Shu Ning was puffed up. Although she knew that Jiang Lin was in pain, she was in pain, but the days to come would be long, so let's take a precautionary shot first.

  "That's right, our sisters are very united."

  Jingjing also gave Jiang Lin a warning look.

  "What is your husband doing to you, don't you know?"

  Jiang Lin pinched Shu Ning and Jingjing's faces and took them into his arms.

  "Husband, something big happened in the theater. It turned out that Ying Jintang was the one who killed Yi Xiaolong. He was taken away by Captain Song last night, and that Yi Xiaolong didn't even reincarnate and turned into a demon. Master, Ying Jintang estimated that he was doomed last night."

  "I didn't expect that Yi Xiaolong was such a person, and he actually insulted his brother's wife. It's so hateful. Listening to Ah Chu said that Yi Xiaolong became a bad ghost. He didn't kill Ying Jintang, and he even caused trouble in Gantian Town. No peace."

  Ren Tingting and Tian Ji went back and forth, talking about what happened yesterday.Now several pillars of the troupe are dead, and those who are in prison are basically going to disperse, and no one is in the mood to rehearse the show, so they come back.

  Jiang Lin nodded and was not surprised by the news. He had long felt that Ying Jintang's performance was a little wrong. As for Yi Xiaolong becoming a demon, he didn't expect it, or he forgot about the plot.

  "Since that's the case, you shouldn't go over to the theater."

  Although his precious wives are protected by charm spirits, and there are mice following, but if they are scared, it is not good.

  Jiang Lin felt that Yi Xiaolong had only died not long ago, so even if his mind was not right, it wouldn't be very powerful. Mao Xiaofang should be able to deal with it.

  Unfortunately, this time he guessed wrong, and Mao Xiaofang really couldn't deal with it.

  That night, Yi Xiaolong knew that Mao Xiaofang and the others would definitely take precautions, so he went to the prison specially and found that A Hai and A Chu were protecting in front of Ying Jintang's cell.

  So he did the same trick again, turning the townspeople who were bitten to death into corpses and taking them to the cell.

Chapter [*] The Ghost Moon has arrived, and things are tricky

The formation outside the cell can prevent ghosts, but it can't prevent so many zombies. With these thugs, Yi Xiaolong can't get in.

On the other side, Mao Xiaofang and Axiu went to several extremely shady places around the town, but they didn't find Yi Xiaolong's shadow, but they were blocked by Zhou Yuan halfway, saying that there were many zombies in the town.

"Zombie? Broken!"

Mao Xiaofang had an epiphany in his mind, and finally connected the previous and this zombie trouble with the corpse aura on Yi Xiaolong.

It was all the work of this devil.

Mao Xiaofang and Zhou San Yuan hurried to the direction of the prison, but at this time Yi Xiaolong had already taken the zombies into the prison of the Police Department.

A Hai and A Chu couldn't handle it at all. When they tried their best to deal with the zombies, they found out that Ying Jintang had been killed.

"Tiancheng, I'm really ashamed for not being able to protect Boss Ying well. It's because my followers are not good."

The next day, Mao Xiaofang and Captain Song found Class Master Ye, Mao Xiaofang blamed himself very much, he really did not expect Yi Xiaolong to be so cunning.

"This may be retribution. I didn't expect that the Qing Phoenix Troupe would be passed on to me, and now it's about to disperse."

Leader Ye learned about the news of Ying Jintang's murder last night, and overnight, a few white hairs appeared on his head.

Taizhu died one after another, the troupe was haunted, and the reputation suffered a great blow, and the troupe might really be disbanded.

"It's a pity that the law can only punish living people. It's really maddening me to be so evil by a ghost."

Captain Song was very angry at this result. He had already written the evidence and evidence. If Ying Jintang was tried, he would not lose his life, but he did not expect that Ying Jintang would die in the end.

"Anyway, Brother Tang has worked with me for many years. Tonight, I asked my senior brother to do the same thing, so that he could be reborn. I will also buy some gold and silver bridges for him to burn. I hope he will have a better life down there."

The deceased is the most important, so the class leader Ye can only suppress his anxiety and take care of Ying Jintang's death first.

Mao Xiaofang nodded and agreed, and asked Ah Hai and Ah Chu to set up the altar at the entrance of the troupe.

At night, Hua Yanhong was burning paper while crying, hoarse.

But she also knew that people can't come back to life, no matter how sad she is, she can't do anything about it, she can only hope that her man will have a better life below.

Wusheng and Xiaohua from the troupe also burned paper to worship Ying Jintang. They usually received a lot of favors from Ying Jintang. They were half teachers. Now Ying Jintang has ended like this, which made them quite Sigh.

"Master Mao, can you know if A-Tang has received these gold and silver bridges?"

Hua Yanhong wiped her tears and asked Mao Xiaofang, Ying Jintang spends a lot of money in the sun, and if he doesn't receive these paper money, gold bridges and paper sticks, he will definitely not be used to it.

"Okay, I will arrange a few lights. If the lights are on, it means that he has received them."

At the moment, Mao Xiaofang set up a few lotus lanterns, held the flame of the candle in one hand, and cast a spell to ignite the lotus lanterns, but the few lotus lanterns could not be lit no matter what.

