Now he can rest assured.

Chapter [-] Breakthroughs one after another, go to sea again

"Xiao Li, Xiao Qian, Xiao Hong."

Jiang Lin took Jing Yuanying to the training room of the three female ghosts and patted the bamboo umbrella.

"Husband (Jiang Lang)."

"These three medicinal pills were found by me in a tomb at the bottom of the sea, and they will be of great help to your cultivation."

Now Jiang Lin's three ghost wives have not yet reached the level of ghost generals, and they are still far from the level of ghosts.

The three female ghosts shouted one at a time, one husband or Jiang Lang, and Jiang Lin didn't want them to be able to meet people by relying on the warding spell and talisman all the time.

A glimmer of light flashed in Xiao Li's beautiful eyes. She now very much hopes that she can break through to the level of a ghost sooner, and can be a normal husband and wife with Jiang Lin. After all, she has Jiang Lin's little life in her belly. Let Ninth Uncle and the others say that their children are ghosts.

"Husband, we usually use enough treasures from heaven and earth. You should keep this medicine for yourself."

Although she wanted it very much, Xiaoli refused, and Xiaoqian and Xiaohong also shook their heads.They still wanted to leave the medicinal pills that could improve their cultivation to Jiang Lin.

"This is Yuhun Pill, specially prepared for ghost repair, Yuan Ying also has it, even if it is other pills, it should be given to you the same."

Jiang Lin handed the three medicinal pills to the three female ghosts.

"Husband, we will work hard to cultivate. When the time comes, the ghost body will be the same as a human being. If you want to hold another wedding for us, Master and Uncle will also be there."

Xiaoli threw herself into Jiang Lin's arms. Although they could be happy for Jiang Lin at night, they couldn't be by Jiang Lin's side like Chen Yu and others during the day, and always felt regretful.

"Yes, when the time comes, if you want to wear a wedding dress, you will wear a wedding dress, and if you want to wear a wedding dress, you will wear a wedding dress."

Jiang Lin kissed Xiao Li on the forehead and squeezed her face lightly.

After getting the medicine pill, Xiao Li and the others swallowed it and stayed in the training room to practice with peace of mind.

In addition to the three ghost wives, Jiang Lin also distributed some elixir to improve their cultivation to Chen Yu and Bai Min'er.

"Min'er, I've always forgotten to ask you, there should be a strange fire like unicorn flame in Shu, have you found any clues?"

After returning from overseas, Jiang Lin also forgot to ask Bai Min'er about this strange fire. Now that Bai Rourou arrived at Li Yangju, Jiang Lin realized that there is still a strange fire in Shu that can be collected.

He can't use the system to upgrade the exercises for a short time now, so he wants to inquire about some strange fire news first, and collect it in the future.

"I asked my junior sister and the others, maybe it's near Leshan in Shu, what's wrong, husband, are you leaving again?"

"Is it in the Leshan area? No, I'm just asking. If I don't go out this year, I'll accompany you more at home."

Bai Min'er heaved a sigh of relief and went to her training room.

Since then, Jiang Lin has been with his wife at home every day, and has spent a happy life. What makes him very happy is that Xiaoru is pregnant.

Perhaps it was because Xiaoru was originally a yin and yang, and her physique was different from Chen Yu and the others, and she won the lottery faster.

Half a month later, Xiaobai also took another step in the level of the big demon, and his intelligence was widened. He ate a lot of dragon meat. After Jiang Lin used the means, the dragon meat essence in his body was fully absorbed, and his strength increased greatly. .

A few days later, Zhang Quan brought a group of people to Liyangju, and Jiang Lin asked Xiaobai to find a place with strong dragon energy for them. In addition, Zhang Quan and others were good tomb hunters. There are results.

Because of taking the pills that solidified the foundation, two months later, Xiaoru and Ningshuang broke through to the Taoist level together, and Chen Yu and Caiyi also broke through the bottleneck and became alchemists.

If Zhang Han and Jiu Shu knew that Chen Yu and Caiyi had reached this level at such a young age, they would have hit the south wall.

At that time, they could only do ascetic cultivation on their own. How could they have such a good fortune? Jiang Lin's wives have hardly broken the treasures of heaven and earth over the years.

Not only a few girls' families, but in the spring of the second year, Xiaoli and Xiaoqian also made great progress, reaching the level of ghost generals.

Since then, Jianglin's big family has a peak Tianshi and Mao Zong, three alchemists, four Taoists, and Heiyue has joined Jianglin's big family.In addition, there are four ghost generals.

In addition to the master, Li Yangju also has a peak zombie king, two demon kings and a big demon.

If you count Li Yingqi, who has been sleeping all the time, it will be even more terrifying.

It is rude to say that even if the monks and Taoists who went to Chunlai Town last time came together and attacked Li Yangju together, there would be no return.


On a low mountain, Jiang Lin sat cross-legged in an extremely yin place, and with a palm blast, a stone the size of a human head shattered into pieces eight meters away.

In the state of corpse, there is finally an attack method!

In the past six months, Jiang Lin, through his own exploration, plus the Lotus Gold Needle Vulnerability Technique provided by Bai Rou Rou, has studied for so long, and Jiang Lin has finally completely won the palm wind power.

Half a month ago, Eve had someone bring a letter saying that she was about to get a degree from Banqiao College, and Jiang Lin would be able to pick her up in Egypt in just a week or two.

