Several people's eyeballs were about to bulge out. The Golden Armored Zombie did not have this ability, and the direction of the explosion was in Jiang Lin's place. It was obvious who caused this great change.

"My God, it was a three-legged golden crow just now, but it's actually that big!"

"I'm afraid even the thousand-year-old zombie king will not be spared this time? Daoist Li Yang is really too strong!"

Seeing such spectacles, Daoist Yishui's admiration for Jiang Lin rose to a new level.

After everything was quiet, Jiang Lin discovered that the Golden Armor Zombie had turned into a disabled corpse and lay on the ground with no skin.

"This vitality is not generally strong."

Jiang Lin looked at Mao Zong, who was still crawling on the ground with one arm, and shook his head. The Golden Crow Yang was already his strongest blow, and the Golden Armored Zombie had hit two overkills before. It didn't kill it.


Jiang Lin shouted loudly, turned over and jumped up, holding the bone sword upside down in both hands and pierced the back of the Golden Armor Zombie at once. It screamed.

After a long time, the Golden Armor Zombie was completely silent.

"Crack! Kill the mutant zombies and get [*] points of malice."

Holy shit!Two hundred and one thousand?Harvest a lot!

Jiang Lin's face was full of surprise. He didn't expect that this golden-armored zombie could transfer so much anger. This was the highest single stroke he had ever gotten.

After killing the Golden Armored Zombie, Jiang Lin worked hard again, swung the bone sword, and chopped off its head.

Stretching his fingers into the zombie's throat, Jiang Lin took out a jujube-shaped crystal core, but it was much larger than the jujube core.

Sure enough, it is a mutant zombie, and the corpse pills are different.

Jiang Lin looked at the "jujube core" in his hand, and was secretly shocked, and his face showed joy again.

This corpse pill is completely different from the previous coffin fungus, and the corpse poison contained in it is really not ordinary.

In addition to the corpse poison, there is actually a lot of spirit in the corpse pill, which is quite intact.

Such a good baby!

This corpse pill can almost be compared with a dozen groups of coffin bacteria, and it is still of good quality.


The Golden Armored Zombies had already been wiped out, and Xiao Ru Ningshuang ran up and threw themselves into Jiang Lin's arms.

"Husband, shall we have a litter of little zombies?"

Now that Jiang Lin has returned to his original appearance, Ning Shuang raised her face and looked at Jiang Lin's eyes, her eyes filled with tenderness.

"I want to give birth. Our Jiang family forms a zombie family."

Xiaoru shook Jiang Lin's arm, wanting to go back and build a little zombie immediately.

"I've been waiting for who of you will win."

Jiang Lin shaved the bridge of the noses of the two women, and then sent a group of wives to Zhenkou. He didn't want any of them to have another accident.

After Chen Yu and the others were settled, Jiang Lin entered the town again and began a major purge.

Finally, he arrived at the place where the zombies first appeared, which was the farmyard.

After eliminating more than fifty zombies and zombie cats and dogs, Jiang Lin found a pair of jade mandarin ducks in a house.

This pair of jade mandarin ducks has no flaws at all. One is the size of a fist. All of them are carefully carved from Hetian jade, and the carving is extraordinary.


"It's a huge harvest!"

Jiang Lin put the jade mandarin ducks into the bronze mirror. In addition to a pair of jade mandarin ducks, Jiang Lin also found many antiques, gold and silver, all of which were dug up by the dying Marshal Zhang.

These Jiang Lin had no intention of moving. After everyone had dealt with the corpse disaster, they would distribute part of the remuneration for them as well as the pensions for the martyred comrades, and the other part would be given to the townspeople of Chunlai Town for them to resettle home.

Although Jiang Lin didn't need to move, he also hid the wealth so as not to be taken away by others.

"Dao Li Yang has grown up!"

"Daoist Li Yang, have you really killed the Golden Armored Zombies?"

"Since the Taoist priest's wives said they were destroyed, they must have been destroyed!"

At noon the next day, Jiang Lin came out of the town and was immediately surrounded by a group of people.

They originally thought that Jiang Lin would need the cooperation of many people to kill the Golden Armored Zombies, but they didn't expect to be killed by Jiang Lin's family. To be precise, Jiang Lin killed him alone.

"Don't worry, everyone, the golden armor zombie has indeed been eliminated by me. When you kill zombies, you don't have to worry about it."


Hearing Jiang Lin's personal admission, everyone was in an uproar. When Chen Yu and the others said it, many people didn't believe it.

Even if Jiang Lin was able to confront the Golden Armored Zombie head-on, it did not mean that he had the ability to destroy it. It was comparable to Mao Zong's corpse evil, so how could one person kill it.

But now that the facts have been proven, you can imagine how shocked these people are.

Chapter [*]: The corpse is removed, talk about the scriptures

There have been two raids by the Golden Armored Zombies before, so some people have experienced it themselves and have witnessed how terrifying the Golden Armored Zombies are.

"It's a pity, I didn't see the horror of the Golden Armored Zombies."

"Yeah, missed an eye-opening opportunity."


