"Lin, let's go in."

Xiao Biesheng is newly married, and Eve also wants to tell Jiang Lin their sincerity.

After eating and doing some digestion-friendly exercises with Eve, Jiang Lin went to the living room and released the young rhinoceros.

"What is this, Rhino?"

Looking at the juvenile rhino lying on the ground, the colorful tiger king could actually feel that there was something extraordinary about this young rhino that was over a meter long.

After seeing Jiang Lin and Panlan Tiger King, the young rhino was trembling all over, and looked around again, even more scared.

However, it was also somewhat wise, knowing that Jiang Lin had rescued it, and seeing a roast leg of lamb in Jiang Lin's hand, so it didn't run.

"Little guy, do you want to eat?"

Jiang Lin shook the roast leg of lamb in his hand, letting the little rhino stick out his tongue and nodded.

Since he can understand human speech, it seems that his intelligence is higher than I imagined.

Jiang Lin smiled and asked, "Are you Mochizuki?"


The sound of the rhinoceros was very interesting. Jiang Lin nodded again when he saw it. He was overjoyed and threw the roast leg of lamb.

"Follow me in the future, I won't hurt you, but there are many benefits."

Jiang Lin drew a ghost head spell on the ground and threw the other roast lamb leg in. Mochizuki Lingxi looked at Jiang Lin, hesitated for a while, and finally walked in.

Eve notified Jonathan and Rick, who lived not far away, and they almost spat out a mouthful of old blood when they saw the beautiful Bai Min'er beside Jiang Lin.

Over the past year, although they have played a lot, they are still bachelors. Both guys are very likely to fail. Some women spend their money and have a transaction relationship. They will definitely not follow them for a long time, let alone. Said to be married.

In this contrast, the two bachelors felt their hearts were pierced.

Eve will go to Middle-earth in two days, and I don't know when he will come back. Jonathan is going to go to London with Rick to develop.

To say it better is development, in fact, it means going there and continuing to fail.

Eve is now married to a chicken and doesn't care how Jonathan lives. Anyway, his brother can live well without money, not to mention that he is now a nouveau riche.

"Husband, are we going back by plane??"

Bai Min'er and the others were very surprised that Jiang Lin had to spend hundreds of thousands or even millions of oceans to transfer all the way and fly back to Middle Earth from the sky.

"Yes, one thing is less if you can."

Jiang Lin stole Mochizuki Lingxi. At that time, the cruise ship was far away from the two demon emperors, so it was relatively safe. Who knows if there were any accidents on the way back, and if they bumped into it again, it would be a lot of fun.

In fact, if Jiang Lin continued to take the boat on his return journey, there would be a disaster, and he had to be careful this time.

Chapter [-] This is the groupie!

Money can make a ghost run a mill. Jiang Lin is not bad at all. The treasure he brought from Hamnata last time, Eve didn't use much this year, and was taken into the bronze mirror by Jiang Lin and Mochizuki Lingxi. , only part of it was exchanged for Egyptian currency to buy five air tickets.

Although there were no direct long-distance planes at all in this era, Jiang Lin didn't mind, and it was enough to take one ride one ride at a time.

"Husband, the feeling of flying on a plane is really unusual."

In the cabin, Caiyi couldn't be idle at all, and kept looking at the clouds outside, not to mention Ayan.

Even though the size and performance of the passenger planes of this period were incomparable to those of later generations, it was a very luxurious experience to be able to get on a plane and travel at high altitudes.

Even if the plane didn't sell well, it was one of the few passenger planes in Egypt. It wasn't because the wealthy and noble family couldn't afford it. This time it was packaged by Jiang Lin.

"In the future, whoever of you wants to see the sea of ​​​​clouds, just tell my husband."

Seeing the wives being so strange, Jiang Lin wanted them to enjoy the morning and sunset with him.

"Husband, do you want to buy a plane?"

Bai Min'er was also attracted by the scenery outside the window. Hearing Jiang Lin's words, a happy expression appeared on his face, and the feeling of flying in the air was quite strange.

"You don't need to buy a plane."

Jiang Lin took off directly into the air, suspended in the cabin, and then sat down again, saying, "Your husband can go to the sky. Sooner or later, I will accompany you to the sky to watch the clouds and rays of light."

Thinking of his own abilities, Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing. Those weird abilities could not only assist in battle, but also have other uses, such as making his wife happy.

"Great, husband, I'll be the first to try when I go back."

Ayan sat in Jiang Lin's arms and slapped his face.Caiyi and the others pouted slightly, Ayan is too good at acting like a spoiled child, but Jiang Lin is the kind of good husband who spoils whoever acts like a spoiled child. This time, Ayan took the lead.

