"Ying Jintang, it turns out that you killed me, I want you to die!"

Yi Xiaolong's ghost has manifested, and now his face has turned turquoise. In just a few days, his strength has reached the level of a green ghost, and he is only half a step away from breaking through to become a ghost general.

"Yi Xiaolong, you have a human face and a beast heart, and you will die!"

When Ying Jintang saw that Yi Xiaolong didn't go to reincarnate, he was frightened and filled with boundless anger, and yelled at Yi Xiaolong.

"I'm going to burn you alive!"

"Master, help!"

A Hai, A Chu and Ying Jintang were trapped by the fire wall together, and they could only turn to Mao Xiaofang.

As for Axiu, although he was also trapped by the wall of fire, he was very safe because the Charming Spirit appeared in his shadow.

"Phantom Rakshasa? Axiu, don't be afraid, Master is here to save you!"

What makes Axiu laugh or cry is that Mao Xiaofang thought that the charm beside Axiu was an accomplice of Yi Xiaolong and wanted to murder Axiu.

Worrying about Axiu's safety, Mao Xiaofang threw out a flaming paper crane after sweeping away the ghost fire and hit Meiling, making it return to Axiu's body.

Do you have such a pitiful master!

Ah Xiu really wanted to cry but had no tears. Originally, Charming Spirit was protecting her from ghost fire, but when Mao Xiaofang was blown up, Charming Spirit's protection was gone, and the wall of fire suddenly closed, causing several burns on her body.

"Master, that's the bodyguard that Jiang Lin left me, why did you hurt it! Help!"

Mao Xiaofang: "..."

Mao Xiaofang, who has always shown calmness, was staggered a few steps by Lei after listening to Axiu's words.

He had just focused on Axiu's safety, and when he saw Rakshasa around him, he subconsciously thought that he wanted to murder Axiu.

Thinking about it now, that black phantom Rakshasa is really protecting Ah Xiu.

I'll go, this time fellow Daoist can spray me to death with saliva.

Mao Xiaofang could even imagine Jiang Lin's expression after learning of this.

Chapter [*]: Cunning Yi Xiaolong

  Jiang Lin used the Phantom Rakshasa to protect Axiu's safety, so he knew how important Axiu was in Jianglin's heart, but this protective charm was broken by Mao Xiaofang, and Axiu was injured.

  If Jiang Lin knew about this, he would definitely choke to death.

  The matter was urgent, and Mao Xiaofang didn't think much about it at the moment. He created a seal and cast spells to extinguish the ghost fire around Axiu, and solved the crisis of Captain Song. After that, he hurried to rescue Ahai, Achu and Ying Jintang.

  Yi Xiaolong let out a ghostly cry and turned into a ball of fire and charged towards Mao Xiaofang.

  However, with his current strength to capture the green ghost, he can't fight against Mao Xiaofang unless he enters the level of a ghost general.

  Mao Xiaofang dodged a few times, kicked the fireball into the air with one foot, and then leaped into the air, with his fingers reaching into it, and the spiritual energy blasted out, causing the fireball to explode into ashes.

  Seeing that Mao Xiaofang couldn't do anything about it, Yi Xiaolong rushed towards Ying Jintang with ghost fires all over his body.

  "Qiankun borrows the law!"

  Mao Xiaofang took out a string of sandalwood rosary beads from the cloth bag, and with his hands, the rosary beads shot out, blowing Yi Xiaolong a lot, and the ghost fire around Ah Hai and the others was extinguished.

  "Mao Xiaofang, I will definitely come back to find you, I want to make the whole Gantian Town restless!"

  Failing to take revenge with his own hands, Yi Xiaolong looked at Ying Jintang and Mao Xiaofang with resentment, and then disappeared into the distance.

  "I'm really scared to death, Master, how did this Yi Xiaolong become so powerful?"

  "Yeah, even Master, you couldn't take it down."

  After a while, Ah Hai and Ah Chu were afraid that if Mao Xiaofang was slower, they would probably become a few hot men.

  "He has absorbed a lot of unjust souls, and his strength has greatly increased. It seems that he did not intend to reincarnate at all, but was determined to be a ghost, and even changed from a ghost to a devil."

  Mao Xiaofang frowned. When he was dealing with Yi Xiaolong just now, he discovered that the latter had many different ghost auras, and it was also mixed with corpse auras. If he continued like this, he might become a devil.

  "I didn't expect Yi Xiaolong to be such a beast."

  Captain Song knew something when A Chu notified him. Ying Jintang just said that Yi Xiaolong had a beast-like face, and he roughly guessed what happened between the two.

  If it wasn't for the law, Captain Song really didn't want to arrest Ying Jintang for such a beast.

  Mao Xiaofang talked to Captain Song, and Captain Song also knew that there was a reason for Ying Jintang's murder, and said that he would submit the whole story, hoping that Ying Jintang would be punished lightly.

  Captain Song took Ying Jintang to the police station, and Ying Jintang pleaded guilty without making any more excuses.

  "Ahai Achu, you guys take care of the burn and go to Captain Song's place to protect Ying Jintang. Yi Xiaolong shouldn't let him go so easily. Axiu, you need to recover first, and follow me to find Yi Xiaolong tomorrow night."

  "Master, we were also burned, why don't you let us both recover?"

  Ah Hai and Ah Chu were suddenly unhappy. They were both disciples, but they were still in the door. Why was the treatment so different?

  "Huh? You two are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, what kind of injuries are you taking? Go!"

  Mao Xiaofang stared, and Ah Hai and Ah Chu could only shrink their heads and hurriedly went to work.

  "Cough, that...Axiu, don't go to the theater until the injury is healed."

  After dressing Axiu's burns, Mao Xiaofang coughed twice, speaking a little unnaturally.

  Anyway, Mao Xiaofang didn't want Jiang Lin's wives to know whether Axiu would be injured or because of Charm Ling's injury, so he told Jiang Lin.

  It would be embarrassing otherwise.

  "I know Master."

  Axiu responded. Anyway, the burns were not serious, and she didn't want Jiang Lin to worry.

  What's more, Jiang Lin cares about her so much, knowing the reason, there must be no good face.

  "Husband, that Ying Jintang is going too far. He actually treats his wife like that."

  "Yeah, it's annoying to watch."

  The next day, Li Yang, Curie, Shu Ning and Jingjing told Jiang Lin that they were studying in a theatre troupe, and they talked about Ying Jintang, saying that he was really not a man.

  Before Ying Jintang suspected that Yi Xiaolong was reborn into his wife's belly, and wished to kill the unborn child, even Hua Yanhong was notorious for him.

  Shu Ning and Jingjing couldn't stand watching in the troupe, and they argued with Ying Jintang. The two of them couldn't see Ying Jintang's appearance, so they didn't go to the troupe with Ren Tingting and the others.

  "Husband, if we are pregnant with a baby, you can't do that to any of our sisters."

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