

Jiang Lin clenched his fists tightly, turned his back to the sky, and howled wildly at the moon. The howling gradually intensified until it spread to every corner of Chunlai Town.

Corpse Pill!Advanced Corpse!

When Chen Yu heard the whistling sound, her legs suddenly softened.

But thinking that the monster in front of her was a man who loved her and loved her, Chen Yu forcibly calmed down, and said to Yue Mei, who was also frightened, and said, "Don't be afraid, that is the husband who treats us like princesses, and he will still do it. Changed back. Miner, Caiyi, Ayan, Tianyi, four younger sisters, go behind me and don't let anyone approach.

As Jiang Lin advanced into a stiff hair, the corpse emperor temperament on his body broke out completely, making the golden armor zombie sluggish in place, shivering uncontrollably.

As for the zombies and zombie cats and dogs in the town, they were all paralyzed on the ground, not daring to move.

Chapter [-] The power of Mao Zong!

There was a gust of gloomy wind around, and Jiang Lin's hair also grew a lot, fluffy and drooping to the front shoulders, fluttering in the wind.

His corpse teeth were gradually recovered, similar to ordinary corpse teeth, and the red fluff on his face fell off with the wind, so he could see his appearance clearly.

"Is this Mao Zong?"

Feeling the state of his body, Jiang Lin murmured to himself after sizing up his body.

At this moment, the corpse poison in his body has been condensed into the corpse pill in his throat, and even the foreign corpse poison has been crushed a little bit and assimilated.

The corpse pill was exuding a strong corpse aura, feeding back to Jiang Lin's body.

As for the external body shape, it's just that the upper body has become a lot stronger, and the dark red hair that is a knuckle has grown.

Before Jiang Lin absorbed a large amount of poisonous mist, these outsiders fought against the local corpse poison, which stimulated his body. In addition, Jiang Lin was stimulated by Fu Yuechi's injury, resulting in majestic anger, which stimulated both inside and outside. Under this, Jiang Lin finally advanced from the level of the thousand-year-old zombie king to Mao Zong.

The evil spirit of the three evil positions, the corpse soul of the unicorn corpse, the dragon blood of the demon flesh, etc., absorbed so many treasures that were helpful to the corpse. Tonight, Jiang Lin finally became a demon corpse.

"Daoist Ziyun, what happened just now? Is that golden armor zombie so terrifying?"

Daoist Master Yi Shui and the others heard a few terrifying corpse roars just now, froze in place, and after breaking free from fear in their hearts, they asked Daoist Ziyun, who was also pale beside him.

The corpse roar just now was too creepy.

"No... I don't know. If it's really the golden armor zombie, I'm afraid Daoist Li Yang will be in danger."

Daoist Ziyun looked at the zombies shivering on the ground around him, and mistakenly thought that all this was caused by the golden armored zombies.

"Then let's hurry to support."

"it is good!"

Now Jiang Lin is the backbone of all the fellows. If something happens to Jiang Lin, the situation will be terrible.

"Daoist Ziyun, Daoist Yishui, what are you doing here? Now the zombies outside are so shaken that they don't dare to move. Why don't you hurry up and take this opportunity to save people?"

Daoist Ziyun and others were stopped by Bai Miner as soon as they arrived at the street. They knew that Jiang Lin could turn into a zombie is nothing. If outsiders knew about it, there would be trouble after all. .

Taoist priests can become zombies, and zombies can run Taoist methods. Who believes?

Although Jiang Lin is not afraid of trouble, who does not know when trouble will come.

This is even more shocking than the discovery of aliens, which is equivalent to Jiang Lin's longevity.

"But Daoist Li Yang..."

"We are worried about Daoist Li Yang..."

"There's nothing to worry about, it's just a golden armored zombie, and even if he can't deal with it, there's still us and a demon king."

Chen Yu interrupted the words of the two Taoists, making them both speechless and embarrassed.

What is speechless is that a golden-armored zombie with stiff hair was actually called "just" by these girls, what a god, what a golden-armored zombie!

If Bai Min'er and the others weren't Jiang Lin's women, no matter how outstanding their looks, Daoist Ziyun would have to refute them.

What made the group embarrassed was that they only realized now that even if Jiang Lin was in danger, it would never be their turn to take action.

Not to mention the demon king, a single alchemist and three or four Taoists are much stronger than their group.

"Several Taoists, take advantage of this time to kill the zombies and rescue the surviving refugees!"

"Fairy Bai, since this is the case, let's go to work on ourselves first, and hope that Daoist Li Yang will win."

Ziyun Daochang looked from a distance, only to see two extremely vague figures jumping and fighting on the roof, he told him to retreat, and left the place with Daoist Yishui and others.

"Sister Miner Caiyi, other people shouldn't come here. Ayan, Ayan and Tianyi are guarding here. You two go to see your husband. I'm worried about him."

"Okay ma'am."

