After reaching [*] meters above the sea, Jiang Lin took out the telescope from the bronze mirror and watched the movements of the water monkeys and sea eagles below.

These two idiots beat to death, and now they don't know that the prey they are fighting for is gone.

The water ape roared loudly, and a pair of grinding-disc-sized palms suddenly became several times larger, clenching the sea eagle's body tightly, twisting it like twisting a towel.

The sea scorpion roared loudly, and its claws tore at the water ape, slicing off the large strips of flesh on the water ape's chest.

The water ape's eyes were red, and he threw the sea flood king in front of him, throwing it a hundred or two hundred meters, then turned his head and flew towards the reef.

But it was dumbfounded that the juvenile rhino that was lying on the reef a few minutes ago is now gone.



Even if the water ape is a demon emperor, his intelligence is higher than that of humans, and now he is staring at the reef with a pair of eyes, his brain is stuck, and his brain is short-circuited.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the sea scorpion rose into the air and flew to the side of the water ape, and the scorpion tail entangled it and threw it with force.

Unprepared, the water ape was also thrown a hundred or two hundred meters away, and hit a few drifts on the water.


Jiang Lin could hear the extreme excitement in the whistling of the sea croakers in the sky.

However, after the excitement, Hai Jiao was also stunned.


Jiang Lin laughed unkindly from above.

Killed two demon emperors to death, and finally made a wedding dress for him.

"hold head high!"


After the sea dragon and the water ape reacted, they roared furiously in the sky.

The juvenile rhino was already dying, and there was no way to escape.

And the place where it is placed is also a depression of the reef, and there are other reefs next to it, and the gap in the middle is definitely not enough for it to drill.

Even if it is washed away by the water, it will be there nearby, and it is impossible to fall into the sea. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the young rhino is washed away by the sea, it should be drifting on the sea.

But there was no shadow at all.

Exploded, blasted!

Hai Jiao's eyes turned blood red and looked at the water ape behind him.There are "only" the two of them in this ten-mile radius. Even if there is a giant bird or something that takes away the young rhino, it is impossible for it to fail to find it.

The "only" possibility is that the water monkey moved his hands and feet and put it away!

Get it back for me! ! !

The sea scorpion was completely mad, and it took a lot of hard work to find this spirit beast from a fairy cave, but it was robbed halfway, and now it "falls" into the hands of the water ape, how can it not be angry!

Take your life!

The sea scorpion completely lost its mind, completely ransom, and attacked the water ape desperately.

Where did it think that the treasure it had worked so hard to get had already been taken away by Jiang Lin, and it was still watching its battle with the water monkey at a height of [*] meters.

Fuck Nima!When something is lost, you look for Lao Tzu to vent your anger?When Lao Tzu is muddy!

The water ape was also so angry that it exploded. There were blood holes and blood stains on its body. It was injured like this, but the baby was gone. This idiot is still arrogant at it. It's really courting death!

The two demon emperors fought together again. The water ape is a primate, so it is extremely intelligent. If the sea scorpion hadn't completely run away and wanted its life, it would definitely stop the war with the sea scorpion and look for the young rhinoceros. whereabouts, but now can't help it.

If you want to fight, I will fight!

The fierceness of the water monkey is not to be said, otherwise, it is possible to steal the treasure from the sea Jiao.

The two demon emperors were slaughtered to the point of darkness, their bodies covered in blood, their hair floating on the sea, and their scales splashing in the air.

"Hey~ Am I being too unkind?"

Seeing the two demon emperors fighting each other desperately, Jiang Lin let out a long hiss.

Well, it's time to go.

The water ape and the sea dragon fight in a meaningless battle, almost endlessly. When the battle is over, it is estimated that both sides have already lost, and it is even possible to die together.

Jiang Lin continued to lift off until he reached a height of [*] meters above the sea before slapping his hands backwards, or using the corpse-qi version of Turtle-style Qigong to propel himself towards the position of the cruise ship.

The abilities of zombies are as useful as they are useful.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin landed on the aisle outside his room window.

After opening the back door and entering, Jiang Lin placed a small formation around him to isolate the breath, and then he released the young rhinoceros.

"I don't think you are an ordinary beast. You must be psychic. If you don't want to die, just stay inside for me."

Jiang Lin said, and at the same time sent out his own thoughts, expressing this meaning.

After that, he fed the juvenile rhino with some medicinal herbs and hanged its life to ensure that it would not die, and then sent it back to the bronze mirror, using several formations to isolate the bronze mirror. will escape.

But now Jiang Lin was still worried. He didn't even answer Bai Min'er's question, so he went outside the back door and used his binoculars to look at the location of the water monkey and the sea dragon.

These two idiots, still fighting, are also drunk!

