The people around were so fooled that they competed to buy it. It didn't take long for the Zhou Yuan family to sell one or two hundred copies.

"Master Jiang."

Zhou Yuan was cheerful, and when he saw Jiang Lin beside him, he hurried up to meet him and asked him to drink tea.

If Jiang Lin is here and is asked if the bill of lading is useful, then he will definitely help.

"Are you inviting me to drink tea, or are you afraid that I will expose you?"

Jiang Lin gave Zhou Yuan a look, and Zhou Yuan laughed dryly.

Today, it was he who saw Mao Xiaofang out of town that he dared to make some extra money by doing these things on the street.

Otherwise, with Mao Xiaofang's character, if he encounters them here as a big fool, he will definitely break their diorama.

"Using this kind of thing to deceive the neighbors and neighbors is detrimental to Yin morality. You should do it yourself."

Jiang Lin didn't say more, but just warned him. He just saw the face of Zhou Yuan's father, and there will be a bloody disaster this year. Unfortunately, he will not survive next year.

After that, Jiang Lin went out of town. If Captain Song invited him to drink tea, he would still sell his face. If it was Zhou Yuan, it would be fine.

Today, he is going to the Demon Temple on the mountain outside the town to absorb the evil energy in the temple.Every July, the evil energy in the temple is relatively heavy. For Jiang Lin, if he absorbs some evil energy every day, the body can also gain some benefits.

After Jiang Lin left the town, Axiu went to Liyangju. Jiang Lin was not there and would not come back until evening, so she told Ren Zhuzhu about the situation.

After Mao Xiaofang learned of this situation, he could only do his own work well first and prevent Yi Xiaolong from continuing to grow his strength. After Jiang Lin came back, he could discuss with him how to deal with Yi Xiaolong.

Mao Xiaofang was worried that A Hai and A Chu were not reliable enough, so he asked A Xiu to go back to the river in Zhenkou to help A Hai set up a formation and a tent for the purpose of sealing ghosts, and he continued to look for Yi Xiaolong himself.

The seventh month of the lunar calendar is the month of ghosts. In previous years, lonely and wild ghosts would gather in Gantian Town, and the townspeople would also put offerings to the ghosts on the street. Since Mao Xiaofang wanted to trap them first, he did not dare to treat them badly. They let Ah Hai and Ah Chu set up a lot of pots of roast goose and roast duck in the two tents.

"Elder Brother, there are a lot of people here."

After the sun went down, Axiu heard the sound outside, walked out of the tent, and saw a group of people crossing the bridge.

"Hey, it seems to be from the He Tianxian Opera Troupe. I heard A Chu say that because there is no one in his own troupe who can act, he found another troupe to come to Gantian Town."

"That's great. Maybe we can watch the show tonight. It's done here. Let's go to Ah Chu to help."

The two left the riverside, and it didn't take long for a few errands from the He Tianxian Opera Troupe to suffer.

After Yi Xiaolong killed and devoured his soul, he showed his body and looked at the tent and the talisman formation under the bridge. This time, the magic formation that Mao Xiaofang asked his apprentices to set up could protect even the zombies.

"Humph! If you want to stop me from swallowing my soul, you have your methods, and I have mine."

Yi Xiaolong attached himself to the pillar of the troupe and entered the town openly.

He was going to make a big fuss in the troupe. Anyway, there were so many people watching the show, and after killing it, it was enough for him to swallow.

"Axiu, are you here?"

Jiang Lin returned to town from the mountain, and he happened to see Axiu and the others who were busy working on the street.

"Jiang Lin, Master is looking for you. Yi Xiaolong has devoured a lot of souls now, and his strength has grown greatly. Master feels troubled. I will look for you during the day, but you are not here. Master is here!"

Axiu told Jiang Lin about Yi Xiaolong, and then waved at Mao Xiaofang.

"Fellow Daoist, it is estimated that you need your help this time."

Mao Xiaofang breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Jiang Lin. He didn't know why. Although he had not discussed it with Jiang Lin, he felt that Jiang Lin would definitely have a solution for Yi Xiaolong's matter.

After listening to Mao Xiaofang's narration, Jiang Lin nodded, killing Yi Xiaolong with Mao Xiaofang's ability was no problem.

"Axiu, are you injured?"

It was only at this time that Jiang Lin noticed that Axiu had a piece of gauze tied around her arm. Because it was covered by short sleeves, Jiang Lin hadn't noticed it before.

Mao Xiaofang's face suddenly felt a little wrong, but he was discovered.

"Why did you get burned?"

Jiang Lin frowned when he saw Axiu's injury. The injury was on Axiu's arm, and it hurt in his heart.

"Uncle, it's that Yi Xiaolong who set fire to us, and Axiu was burned."

"Yeah, uncle, that Yi Xiaolong is really hateful."

A Hai and A Chu talked about Yi Xiaolong's ghost fire. They were almost burned into flames. Now their master can't do anything about Yi Xiaolong, and the uncle is here.

"How did you get hurt? Don't you have a bodyguard? Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore, Meiling... Meiling was injured by Master, so I was burned."

Seeing the care in Jiang Lin's eyes, Axiu felt warm in her heart and told the whole story of her injury.

oh my god...

Mao Xiaofang's face was full of embarrassment, he was a precious apprentice, and his heart was too straight!

Just saying that, isn't it intentional to embarrass Master!

"So it is."

Jiang Lin gave Mao Xiaofang a big glare. He was worried that Axiu and Mao Xiaofang would be in danger of subjugating demons and exorcising demons, so he left Axiu with a spirit of the peak of the ghost general. As a result, Axiu was not attacked by any zombies or ghosts. Injured, it was actually pitted by Mao Xiaofang.

