This time, when he heard the singing in the middle of the night with his own ears, the class leader Ye had to believe that the theater was haunted.

"It's Brother Long's voice."


A few of them were relatively timid, and were originally frightened by Aji's strange behavior, but now they heard Yi Xiaolong's voice, and their legs went soft.

Chapter [*]: The bragging is the number one, forget the ghost

"Brother Long, let me go, I'm sorry..."

Aggie was supported, and now he's freaked out.


"Bright red!"

Hua Yanhong saw Aji's appearance with blood all over her body.

A group of people immediately left the theater with Hua Yanhong and Aggie.

"Master, I'm sorry, the theater is haunted, and a few of us have gone back to the countryside."

Back at the hotel, a few young warriors and the girls found Class Master Ye, and they all shouted to leave.

This time, they were too frightened to go back to the troupe, let alone rehearse.

Although the class leader Ye tried his best to keep him, he said that Aji was found because he stole Yi Xiaolong's relics. The others were brothers and sisters before, and nothing would happen again.

But these people are not willing at all, and the class leader Ye has no choice at all. Now that the theater is really haunted, he can't force people to stay in the theater.

After distributing some of the wages to those who were leaving, the class leader Ye went to visit Ying Jintang and his wife.

"Brother Tang, Sister Hong, is she all right?"

"Master, come first, it's okay, just a little bit of tire air."

Ying Jintang invited Class Master Ye into the room and asked, "How is Aji?"

"Fortunately, the knife didn't strike, and it didn't hurt any bones, but... I let him rest for a while. He didn't want to. He wanted to go back to the countryside. Not only Aji, but Xiao Wu and Mei Xiang would also leave."

The head of the troupe Ye is now one of the top two. Originally, the troupe was dead, and the loss of their troupe was big enough.

"Let this go, that one goes too, then who will come on stage, the troupe doesn't have to go on!"

Ying Jintang was so angry that the troupe had his investment, he thought he killed Yi Xiaolong, police) (I couldn't find anything, but nothing happened. I didn't think there was a ghost now.

If this goes on, he won't be able to get back a cent of his investment.

"I don't want this either. Now everyone says it's haunted, and few people dare to stay. I'll go to Fuxi Hall tomorrow. I'll also find a way to deal with the problem of manpower."

The class leader Ye calmed down Ying Jintang and went back to his room. The next day, he asked people to hand out flyers on the street and organized a cultural exchange with the troupe. , the trick is forced to continue, and then someone will be invited.

As for the haunting of the troupe, he didn't want to reveal it either. Most rehearsals were done during the day, and the troupe did not leave anyone at night.

After that, the class leader Ye went to Fuxi Hall and asked Mao Xiaofang to deal with the haunting.

Ah Chu was drinking tea leisurely in the living room of Fuxi Hall. Mao Xiaofang was not there, and Ah Hai and Ah Xiu didn't care about him. He didn't want to move any of his talisman training.

Seeing Class Master Ye coming in, Ah Chu got up and asked, "Master Ye, what's the matter?"

"I want to ask if Master Mao is here?"

"Unfortunately, my master went to Chenjia Village and will not be back until a few days later. What's the matter?"

"That's it, a lot of things have happened in the troupe recently. Brother Long seems to be back, and everyone is quite scared. I want to ask Master Mao to deal with it, so that the troupe can rehearse the show with peace of mind. Since Master Mao is not there, there is no way to do it. I will go. Find Master Jiang."

After coming to Gantian Town for a few days, the leader Ye also knew that in addition to Mao Xiaofang, Jiang Lin was a Taoist priest, and his reputation was very high.

Now that Mao Xiaofang is not here, he can only go to Liyangju.

"Hey, Class Master Ye, it's all about catching ghosts, right? Leave it to me. I've followed Master for so many years, and even if I don't learn enough, [*]% of them will. It's very simple to catch ghosts."

When Ah Chu heard that Ye Ban was mainly looking for Jiang Lin, he was immediately unhappy and began to put gold on his face to show his bragging.

Really bragging without blush.

Axiu curled her lips aside, she didn't draw any talismans, she didn't practice kung fu, and said that if she didn't learn ten percent of her master's skills, she would have ninety percent of it.

Faceless and skinless, invincible in the world.

Ah Hai held the door with one hand, quietly watching his junior brother blow the bull into the sky.

It was also that the class leader Ye didn't know Ah Chu's reputation in Gantian Town, and thought that a famous teacher was an apprentice, but he really believed it and asked Ah Chu to help at night.

"Junior Brother, when did you catch ghosts by yourself, when did you become so skilled?"

After the class leader Ye left, Ah Hai began to tease the king of cowhide.

"He, bragging is the number one, expect him to catch ghosts, forget it."

Axiu's mind is pure and simple, and what to say when she thinks of it, although her words are not pleasing to the ears, what she said is also the truth.

"Who said I can't do it!"

Being underestimated by Axiu, and being ridiculed by Ahai, Achu suddenly shouted in a shrill voice.

"Besides, I can't do it alone, don't you have a senior brother? What's more, Axiu has some strength now. Boss Ye came to our Fuxitang, and he has a relationship with the master. If you let him go With Uncle Shi, doesn’t that mean that our Fuxi Hall is not as good as Li Yangju? It’s just a kid, so the three of them can’t hold it?”

