But this Bai Rourou blushed, and she was also a little ashamed. Could it be that she wanted to have a brother-in-law relationship with me?

What does a yellow flower in her thirties feel like...

For ordinary people, it may be "[-] women's bean curd scum", but for cultivators, Daoist [-] has not reached that point, but it is not far away, but in Bai Rourou, it is "[-] women's flowers" .

"Cough cough."

Jin Tianyi on the side coughed deliberately and rolled his eyes at Jiang Lin.

What are you doing? You want to bring us back a [-]-year-old sister?

Jiang Lin took a sip of tea and suppressed this thought. He felt that his charm should not be that great.

"Hehe, Daoist brother, it looks like my two junior nieces have...hehe...you see their blushing."

Zhuge Kongping didn't even know that there were some things that couldn't be broken, and he also joked about Linglong and Hongdou.


The two girls stomped their feet in anger and ran out of the private room.

"Haha, I'm still shy, girls blush because they like it."

Zhuge Kongping laughed, just like Maitreya Buddha, but when he saw that his junior sister was also blushing, his laughter disappeared.

He has always wanted to take this junior sister as a concubine. Zhuge Kongping has been diligent all these years, but he has never been able to handle the tigress at home, and his junior sister is arrogant and has been taking care of his younger brother before, and has no intention of getting married at all. , until now.

As Bai Rou Rou grew older, Zhuge Kongping always felt that his chances were getting bigger and bigger.

After all, a normal woman always needs a man all her life. The older she gets, the less choice she has.

But what's the situation now?

Zhuge Kongping immediately became wary of Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin ignored Zhuge Kongping's guard against his rival's gaze. Your junior sister blushed, why are you looking at me?

"Fellow Daoist Bai, in fact, I don't recommend that you have a confrontation with the Oriental Demon Dao. For those guys, it is more appropriate to use the method of pit killing."

Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing when he thought of the "Land of Proving Dao" in the northeast.

Chapter [-] Transactions

"Killing? Could it be that Daoist Li Yang has done such a thing? Can you let me take down the scriptures?"

"Hey, what's there to do, like me, a few grenades are thrown and they don't fall down obediently."

Zhuge Kongping deliberately changed the subject, he didn't want Bai Rou and Jiang Lin to continue the conversation.

Zhuge Kongping had always envied Jiang Lin for having so many beautiful wives, but now he realized that if Jiang Lin was not attractive to women, how could he marry so many.

His junior sister may be attracted!

"That's good, senior brother, give me all your family's explosive flame talismans."


Zhuge Kongping suddenly lost his temper, but he was willing, but the Yuan Pei in the family could definitely fix him to death.

With a snort, Bai Rourou looked at Jiang Lin again, and Jiang Lin told the story of Cixi's treasure trove.

"I didn't expect that Daoist Li Yang, who spoke dangerously and acted dangerously, would be so hurt."

Bai Rourou listened to Jiang Lin and the two pets knocking on the sap of the four great masters, and she smiled sweetly.

"Can you call it a loss to deal with the Oriental Demon Road? It's called lighting a light on a plane—Gao Ming."

Jiang Lin picked up the teacup and took a sip. Since he cultivated Taoism, which one thing has made him the most proud of, that is, creating a "land of Taoism" for the Eastern Demon Taoist.

Even crossing the Indian Ocean is incomparable to this matter in Jiang Lin's heart.

Kill those tortoise grandsons!


Jiang Lin looked serious, but said such interesting words, which made Bai Rourou chuckle.

Originally, she thought that Jiang Lin had such strength, and his thoughts and style would be like an old pedantic and pedantic, but he did not expect to be quite funny.

At this moment, Bai Rourou felt that Jiang Lin was not as difficult to approach as she thought, and the distance from her was not as "different from Xianfan" as she thought.

Jin Tianyi pouted slightly, as a woman's intuition, she felt that this eldest sister must have a different idea for Jiang Lin.

"Brother Dao, what kind of brilliance are you? In fact, it's a loss. My junior sister is pure-hearted. Don't teach her badly. Junior sister, we should go back."

When Zhuge Kongping saw Bai Rourou's smile like a crescent moon, his heart immediately became uneasy, and he wanted her to leave quickly.

"Who is 'us' with you? I won't stop you if you want to leave. Your business has been negotiated, why don't you leave?"

For Zhuge Kongping's repeated interruption of the conversation between himself and Jiang Lin, Bai Rourou also caught fire. I didn't say a word when the two of you were talking about business just now. Now that the business is over, where are you beeping? Are you bothered?

For a long time, Bai Rourou didn't have any bad feelings towards her senior brother, but since she grew up, Zhuge Kongping always wanted to beat her up, and she didn't like it very much. Last time her brother died, she went to this senior brother to help him. To take revenge, this dead fat man did not pursue the murderer with her because he was afraid of his wife's anger.

So from then on, the status of Zhuge Kongping, a senior brother, plummeted in her heart.

She has been doing unnecessary favors to her, but when she really needed help, she didn't help.

"Junior sister, are you still mad at me? Didn't I kill a few Oriental demons?"

"You won't be angry if you don't mention me. You killed a few damn beasts, or did they find them by themselves? Does it make sense? When I want to take revenge, I ask you for help. Why don't you please me? I understand it today. I'll tell you, even if I, Bai Rou Rou, don't have a man in my whole life, I won't be your second room! Just let me go!"

Bai Rou Rou stood up and pointed to the door.

If it wasn't for her two apprentices who often accompany her and make her happy all these years, she doesn't know what she would have become for revenge.