"Cough, fellow Daoist, that... I don't know if you have a good strategy to deal with Yi Xiaolong."

Mao Xiaofang was embarrassed by Jiang Lin, and quickly changed the subject.

"Good policy? Hehe."

Jiang Lin sneered, making Mao Xiaofang and Ah Hai feel that the surrounding air was instantly cold.

"I'll give him a taste of purgatory!"

Yi Xiaolong has an innocent soul in his body, and other people may not have a good way to deal with it, but to Jiang Lin, it is not a problem at all.

Dare to burn my wife, this time I make you want to lose your mind is a delusion!

Axiu was injured, and Yi Xiaolong was the most involved. Jiang Lin was not going to make it easier for him this time.

At this moment, in the theater, Yi Xiaolong, who was attached to the pillar, suddenly shivered.

"what happened?"

Yi Xiaolong was stunned for a moment. Ghosts are cold and cold, and they are not afraid of cold, but now he is shivering for no reason.

He didn't know that he was about to suffer.

Chapter [*] A jar does not ring, half a jar bangs

"Ahai Achu, you guys are watching here, I'm going to the waterway with your uncle."

It was already dark, so Mao Xiaofang ordered his two apprentices to cook here, and he, Jiang Lin and Axiu went to Qianhe next to the town entrance.

With the array flags and the talisman array alone, the group of ghosts cannot be trapped at all.

The three came to the river at the mouth of the town, and it didn't take long for a large amount of yin qi to pour into the river, and the tent moved.

"Hey, don't go, there's roast pork in it, it's very fragrant."

Axiu shook the spirit bell, attracting the movement of the ghosts. These ghosts came to Gantian Town to eat sacrifices. Since there were roasted meat to eat when they arrived, they were naturally not polite, and they all got into the tent.

Seeing that there was no accident, Mao Xiaofang circled the surrounding magic talismans around the tent twice, temporarily sealing the group of ghosts.

"Master! Jiang Lin! There are quite a few corpses over there, as well as the flag of the He Tianxian Opera Troupe."

Axiu thought of drinking some clean water, but found some dead bodies lying in the river, so she ran back to tell Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang.

"Master, my senior brother and I saw the He Tianxian Opera Troupe entering the town just after nightfall. What's going on?"

"It's broken, we only care about these ghosts and forget about the living. Yi Xiaolong must have sneaked into the He Tianxian Opera Troupe and wanted to attack the audience. Axiu, hurry up and call your two senior brothers to the theater. Go ahead with fellow Daoists."

Mao Xiaofang realized the seriousness of the matter, Yi Xiaolong was already insane, and he could kill a living person and swallow his soul.

It seems that what Yi Xiaolong said made Gantian Town uneasy is not a lie.

"Let's go."

Jiang Lin said lightly. Originally, Mao Xiaofang took care of Yi Xiaolong's affairs. He didn't really want to take care of it, but this guy who killed him actually hurt his wife, who had never been there. Can't stand idly by.

"Fellow Daoist, Yi Xiaolong has absorbed a lot of souls. If they are not separated, it is estimated that innocent people will be hurt."

Mao Xiaofang reminded him aloud that he knew that Yi Xiaolong had hurt Axiu and angered Jiang Lin, and he was worried that Jiang Lin would get angry and ignore everything else.

"It's just swallowing some souls. I'll let him vomit as much as he swallows."

Although Jiang Lin was telling the truth, Mao Xiaofang still had some doubts. When it came to subduing demons and eliminating demons, he admitted Jiang Lin's ability, but in the face of this kind of thing, Jiang Lin didn't bring any magic weapons or guys. Can you solve Yi Xiaolong's problem?

However, Mao Xiaofang did not ask these doubts. Since Jiang Lin said so, he quietly watched what Jiang Lin could do.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang came to the front of the theater, and Ah Hai and the others also arrived at this time.

Now there is a "full house" notice posted in front of the theater, and there is no one at the door.

"Everyone entered so soon?"

In front of Ah Hai, a green light curtain wall appeared in front of the theater, blocking it, and when the light flashed, Ah Hai was shaken out several meters away.

Mao Xiaofang rubbed his eyes together, and found a bat made of green light on the wall of the theater.

"This is the game of bats and mice. I didn't expect Yi Xiaolong's strength to grow to such a level that he can set up a barrier. This barrier is extraordinary, let me use..."

Mao Xiaofang took out three gossip mirrors from the cloth bag, ready to break the barrier set up by Yi Xiaolong, but before he could finish speaking, Jiang Lin waved his sleeves, and a flame rushed up.

The giant bat rat formed by the condensed ghost energy was instantly burned into nothingness, and the green light curtain around the theater also disappeared. Jiang Lin dodged and entered the gate.

"Master, is this enchantment really no trivial matter?"

"Looks like it's easy to break."

Originally, Mao Xiaofang was a little embarrassed, but the two brothers, A Hai and A Chu, made up for it.

After glaring at the two apprentices, Mao Xiaofang stepped into the theater.

In the theater seats, everyone fell asleep, and there was no one on the stage.

Axiu took the grapefruit leaves and cast spells to open her eyes, and seeing Yi Xiaolong was absorbing the vitality of everyone on the stage at this time.

"It's really Yi Xiaolong who is at fault."

Ah Hai and Ah Chu didn't have such means, so they couldn't see the strangeness on the stage at all.

"Yi Xiaolong, you have done a lot of evil, I will accept you today!"

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