After another three days, Chunlai Town and the eight or nine villages under its jurisdiction all returned to calm.

However, Jiang Lin and the others also paid a considerable price. The total number of people who sacrificed was almost a hundred people.

After that, Jiang Lin took out the treasure dug up by Zhang Dashuai, and told Zhang Quan and the others to let them go, and the wealth in exchange was used for distribution.

After the corpse was resolved, Jiang Lin and the others went to Daoist Master Baiyan's health care concept.

Although it was talking about Taoism, it was more that they all learned from Jiang Lin, so the form became Jiang Lin preaching in the square, and the people around listened and asked questions.

Even Mage Xudu and the others listened with gusto, did they raise a question?

Although Jiang Lin did not practice Buddhism or learn Buddhist techniques, it did not mean that he had no insight. He was not a fool for three hundred years in Emei.

Especially in the field of enchantment, Jiang Lin's insights are also insightful in the eyes of Master Xudu and the others.

Taoism, head-dropping, gu, formation, enchantment, immortal arts and supernatural powers, Jiang Lin has all been involved; sneaky, monsters, several types of zombies, and the methods of oriental demons are also the most experienced by Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin discussed Taoism with everyone in the field, making the Taoist priests and monks who were ordered to admire them all fell to the ground.

Chapter [*] Really old birthday star eats arsenic!

More and more comrades heard that the concept of health preservation held a small meeting on Daoism, and Daoist Li Yang was also there, and they all rushed to this place.

Because many monks and Taoist priests had heard about the situation in Chunlai Town before, they left early, but they didn't expect the corpse disaster to be solved so quickly.

After hearing that Jiang Lin killed a golden-armored zombie that was comparable to Mao Zong, these people didn't say that they worshiped Jiang Lin as an idol, and it was almost the same.

Master Kuhua, who had reached the level of a Celestial Master back then, could not eliminate a corpse that was as stiff as the shoulders.

On this day, the entire Taoist temple was almost full, Jiang Lin sat cross-legged in the middle, and everyone around seemed to be listening to the teachings of his predecessors.

"A generation of masters."

Master Hong Jinbao looked at Jiang Lin who was sitting in the courtyard, and was very emotional. He was the oldest in the circle, but he didn't have the kind of mind that he almost gave everything to others and ignored the sect.


Mao Xiaofang, who was sitting next to Master Hong Jinbao, also deeply admired Jiang Lin. It was no problem to ask him to help the townspeople, even to subdue demons and demons. arrived.

In fact, if it was in a peaceful and prosperous age, Jiang Lin would not have done this.

Now the demons of the East have entered China in large numbers, and Japan has invaded) (Hua is imminent, Jiang Lin is also a part of Huaxia, a descendant of Yan and Huang, and this time, it happened that talented people gathered together, and Jiang Lin also contributed his own power.

"Daoist Li Yang is so broad-minded, it really makes Ziyun, who is so precious, feel ashamed."

"Hehe, Li Yang is actually not that selfless person. Now that the Eastern Demon Dao has entered our middle-earth, and the mountains and rains are about to come, you must have a hunch, as long as you kill a few more Eastern Demon Dao in the future, what Li Yang will do It's worth it."

Jiang Lin didn't say anything in official language, he just wanted to kill the oriental demons who came to the Middle-earth, but it was definitely impossible to rely on him alone.

"Haha, Dongyang Yaodao, Daoist Li Yang, you don't know how many Oriental Yaodao died under the explosive flame charm in Shu."

"Our Jinshan faction has also abolished a few small Japan in the northeast."

When Zhuge Kongping and Daoist Danyuan heard Jiang Lin say this, they knew that Jiang Lin hated these dogs who came to China to make trouble, and they also shared their achievements.

"No pretense, no pretentiousness, you have to cultivate and cultivate, and cultivate and cultivate, and there is no ambiguity in subduing demons and demons. It's really a dream lover."

"That's right, and he's still so young and dignified. I heard that Master Zhuge and Daoist Li Yang have a good relationship. Maybe we can get close to him."

