At this moment, Ah Chu and Ah Hai were making a fool of themselves outside. The former bumped into Yi Xiaolong, but because Yi Xiaolong was invisible, it looked like he had bumped into an invisible wall.

what happened?

A Chu covered his nose, got up from the ground, and reached out to feel the air in front of him.


Yi Xiaolong held Ah Chu's arm and gave him an over-the-shoulder throw.

"Junior Brother, what's wrong with you? Oh!"

As soon as Ah Hai wanted to go over and help his junior brother up, Yi Xiaolong grabbed him by the collar and threw him, and a pair of senior junior brothers just happened to bump their heads.

The comet hits the earth, it's cool.

"Ghost, haunted!"

"Axiu, help!"

If the two brothers and sisters don't know that it is an evil, then they can jump off the building.

"What is it?"

Ah Xiu heard the shouting and arrived at the front desk, where Ah Hai and Ah Chu were playing monkeys.

It wasn't a normal game, but Ah Hai took a saber and slashed towards Ah Chu.

Even if the blade is not pierced, it will see blood if it slashes.

"Yi Xiaolong is here, deal with him!"

While hiding from the saber, Ah Chu yelled at Ah Xiu.

Yi Xiaolong?

Axiu looked at the compass in her hand and didn't react at all.

There are no grapefruit leaves, I can't see where Yi Xiaolong is at all, deal with a ball!

Seeing Ah Hai wielding the saber, Ah Xiu had no choice but to go up and grab the knife.


When Yi Xiaolong saw Axiu approaching, he wanted to kick her over, but as soon as he approached, a charming spirit appeared in Axiu's shadow and screamed.

As long as Yi Xiaolong took a step closer, it would pounce on him and devour him alive.

Yi Xiaolong was so frightened that he stepped back again and again, and when he saw Charming Ling returned to Axiu's shadow, he knew that Axiu couldn't be provoked, so he continued to teach the two unlucky bastards a lesson.

"The compass doesn't respond? It's over!"

"Axiu, hurry up and find your uncle, oops, get out of the way!"

The hearts of the two brothers were half cold. They were not at the point where they could see ghosts with the naked eye. If the ghosts did not appear, they could only rely on the compass or grapefruit leaves to open their eyes to find traces, but now the former is useless and the latter is not brought.

In desperation, Ah Hai could only ask Ah Xiu to go to Jiang Lin to save the scene. If it continues like this, something will definitely happen.

Axiu didn't delay, she ran out and went straight to Liyangju.

After telling Jiang Lin about the situation, Jiang Lin went to the theater with Ah Xiu.

"The compass is probably newly made, and it has not been consecrated at all. I still catch ghosts for this matter, and I don't know why I was killed by ghosts."

On the way, Axiu told Jiang Lin the details, and Jiang Lin couldn't help but feel amused.

The two trolls went to hunt ghosts, and they didn't even know whether the compass was turned on or not, and they didn't bring the grapefruit leaves they had to prepare first.

If you don't have a cultivation base, you can't see where the ghost is at all, let alone ghosts, even if you are invisible, you can play people alive.

These two guys, if they don't teach a little lesson, they just don't care!

Jiang Lin learned that the charm spirit protecting A Xiu had come out, and he knew that the ghost must want to harm A Xiu, so he caused the protection of the charm spirit. If he hadn't taken protective measures for A Xiu, he would not have been able The wife who walks through the door may be in danger.

"Senior brother, stop!"

"I can't control myself!"

After breaking into the theater, the two saw Ah Hai slashing at Ah Chu's body with a long-handled sword.

The boy Achu was so anxious that he jumped up and down like a monkey.

"Master, help!"

When Ah Chu saw Jiang Lin coming, it was as if he saw a life-saving straw, and he hurriedly called for help.

