"Let's go, let's take a look at the excitement. I wonder if that Yi Xiaolong is really the same as Pan An."

Anyway, idle is idle, with wives to join in the fun, there is nothing wrong.

Chapter eight hundred and thirty

"Husband, it looks like this troupe is very popular. We have to buy tickets in advance, and the whole family will go to the show."

Shu Ning took Jiang Lin's arm and said that since she played the ghost of Zhan Zhaohe Baogong trial, she found that she fell in love with opera.

Especially the time she watched with Jiang Lin at Uncle Sheng's place was an unforgettable beauty, so she developed a strong interest in this kind of national quintessence.

"Yes, it is estimated that we are all going to grab tickets."

"Watching the play, I also want to watch the Liang Zhu Lou Tai meeting."

Jiang Lin didn't expect Ren Tingting and the others to like opera so much, but thinking about it, his home is like a place where talented girls gather. Chen Yu likes embroidery, Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu like to draw, Xiaoqian and Jing Yuanying like to play the piano, and Xiaoru is a good calligrapher.

Opera is also an art, no wonder they prefer it.

"Buy it! Since you want to see it, let's buy it at any price."

It's just a few movie tickets, Jiang Lin doesn't believe that he still needs to grab it.

"Oh, I really made a profit this time, and I got a job selling tickets."

Approaching the crowd, Jiang Lin saw Zhou Yuan smiling happily not far away, and went over to say hello.

It seems that the ticket seller is the big three yuan.

"Master Jiang, we have come to Gantian Town, the famous troupe Qingfeng Opera Troupe in the provincial capital. Yi Xiaolong and Ying Jintang are all stars of Liyuan!"

Apart from winning the gambling, Jiang Lin has never seen Zhou Yuan be so excited as he is today.

If Zhou Yuan changed his clothes, it would definitely make people mistakenly think that he was also a member of the troupe, and he might even suspect that he was the head of the troupe.

"Huh? This foreign... foreign girl?"

It was only at this time that Zhou Yuan discovered that there was a foreign woman beside Jiang Lin, but since he was by Jiang Lin's side, he did not dare to call Eve a foreign girl.

"My wife."

Jiang Lin and Eve introduced the next three yuan, because Jiang Lin rescued the father of the three yuan last year, so last year's Mid-Autumn Festival, the three yuan they also specially sent moon cakes to Li Yangju, which can be regarded as a better neighbor, Jiang Lin just Let Eve get acquainted.

Wow!Master Jiang, I am really convinced!

Zhou Yuan gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up. Eve was blond and blue-eyed, with delicate facial features. She was a complete beauty. As long as she wasn't blind, even if she didn't have much aesthetic ability for foreign women, she could see that she was very beautiful.

The local wives are all beautiful, but they actually married a foreign woman, and they are still beautiful!

"Master Jiang, I sold the tickets for the Qingfeng Theatre Troupe. If you need it, I can give you a discount, but the seats may not be all first-class."

Zhou Yuan got a ticket selling job in advance. Jiang Lin is a big favor to their family. If he wants to watch the show, he must get a discount.

It's just that there are too many people in the Jiang Lin family, and the first-class seats have to be reserved for Director Song and the others. This is really impossible.

"It doesn't matter, there is no need for the discount. We estimate that we need twenty or thirty tickets. Just give them a joint seat, and you don't necessarily need a first-class seat."

It takes a lot of food for the owner in his own home. If he counts the discount, Jiang Lin estimates that Zhou Yuan will be distressed to death.

Anyway, Jiang Lin was not short of that money, and it would be ok for their family to sit together.

"No problem, Master Jiang, don't worry."

Zhou Yuan patted his chest, Master Jiang was no different, even the ghosts below nodded and bowed to him, leaving a few tickets for the joint seat, how could he not agree.

Now that half of the votes are in his hands, that's not what he has the final say.

Qingfenghuang Theatre is so popular, if you buy tickets according to the normal procedures, you will have to queue up until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Month.

Zhou Yuan took this job, not only to make money, but also to show his prestige. If he usually has a bad relationship with him, he can raise the price, or queue up if he doesn't want to.

Jiang Lin looked at Zhou Zhou Yuan's stinky expression, and he could only laugh in his heart. He could imagine the flamboyant energy of this big three Yuan when he was selling tickets.

After saying a few more words to Jiang Lin, Zhou Yuan went over to maintain order.

Screaming, shouting, the whole town can't be seen.

I don't know how many aunts and sisters shouted at Yi Xiaolong on the rickshaw.

Yes, it's okay to be long.

But unfortunately, the skin is good, but he can't live for a few days.

Jiang Lin glanced at Yi Xiaolong on the rickshaw. He was even more handsome than the big one he had met before, but this Yi Xiaolong had turned black and was already doomed.