A group of people who were originally extremely fearful of the Golden Armored Zombies actually sighed with embarrassment.

"You want to play tricks to death?"

"I didn't know who was afraid of dying before. I was afraid of encountering a golden-armored zombie. Now Zhuge Liang after the fact?"

Standing and talking without back pain, only after the incident was swollen and fat, several people were instantly drowned by the saliva of their colleagues around them.

The golden armor zombies are the source of all these corpse disasters. These few people who don't know the importance of Yin and Yang, don't applaud and rejoice.

"Cough, although the golden armor zombies have been eliminated, there are several thousand-year-old zombie kings inside. You can go in and see the world."

Jiang Lin smiled and looked at those SBs. Of course what he said was a lie, but since these people felt so sorry, it would be good for them to "have a taste of their long-cherished wish".

"No need, no need."

"Actually, think about it, the so-called vision does not expand."

A few idiots immediately waved their hands, and the pity on their faces turned into fear.

"Really not going?"

"Don't go, don't go, there's no need for that at all."

"Indeed, what's so good about the Millennium Zombie King, we still try our best to destroy some zombie cats and zombie dogs."

Seeing the performance of these few people, Jiang Lin sneered and said, "Actually, there is no thousand-year-old zombie king, just a group of zombies. I just said to reconcile the atmosphere."

"Ha ha……"

A group of people suddenly burst into laughter, and the previous few foolish critics immediately blushed and hid behind the crowd.

"Everyone, since the Golden Armored Zombies have been eliminated by Daoist Li Yang, we will rest here for an hour or two, and then use all our power to eliminate the zombies!"

Master Hong Jinbao took a step forward and spoke loudly. Now the zombie cats and zombie dogs in the town and village have basically been killed, leaving a few people to guard the town entrance and the exit of the village. action.

"Work together to kill the corpses!"

A group of people immediately responded to Master Hong Jinbao's proposal, the biggest threat was gone, and it was time to fight.

"Jiang Lin, have you broken through the Heavenly Master level?"

Master Hong Jinbao came to Jiang Lin and looked at him with a very strange look.

The higher the cultivation level, the more clear what the Millennium Zombie King and Mao Zong represent. Jiang Lin did not rely on any formation in Chunlai Town. It was a pure one-on-one gold-armored zombie, and it was still possible to destroy it.

To say that Jiang Lin is still the strength of a Celestial Master, Master Hong Jinbao was the first to not believe it.

Mao Xiaofang and the four-eyed Taoist priest also looked at Jiang Lin, and the turmoil in their hearts has not yet calmed down.

"Cough cough."

Being stared at by the crowd, Jiang Lin coughed lightly and said, "It's still at the level of a Celestial Master, but the attack power of the means is stronger, and it is also a clever trick to deal with the golden armor zombies."

Jiang Lin did not say that he had reached the peak of the Celestial Master, otherwise he would appear too enchanting.

"Jiang Lin, you guy, work hard and become a real person! No, I have to find a beautiful little girl to become an apprentice. When you break through and become a real person, I will also be your old father-in-law."





This time, even Daoist Qianhe scolded Daoist Simu in his heart, and Jia Le greeted Daoist Simu again in his heart. !

Mao Xiaofang looked at Axiu intentionally or unintentionally. If Jiang Lin could really become a real person, then Axiu would be a real Taoist companion.

In the past, Mao Xiaofang definitely didn't believe that someone broke through the shackles of the Celestial Master in the Dharma-ending Era, but now, like Master Hong Jinbao, he can't see through zombies no matter what, which shows that Jiang Lin is by no means an ordinary Celestial Master. So young, it is not impossible to break through the shackles.

During the one or two hours of rest, many Taoist priests and monks sat beside Jiang Lin, all of them respectfully chatted with Jiang Lin.

Some Taoist priests, Taoist nuns, and nuns would all want to shake hands with Jiang Lin and talk if they hadn't seen so many people.

"Everyone, I think so, after the corpse disaster is finished, why don't I look for the nearest Taoist temple or Zen temple, how about each of them?"

Daoist Ziyun saw a few comrades saying a few words to Jiang Lin, and with a stunned look on his face, he discussed with Mao Xiaofang. Before Jiang Lin visited their Maoshan Nan faction, they were all rejected. It's impossible for Lin in the past, and their southern faction probably won't be able to lose face, so why don't they take the opportunity to hold a small meeting on Taoism and communicate with each other.

Ziyun Dao's long words were approved by everyone as soon as he left his mouth. Jiang Lin also made many people hesitate for a while. Wouldn't it be beautiful if a Dao discussion conference could be held?

Jiang Lin also nodded in agreement. The reason why he was not stingy was because the national crisis was approaching. When the Taoist priests descended the mountain and started a war with the Oriental Demon Road, casualties were absolutely inevitable.

Since he has such prestige now, he should also take responsibility.

Although Jiang Lin is not a thorough and good person, nor is he a Madonna type, but in the face of national justice, he does not want to have any reservations in confronting foreign enemies, especially small Japan.

This is the land where he was born and raised. He can't control the war, but if the demon wants to come, don't blame him for being rude.

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