When he looked up, he found a zombie running behind Qian Zhenren.


Seeing Wang Cai, his face turned pale with fright, but Zhenren Qian was not slow to react, and smashed his elbow behind him, but now this zombie has become infinitely powerful and extremely hard, and Zhenren Qian felt his elbow All have gone numb.

The zombie's claws kept grabbing at Zhenren Qian. Qian Zhenren tucked his arms under his armpits to avoid the zombie's teeth. After that, he raised his arms and lifted the zombie, and put his foot under the zombie's feet. On the ground is a picture of Tai Chi in the town of corpses.

After the zombie landed, it settled in place. Qian Zhenren changed his handprint and pointed to the zombie's forehead. As a result, the zombie almost bit his finger off.

Qian Zhenren's strength is also at the level of a Taoist, and he is still very ordinary. Now, facing a zombie that has rapidly advanced into a black zombie, he is really not ordinary.

Monkey jumps, dog crawls, as long as he can escape the attack of zombies, he uses them all.

"Afa, the peach wood sword!"

"Master, I was crushed by Wang Cai just now."

"Then what else, hurry up and throw it over here!"

In a rut, Ah threw a small tin box over.

Qian Zhenren took the tin box while pressing the zombie.

"Fretting oil? Ah Fa, I lost mine!"

Especially, I gave my master a box of hair oil to treat zombies, cow beer!

Jiang Lin stepped out of the carriage, and it seemed that the blown-up Qian Qian couldn't deal with this zombie anymore.

"What are you still doing? Come and hold him!"

Qian Zhenren shouted at Wang Cai and Ah Fa, but when the zombies under him suddenly exerted force, Qian Zhenren was blown away.

This is over, this is over.

Qian Zhenzhen panicked.

Jiang Lin jumped over, and gave the zombie a deadly scissor foot on his legs. Then, he exerted force on his waist, and with a sudden flick, the zombie turned in a circle like an hour hand in mid-air and hit the ground.

This zombie is also a customer of Qian Zhenren, so Jiang Lin did not intend to use magic to kill it.

In the business of expelling corpses, the guests are very important. This is also the reason why the corpse has already changed, and Zhenren Qian has not burned it.


When Qian Zhenzhen saw Jiang Lin volleyed the zombie to the ground, his eyes suddenly bulged.


The zombie got up in an instant, roared at Jiang Lin, and pounced on it again.

Jiang Lin stepped up and kicked the zombie several meters away.

When they came again, the zombie was swept down by Jiang Lin with a kick and kicked again.

"Master, don't you often boast that your kung fu has reached the level of a martial arts master? Even you can't deal with this zombie, but this big brother kicks the zombie like a ball."

Ah Fa went to help Zhen Zhen Qian, and his eyes on Jiang Lin changed.

Ah Fa knew how good Qian Zhenren was, but now compared to Jiang Lin, it was like a child playing tricks.

"Cough, your master, I am of course a martial arts master, but this eldest brother, his martial arts is unparalleled."

Qian Zhenren was also shocked by Jiang Lin's kung fu, but he still did not forget to brag with his apprentice and put gold on his face.

The zombie was kicked by Jiang Lin several times, and some of the bones on his body were dislocated, so he wanted to run away.

Jiang Lin rolled over and jumped up, and after a few volleys, he landed on the shoulder of the zombie, causing it to kneel on the ground.

"Are you going to watch a play?"

Jiang Lin glanced behind him, if it wasn't for the free ride of Qian Zhenzhen's mentor, he wouldn't have to bother here at all.

"Don't be in a daze, hurry up and press it!"

After shouting at his apprentice and Ah Fa, Qian Zhenzhen jumped on it himself. In fact, he didn't need Ah Fa and them at all. Jiang Lin couldn't hold down the zombie with one leg.

Qian Zhenren bit his finger and tapped a blood mark on the zombie's forehead to stop the zombie.

"Brother, you are so real! You are so powerful! Martial arts are unparalleled in the world!"

With a long sigh of relief, Qian Zhenzhen gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up.

"Master of martial arts!"


Ah Fa and Wang Cai also admired Jiang Lin very much. The zombies all over their bodies like slate were beaten to run away by Jiang Lin.

Qian Zhenzhen looked at Shu Ning, who had a head exposed from the carriage, and seemed to realize it suddenly, and said, "There is so much strength in the waist, no wonder he got people to go to the hospital."

Damn your second uncle, there are so many rants!

Jiang Lin had blue veins on his forehead, Qian Zhenzhen smiled, then turned around, his face turned into a scowl, and shouted: "Xiao Wu, you bastard! Where are you? Come out, come out..."

How depressing Wu Zhenren is now, he planned well, how could he think that this zombie Qian Zhenren would not be able to deal with it, but was beaten like that by a young guy.

Bad luck!Unlucky!