"Husband, what is the little rhino you brought just now?"

Bai Miner and Caiyi also went outside. After Caiyi woke up, she asked her husband where she went, and Bai Miner didn't hide it from her.

Knowing that Jiang Lin took the risk to approach the Demon Emperor, she was so frightened that she couldn't sleep at all.

"I'm not sure, but I look at its horns... I wonder if you have heard Shitai Baimei talk about the Moon-Motivating Rhinoceros, which is also the Moon-Moting Rhinoceros."

Chapter eight hundred and twentieth

Jiang Lin recalled the horn on the head of the young rhino, which was ice blue and had two holes near the top. From time to time, he spit out some blue haze, and he remembered some of the classics he had read in Emei.

In the distant monk era, there was a kind of moon-watching rhinoceros, which was gifted with extraordinary talents. It could swallow the sun and the moon. Far away, as long as there is Baoguangxia Qi overflowing, it can sense it and find a way to take it away.

In ancient times, if a cultivator had a great chance to meet one and take it for his own use, it could be said that he had a treasure map from all over the world.

It's just that this rare spirit beast is extremely rare, and Jiang Lin has only seen some brief introductions.

There is a high possibility that the young rhino just now is this kind of Mochimochi, if not, it may have some origins with Mochizuki.

Otherwise, it's really not worth fighting for two demon emperors to fight to the death.

"Mochizuki Lingxi?"

Bai Min'er frowned. She didn't follow Shitai Baimei for a long time. She had never heard of this kind of strange beast.

"You guys go to sleep first, I'll take a look here."

Jiang Lin held the binoculars and looked into the distance. After all, he was taking food from the hands of two demon emperors. Even if the cruise ship kept going, Jiang Lin was still a little apprehensive.

Needless to say, these two demon emperors were brought here, even if they came over to find a living person, and vented it, it would be terrifying enough.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin watched the middle of the night with a telescope, until the sun rose, and the sea was still calm.

But even so, Jiang Lin had no plans to take out Mochizuki Lingxi. Now that he has already plucked the hair on the tiger's head, it can be counted as one less thing.

He fed the young rhinoceros with medicinal herbs, so it shouldn't die. He casually sent some meat and put it into the bronze mirror and let it stay in it.

After arriving in Egypt, Jiang Lin released it to see what was special about this guy.

It was also fortunate that the two demon emperors never imagined that a human would pick their peaches. They fought to the point where they both lost. They could only summon their own subordinates to search around the sea, but did not go to the navigation line.

At noon, Jiang Lin completely put down the telescope and went to sleep with his wife.

This journey was still smooth sailing, and a month later, Jiang Lin arrived in Egypt.

Jiang Lin found a hotel near the port, stayed for one night, and left for Cairo the next day.


At a residence near Banqiao College, Jiang Lin shouted at the window on the second floor.


Eve opened the window and saw Jiang Lin below, as if the whole world had disappeared, leaving only the man below whom she had been thinking about.

Stepping on the window with one foot, Eve jumped directly from it. She didn't even want to go down the stairs, she just wanted to hurry to her husband's arms.


Jiang Lin carried Eve around several times, and he also missed Eve very much.

Eve also hadn't seen her husband for a long time, and regardless of anyone next to her, she sent a sweet kiss.

The three Bai Min'er sisters on the side looked at Eve's face. They were all beautiful, beautiful foreign beauties, with a strong exotic beauty.

"Hello, this should be the three sisters, I'm Eve, please give me more advice in the future."

Eve gave Bai Min'er a blessing ceremony. In the past year, she has also learned a lot about Middle-earth culture. In addition, she has been learning Chinese from King Pan Lan, and she can speak Chinese well.

Even in Middle-earth, they wouldn't have too many cultural barriers with Bai Min'er and the others.

"Sister Eve is so pretty, I'm your sister Miner."

"I'm Caiyi."


The three sisters also returned their salutes. Seeing that Eve spoke Chinese so well, the four Chinese and foreign beauties quickly became one.

You praise me for being beautiful, I praise you for being beautiful, you say I have temperament, and I praise you for being cultivated.

Jiang Lin watched from the side and was very happy. After returning to Middle Earth, his entire family would be able to reunite and live a fairy life that the world envied for a few years.

"Ow~ Master!"

The house cat also opened the door, just like a blue cat, walking happily beside Jiang Lin.

"You have done a good job in protecting the mistress. Go back and reward you with dragon meat and elixir. If you break through in the future, it will be much easier."

Jiang Lin saw that Eve was well, with collagen on her face, and also knew that Eve had been carefree these days without any accidents.

As long as the cats and mice in the house are good at escorting them, Jiang Lin is not stingy at all.

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