The Golden Armor Zombie froze for a moment, then roared.

"My own brother? Who is it with your own brother? I will rush to your second uncle's Dragon King Temple!"

Jiang Lin couldn't help but want to laugh, what the golden armor zombie said about the flood that rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and the corpse of a family did not know the corpse of the family.

Are you here to be funny?

Jiang Lin instantly disappeared in place, and then slashed at the armor of the Golden Armored Zombie.

It wasn't that he didn't want to take the head of the Golden Armored Zombie, it was just that his teleportation ability was used again and again, and there was no surprising effect. In dealing with such a zombie, Jiang Lin didn't think it was that simple.

Sure enough, after Jiang Lin disappeared, the Golden Armored Zombie stomped his feet and left the place immediately, and waved his crescent knife ring around his body to focus on protecting his head.

But even if it retreated quickly, Jiang Lin cut a big hole in its chest.


"Originally born from the same root, why is it too anxious to fry each other? Who is born from the same root as you! Identical compatriots, you will die!"

Jiang Lin was devastated by the Golden Armored Zombie. What an alien in the Zombie said to him was born of the same root, swearing!

"A tortoise shell, look at my [*]-way chasing soul sword!"

Jiang Lin's body flashed in an instant, and the armor on the Golden Armored Zombie continued to spew out sparks. However, this guy was estimated to have had inappropriate courage and martial arts skills. Jiang Lin tried several times, but he was blocked.

In the end, he didn't try any more, and unloaded the zombie's turtle shell.

"Shuzi! I don't know what's wrong! This commander has the courage to stop everyone, you are courting death!"

The Golden Armored Zombie roared furiously, this same kind actually has no sympathy for the same clan, and it is really unreasonable to have to destroy it!

The old coach doesn't show his power, you treat me as an old, weak, sick and disabled!

The Golden Armored Zombie sank its arms and roared at the moon, its light purple body began to swell, and its tendons were crowded together, looking extremely scary.

"Have you not watched "Dragon Ball"? I don't know that the expansion of muscles to such a degree will affect the speed? Teach you the importance of speed!"

Jiang Lin is happy to see the Golden Armored Zombie in this state. The power is too huge, and the speed of the rotation will inevitably decrease. He can continue to chop down the armor of the Golden Armored Zombie piece by piece.

Even if the strength of the Golden Armored Zombie has been raised to a new level, Jiang Lin's flash attack has also made it stunned, and its brute force has greatly increased.

"My husband is really amazing."

"Yes, it is simply a sword saint."

"No, no, it's Sword Immortal."

When Chen Yu and the others saw this scene, they became addicted to their men again.

The golden-armored zombies that made countless Taoists and monks famous are so embarrassed in front of their men.

"Okay, okay, let's call my husband here, and my sister Xiaoyue can't call, don't worry about others."

Seeing that Heiyue was also a little fan girl, Ayan started joking about her.

Hei Yue's mind was pierced, and he blushed for a while.

"My husband didn't actually cause any substantial damage to the Golden Armored Zombies. He should be removing the defenses from the zombies now."

Bai Min'er's cultivation is a level higher than Chen Yu and the others, and her eyesight is higher, and she is not as optimistic as they are.

This golden armored zombie is even more powerful than the thousand-year-old zombie king. Although Jiang Lin is very strong, he cannot be killed in an instant.

In fact, as Bai Min'er said, Jiang Lin consumed a lot of corpse energy to teleport, just to break through the shell of the golden armored zombie.

Even if the Golden Armor Zombies are all sword wounds now, they can only be regarded as minor injuries.

After removing the armor of the Golden Armored Zombie, Jiang Lin recovered the corpse poison and teleported continuously, and his corpse was a little too much to bear.


Jiang Lin's body was scratched with sword wounds, the golden armored zombie let out a roar of fury, and a moon-shaped sword was wielded by it.

One person and one corpse fought in one place again, the whirring sound of the Yanyue knife waving and the swooshing sound of the zhengbone sword breaking through the air one after another.

The sword qi and sword qi burst out, slashing the walls of the surrounding houses with cracks.

Now that the Golden Armored Zombie has no armor, Jiang Lin's zhengbone sword has been smeared with blood essence. After hitting, the tip of the sword can still overflow with Yang flames. The damage to the Golden Armored Zombie is not ordinary.

The battle between Jiang Lin and the Golden Armored Zombie lasted for half an hour.

With this level of combat, anyone who sees it will be frightened.

Chapter [*]: The inverse scale is touched, and the corpse is advanced!

Although the physical defense of the Golden Armored Zombie is strong, Jiang Lin's Bone Sword is designed to ward off evil things, and it already has a dozen scorched black wounds on its chest and back.

The reason why Jiang Lin didn't use other ultimate moves for the time being was that as long as the zombies surpassed the level of the thousand-year-old zombie king, their vitality would change qualitatively, making them difficult to kill.

What Jiang Lin did now was to consume the vitality of the Golden Armored Zombie a little bit, and then he made a series of big moves, striving to eliminate them in one go.

During this process, Jiang Lin also took a few attacks, but because his body strength was comparable to that of the Zombie King, he only suffered a slight injury and was out of luck.

"Jerry, sneak attack on that smelly zombie! Can't you spray demon light?"

Fu Yuechi touched the head of the Flying Rat King in her pocket. She knew that Jiang Lin did not let this Demon King play because he wanted to protect them from accidents, but it should be fine for the Flying Rat King to attack.