"Master Mao, what's going on? Why can't you light it?"

"There are two possibilities. One is that Ying Jintang is not dead at all, and the other is that his soul is trapped."

Mao Xiaofang's face was a little ugly. It's okay if A Hai and A Chu didn't protect Ying Jintang well. It seems that Ying Jintang's soul may have been swallowed by Yi Xiaolong.

"Master, was Ying Jintang's soul captured by Yi Xiaolong?"

"It's possible."

When Hua Yanhong heard this, she became anxious, and hurriedly knelt down to Mao Xiaofang, begging him to help Ying Jintang.

"Sister Tang, don't worry, I will find out what happened."

Mao Xiaofang's brows were furrowed, his hand prints kept changing, and he cast a spell to detain Yi Xiaolong to the vicinity.

This kind of method is a kind of magic created by him and Jiang Lin after discussing Taoism, and it is somewhat similar to the principle of asking rice to invite ghosts.

"Yi Xiaolong, have you swallowed Ying Jintang's soul? Don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"Haha... Mao Xiaofang, don't use your tongue, I think you dare not kill me, if you kill me, you will kill Ying Jintang, more than that, the townspeople who died before, their souls are all in me In the stomach, if you kill me, they will bury me with me!"


Mao Xiaofang gave a loud shout and pointed out, letting Yi Xiaolong show his figure.

It has only been two days since Yi Xiaolong appeared last time, but this fellow has actually reached the level of a ghost general, and his strength has soared.

Leader Ye and the others saw Yi Xiaolong, who was covered in green light and ghostly energy, and they all backed away in fright.

Mao Xiaofang jumped up, raised his sword and stabbed at it, but Yi Xiaolong disappeared and appeared next to Hua Yanhong in the next instant, which would be detrimental to her.

"Palm Thunder!"

Mao Xiaofang drew a Tai Chi picture in his palm, and a thunderbolt hit him, blasting Yi Xiaolong a few meters away, Yi Xiaolong screamed and disappeared into a puff of smoke.

This is trouble.

Mao Xiaofang was deeply troubled this time. If he just killed Yi Xiaolong, he would still be quite sure, but now Yi Xiaolong has an innocent ghost in his body. The dead folks will likewise vanish into thin air.

And the most important thing is that tomorrow will be the first day of the seventh lunar month, which is the ghost month. Chaoshan area has the custom of offering sacrifices to orphans, giving offerings to ghosts. Many wandering and wild ghosts will gather in the town. If Yi Xiaolong is allowed to devour like this, Go down, maybe you can become a ghost king.

After calming Hua Yanhong's emotions, Mao Xiaofang went back to Fuxi Hall to search for books.

If you want to deal with Yi Xiaolong, you must first separate those souls in his body, otherwise even if you destroy Yi Xiaolong, you will create a huge debt.

"Master, you didn't rest all night?"

Ah Hai brought in the tea and found that there were stacks of ancient books on the table in front of Mao Xiaofang.

"Today is the first day of the seventh lunar month, and we are here to offer sacrifices to orphans. At this time of year, many ghosts come over and want to use sacrifices. If we don't find a way to deal with Yi Xiaolong as soon as possible, things will become very difficult. Now we not only have to find him , but also to intercept the ghosts that come before him. Ah Hai, you and Ah Chu are responsible for the water and land routes respectively. At this time of year, those ghosts will appear from the three evil positions. "

Mao Xiaofang rubbed his temples, instructed Ah Hai and the two brothers and sisters what they should do, and then asked Ah Hai to call Ah Xiu in.

"Axiu, go to Liyangju and ask Master Jiang to come over."

After pondering for a while, Mao Xiaofang decided to ask Jiang Lin to help. If a ghost king appeared, it would be more troublesome.

Moreover, he flipped through the ancient books all night, but he couldn't find any good method. There was only a kind of Wuji gossip array that could separate Ying Jintang and their souls from Yi Xiaolong's ghost body.

However, the success rate of this method is really low.

Yi Xiaolong was extremely vicious and wanted to make Gantian Town restless. At this moment, Mao Xiaofang could only ask Jiang Lin to help.

Chapter [*] I let him taste the taste of purgatory

"Neighbors, today is the Ghost Festival. We have launched a series of activities to ward off evil spirits and attract wealth."

Jiang Lin was walking on the road, when he happened to see the Zhou Yuan family set up a stall on the street, selling some paper money for ghost festivals.

Zhou Yuan and Zhou You, father and son, boasted on the street that they were all-encompassing. In fact, they just wrote some congratulatory words on a piece of paper, wrapped a brick, and sold a piece of ocean.

What left Jiang Lin speechless was that some people really bought it, but after these buyers took a few steps to open it, they found that there was a brick inside, so they went back to find Zhou Yuan and the others to say something.

Zhou Yuan was eloquent, saying that the paper was a delivery order from the underworld, and it was all consecrated, and the goods were picked up according to the order.

He also said that some of the paper money that is usually burned will be exploited layer by layer, and the ghosts and snakes have taken half of it. If you have a bill of lading, you don't have to worry about not receiving it.

I will go, this three yuan, not to be a biography) (It is a loss of talent to sell the leader.

Jiang Lin had nothing to do, just watching the excitement, admiring Zhou Yuan's big mouth.

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