"Master, you are really full of vigor and vitality, and you are strong and full of energy!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and fix the dead body and burn him!"

"oh oh."

Ah Fa responded and was about to burn the body, but as soon as he turned around, he was stopped by Qian Zhenren.

"Come back! If I ask you to burn you, you will burn it? Do you know that you burned this big brother, that is, our home, our store, and your nest, and we did everything at that time. No more, idiot!"

Qian Zhenzhen couldn't find his apprentice and brother, so he poured his anger on his apprentice.

Chapter seven hundred and ninety fifth perseverance to do things

Qian Zhenzhen asked Ah Fa and Wang Cai to carry the zombies into the trunk, and then asked Ah Fa to watch inside and drive the car by himself.

Right now Wu Zhenren didn't know where to hide, and Qian Zhenren didn't dare to stay in this barren mountain.

Along the way, Qian Zhenzhen didn't dare to brag anymore. He boasted that he was so powerful that he was chased by the zombies and screamed. It was people who dealt with the zombies with fists and feet.

Even if he dared to compete with the Great Wall, he couldn't blow it any longer, and as for singing and humming, it was even more lost.

He was almost killed by a zombie, is he still in that mood?

Seeing the carriage leaving, Wu Zhenren jumped down from the tree and was furious on the road.

Originally, if Cheng Yaojin hadn't been killed on the way, his dead ghost brother would have been killed by zombies and never survived, but now it's all smashed due to an accident.

no!Absolutely can't just forget it!

Wu Zhenren ran wildly behind the carriage, and when he was so tired that he was out of breath, he finally saw a small town.

He stole a fast horse in the town, and Wu Zhenzhen raced to catch up.

In order to make things happen, he is really persevering.

When they arrived in the provincial capital, Qian Zhenzhen took them to the hospital in order to thank Jiang Lin for their help, and then they went to a big hotel in the city.

Even if he brought a zombie, Qian Zhenzhen had to talk about ostentation.

The most common room cost twenty oceans a night, and he also had to live there.

After sending the zombies to the room, Qian Zhenzhen instructed Ah Fa to be optimistic about the zombies and go out to buy some guys by himself.

On the other hand, Jiang Lin took Shu Ning to see the doctor and took some medicine. The doctor had already confirmed that Shu Ning had acute appendicitis and wanted to remove the appendix, but Jiang Lin did not agree.

The tissues in the body can't be cut right away. After knowing the crux of the problem, Jiang Lin felt that he could handle it for Shu Ning.

The two found a hotel to live in first, and they happened to live in the same place with Zhenzhen Qian.

"I'm going to find some spirits."

Helping Shu Ning into the room to lie down, Jiang Lin went to prepare some alcohol and hot water. It happened that there was a bar on the second floor of the hotel, and Jiang Lin passed by.

To his surprise, Ah Fa and Wang Cai were also there. Besides the two of them, there was a drunken Cao Dashuai and two servers in the bar.) (Waiter.

Cao Dashuai, who looked very happy, took a photo and asked the two servers in the bar) (The waiter is worthy of his Jiuyi wife.

"Master Cao, it's worthy!"

One service) (The clerk answered without thinking. This Cao Dashuai is known as a big lover, and he kills people if he doesn't agree. How dare he say that he doesn't deserve it.

"Nonsense! If it's worthy, why did my ninth concubine hang herself on the night of her bridal chamber? You're really talking nonsense!"


Cao Dashuai took out a pistol and took the server) (The clerk collapsed.

When I remembered it, the female corpse who followed Wang Cai was the ninth concubine of the great commander Cao.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Lin thought of this scene in the movie.

But that has nothing to do with him.

Ah Fa and Wang Cai didn't even blink their eyes when they saw Dashuai Cao shoot and kill, and finally understood why there was no one else in the bar. They didn't even bother to say hello to Jiang Lin, so they were about to leave, but Dashuai Cao stopped him with a gun.

Another server) (The clerk was questioned by the commander, and he could only say that he didn't deserve it, making Cao Da's nose so handsome.

I'm so handsome, do you think I'm not worthy of her?you look down on me?collapsed!

Jiang Lin glanced at Cao Dashuai, and went straight to the back of the bar to find suitable alcohol.

"And you two, come here for me!"

Cao Dashuai thought that Jiang Lin was going to find him a drink, so he shouted at Ah Fa and Wang Cai, asked them to accompany him to drink, and told them to tell the truth.

After Jiang Lin found what he needed, he looked at the two unlucky bastards with sympathy and walked towards the exit.

"Stop! Who told you to go? Come and drink with me too!"

Cao Dashuai pointed the pistol at Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin turned around and frowned, "I warn you, don't point the gun at me."

"Do you want to..."

Before Cao Dashuai finished speaking, Jiang Lin appeared in front of him and bent the barrel of the pistol in his hand.

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