'm dead, can you handle Cao Dashuai's ninth wife?Not the same death!

Ah Fa and Wang Cai looked at the green-faced zombie, daringly rushed up and kicked him.

Now the zombies are really reinforced and iron bones, the two of them landed on it with one punch and one kick, and the zombies couldn't even move.

However, because of being disturbed, the zombie kicked Qian Zhenren into the air and had to teach the two flies a lesson.

"Xiao Wu, what exactly did you do to the zombies?"

After being kicked by a zombie, Qian Zhenzhen cat was in the corner, and now he couldn't care about scolding Wu Zhenren in blood, his life was the most important thing.

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