Although he likes to talk about pomp and show, but his heart is not bad. Seeing Shu Ning's face dripping with cold sweat, he didn't ask Jiang Lin's identity, so he let them get on the carriage.

Anyway, the carriage is very big, the coffin is in the back compartment, there is a baffle between the front and the rear, and there are several people in the front part.

And even if there is a coffin at the back, as long as it is not close to the baffle, it is invisible. Qian Zhenren didn't tell Jiang Lin and the others about the coffin, so as not to frighten the "little couple".

"Brother, you are so happy."

Ah Fa next to Qian Zhenzhen looked at Jiang Lin with an expression of envy, jealousy and hatred on his face.

Ah Fa listened to his master's words, how could he not know what he was talking about, Shu Ning is also a beautiful woman, and now she looks weak and weak, which makes him envious.

Although they don't marry wives, it doesn't mean they don't understand everything, especially Qian Zhenren, who understands better than anyone else.



Jiang Lin was completely speechless, so he shouted, but Zhenren Qian's mouth was like a machine gun, beeping and peeling.

Not only do I like to gossip, but I also like to brag!

What's even more outrageous is that this real Qian thought he was trying to stimulate in this barren mountain.

Shu Ning's snow-white face was flushed, and any girl with a yellow flower who was misunderstood like this would blush.

"Thank you very much then."

Jiang Lin didn't explain anything. A man and a woman appeared alone in the wilderness in the middle of the night. In the eyes of outsiders, there was nothing else to do except to do certain things.

And the woman is still hugging her lower abdomen and leaning into the man's arms, what is there to explain.

Even if it is explained that the two are innocent, will they believe it?

As for his identity as a Taoist priest, Jiang Lin didn't say anything, but Zhenren Qian kindly gave them a ride, and he even bragged about it. If he reported his Taoist title, this joker would probably be embarrassed to the point of embarrassment.

Now Jiang Lin's reputation can be spread quite loudly.

He hugged Shu Ning horizontally, and Jiang Lin got into the carriage.

When they got into the carriage, Shu Ning turned his face to one side, not daring to look at Jiang Lin at all.

When Qian Zhenzhen and the others said that, they were embarrassed to death.

Seeing Shu Ning frowning tightly, Jiang Lin put his palm inside her clothes, placed it on her soft belly, and injected spiritual power into it.

Shu Ning's body tensed up, but there was no reaction except for a bit more blush on his face.

Qian Zhenzhen asked Ah Fa to continue driving the car, and he was still there. He was just bragging.

How can you give Niu B back to Niu?Cattle also need a round house!

Jiang Lin's heart was like [*] grass-mud horses galloping and roaring past, this Qian Zhenzhen was the best person he had ever seen.

Second Uncle's, about dreaming and talking with Zhenren Zhang, about Yuanshen's out-of-body body playing chess with Wang Chongyang, and the abbot of Penglai who has been there, there is nothing he dares to brag about.

Don't talk about Jiang Lin, it's Qian Zhenren's apprentice Ah Fa, who wants to retire when he hears it.

Blow hard, blow you to death!

Wu Zhenren, who was under the carriage, couldn't take it anymore, so he turned from under the carriage into the back of the carriage.

Although there were two men and women sitting in the compartment, Wu Zhenren didn't care. He heard clearly under the car just now. These two were a pair of ordinary young men and women in a secret meeting. As long as he was careful, he would not be discovered at all.

Wu Zhenren is quite confident in his own skills.


Jiang Lin noticed Wu Zhenren when he moved from under the car, and when he entered the back compartment, Jiang Lin could see his appearance completely.

Not to mention the darkness behind it, it was as black as ink, and Jiang Lin's eyes could see clearly.

Oh yes, there is this part in the movie.

Jiang Lin remembered that Qian Zhenren and Wu Zhenren used a corpse in the back coffin to fight.

Shu Ning also noticed the movement behind her and looked at Jiang Lin. She was in abdominal pain and couldn't even speak.

Jiang Lin shook his head, indicating that Shu Ning didn't see it.

Jiang Lin did not intend to mix the conflict between the two brothers, Qian Zhenren and Wu Zhenren.

He is an outsider and has no interest in intervening in other people's affairs with fellow apprentices and brothers. Besides, Zhenren Qian boasted that he was like a fairy, so Jiang Lin was going to see what Zhenren Qian had.

However, if there is any danger in Qian Zhenzhen, or if it really can't be solved, Jiang Lin will still take action, after all, he is currently riding in someone else's carriage.

Wu Zhenren removed all the nails on the coffin. Although there was a slight noise, he was relieved when he saw that Jiang Lin and Shu Ning on the other side of the baffle did not respond.

After opening the coffin, Wu Zhenren shaved the corpse's beard with a razor, and then lined up in the darkness to one side, cutting the carport with a dagger.

"Suck, suck, suck more moonlight, fresh, don't need money, you're welcome, just suck. Hey, rob my business, this time I'll ruin your reputation, and you won't end well if you die. Like killing your parents!"

Wu Zhenzhen showed a smile of successful trickery. After this corpse is turned into a corpse, his senior brother will feel better.

