Ah Fa's tongue was pinched out, and he quickly got away from Qian Zhenren's hand and jumped out of the carriage.

I am so wronged!

Ah Fa's heart is like MMP, she's still on her way in the middle of the night, usually she goes to bed early at this point and screams!

His eyelids were fighting, and of course he couldn't see anything on the road.

After forcibly blinking a few times, Ah Fa could see the corpse behind the car.

"Xiao Wu, you bastard, I will never spare you!"

Qian Zhenren walked to the side of the corpse first, saw the corpse's beard was shaved, and opened his eyes. After being shocked, he became furious and shouted violently towards the surroundings.

Only now does Qian Zhen know what it means to be happy and sad.

Then he pointed to the cohesive spiritual power and tapped on the corpse's forehead. The corpse's eyes just closed and opened again. Qian Zhenzhen was taken aback and quickly took a corpse-suppressing charm and stuck it on the corpse's head.

"Master, what's going on?"

The confused Ah Fa didn't know what was going on.

"What's the matter? Are you blind? The beard has been shaved off, and the body has changed. It must not have just been basked in the moonlight. It must be a good thing done by your unemployed uncle!"

The veins on Qian Zhenren's forehead were all swelled up. He defended from the left to the right, and drove all night, just to prevent his junior and brother from making a fool of himself, but he still succeeded!

The cloudy year, the cloudy moon, and the cloudy sun caused the corpses they brought to bask in the moonlight, which clearly wanted to kill their master and apprentice!


I am so happy!

The backyard is on fire!

Qian Zhenzhen was so angry that he was jumping up and down. Damn, his goddamn junior brother was playing tricks in the carriage, and he was still very happy in front of him.

Wu Zhenren was hiding in a tree, and when he heard Qian Zhenren's roar, he covered his mouth and smiled.

Didn't I still sing love songs just now, and now I finally roared and roared.

Chapter [*] The corpse changes!

"Haha, oops."

The contrast between Qian Zhenzhen's before and after is too obvious, and the plot reversed so quickly that Shu Ning in the car couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Lin also laughed softly.

The voices of the two were very low, so that Qian Zhenren could not hear them.

"Brother, please pull the carriage into the woods ahead."

Qian Zhenren shouted at Jiang Lin, he and his apprentice wanted to lift the body, but they couldn't move their hands, and now he didn't care if Jiang Lin and the others were scared.

If it goes on like this, when the overcast time arrives, even the corpse-suppressing talisman can't hold down the corpse.


Jiang Lin responded, looked at Shu Ning again, and asked, "Can you still stand it?"

"It's much better."

Because Jiang Lin has been pouring spiritual power into Shu Ning's lower abdomen, Shu Ning's pain has been greatly reduced now.

After the carriage was pulled into the woods by Jiang Lin, Zhenzhen Qian asked Ah Fa to remove the guy in the back compartment and set up the altar.

Jiang Lin thought that Qian Zhenren was going to do something, but saw that after the altar was set up, Qian Zhenren held a compass, looked around, and carried the corpse to a big tree. Then he picked up the peach wood sword and pointed it at the corpse. After waving it a few times, he dipped a few spiritual talismans on the candle and lit it. He shouted, "If you have a wooden sword in your hand, you should avoid it, and you should avoid the real fire of Qimei."

Nothing after that.

There is nothing to do at all.

This stage, I serve!

Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing. He built such a big altar just to burn a few magic talismans with a candle on it.

What a king of burnt buns!

Even if Jiang Lin is now rich enough to run out of oil, he doesn't burn like that.

"Master, what is this, why haven't I seen it before?"

Ah Fa was surprised when he saw the flames burning around the body, as if he had poured oil on the ground.

"What do you know?"

There was a stinky expression on Qian Zhenren's face, and he explained: "I calculated it with a compass. This area is exposed to sunlight for at least four hours during the day, and it is the place with the heaviest yang energy. Burn it and put the body in there for safety."

"Jiang Lin, isn't the compass used to find things? Can it still count?"

Shu Ning asked Jiang Lin, who had returned to her side. She had also seen Jiang Lin used a compass and knew its purpose, but Zhenren Qian said that she used a compass to calculate, but she had never heard of it.

"Ahem, it's not good for people to brag with their apprentices? The compass can indeed be used to measure, but this real Qian is not at that level at all."

Jiang Lin looked at Zhenren Qian outside in the carriage, so he used the compass as a compass, and had the guts to say that he did the math.

"This money is really funny."

Shu Ning pursed his lips and laughed. Zhenren Qian didn't even care about bragging about it to outsiders, and he did the same to his own apprentices.However, it seems to be a bit of a skill.

"Wow, Master, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You can even deal with the zombies that turned into corpses. If the corpses are placed in this place, we can relax a hundred hearts and sleep."

"Leave a hundred hearts? You can't let go of half your heart because of your uncle, and you still want to sleep. Give me a good look at it!"