"I heard Axiu say, didn't you pat on the chest and promise that as long as the ghost appears, it will not be able to escape from your palm? I'm here to give you a siege, don't be afraid, take it. It's okay to let the uncle see you. After learning [*]% of Master Mao's kung fu, what methods do you have?"

Jiang Lin held his arms and quietly looked at the two people playing tricks on the stage.

One is very happy, and the cows can blow it to the sky, and the other is a senior brother, who does not know how to control his junior brother. One or two years have passed, and the two senior brothers are still so unsatisfactory.

If you don't suffer a little bit, you won't have a long memory at all. This time, it's so easy to get rid of them, maybe next time you'll be killed by ghosts.

Chapter eight hundred and thirty-fifth, the mind is not right, and eventually become a ghost

  "Uncle Shi, help! The compass is useless."

  When Ah Chu saw Jiang Lin, he didn't immediately come up to clear the siege. Instead, he saw the jokes between him and Ah Hai, and shouted at Jiang Lin like a ghost.

  In fact, with the abilities of the three of them, it should be no problem to deal with a ghost who has not passed the first seven. Speaking of which, he is not bragging.

  But who would have thought that the compass didn't respond at all. They just wanted to use spells and couldn't find the target.

  "The compass is useless, you can just open your eyes with grapefruit leaves."

  Jiang Lin still didn't do much, he hadn't left his teacher yet, and his master wasn't around to hunt down ghosts, yet he was able to leave such an important thing behind, which was typical of longevity.

  A Xiu chuckled, and before she came, she said again and again that the guys had to prepare everything, this A Chu was a deaf ear, and she had to learn some lessons to remember.

  Anyway, since Jiang Lin is here, she will definitely not let her two senior brothers have an accident, and Axiu will be happy to watch the play.

  "Aren't you going to accept me? I messed up my costume, and now no one is helping you, two idiots, just wait for the crying father and mother!"

  Originally, when Jiang Lin came here, Yi Xiaolong was still afraid, but now it seems that Jiang Lin has no intention of taking action, so Yi Xiaolong continued to control Ah Hai's body, and then waved his saber.

  Ah Chu was still jumping up and down, and his head was covered in beads of sweat. He couldn't do it without jumping. If the knife touched his body, it would definitely hurt his bones.

  Because of lack of physical strength, Ah Chu suddenly fell on the stage, and at the same time, the saber slashed at him.

  Seeing this, Jiang Lin jumped up and reached out to block the hilt of the saber.

  After watching the show, it's enough to teach these two juniors a lesson. Jiang Lin didn't expect that Yi Xiaolong would actually dare to attack.

  Jiang Lin's Taoism is not comparable to Axiu and the others. He knotted the Three Purity Seals in his hand and touched Yi Xiaolong a little, and Yi Xiaolong's figure was revealed.

  "Do you really think I don't exist?"

  Jiang Lin snorted and rushed up with a stride.

  "Injustice, Daoist Master!"

  Yi Xiaolong knew that he was not Jiang Lin's opponent. After taking two steps back, he knelt down and shouted that he was wronged.

  "There are some people's Yangguan Road, and some people's Yin Division Road. If you don't go to reincarnation after death, and disturb the world, I will accept you as a matter of justice."

  Jiang Lin's Sanqing pointed at Yi Xiaolong's forehead, as long as he activated his spiritual power, Yi Xiaolong would be taken away by him.

  "Daoist, I have never done anything wrong in my life, but this time I was killed for no reason, and I was unwilling to die, so my ghost lingers."

  Yi Xiaolong knelt on the stage without any intention of resisting.Jiang Lin did not accept him immediately, which means there is still room for things to turn around.

  After all, he also greeted Jiang Lin before his death, but now that he has become a ghost, and he didn't harm anyone, he just wanted to give himself a chance to escape.

  Ah Chu was out of danger, and seeing that Yi Xiaolong actually said that he was wronged, he stepped forward and shouted, "What does it have to do with us if you don't leave your ghost? You almost scared me to death."

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