"All share, all share."

Jiang Lin rubbed his forehead against Ayan's head, letting her continue to enjoy the cloudscape.

"This bead is really interesting."

When he had nothing to do, Jiang Lin took out a palm-sized pitch-black bead from the cloth bag.

Because he couldn't communicate with Mochizuki Lingxi, Jiang Lin didn't know what this ball was used for, but it could be concluded that it was definitely not an ordinary baby.

Just by holding this ball in his hand, Jiang Lin could feel that the Yang in his body was being repelled, and the repelling force was quite large.

However, Jiang Lin didn't feel much yin from the beads, which was relatively rare.

In addition to the mutual repulsion between yin and yang, water and fire are incompatible, but there is no fluctuation of the water attribute in the ball.

Jiang Lin didn't know what the purpose of the ball was for the time being, so he was going to go back and check the classics, so he put it in the bag.

After several tossing and turning, ten days later, Jiang Lin, his four wives, and the colorful tiger king returned to Liyang Residence.

"Sister Eve is so beautiful."

"A sheer beauty."

After arriving home, Ren Zhuzhu and the others were shocked by Eve's face, which was completely different from their own beauty.

"Hello, sisters."

Eve politely greeted Chen Yu and the others, and finally recognized Bai Rou and Linglong Hongdou as sisters, which made the three of them blushed.

Jiang Lin looked at the wives who were joking with each other, and only thought that it would be great if they lived like this in the future.

I haven't seen each other for more than a month, so it will take a long time to get tired of it at night. The only regret is that Axiu can't come over yet.

The next day, Jiang Lin took Eve and Ren Zhuzhu to the street to let Eve understand the surrounding environment of the new home, but found that the whole Gantian Town was boiling.

The town entrance was crowded with people, and the doors and walls of the shops on the street were covered with banners, such as "Thousand Faces Pan Anyi Xiaolong", "Reincarnation Imperial Concubine Yingjintang" and other banners decorated a street with colorful decorations. .

"Husband, it's so lively today."

"What's the matter, a big man came to Gantian Town?"

Not only Jiang Lin, but even Ren Tingting and the others had their eyes wide open, which was almost the same as when the emperor came before.

"Xiu'er, what's going on over there?"

Axiu just came back from collecting medicine, carrying a small medicine basket on her back, squeezed through the crowd, and walked towards this side.

"Jiang Lin! I don't know, I heard someone say that the troupe from the provincial capital is coming."

Seeing Jiang Lin, Axiu trotted in front of him and hadn't seen her lover for over a month.

Qing Phoenix Theatre? ?

Damn, these people are all chasing stars?

Jiang Lin was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that there would be star chasing so early, and regardless of gender, age, and age, almost half of the town's people crowded here, looking forward to the outside of the town.

"Husband, opera is the national quintessence of Middle-earth, I'm quite interested."

Eve became interested in Middle-earth drama when she heard that there was a theatre troupe.

"Yes, it's been a long time since I watched the play."

"Sister Ning has watched the drama with her husband, and so has Sister Nianying."

"Let's see too!"

Nianying and Ren Zhuzhu were also interested when they heard that a troupe was coming.

"This is your sister Eve."

Jiang Lin took Eve to his side and let her know Axiu.

"Sister Fu."

Axiu said hello to Eve, and then looked at Jiang Lin with a small mouth, from a girl to a woman, Axiu already knew that she was jealous.

Jiang Lin took her into his arms and kissed her on the forehead, Ah Xiucai shyly returned to Fuxitang.

"The Celebration Phoenix Troupe is here!"

"Yi Xiaolong!!"


"I love you, Yi Xiaolong!"

The troupe came from the town entrance, and the street was like a dynamite barrel lit. A group of people rushed towards the town entrance like crazy.

Compared with this, the star chasing of later generations is simply weak. In the future, young people will at least not have a problem with food and clothing, so they will have time and energy to chase stars.

But now it is different. Several shops are no longer in business. Uncle Niu does not let cattle, and Uncle Zhang does not look at the ground. They all come here to welcome Yi Xiaolong and Ying Jintang.

This is the groupie!

What surprised Jiang Lin was that the two boys, A Hai and A Chu, were also in the crowd, rushing faster than anyone else.

"Yi Xiaolong, I love you!"

"Yi Xiaolong, sign us!"

The two brothers were howling, fiercer than slaughtering pigs.

I'm going, what about you?

The arrival of the Sanqing Patriarch, it's not necessarily that the two of you are so enthusiastic, right? ?

I don't know if Mao Xiaofang's lungs would explode if he saw that his two disciples didn't do business and came here to chase stars.

Axiu knows to go to collect medicine early in the morning.

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