Outside the circle of people, the two girls looked at Jiang Lin in the arena. Jiang Lin was sitting upright, wearing a beige robe. Even if his appearance was not very handsome, his temperament also added a lot of points, making the two girls commit crimes. anthomaniac.

The two of them are Zhuge Kongping's junior niece, and their master is Zhuge Kongping's junior sister.

"Linglong, Hongdou, don't think about it for the two of you. I haven't seen other people's wives who are so beautiful. Such a man, if your master is ten years younger, maybe he will go after him."

Bai Rourou gave the two young apprentices a blank look. What happened to the lover in her dream?

"Yo, Master actually has a heart for Dao Chang Li Yang, or else the three of us, master and apprentice, will work together to see if we can enter the Jiang family together?"

"Yes, Master, although you are over [*] years old, you are still a great beauty, and you have never had a man. What's more important is that our uncle, that is, your younger brother, was not killed by an oriental art master. Daoist Li Yang hates Dongyang Yaodao so much, maybe he has already avenged you, why don't you go up and ask?"

Bai Rourou's face was flushed red by the words of the two apprentices, she glared at the two apprentices fiercely, and said, "No big or small, nonsense!"

To actually say the shameless words of the disciple and master Qi Jin into the Jiang family, Bai Rourou's face turned even redder when she thought of that scene.

Linglong and Hongdou covered their mouths and smiled, because Bai Rourou was only over [*] years old, and was not much older than the two of them, so the two girls often did not regard Bai Rourou as a master, but more as a big sister.

Jiang Lin naturally didn't know that he had become the target of others' ridicule. After listening to Zhuge Kongping's words, he nodded, and then abruptly shook out a yang flame whip in his hand, shouting, "I haven't come out yet!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and saw a person fall in the open space in front of Jiang Lin.

"Husband, he is a Japanese magician and a member of the magician alliance."

Jin Tianyi came to Jiang Lin's side and identified the person bound on the ground.

Chen Yu and the others were not by Jiang Lin's side because Jiang Lin was talking with fellow Taoists here, and it was because of this that Jin Tianyi found a familiar face by the wall.

When the Japanese magician saw Jin Tianyi, a look of surprise flashed on his face, and a few people in the crowd found Jin Tianyi, and involuntarily panic appeared.

"None of you can escape."

Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers and shot a beam of light, which directly penetrated the eyebrows of the little Japanese on the ground, and then his body rioted. After a few ups and downs, he grabbed a few men dressed like ordinary Taoist priests with both hands.

Even if these oriental demons want to run and resist, they have to see who they are facing.

"Since you already know that I specialize in killing the oriental demons, you still dare to come. It's really an old birthday star who eats arsenic and is tired and crooked!"

Jiang Lin slammed several people to the ground like chickens, and then flicked his fingers, and several bursts of Yang Yan shot at them.

A few unlucky bastards were instantly covered in flames, crawling on the ground screaming, and finally burned to death.

How could he actually recognize which ones are the oriental demons?

Bai Rourou's beautiful eyes flashed when she saw this scene. If she didn't know these damned guys very well, she would definitely not recognize them.

"Okay, everyone, we also stayed here for four or five days, and there are feasts all over the world."

Jiang Lin stood up. Now that there were more and more people, he felt that it was enough.

Now there are spies, and these Jin Tianyi still know each other. If they continue, they may be mixed in by other demons.

Although everyone felt very sorry, they also knew that several days had passed. Everyone had their business and Taoist to take care of, and they all said goodbye to Jiang Lin and Bai Yan.

Master Sammo Hung and Daoist Simu and the others shared a share of the property obtained by Daoist Congzheng and Master Xudu from selling the antiques to Zhang Quan and the others.

It is a duty for Taoists to subdue demons and subdue demons, but Taoists also have to eat. Those wealth are not stolen by them, so there is no psychological burden to take them.

Eight hundred and twentieth chapter woman thirty one flowers

"Daoist Li Yang, I take the liberty to disturb you. Since you hate the Eastern Demon Dao so much, you must know a lot about their methods. Can you tell Pindao some of the Eastern Demon Dao's spells and methods?"

