Chapter eight hundred and forty seventh is weird!

Atisha smiled and said, "If we go to the west, we will ask why we don't go to the east. If we go to the east, we will ask why we don't go to the south. As long as there are sentient beings, we can spread the Dharma. Everything is just a word of fate.”

After being surrounded by this, Mao Xiaofang believed that the group of lamas really came to preach, and he also forgot to associate the parrot that appeared before with Lama Xizang.

"If you need help, the master can be found here, and I will try my best to help."

"Thank you Dao Master, Buddha of Infinite Life."

Atisha bowed to Mao Xiaofang and left the Fuxi Hall with all the lamas.

"Master, they are lamas and Buddhists. They came to us to preach, and you still want to help them?"

"Don't you have to ask you? You can be half-hearted when picking herbs. We, Fuxitang, will inherit the family's love. You come and teach the teacher how to do it?"

Mao Xiaofang glared at Ah Chu, if it wasn't for this incompetent disciple, even if he wouldn't obstruct Lama Xi Zang's mission, he would definitely not be of any help.

Ah Chu shrank his head and laughed dryly.

In the next few days, the lamas headed by Atisha did many things in Gantian Town. They not only distributed rice noodles, but also took the initiative to help the townspeople build bridges and pave roads.

For a while, the townspeople of Gantian Town had a very good impression of them, and when they chatted about them, they were mostly praised.

A group of lamas from the Potala Palace came to Gantian Town?

When Jiang Lin heard the news, he was also a little surprised. The Potala Palace was in Xizang, and it was not that far from here. It was actually in Gantian Town.

Lama belongs to Lamaism, which is a branch of Buddhism. It is mainly based on the practice of "secret mantra", so Lamaism is also called Shingon or Tantra.

However, Lamaism is mainly located in Xizang. It is strange that if you don’t stay in the Potala Palace, you have to travel through mountains and rivers to Gantian Town in Chaozhou Prefecture.

Maybe because the lamas in that place in later generations were restless and always wanted to split up, so although Jiang Lin had not met the lamas in the town, he didn't like him much.

"Husband, it's almost time to eat, sister Ning hasn't come back yet."

"I told her to go."

Jiang Lin walked out of Liyang Residence and went to Guangming Newspaper.

If his wife likes things, he is very supportive, but when it gets to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep, it is not good.

Walking on the road, Jiang Lin looked at the lamas who were helping the townspeople, and his thoughts fell into memory.

He vaguely remembered that there were also lama scenes in the plot, but he couldn't remember any more information anyway.

Leave him alone, let's talk about it when something happens.

Jiang Lin shook his head and stopped worrying.

"Jiang... Hello, Master Jiang!"

Walking around a corner, Jiang Lin met Xiao Xiami, who had not seen him for a long time, and the little thief who followed Black Rose.

Xiao Xiami had some psychological shadows on Jiang Lin. Even if he hadn't seen him for a year or two, he was still a little scared when he met Jiang Lin, for fear that the colorful giant tiger would follow behind Jiang Lin.

"Yo, this dress looks like a man, little pretty boy."

Looking at the little shrimp in a suit, Jiang Lin also made a joke with him.

"I've been going to school in the county town. Master Jiang, please walk slowly. I'll go back first."

Xiao Xiami waved his hand and hurried to Guiji Rice Shop.

I didn't see it before, but this little shrimp is extravagant.

Now Jiang Lin's attainments are getting higher and higher, and his eyesight has also improved a lot. Just now, he had a face-to-face with Xiao Xiami, and he actually discovered that this teenage child has an extraordinary aura.

"A Ning, it's time to go back to eat."

When he arrived at the newspaper office, Jiang Lin saw that Shu Ning was looking through the books with his head down. His hard work made many men feel ashamed.

"Husband, you're here. I was going to go back after a while. Don't worry, I won't be tired."

Shu Ning got up and gave Jiang Lin a hug, then dragged him to the side of the seat and said, "Husband, I checked some information and it turned out that the strange bird that was hovering on the Dragon Vein Tree a few days ago was actually the Potala Palace. The guardian spirit bird is specially looking for the soul boy, that is, the reincarnation of Dase Lama. Also, other information shows that since the death of Dase Lama ten years ago, there has been no news of his reincarnated soul boy. Will the spirit bird have something to do with the spirit boy when it arrives at Gantian Town?"