Qian Zhenzhen looked at his apprentice angrily. He couldn't eat at all, so he stayed up all night, and the carriage almost overturned.


At this time, it was already the middle of the night, the moon was at its highest, and the sound of howling wolves could be heard around.

"Master, this... what kind of sound is this?"

Ah Fa was frightened and looked around cautiously.

"I told you a long time ago that today is a cloudy year, a cloudy moon, a cloudy day, and now it is the cloudy time. At this time, many beasts will be beasts.) (Sexy. Just like your unlucky uncle."

"But Uncle Shi is a human."

"Is he a human? It is said that he has lowered the standards of beasts."

With a snort, Zhenren Qian came to the carriage and said to Jiang Lin and Shu Ning who were inside: "You two, we are Taoist priests, that's just a corpse sent, you don't have to be afraid. With me, Zhenren Qian here, what's the problem? Neither. We'll stay here for a while, and then we'll continue on our way."

Jiang Lin nodded, now that Shu Ning didn't cry anymore, it didn't matter if he stayed for a while.

Qian Zhenren glanced at him and found Jiang Lin's hand in Shu Ning's clothes. He let out a few weird laughs and said, "Brother is really considerate."

Then he gave Jiang Lin an expression that a man could understand, and went to sit by the fire beside him.

"Jiang Lin, I... my stomach doesn't hurt anymore."

Shu Ning turned her blushing face to one side, and gently patted Jiang Lin's palm on her belly.

Jiang Lin was embarrassed enough to be in close contact with her, and she was seen by outsiders now.

Jiang Lin took his hand back when he heard the words. He rubbed a woman's belly every night at home, which was nothing to him.

Oh, the overcast time has come, why is this dead old ghost still watching here.

Wu Zhenren, who was hiding in the tree, was very anxious now. It was already overcast. If he didn't have a chance to let the corpse absorb the moonlight again, his plans would be completely messed up.


Just as Wu Zhenren was at a loss, a cry for help came from a distance.

Hey, isn't that voice from the tomb robber last night?

Jiang Lin's hearing is relatively sensitive, and the owner who immediately heard the voice was Wang Cai, the tomb robber who was chased by the coffin last night.

Some fragments of memory appeared in his mind, and Jiang Lin suddenly remembered that something interesting would happen next.

"Master, someone is calling for help, I'll take a look."

"Don't go, maybe it's your uncle's trick to keep the tiger away from the mountain."

Qian Zhenren stopped Ah Fa, and Wu Zhenren on the tree slapped his thigh and said in a low voice, "I'm so smart, yes, why didn't I think of using the trick?"

Not long after, Wang Cai ran towards the fire on Qian Zhenren's side, followed by a woman.

Wang Cai's heart was broken. Last night, he robbed the tomb, and he was chased by zombies without getting anything. Tonight, he had some gains, but he angered a girl in the tomb.

Chased by the female corpse behind, Wang Cai panicked and turned into a dog. When he came to Qian Zhenren's side, he knocked over his altar and knocked down people.

"God help me too."

Taking advantage of the fact that Qian Zhenren and the others were not paying attention to the corpse, Wu Zhenren carried the corpse aside and tore off the corpse-suppressing charm.

In order to make the corpse even more ferocious after the transformation, he also stabbed his arm with a dagger and drank his own blood for the zombies.

The moonlight of the yin year, the yin moon, the yin sun, and the yin yin, coupled with the blood of the cultivator, the corpse has completely turned into a zombie in a very short period of time.

And it was only one step away from reaching the level of black stiffness, which was not much different from that of the old grandfather Ren.

This guy is really not ordinary vicious.

When Jiang Lin was in the carriage, he happened to see Wu Zhenren. When the year was overcast, the moon was overcast, and the sun was overcast, it would be fine to let the zombies absorb the mysterious yin energy in the moonlight, and even feed the zombies with his own blood.

Now, as long as this zombie digests the blood, it is not difficult at all to advance to the black zombie level.

Chapter seven hundred and ninety-four martial arts unrivaled!

After Wu Zhenren's plan succeeded, he quickly climbed up the tree and waited to see how his senior brother died.

Because Qian Zhenren was entangled by Wang Cai and the female corpse, and his apprentice, Ah Fa, Wang Cai was a big bad luck, he didn't even notice that the corpse had been carried away, and he didn't even know that his junior brother was so vicious.

Qian Zhenzhen found the strangeness of the female corpse, and told Wang Cai not to move, and then asked what happened to Wang Cai.

"You are also looking for death, and today you are looking for a dead person to make a fortune."

"Master, please save me, I don't want to be followed by her for the rest of my life."

Wang Cai repeatedly bowed to Zhenren Qian. What he does now, the female corpse will do what he does. Although there is no danger for the time being, but being followed by a dead person, it is not safe to sleep.

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