Shu Ning looked at Jiang Lin again. Under the moonlight, the carriage at the back had become much clearer. Only then did she realize that there was a coffin inside with a corpse inside.

Combined with Qian Zhenren's identity, she knew that Qian Zhenren should be sending the corpse away.

Just now, Shu Ning heard Wu Zhenren's voice and recognized that the person behind was Qian Zhenren's junior brother.

Although she had only seen a zombie once, she had also heard Jiang Lin say that the dead corpse in the coffin was basking in the moonlight, and it was easy to turn into a corpse.

This real Wu is trying to turn the corpse sent by his senior brother into a zombie!

Such a poisonous heart!

Chapter seven hundred and ninety-two extreme joy begets sorrow

Jiang Lin watched quietly, he was quite impressed by this real Wu, who had to kill each other because of business problems.

This is even more ruthless than Shi Jian at the beginning. If Shi Jian hadn't been killed because of his son, he wouldn't have been dead with Ninth Uncle.

That is to make some stumbles for the ninth uncle, and just lose the ninth uncle's face.

It's really incomparable to this real Wu, because the business was robbed, and he wanted real Qian's life.

It's a pity that Wu Zhenren didn't know that, even without his senior brother, his virtue would still have no business.

Maybe Jiang Lin didn't respond very much to his bragging, and Qian Zhenren hummed a song, making him so unpleasant.

As soon as he thought that he had sent the body to the place, he could make a fortune, and Qian Zhenren changed from humming to singing.

"The girl across from you, look here, look here, look here~"

Qian Zhenren slapped his thighs and beat the beat, and it was a joy to sing.

Jiang Lin could feel Qian Zhenren's arrogance through the curtain. What a Taoist priest who can't marry a wife, sings such arrogant songs, does your grandfather know?

Jiang Lin simply sealed his ears with spiritual power, and waited for Qian Zhenzhen to be extremely happy and sad.

If this funny guy spent some attention in the back compartment instead of bragging, humming, and singing, he wouldn't be able to notice what was going on behind him.

As for Shu Ning, he was also tormented by the song, frowning and covering his ears.

"Master, you seem very happy."

Ah Fa couldn't stand his master's demonic sound waves, so he interrupted.

"Can you be unhappy? After this business is done, at least a box of oceans is in hand."

Qian Zhenren stroked his big head with both hands, he had money to make, and he didn't feel sleepy in the middle of the night.

The cheerful Qian Zhenzhen could not have imagined that he was on guard against all odds, and after all, he still failed to guard against his stingy junior brother.

"I make you happy when you cry!"

Hearing Qian Zhenren sing the unpleasant song, Wu Zhenren made a few more holes in the carport so that the corpse could receive sufficient moonlight.


Before the corpse could change, Qian Zhenzhen was overjoyed and sad.

He raised his head and sang love songs to the moon, not paying attention to the road conditions at all, while Ah Fa blocked his ears and took a nap.

The carriage was moving, when a big stone appeared on the road, which happened to be run over by the wheel of the carriage, and the speed of the carriage was very fast, a big carriage suddenly swayed on the road, almost overturned, if it weren't for Qian Zhenren's quick response, The horses were pulled, and the whole carriage might run into the roadside ditch.


Because Jiang Lin was in the front compartment, there was a curtain blocking it, and he blocked his hearing, and he didn't expect the carriage to be in trouble, and his body was suddenly shaken.

How soft?

Jiang Lin was bumped, and so was Shu Ning, and then Jiang Lin's palm on Shu Ning's stomach shifted.

And even if he became a Celestial Master, when he encountered an emergency or was nervous, he would subconsciously want to grab something in his hand.

So Shu Ning's ball of cotton candy was caught by Jiang Lin.


Under the faint light, Jiang Lin could see that Shu Ning's face was like a piece of red paper.

Shu Ning moved his nose, put his hand into his clothes, grabbed Jiang Lin's wrist, and placed it on his stomach again.

Pretend nothing happened.

Jiang Lin and Shu Ning in the front compartment were shocked, not to mention the coffin and Wu Zhenren in the back.

When Wu Zhenzhen was in an accident in the carriage just now, he was in a state of weightlessness after just being forced, and then he was thrown down together with the coffin.

With a loud "bang", the coffin fell to pieces, and the corpse inside was exposed to the moonlight. The moonlight of a cloudy year and a cloudy day was no joke. It would change into a corpse within a few breaths.

Wu Zhenren fell and ate mud, but he had to endure the pain and run to the side of the woods.

It is not his ultimate goal to let the corpse bask in the moonlight. Now that it is not overcast, he not only wants to make the corpse change, but also make it fierce.

"Idiot! You can't see the rocks on the road!"

Really happy and sad, Qian Zhenzhen shouted at Ah Fa. If he hadn't used the strength to suckle just now, everyone and the car would have fallen into the ditch.

"What are you doing! Hurry up and move the corpse!"

Seeing that Ah Fa was stunned like a fool, Zhenzhen Qian imitated the zombie to grab his neck again, almost shaking his head off.

It's no wonder that Qian Zhenzhen's reaction is so big, this business is black) (The boss of the society explained that if something goes wrong with the corpse, he won't be able to get along, and he may even be shot.

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