"If you want to go to sea again, it is better to exchange the telephoto camera first."

After a shipwreck, Jiang Lin always felt that the sea was very unfriendly to him, so he found a cave, Jiang Lin called out the system, spent [-] points of anger, and took the telephoto in his hand.

With a single palm, Jiang Lin made a move at a stone pier of fifty to sixty kilograms ten meters away, and the stone pier flew towards him. The corpse spit out, and the stone pier instantly shattered into several pieces.

Nodding with satisfaction, Jiang Lin recovered the corpse poison and returned to Li Yangju.

"Min'er, Caiyi, Ayan, pack up and take you out of Egypt tomorrow."

"Going to Egypt? Good!"

Ayan was excited like a little girl and jumped up. Both groups of big white rabbits moved a few times, and Bai Miner and Caiyi also had happy expressions on their faces.

The next day, Jiang Lin went out with the three sisters with a small suitcase.

"Husband, you have to come back before the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"You must go early and return early."

Although Chen Yu and the others were reluctant, they also knew that Jiang Lin was going to pick up their foreign sister, but because Jiang Lin had a shipwreck before, a group of wives were always afraid.

Bai Rourou's master and apprentice also went out the door, looking at Jiang Lin with the same reluctance on his face.

"If you want to leave for so long, don't tell me in advance."

There was a little resentment in Bai Rourou's beautiful eyes. After being with Jiang Lin for such a long time, her heart was completely captured. She originally planned to make it clear, but she didn't expect that she was still struggling, and Jiang Lin was about to go to sea. Let her not be mentally prepared at all.

And Linglong and Hongdou are also waiting for their master to speak first.

Chapter [-]: Water Ape vs. Sea Flood

Jiang Lin took the car with the three beauties, went all the way to shanghai, bought a ferry ticket, and took the cruise the next day, embarking on a journey of [-] miles.

The three brothers and sisters Bai Miner are basically in the mainland and have never seen the sea.Away from the coastline and above the ocean, the three sisters and Jiang Lin went on the deck to enjoy the sea view, attracting the attention of many male compatriots.

What a blessing!

Jiang Lin held Bai Miner and Caiyi with both hands, and then took them into his arms.

"Husband, I want you to hold me too."

When Ayan saw Jiang Lin hugging her two senior sisters, she made a small mouth and acted like a spoiled child at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin let go of the two daughters, hugged Ayan's waist, kissed her, and said, "Be good, cut an apple for my husband."

Ayan pouted, but she also knew that Jiang Lin wanted to talk to her two senior sisters, so she found a reason to send her off.

"Min'er, Caiyi, you two are really beautiful."

He took the two daughters into his arms again, and Jiang Lin looked at them with affection.

Bai Miner and Caiyi's personalities are not as good as Ayan's, and they are not good at acting like a spoiled brat. They just accompany Jiang Lin indifferently, making Jiang Lin feel that they are less favored.

"Being married and making people suffer from lovesickness, Caiyi doesn't even care about you anymore."

Caiyi's pair of pink fists lightly beat Jiang Lin's chest. After entering Jiang's house, Jiang Lin often walked outside. The days at home were actually not many, and sometimes they became kings.

There was also a little resentment in Bai Min'er's eyes. She used to be with Jiang Lin when she returned to Shu, but it took several years to enter Jiang's house. months.

"I'll be at home with you more in the future."


The two beauties leaned against Jiang Lin's chest and fell asleep while listening to Jiang Lin's even breathing.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to shake the two of them awake. The two wives were fine when they fell asleep, but they actually had a dream. Mmmm, there were still people on the deck, so Jiang Lin could only take the two The sisters woke up.

The two beauties recalled the dream just now, looked at the person who was watching the scene not far away, blushed and ran to the side.

Jiang Lin smiled, left them outside to watch the sea, and returned to the cabin by himself.

When Ayan saw Jianglin coming back, she cut an apple and handed it over.

"Husband, feed me."

Seeing Jiang Lin take a bite, Ayan whimpered.

Pulling Ayan into his arms, Jiang Lin crossed the apple and whispered in Ayan's ear, "Little sao."

Compared with other sisters, Ayan is a lot more unrestrained when it comes to getting along with husband and wife.

Sometimes Jiang Lin woke up with A Yan's crystal feet in his mouth.

"I hate it, don't say that to others."

Even though Ayan was thick-skinned, Jiang Lin was teased by the red clouds on her face.


Jiang Lin hugged Ayan and threw her onto the bed, loving her a lot.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Lin was absorbing the brilliance of the full moon by the window, and suddenly felt two extremely powerful demonic auras.

"This breath, Demon Emperor??"

Jiang Lin opened his eyes suddenly, picked up the telescope on the table, and opened the back door of the room.

Beside the railing, Jiang Lin used the binoculars to look in the direction where the demonic energy erupted.

Tonight, the sea is cloudless, calm and windless, the full moon is in the sky, and the view is excellent.

Jiang Lin's blood-reticulated pupils were exposed. Through the telescope, he found a huge ape standing on the sea more than ten miles away. Opposite the ape, there was a four-clawed Jiaolong, similar in size to the poisonous dragon that Jianglin had killed before.

"A water ape, a sea eagle."

Jiang Lin murmured to himself, the giant ape and the sea scorpion were outside the direction of the cruise, and although there was a fight for some unknown reason, it should not affect the navigation.

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