Bai Min'er and Caiyi returned to the battle circle, only to find that Jiang Lin's hair had fallen to his back legs, and lines appeared on his face, and he was fighting fiercely with the Golden Armor Zombie.

"Several sisters, we will not hide it from you now. Our husband is a Taoist priest, and he is also a zombie. He may be the legendary Taoist corpse. This is his secret, and we don't let outsiders know."

Bai Min'er went up and held Fu Yuechi and Fu Qingfeng's hands, telling them not to be afraid.

"Such a handsome zombie treats me so well, and fights to get hurt to protect me. I'm not afraid."

"Whatever he is, he is my husband."

"No wonder my husband is so strong, he can hurt us all at once."

In fact, Yue Mei and Shu Ning were surprised at the beginning, and they didn't have any fear of Jiang Lin.

Even if there was a trace of fear, it was wiped out by their thoughts of Jiang Lin's goodness.

"Dad likes little zombies so much, I want to give him a little zombie grandson."

"I'm going to have a bunch of baby zombies too."

Not only are Ningshuang and Xiaoru not afraid, they also want to give Jiang Lin a zombie doll.

Bai Min'er, Fu Yuechi and the others met with the Flying Mouse King in the past. On the one hand, they could prevent someone from coming over from the other side. On the other hand, they also needed the protection of the Flying Mouse King to prevent the previous accident from happening again and distracting Jiang Lin.

At this time, Jiang Lin and the Golden Armored Zombie were both on the roof, and the corpse had entered the level of Mao Zombie, and Jiang Lin could use the body to crush the Golden Armored Zombie.

It's a complete crush!


The Golden Armored Zombie was smashed by Jiang Lin with a punch, and slammed into a house like a cannonball. In an instant, the house became a rubble.

The power of Mao Zong is so terrifying!

"Brother, don't fight, the water rushed to the Dragon King Temple!"

"Brother, I was wrong, I was born from the same root..."

Since Jiang Lin's corpse advanced, the Golden Armor Zombie has felt guilty. The momentum that erupted from Jiang Lin's body is like the emperor's aura he felt in his lifetime, and Jiang Lin's strength has greatly increased, and the Golden Armor Zombie knows that he is fundamentally Not an opponent.

Now that it was beaten by Jiang Lin, it no longer had the fierce aura it had before.

"Are you in a hurry!"

Jiang Lin roared, teleported over, grabbed the neck of the Golden Armored Zombie with one hand, pressed him against the wall, and rubbed forward frantically.

A huge crack was created by the golden armor zombies on the wall of dozens of meters.

Injured his wife, now want to recognize the big brother?Too late!

The Flying Mouse King shivered involuntarily when he saw Jiang Lin tortured the Golden Armor Zombie to the point of screaming.

It now respects and fears Jiang Lin.

It's just terrifying!

Now, just the corpse power on Jiang Lin's body makes him feel terrified.

Cobweb-like pits were everywhere on the ground, and a dozen houses in a row were completely devastated.

Chapter [-]: The harvest is huge!

Now that Jiang Lin has advanced into Mao Zong, he is one step further than the Thousand Year Zombie King. In addition, he still has a war pattern and is in a state of rage. It is really not negotiable to abuse the Golden Armored Zombies.

"Forgive your life, this old man bows his head as a minister."

The knees of the Golden Armored Zombie were kicked into X-shaped legs by Jiang Lin, and they knelt down on one knee against Jiang Lin.

If it goes on like this, it might be beaten to death.

It is indeed difficult for zombies of the same level to kill each other, and the vitality of zombies at the level of Mao Zong is indeed very strong, but they can't bear to be worn bit by bit.

"Bow your head as a minister?"

"Yes, yes." The Golden Armored Zombie nodded again and again.

"Then do you know what is meant by 'the monarch makes the subject die, and the subject has to die'?"


Jiang Lin kicked the Golden Armor Zombie's chin and kicked it into the air.

"In front of Lao Tzu, you dare to call yourself an old man, Turtle School Qigong!"

A pillar of fire hit the gold-armored zombie that was about to fall, causing severe burns all over the body, and several fingers were missing.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin waved his arms, and a series of Yang Finger Swords shot out and plunged into the body of the Golden Armored Zombie.


Just after the bombing, Jiang Lin formed a seal in his hand, and a three-legged Golden Crow, only [-] meters tall, appeared behind him.

A small mushroom cloud rose from the street, and the surrounding houses were affected by the violent explosion, and almost all of them were ruined.

These streets are empty, so Jiang Lin is not worried about accidentally hurting anyone.

As for destroying the house, there is no other way. He just wanted to find an open space, and this golden armored zombie might not be able to cooperate.

A few streets away, Daoist Ziyun and the others turned their heads when they heard the chirping of the Golden Crow, and they saw a huge golden crow with a height of more than [-] meters, which almost lit up several streets.

Then they saw a huge cloud of smoke rising, accompanied by a huge explosion.

"Then... that was caused by Daoist Li Yang??"

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