Recalling the content of the episodes he had watched, Jiang Lin vaguely remembered that there seemed to be such a paragraph in Zombie Daoist.

The Yi Xiaolong inside is actually a guy who is golden and jade, and he seems to have been killed by someone.

Looking at Yi Xiaolong's face again, Jiang Lin felt that the plot should not deviate from it. Yi Xiaolong here is also golden and jade.

What about him, if Mao Xiaofang is here, it has nothing to do with me.

Even if the development of the matter is really the same as the plot, the troupe will make troubles, and Jiang Lin is too lazy to take care of it.

After that, Jiang Lin watched the fun at will. He was not like Ah Hai and Ah Chu, the two big men who were attracted by a man to the point of becoming blue-faced.

There are also those big sisters and aunts who have seen the outside, and it is estimated that even Yi Xiaolong does not know what kind of person is outside the stage.

Thinking about Jiang Lin also felt quite ironic.

It is golden and jade on the outside, and it is fragrant inside.

Glancing at the wives beside him, Jiang Lin found that they were just like himself, watching the excitement, and his eyes didn't linger on Yi Xiaolong and Ying Jintang.

Otherwise, Jiang Lin had to let them know the family law of the Jiang family.

After watching the excitement, Jiang Lin took his wives for a walk around. Anyway, Sanyuan said he would reserve tickets for them, and there would be no shortage of them.

Ask him to queue up to buy tickets, that simply doesn't exist.


Jiang Lin, Eve, and the others walked to the entrance of the theater, and found that there was a long line of several hundred meters here. Some people even brought Maza, Guazi, and even bedding.

"Didn't the show start in two days?"

Ren Tingting said that she was speechless. In order to watch a few scenes, these people were all ready to queue up for the night.

For the next two days, the townspeople of Gantian Town went into a frenzy, and [*]% of the people ran to the entrance of the theater just to ask for a ticket.

Chapter [*] Yi Xiaolong is dead!

"Husband, is it okay for us to dress like this?"

Nianying wore new clothes and walked around in front of Jiang Lin, with a golden yellow leather scarf draped over her shoulders.

As for Chen Yu and the others, some wore mink fur scarves, and the yellow fur was not enough.

Usually Jiang Lin's wives don't pay attention to luxury in dress, which is also related to Jiang Lin's life style. Jiang Lin himself is not a man who likes to talk about style, and her wives naturally don't compare and show off their wealth.

But to go to the theater tonight, most of the wealthy people in Gantian Town will go there.

"very beautiful."

Jiang Lin hugged Nianying, pulled her to sit beside the bed, and thrush her eyebrows.

When Jiang Lin and his wives arrived in the front yard, Bai Rourou's master and apprentice were almost blinded.

The three of them also had tickets to go to the theater with the Jiang Lin family, so they also dressed up carefully, but compared with Chen Yu and the others, the three of them were inferior in clothing.


I really want to be the mistress of Li Yangju.

The three teachers and disciples all had the same idea.

"Sister Rourou, you are very beautiful tonight."

"No, it should be Sister Rourou."

On the way, Ren Zhuzhu and Jin Tianyi deliberately made Bai Rourou happy, making Bai Rourou's face red.

She is a few years older than Ren Zhuzhu and Jin Tianyi. It's nothing to call her sister, but it's too obvious to call her sister.

If she entered the Jiang family's door, she was really Jin Tianyi's younger sister, even if she was a little older.

Because the Qing Fenghuang Opera Troupe was so popular, even if Jiang Lin and the others were not late, there were already quite a few people seated in the theater, including Director Song, Captain Song, and Boss Jin and other powerful and wealthy families.

After Jiang Lin entered, everyone in the half court was dumbfounded. It had something to do with Jiang Lin, but it was mainly because of his wife.

Come in one, big beauties, come in one, big beauties, have been in more than [*], all of them are of national beauty, and they are also beautifully dressed.

Xiaoli and Xiaoqian also went to the theater, together with Bai Rourou's mentor and apprentice, there were nearly [*] people.

All are the same as the noble phoenix, and there is also a big foreign beauty.

This time, the Jiang Lin family completely became the focus of the audience.

Both men, women and children were stunned.

God, so happy!Left and right hugs can't even get a hand!

What kind of incense was burned in the past life?

It is too much to enjoy the blessings of Qi people!

Really a super idol of men!

Especially the man who was already seated, without blinking his eyes, made Jiang Lin fiercely envious and jealous.

The first five rows on the left were all covered by the Jiang family.

Jiang Lin sat in the middle.

"Husband, you are probably the happiest man in the world."

"Yes, I see the eyes of many men, and they are about to breathe fire."

Ayan and Ren Zhuzhu giggled, their men were almost the enemy of men.

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