Jiang Lin smiled slightly. The woman beside him, any one, was almost a beautiful woman at the level of trouble, and it was not to say that she was envious of others.


It didn't take long for Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice to come in too. When Axiu saw Jiang Lin, she wanted to sit with Ren Tingting and the others.

Jiang Lin had asked Axiu if she wanted to watch the play, but she was told that Mao Xiaofang knew the head of the troupe.

What Jiang Lin didn't expect was that before Mao Xiaofang was cultivating, he was also a disciple of Liyuan!In this respect, Mao Xiaofang was similar to Ninth Uncle, so the class leader gave them four tickets for the four masters and apprentices.

In the future, if Mao Xiaofang retires, he can go to learn the Eighteen Arhats to collect Dapeng, and he will definitely become popular all over the country!

Jiang Lin seems to remember that there is indeed such a setting in the TV series.

Seeing Jiang Lin's family, Mao Xiaofang, A Hai and A Chu are all ellipses.

The whole family is here, can we still let people watch the show!

Mao Xiaofang was just speechless, while A Hai and A Chu were speechless and heartbroken.

Axiu and Jianglin didn't seem to have run away, Ahai was heartbroken, Shu Ning had already lived with Jianglin, Achu was severely beaten, and every time he saw Shu Ning, he wanted to vomit blood.

After sneaking a glance at Master, Ah Xiu ran over and sat with Jing Yuanying.

As long as he entered the arena later than Jiang Lin, the first few rows on the left were shocked, and the lethality was too strong.

Even after the show started, the actors above were also shocked.

There are more than [*] big beauties who are as beautiful as flowers, and they are much prettier than their leading actresses. Who can stand it?

After the opening ceremony, the wives around Jiang Lin watched with great interest, but Jiang Lin lacked interest.

The Qing Fenghuang Opera Troupe is good at literary drama, and it is not very attractive to Jiang Lin.

After all, Jiang Lin traveled here from later generations. He had seen movies and TV dramas, but literary dramas really couldn't arouse his interest.

After watching the play, Ren Tingting yelled at Jiang Lin that she wanted to learn the play and asked Jiang Lin to buy them costumes.


After all, it is the quintessence of the country, and his wife likes it, so Jiang Lin is going to buy some costumes whenever he wants, so that his wives can have a good time.

Not only the Jiang Lin family, but those who have seen the play, all talk about the performance of the opera with gusto.

Unfortunately, what they didn't expect was that a shocking news came out of the theater the next day.

Taizhu Yi Xiaolong is dead!

This shocking news, without propaganda by the loudspeaker Chou San Yuan, spread all over Gantian Town in no time.

"Why? My idol!"

"I'm so jealous of little Pan An!"

"I don't know which god killed my little dragon!"

Hearing this news, Yi Xiaolong's fans were heartbroken.

Jiang Lin was walking on the street and got goosebumps when he heard these people's comments.

I'll go, as for!

"I must find out who the murderer is! Yi Xiaolong, you died so miserably."

What made Jiang Lin speechless was that Da Sanyuan was on the street, like a concubine in mourning, shouting that he must avenge Yi Xiaolong.

In fact, Zhou Yuan will be so sad and angry, more because Yi Xiaolong is his cash cow. Gantian Town has so many fans of Yi Xiaolong. He can make a lot of money as a ticket seller.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing one's parents.

In the teahouse, almost all the guests were discussing this matter, saying who might have harmed Yi Xiaolong, and they said that they were all righteous, and everyone was a detective.

When this incident happened, the Qing Fenghuang Opera Troupe had to postpone the performance. Captain Song and the others also went to the troupe to investigate the case, but for several days, there was no clue at all.

The class leader had no choice but to invite Mao Xiaofang to save Yi Xiaolong.

After all, dead people, they come to Gantian Town to make money, and if they don't fast, they will always affect their business.

Unfortunately, the overreach has no effect.

Because Yi Xiaolong was killed and the murderer could not be found for a long time, he refused to leave the troupe and stayed in the troupe all the time.

Chapter [*]: The Wretched Soul of the Troupe

"I didn't expect that just after watching one scene, people in the troupe died."

Different from Jiang Lin, Ren Tingting and the others were all girls from the Republic of China. During this period, watching the theater was almost the same as watching movies in later generations. Gan Tianzhen finally came to the theater troupe.

"Yes, I was planning to watch a few more exciting games."

"It's been three days, and the troupe hasn't found the murderer yet. I don't know when the troupe will reopen."

Xiaoqian and Jing Yuanying also felt it was a pity. It happened that the whole family was getting together to watch the drama together, and it was interrupted by this accident.

"It is estimated that you want to watch the play, if you have to wait."

Jiang Lin remembered that in the plot, things were not over yet, but he couldn't remember anything more specific.

Since his wives are so addicted to drama, Jiang Lin is going to go to the theater to see if he can buy some costumes, paints and props to satisfy the drama addiction of his wives.

If he couldn't buy it, he would go to the provincial capital and buy a dozen or two sets of some opera books and other items, so that his wife could have some fun.

"Let me tell you, I really heard Brother Long's voice last night singing on the stage."

