Bai Rourou's face seemed to be covered with rouge, and Jin Tianyi said it so revealingly) (Bone, she wanted to find a hole in the ground for a while.

"But it's not easy to enter the Jiang family."

Jin Tianyi smiled and left Bai Rourou in the room, making her ashamed to be like a little daughter.

"Engong, don't worry, we will go back to unite with the brothers and help you find Zuo Ci's tomb. If nothing else, if we dare to say second to the characteristics of the tombs of various dynasties and generations, no one will dare to recognize the first. , and the kung fu of finding the dragon's acupoint, Zhang Quan's title of 'Little Tomb King' is not for nothing."

Hearing Jiang Lin's request, Zhang Quan immediately patted his chest. Now that he has a general direction, with their ability to find the Dragon Ding Point, they can search the entire South.

"Okay, after a month, you will go to Gantian Town to find me. I have a snake demon that has a special sense of dragon energy and can cooperate with you."

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief. With the help of Zhang Quan and the others, the chances of finding Zuo Ci's tomb increased a lot, and the time was shortened a lot.

This is more on his mind than other things, and it is estimated that it will not be long before he meets Zuo Ci.

After returning to the inn again, Jiang Lin still asked Chen Yu and the others to go back.

"Is this the sea? I've never seen it before."

Fu Qingfeng and the others stood on the deck of the chartered boat, looking at the sea from afar, feeling very excited.

"Okay, you are here to enjoy the sea view and go down for your husband."

Jiang Lin wore a pair of big pants, jumped off the deck, and walked on the water.

Linglong and Hongdou looked at Jiang Lin's back, and couldn't help swallowing, Daoist Li Yang's figure was amazing!

Bai Rou and her two apprentices were about the same, and Jiang Lin's eyes were attracted.

Daoist Li Yang was actually able to walk on water.

Seeing Jiang Lin stepping on the water and climbing Ping on the ground, Bai Rou Rou was once again shocked. This is simply a land fairy.

This time Jiang Lin was prepared, and he did not encounter any special obstacles when entering the Nanhua Tomb Mansion. In the immortal mansion, he sent all the medicinal materials, medicinal herbs, gold foil and silver paper that he needed to bring into the bronze mirror. .

The last few wine jars were also collected by it.

The entire Nanhua Tomb Mansion was evacuated by him.

"Husband, what are you doing down here?"

Jiang Lin smiled and let Jing Yuanying look into the bronze mirror and said to Jin Tianyi, "I copied a fairy cave on the bottom of the sea."


"The Immortal Cave Mansion?"

"Daoist Li Yang, why did your lady run into the mirror?"

The three Bai Rourou master and apprentice heard Jiang Lin's words and saw Jing Yuanying turned into a streamer and dived into the bronze mirror, and couldn't help crying out.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, Yuan Ying is both a human and a ghost, and she is also an artifact."

Jiang Lin didn't hide Bai Rourou either. In the future, Bai Rourou's master and apprentice will live in Li Yang for a period of time, and sooner or later they will find the difference between Jing Yuanying and the others.

Married a tool spirit as a wife? ?

Does this mean that Daoist Li Yang is so strong that he can call himself a bronze mirror?

The three Bai Rourou master and apprentice were immediately dumbfounded. At first, they only thought that Jiang Lin was a pure high-level cultivation base, but now it seems that it is a mysterious black hole. The more they understand, the more they find that they cannot see through it.

"Oh my God, Lang Jun, you really emptied a fairy cave? You even have elixir."

"I don't know if those things have side effects, and I don't dare to use them for you for the time being."

Jiang Lin is also having a headache over this matter. Whether these are elixir or poisonous pills, he does not dare to make judgments. Don't let Xiaoqian and the others disappear when they don't improve their strength.

Since Nan Hua Lao Xian knew that his tomb might be patronized, it was not impossible if he had bad intentions.


Bai Rourou's master and apprentice felt that their cognition had been completely subverted.

The more mysterious it is, the more you want to explore it. This is human nature, and the three master and apprentice are no exception.

After taking everything that he should take away, Jiang Lin didn't plan to stay in the East China Sea, and went straight back to Chaozhou Prefecture.

Coincidentally, as soon as he returned home, Daoist Ziyun and the others settled in Gantian Town with a large amount of silver notes, oceans, and their own treasures, and went straight to Li Yangju.

Just brought a batch of elixir medicine, and someone gave gold and silver, it is really a good thing one after another!

Chapter [*] is full of real pills!

"Daoist Li Yang, we meet again."

Outside the shop, Daoist Ziyun and Daoist Yishui bowed their hands to Jiang Lin, directly indicating that they were here to loot Li Yangju.

"You are very welcome, please come in."

Jiang Lin invited a group of Taoist monks into the shop, and asked Uncle Ping to take out all the good things inside.

Now these people are stunned when they see the magic talismans and magic weapons in the shop, they really use it for any purpose!

And the quality is not bad at all.

They were similar to Mao Xiaofang's reaction when he entered the store before, and there were no one who made a fuss.

Of course, there are also many who were frightened by the price.