Although he didn't have much affection for Axiu, Achu also knew how much he weighed, so he ignored Axiu's ridicule at the moment.As long as this little devil is caught, and when the master comes back, he can brag about it, and he has a face.

Ah Xiu didn't want to get involved in this matter at first, Ah Chu bragged and let him do it by himself, but after thinking about it, it was the same family. past.

After nightfall, Ah Chu and Ah Hai brought a lot of guys to the troupe. Under the eyes of a group of people, they were posing and setting up the altar in the backstage of the troupe.

It's a pity that he didn't even know that there was a statue of Master Hua Guang in the backstage of the troupe, and Yi Xiaolong didn't dare to come in at all, and only stayed on the stage.

"I'm so mad, I called me a brother before I was alive, but now the murderer has not been caught, so let the Taoist priest come to collect me."

When Yi Xiaolong saw the guys in the hands of Ah Hai and Ah Chu, he knew that the two of them were Taoist priests.

Even if Aggie was taught a lesson by him before, it was because he stole his things.

"I won't make you look good!"

Yi Xiaolong was waiting on the stage, ready to teach these people a lesson when he found an opportunity.

Axiu saw that Achu took a compass and looked around, and asked aloud, "Where is the grapefruit leaf?"

Now Axiu has been able to use grapefruit leaves to open her eyes. Instead of using a compass, it is better to use her eyes better.

"Oh, wouldn't it be enough to have a compass? What more grapefruit leaves are needed, a finger on the compass, throw a few talismans over, and he will automatically appear."

Ah Chu had the intention to show off in front of everyone, and he couldn't open his eyes. If he brought grapefruit leaves, he would be stealing the limelight by Axiu, so even if the grapefruit leaves were good, he was unwilling to use them.

This funny guy thought that relying on a compass would be effective, and using a compass would be no problem, but the one he held in his hand was a new one, and the old one was taken away by Mao Xiaofang.

The new compass can also be used, but the premise is that it must be consecrated. Ah Chu can only brag about it, how can he consecrate it.

Axiu was too lazy to talk to her second senior brother, Jiang Lin didn't like Achu very much, and Axiu was the same.

Chapter eight hundred and thirty fourth death to the ghost as a toy

"Master, can you do it? I've searched the backstage several times."

When a martial student saw Ah Chu walking around holding a compass, he seemed to have no clue, so he was a little suspicious of Ah Chu's weight.

" don't understand, the devil will only appear around the time when he wants to be a child. Now that it has not come, of course I can't find it. As long as it comes, it will definitely not escape my palm."

Ah Chu deliberately pretended to be an expert and talked nonsense in a serious manner.

Axiu and Ahai couldn't help but pouted at one side, "Zishi is a ghost!"

"Haha, it turns out that he is a guy who makes up for it, and he will make you look good when he comes out!"

Yi Xiaolong floated at the entrance of the backstage, holding his arms and looking at Ah Chu.

Now it's here, but Ah Chu and the others haven't found it at all, obviously they're not good enough.

"Want to wait until midnight? Isn't it midnight?"

"Let's go back first, we have to rehearse tomorrow."

Although the leader of Ye and the others really wanted to see Yi Xiaolong being taken away, they had to wait until midnight, it was too late, so they were not going to stay here one by one.

The class leader Ye was also very tired because he hadn't had a good rest in the past few days, so he said, "Ah Chu, it's going to be hard for you. We can't help you much here, so we'll go back first."

"Well, you weren't haunted every night before, which means that ghosts don't necessarily come here every night. We are here to wait for the rabbits. If they don't come tonight, they will come tomorrow night or the night after tomorrow. As long as it comes, let it be. It can't go."

"That's fine, that's fine."

The class leader Ye didn't know that Ah Chu was just making up the bills, so he believed it to be true, and returned to the hotel with the others.

After Master Ye and the others left, Ah Chu knocked on the compass and asked Ah Hai, "Brother, why is the compass not responding at all? If it is haunted here, the yin qi must be heavy, and the compass will react a little bit."

"If you ask me, I don't know. You don't even bring grapefruit leaves, and now the compass doesn't respond, what can I do?"

Ah Hai shrugged, he didn't know what was going on in this situation.

"I think it must be that Yi Xiaolong who knew we were coming to collect it, and was too scared to come over."

Ah Chu didn't take the haunting seriously anymore. He really thought that Yi Xiaolong didn't come, but he didn't know that the master was watching him not far away.

Anyway, there is nothing to do now, it is better to have a play addiction.

When Ah Chu saw a set of costumes on the side, he put it on his body and said to Ah Hai: "Senior brother, I don't think there will be anything to gain tonight. Let's have a 'Mu Guiying recruiting relatives' for the two of us."

Putting on the costume, Ah Chu ran to the stage, with clanging in his mouth, twisting his orchid fingers, and singing on the stage.

Ah Hai also became addicted to drama, and went to the stage with Ah Chu to make trouble.

There was only one Axiu left in the background, carefully paying attention to the movements of the compass.

The two senior brothers came here, she didn't have that thought, she took the ghost away earlier and went back to sleep earlier.

Do you want to sleep in Liyangju tonight?

After becoming a woman, Axiu often misses Jiang Lin's love, but she hasn't visited the house yet. If she often spends the night in Li Yangju, it will be bad for her teacher.


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