"Shh... Keep your voice down, the class leader won't allow us to talk nonsense, otherwise no one dares to listen to the play, and no one dares to go to the rehearsal at night."

"But I did hear it. Isn't that Master Mao overkill?"

Jiang Lin's ears were sharp and he heard the two young people talking on the street.

Is this haunted?

Jiang Lin glanced at the two of them. He had seen them in the troupe when he was watching a play a few days ago.

Mao Xiaofang's approach has gone too far, and it doesn't seem to have any effect.

Before Jiang Lin arrived at the theater, he found that the whole theater was relatively heavy, which meant that Yi Xiaolong's ghost had not left or was ready to reincarnate below.

Yi Xiaolong was the kind of guy who didn't want to suffer, but now he's dead inexplicably, where is he willing to give up, but he doesn't know who killed him, so he has been wandering in the troupe.

Even if there is a statue of Master Hua Guang in the troupe, it cannot protect such a large theater.

Jiang Lin has no intention of touching Yi Xiaolong's soul. One is that although the troupe has a lot of yin, there is no resentment. As long as the ghost doesn't hurt people, Jiang Lin is too lazy to move it. The second reason is that the troupe has hired Mao Xiaofang to do it. , Jiang Lin is also with Mao Xiaofang no matter what, he intervenes without authorization, which is not in compliance with the rules.

Unless even Mao Xiaofang can't handle it, and someone pays for it, Jiang Lin will take action.

After entering the theater, Captain Song and Zhou Yuan were still investigating and collecting evidence. Even though Captain Song was a good police officer, this time they were all troubled. The motive for the crime could not be found at all, and there were almost no clues.

"Master Jiang."

Captain Song said hello to Jiang Lin. Originally, he wanted to ask Jiang Lin for help. After all, Jiang Lin had the technique of inquiring about evil spirits, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything.

He often dealt with Mao Xiaofang, and Captain Song also knew some rules of Jiang Lin's line of business, and other people would basically not interfere in their business.

The troupe had hired Mao Xiaofang before, so it was not appropriate for him to ask Jiang Lin to help.

Just wait for Master Mao to come back.

Captain Song pressed his own thoughts and prepared to wait for Mao Xiaofang to come back from Chenjiacun to ask him for advice.

Mao Xiaofang practiced in the troupe, and the next day he was invited away by the village chief of Chenjia Village, twenty miles away, and he was probably coming back soon.

"Captain Song."

Jiang Lin nodded to Captain Song, and then told Class Master Ye of his intentions.

"Yes, the costumes and props of our troupe are all of the same style. Since Master Jiang's wife is so interested in opera, I am also very happy."

Hearing that Jiang Lin said that his wife was interested in opera, and asked if there were any extra costumes, the class leader Ye readily agreed. There are extra new costumes and props, and they can sell a few sets.

"I just didn't expect that something would go wrong after just one performance. I'll get the troupe back to normal as soon as possible."

"Okay, Class Master Ye, you can ask someone to choose a few sets, and I'll have them carry it out tomorrow."

Jiang Lin thanked Master Ye and went to the Demon Temple on the mountain.

As the corpse has entered the level of hairy, the upper limit of the evil spirits that Jiang Lin can hold in his body has been greatly increased. There are evil spirits left by the Gorefiend in the Demon Temple, and he can be used as an absorption purifier.

After Jiang Lin left, the class leader Ye asked Wusheng Aji to pick out some costumes and the like. Who knew that Aji accidentally discovered Yi Xiaolong's relics.

There is a lot of gold and silver in it.

That night, while everyone was gone, Aji sneaked into the backstage of the troupe and stole a gold chain from Yi Xiaolong's relic.

"That's mine, you thief!"

Yi Xiaolong's soul was suspended on the beam, looking at Aji below.

Speaking of which, it was this little Wusheng who was courting his own death. Yi Xiaolong had only been dead for a few days, so he dared to touch his relics. In addition, Yi Xiaolong was not a master who was willing to suffer, so he was willing to give up.

"Dare to steal my things, you are courting death!"

"There are ghosts! There are ghosts!"

As soon as Aji walked onto the stage, he felt that his body was out of control, so he ran over to grab a steel knife and swung it randomly.

It just so happened that after class leader Ye and Ying Jintang had dinner together, they returned to the theater and found a scene that made them horrified.

On the stage, Aji slashed with a steel knife and slashed on his thigh.

Fortunately, the steel knife is a prop without a sharp edge, otherwise he would have cut off his thigh bone with this knife.

After pulling out the steel knife, Aji wanted to slash at his neck again, but in the end he was controlled by himself and slashed on the lute bone.

Master Ye and Ying Jintang were so frightened that their faces turned blue. Before, Wu Sheng said that he heard someone singing at night, but there was no one on the stage. Now such a strange thing has happened again, and a few people can't help but go to the ghost. think about it.

Among them, Ying Jintang and his big-bellied wife, Hua Yanhong, both had heart palpitations, and there was no blood on their faces.

"Save people, save people!"

Although Class Master Ye was afraid, he couldn't help him. He rushed to the stage with a few buddies and snatched the steel knife from Aji's hand.

The group was about to send Aji to the hospital for treatment. There was a gust of wind on the stage, and then Yi Xiaolong's voice came out of nowhere on the stage.


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