After the people dispersed, Bai Rou Rou went to Zhuge Kongping's side and asked Jiang Lin the questions she cared about.

"Brother Dao, I haven't had time to introduce you. This is my junior sister Bai Rou Rou. Because her younger brother was killed by the Dongyang Yaodao in Shu, she hates those scumbags."

Zhuge Kongping saw his junior sister also coming, with a happy face, and then introduced Jiang Lin.

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Bai, and Fellow Daoist Bai has a great sound transmission from thousands of miles.)

Jiang Lin nodded and smiled at Bai Rourou, and then said: "Since Daoist Bai is interested in the Eastern Demon Dao, you might as well go to the inn at the foot of the mountain with Daoist Zhuge and Pin Dao, I happen to have a business thing to discuss with him. "

"Then I'll harass Daoist Li Yang."

A look of joy appeared on Bai Rou Rou's face. She didn't expect Jiang Lin to know that her spells could be praised by a Celestial Master, which was unusual.

"It's okay."

Jiang Lin smiled and went to say goodbye to Guan Zhu. At the same time, he informed Zhang Quan and the others to go to the inn at the foot of the mountain to find him after their work.

"Hongdou, did you see it? Master actually acted! He said nonsense, but his body was honest."

"Yes, I have never seen Master approach a man so actively."

Linglong and Hongdou thought that Bai Rourou was going to attack Jiang Lin. Although their master was in his thirties, he was so handsome. Even now, they were still fascinated by their master, plus Jiang Lin was mature and stable, maybe they really liked being more mature. little woman.

The two girls looked at each other, clenched their fists to cheer themselves up, and followed.

After Jiang Lin left the Taoist temple, he took Chen Yu and the others down the mountain with Zhuge Kongping and the others to the inn.

Men have business to discuss, except for Jin Tianyi, Chen Yu and the others went back to the room first.

In the private room, Jiang Lin and his two peers sat at the table, Jin Tianyi stood beside him, and Bai Rourou's two apprentices also followed, standing behind his master.

Zhuge Kongping didn't go around too much, explaining that he wanted to buy some Yang-inducing Talismans, Flaming Paper Cranes and Exploding-Flaming Talismans from Jianglin that could explode the sun in a row, and he also wanted to wholesale some of the materials for Jianglin to make the Spirit Sword. Besides, he had to buy a copper sword like Mao Xiaofang.

Jiang Lin agreed one by one, and also gave appropriate discounts.

After all, Zhuge Kongping is also equivalent to one of his branches.

Moreover, the Eastern Yaodao is now concentrated in Hunan and Shu, and if there is a conflict with the same people there, they will also need this source of goods.

"Brother, you are so refreshing!"

After working with Jiang Lin for so many years, Zhuge Kongping also made a lot of money.

Seeing that the two had finished discussing business, Bai Rourou started chatting with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin told Bai Rourou about the Yin-Yang Dao and some common methods of the Jiuju faction, such as shikigami and holding spirits, as well as some information on spiritual bodies.

As long as someone wants to deal with the oriental demons and ask for experience, he knows everything. After all, in his opinion, Bai Rourou has the same position as him.

Jiang Lin hated that group of beasts because he knew the evil deeds committed by the little Japan, while Bai Rourou was murdered because of his younger brother.

"Actually, I don't recommend you face it..."

As he was talking, Jiang Lin felt that the two girls had been staring at him, so he raised his eyes. The two girls met Jiang Lin's gaze, and his heart was pounding and beating for a while.

Although these two girls were not as good-looking as Bai Min'er and the others, they could still be counted on the level of village flowers in Shiliba Village.

The two blushed and bowed their heads. Bai Rourou turned her face to look at the two apprentices. Seeing their blushing faces, she immediately knew what was going on, and she felt embarrassed.

What are you two girls doing!

Can't be more reserved!

Bai Rourou thought of the nonsense words of the two apprentices again, and her pretty face also turned red.

A strange look appeared on Jiang Lin's face as he looked at Bai Rourou.

It's okay for the two girls to blush, can they not let people feel spring?

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