"Everyone, Li Yang Curie's products are not ordinary. The price is clearly marked, and the old man is not deceived. It is definitely worth the money. If you don't believe it, you can test it yourself."

Jiang Lin briefly introduced the use of some magic talismans and magical instruments, and let Uncle Ping and his servants entertain these customers, and entered the front yard from the shop by himself.

There are spiritual talismans, magic tools and materials, many of which are arranged in different categories. Uncle Ping has been with him for so many years, and it is enough to have him say hello.

With so many people coming, the stock is definitely not enough to sell. Someone sent money to the door, and he needs to make up some more.

"Master, I didn't expect that the few we met were not all the wives of Daoist Li Yang."

"Yeah, there are actually a few big beauties at home."

"That's not to mention, they all have good temperament and self-restraint."

The three Bai Rourou master and apprentice were brought into the guest room by Ren Tingting. After Ren Tingting left, the two girls couldn't help but talk about Jianglin with their master.

Living in such a big house, marrying so many wives, and having a big family that is harmonious and beautiful, it is unbelievable.

"Does Daoist Li Yang have the ability?"

Bai Rou replied weakly, she has really learned what Qin and Se harmony is along the way, and that's not all, whenever Yue Mei and the others act like a spoiled child at Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin is so spoiled, but let her know something called envy.

"We're here to harass people. It's probably going to take a long time. Don't treat yourself as a guest. Don't put on airs to know? If the Taoist priest has any business, you must help."

In addition to envy, Bai Rourou also yearns for that kind of conjugal love, and deep down in her heart, she also wants to fight for herself.Now living in Liyang Residence, she doesn't want her three masters and apprentices to be disrespected.

"I know, Master, that's right, Master, we found out that Daoist Li Yang is already twenty-seven or eighty-eight, a female junior, holding a golden brick."

"And oh master, that elder sister Bai Min'er from your own family seems to be as old as you."

The two girls snuggled up to Bai Rourou and squeezed their master with their arms, and made a joke on her. Now, their master is often haunted. No matter how well you cover it up, can you hide it from the two of them who get along day and night?

Spring is here!


When Bai Rourou heard the words of the two apprentices, her face brightened. It turned out that she was only two or three years older than Jiang Lin, and one of Jiang Lin's wives was the same age as her.

But as soon as the joy passed, Bai Rou Rou's face was full of shame. It was a shame that she showed such a reaction in front of her two apprentices!


Five days later, at dusk, Jiang Lin was lying on the rattan chair in the front yard, looking at the clouds in the sky, and heaving a sigh of relief. In the past few days, Li Yangju has been looted again and again.

Those comrades who came to Chunlai Town before, except for a small number of them who returned to their respective dojos, almost all came to Gantian Town.

Money doesn't make a bastard, so Jiang Lin has been stepping up the replenishment for the past four or five days, not only the magic talisman, but also the magical instruments such as the talisman cloth and the Kongming lantern.

Although Chen Yu and the others are also helping, they can only do some unimportant work, and all the main processes must be handled by him.

In the past five days, Li Yangju has received almost two million oceans, and some rare materials have received a lot.

I want salted fish!No one can stop me from being a salted fish!

Jiang Lin was very tired, and he wasn't going to be busy in the next year or two.

Three days later, Jiang Lin looked at the pill bottles and several round pills in front of him in the training room.

He flipped through several elixir, and almost found out the names and uses of these elixir.

But the problem was that he didn't have any research on the pill, and he knew nothing about identifying the authenticity of pills.

Do you still want to find Daoist Dan Yuan from the Jindan faction?

Jiang Lin frowned, and soon he abandoned this idea. If these medicinal pills are true, it will definitely cause a huge shock, and they will be used by outsiders to identify them. There is no airtight wall in the world.

Besides, no one could identify these medicinal herbs at that time.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin patted his thigh.

I am a man with a system, just ask the system!

Jiang Lin summoned the system indoors, interacted with the system, and wanted to obtain a way to identify the true and false medicinal pills.

"The system can identify the variety and medicinal properties of medicinal pills through scanning, and it must consume a part of the hostile energy."

The system's answer made Jiang Lin stunned for a moment, but there is still a scanning function?

"How much grudge does it take?"

"One hundred thousand at a time, regardless of the number."

Second uncle's!One hundred thousand, I killed a zombie king for nothing!

Jiang Lin just wanted to have a meal of the Three Character Classic, but after thinking about it, maybe even the former master of Dan Dao could not [*]% judge the accuracy of an elixir.

Even if the appearance and smell even if the spiritual power fluctuates, they can't guarantee whether there is a poison hidden in the medicine pill.

Gritting his teeth, Jiang Lin tapped a few times on the system interface.

A light surface radiated from the system, passing through the medicine bottle and the medicinal pill one by one.

"After the identification, all of them are true, and the degree of retention of medicinal properties is [*]%. They are: Yin-Yang Xuanyuan Pill, Du'er Pill, Yuhun Pill..."

Hearing the voice of the system in his head, Jiang Lin was extremely happy, all of them were true pills!

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