Killing a few irrelevant beasts, there is still face to say!

Zhuge Kongping's fat face was extremely embarrassing. He didn't expect that many years later, his junior sister was still full of resentment.

Jiang Lin and Jin Tianyi also roughly heard what was going on between the two, and both felt that this Zhuge Kong Fatty really had no hope at all.

Refused when a woman needs help most, what chance do you want?



Zhuge Kongping finally left the inn with a bitter face.

After taking a deep breath, Bai Rou Rou returned to her seat, looked at Jiang Lin, and said, "Daoist Li Yang, I have a request to make a deal with you."


"That's right. As you said, my strength can't confront those oriental demons head-on. Even if I use tricks like a Taoist priest, I'm afraid it won't have much effect. So I am willing to use what I have learned and change the Taoist leader to help me improve the formation. Legal attainments."

Bai Rou Rou is very aware of her weight, even if she is given the opportunity to kill the Oriental Demon Dao, she will not have any means.And the best way to kill those beasts is nothing more than the formation technique. Jiang Lin's accomplishments in formation formation and enchantment are extraordinary, and her own research on formation formation is at the level of ordinary Taoists, and even Somewhat less.

If Jiang Lincoln taught her the knowledge of formation, the possibility of her killing the enemy would be greatly improved.

Jiang Lin has said before that she has never killed Dongyang Yaodao in Shu, and her enemy seems to have never left Shu, so even if Jiang Lin killed a lot of small Japanese, her enemy is not among them. To avenge her brother, she can only rely on herself.

"You are actually willing to hand over the inheritance taught by the teacher to outsiders?"

Jiang Lin did not expect Bai Rou Rou to be so courageous. In order to avenge her younger brother, she even disregarded the rules of the teacher's sect.

Bai Rourou showed a smile and said, "Daoist Li Yang can discuss Taoism with others in terms of health preservation. He is not stingy with what he has learned, and breaks the door. Bai Rourou is just imitating. As well as the lotus golden needle, if the Taoist wants, the sound transmission is great for thousands of miles) (Fa, I am also willing to hand it over."

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. In his opinion, the types of spells Bai Rourou said were only available to Qianli Yin Chuan. Teaching the formation method is not a day or two, it will consume his time and energy.

"What kind of magic is the golden lotus needle?"

Jiang Lin didn't agree immediately. He was a busy person. He was always interrupted by various things, and he had to practice corpses often, so he didn't have much free time.

So, he just wanted to see what the lotus gold needle had. If it didn't work, he would have to pay for it if he wanted to teach the formation.

Chapter eight hundred and twenty second good things come one after another

Seeing that Jiang Lin did not answer, Bai Rourou's eyes flashed a hint of sadness, and she replied, "It is a method for targeting corpses, using gold needles to pierce the acupuncture points and meridians of corpses to limit their movements or abilities. a spell."

"Meridians? Ability?"

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up when he heard the words. Could it be that the golden lotus needles are blocking the dead body meridians of zombies?

Seeing Jiang Lin's reaction, Bai Rourou was stunned for a moment, and then said: "To be precise, it shouldn't be a meridian, it's just the direction of the corpse qi similar to a meridian. I call it a meridian. Because I am my daughter's family, not The burly man, the master passed me the lotus golden needle."

"Okay, fellow Daoist Bai, I agree to your request."

As soon as Jiang Lin heard what Bai Rourou said, he knew what was going on. The Golden Lotus Needle should be a spell aimed at the meridians of the dead body of zombies, but there was no systematic theory yet.

Stones from other hills, can learn.The dead body meridian has always been researched by Jiang Lin himself. This time, it is estimated that his research will make progress.

For him, this lotus golden needle technique is already a big surprise, plus a thousand-mile sound transmission technique, not bad!


Bai Rou Rou stood up excitedly. She didn't have much hope in the first place, so she called it a request. After all, Jiang Lin is already a Celestial Master who can kill golden armor zombies. Jiang Lin probably doesn't understand what she has learned. upper eye.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Lin agreed to it, it was really not cold at all!

Bai Rou Rou's beautiful eyes flashed with a bit of brilliance, Jin Tianyi's eyes were pointed, and the corner of her mouth stared at Bai Rou Rou with an inexplicable smile.

Bai Rourou's bright eyes moved to meet Jin Tianyi's gaze, and then her face flushed.

Just at this moment, Zhang Quan knocked on the closed door and said, "Engong, the priests and monks who participated in the killing of the corpse have already shared the rewards, most of them went to Luofu Mountain, and the rest of the wealth was handed over by himself. In the hands of refugees, let them rebuild their homes."

"Husband, you go out first, I will tell you some Oriental ninjas with Daoyou Bai."

Jin Tianyi rolled his eyes and wanted to open Jiang Lin, but it was not convenient for Jiang Lin to explain to Zhang Quan here, so he nodded, got up and walked out the door to talk to Zhang Quan and the others.

After Jiang Lin left, Jin Tianyi folded her arms and looked at Bai Rourou with unbridled eyes. Bai Rourou felt guilty at first, but when she thought that Jin Tianyi looked "similar" to her two apprentices, she was a success. Now that the woman is a little more mature, can I still be scared by her?

So Bai Rourou held her head high and met Jin Tianyi's gaze.


Bai Rourou screamed, she didn't expect Jin Tianyi to come to her side, and after a slight sniff on her body, she quickly touched her patpat.

"The eyebrows are thick and dense, the butt is not loose, and the face is not as charming as a woman. She is still a big girl, but it meets the minimum standards for entering the Jiang family."


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