Seeing Jiang Lin bleeding, Fu Yuechi's heart felt like someone was grabbing it.


The Mouse Boy seized the opportunity to shoot a green demon light from his mouth, which slammed into the chest of the Golden Armored Zombie, causing it to stagger backwards.


Jiang Lin didn't expect an assist at this time. Seeing that the Flying Rat King was still in Fu Yuechi's pocket, he didn't miss this opportunity. He gathered strength in his hand and pierced the heart of the Golden Armored Zombie with a sword.

The Heavenly Master's blood essence and blazing sun flames were sent into the body of the Golden Armored Zombie, causing it to scream like a ghost.


A cloud of yellow corpse poison sprayed out from the seven orifices of the Golden Armored Zombie, and quickly enveloped Jiang Lin.

What a strong corpse poison!

Jiang Lin immediately retreated to ten feet away. The poisonous mist wrapped Jiang Lin and actually penetrated into the body from the pores of his body.

Although Jiang Lin is now at the level of a thousand-year-old zombie king, the upper limit of the foreign corpse poison that his body can hold has been raised a lot, but these poisonous mists also made him dizzy for a while.

The green light in the eyes of the Golden Armored Zombie looked towards Fu Yuechi. When it was attacked just now, it didn't realize that it was the mouse's hand. It just felt that the direction of the attack was coming from Fu Yuechi.


The Golden Armored Zombie swung the Moon Blade in its hands, and in an instant, it slashed out more than ten incomparably sharp blade Qi, rushing towards Bai Min'er and the others, at a speed so fast that it was difficult to react.

Jiang Lin's pupils shrank suddenly, disregarding the foreign corpse poison rushing around in his body, and instantly disappeared in place.

After flashing a dozen times in a row, Jiang Lin's arm stretched out like a long python, wrapping Chen Yu, Bai Min'er and the others in their long arms like sticks.


Jiang Lin released the long arms that were wrapped around Chen Yu and the others' waists, and immediately flashed to Fu Yuechi's side, but as soon as he teleported over, he heard Fu Yuechi's voice.

The Golden Armored Zombie took her over, and the four fleshy teeth reached out to her snow-white jade neck.

Things happened so fast, there was not even a breath since the accident happened just now, and Jiang Lin's figure disappeared again at the critical moment.


At the same time, the mouse boy jumped out of Fu Yuechi's pocket, and a flying kick kicked the golden armor zombie far away.

However, in the process of it flying back, in an instant, it slashed forward with an unparalleled blade qi.

The Flying Rat King is just a demon king, and he is still a long way from the peak of the demon king. Therefore, facing the sword qi that the Golden Armored Zombie slashed over, it still didn't go all the way, and three slashes struck Jiang Lin's back.

At this time, Jiang Lin had hugged Fu Yuechi and protected her with his back.


"Master! Damn, you are courting death! Chi!"

The size of the Flying Rat King instantly soared into a giant rat of seven or eight meters, and his fan-like claws grabbed the Golden Armored Zombie.

Now, no matter whether it is the colorful tiger king or the flying rat king, they have completely regarded Jiang Lin as the master and Li Yangju as their home. Now this golden-armored zombie has actually injured its master and let him Its mistress almost got robbed, damn it!

The Flying Rat King's eyes were blood-red, his aura soared, and he slapped the Golden Armored Zombie flying with one paw and embedded it into the thick wall.

Jiang Lin's face was like a piece of ice in Antarctica. He filled a black zombie tooth in a cloth bag into his mouth, chewed it, and rubbed it on a small wound on the back of Fu Yuechi's hand.

The back of Fu Yuechi's hand was slightly scratched by the flesh teeth of the golden armored zombie, leaving a small wound half a centimeter in length, and there was already a little greenery around it.

With the corpse tooth powder, the light green around the wound disappeared.

"Husband, how are you, are you hurt?"

Fu Yuechi's nose moved, and he was about to cry.

Seeing the eagerness in his wife's eyes, a little smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face, and said, "Husband is fine, he will grow fangs in a while, are you afraid?"

Fu Yuechi shook his head and said, "You are my husband, I'm not afraid."

"The appearance will also change, and it may still grow hair, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, but will it all change in the future?"

Jiang Lin gave Fu Yuechi a head slap with a smile, then picked her up and threw it to Bai Min'er.

Then he turned around, and the whole person became a thousand-year-old ice again.

This golden armored zombie touched his untouchable scales!

All the corpse poison in Jiang Lin's body overflowed, surging frantically, gathering in the throat, the coffin bacteria rotated at a high speed, and all the corpse poison including the foreign corpse poison rushed towards the coffin bacteria.

At the same time, Jiang Lin's upper body began to swell rapidly, and the upper part of his robe was stretched to pieces.

"Hubby... Husband has red hair on his body!"

Shu Ning looked at Jiang Lin's back and covered his mouth lightly, a little caught off guard by the changes that occurred in Jiang Lin.

At this moment, Jiang Lin's two fangs gradually extended and grew to the position of his chin. Fine red fluff appeared on his face, and the pupils of his eyes became colorless and covered with blood-colored silk nets. A red spectacle frame is embedded in the general.

In addition, Jiang Lin grew crimson animal hair from the back of his neck down.

The hair gradually covered the entire back and finally spread to the sides of the chest and abdomen.

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