[Note: Relying on the word 種 instead of it]

Soul boy?Dase Lama?

It turned out to be the case.

The parrot arrived in Gantian Town a few days ago, and this group of Xizan Lamas came.

"Okay, the soul boy is not a soul boy, and it's none of our business. We don't have such a big baby, so go home for dinner."

Jiang Lin put the books on the table together, preventing her from continuing to work.

"Husband, do you think I'll be pregnant soon like Sister Xiaoru? We haven't had our wedding yet. If we have children first, it won't look good. I miss my parents too."

Hearing Jiang Lin talking about a baby, Shu Ning touched her belly. Now she and the sisters' biggest wish is to give Jiang Lin a baby, but Jiang Lin is not an ordinary human after all. Even if she is pregnant, she will not know the child How long does it take to be born.

"I will accompany you to Hong Kong next year to see my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and discuss marriage with them, okay?"

Jiang Lin knew that Shu Ning also cared about her status and wanted her parents to organize her wedding, but Jiang Lin didn't want to travel far, so she never told Shu Ning about the wedding. Now that Shu Ning mentioned it, Then he did what his wife wanted.

"Husband, you are so kind."

After the two left the newspaper office, at the entrance of the police station, they saw two lamas discussing in a low voice.

"The matter of finding the soul boy must not be known to outsiders, and no one will doubt it anyway."


Although the voices of the two lamas were small, Jianglin's hearing was really good, and because he paid special attention to the two of them, Jianglin listened to the content of the conversation.

The arrival of these lamas is really related to what kind of soul boy, but since they are looking for a soul boy, why are they so secretive?


Jiang Lin didn't like these lamas in the first place, but now that he knew that the previous parrot belonged to the Potala Palace and belonged to these lamas, his impression of these lamas was even worse.

A soul bird looking for a soul boy dares to occupy the dragon vein tree openly and aboveboard, and even hurt the townspeople in the town, so how can its owner be better?

If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked, and if the lower beam is crooked, the upper beam is difficult to be straight.

Moreover, these Xizu Lamas have also been here for several days, and no one knows that the strange bird belongs to them, and the lamas have no meaning to explain.

On the surface, they do this and that for the townspeople, but who knows what the hell they are doing behind the scenes.

Chapter [*] Running a school is fake, but it's true if you have another purpose!

Atisha didn't know that what he and his companions were talking about had long been heard. After he and his companions entered the police station, they found Director Song and Captain Song.

"I don't know what the two masters have come to find us for?"

"Two benefactors, we have been in Gantian Town for a while, originally to promote the Dharma, but we have been warmly received by the townspeople, so we also want to do some good deeds for the townspeople, such as setting up a school. As far as we know, there is no private school or school in Gantian Town. If the children want to study, they have to go outside the town. So we want to set up a school as soon as possible to facilitate the townspeople in the town."

Running a school?Good thing!

Hearing Atisha's words, Director Song had a happy expression on his face, and hurriedly said: "Master, you want to help us run a school, which is very good, because our Gantian Town is not very big, so we have never had our own school."

If Gantian Town has a school, it will not be of great help to the town. Now there are not many people in the town who can read and write. Even before Shu Ning wanted to help the townspeople understand the language and accept science and culture, it was difficult. .

The vast majority of townspeople felt that at that time, chatting and chatting was better than recognizing words.

Of course, the most important reason is that there isn't a decent school in town.

The proposal to set up a school in Gantian Township has also been rejected many times. The townspeople are asked to pay for the school, but they are not willing.

Now these lamas want to help build the school, of course Director Song agrees with both hands.

"However, we have a small request. We want to use the ancestral hall in the town. First, if teaching in the open air, it will be affected by the weather. Second, without a good environment, the children's learning progress is slow. You also know that if you really want to build a project, the capital is still a small matter, and the important thing is that you don't know when it will be built."

Atisha said it nicely, but in fact he had no intention of running a school for Gantian Town at all, what he said was just a pretense.

"So, I have no problem here, but I need to ask the townspeople for their opinions."

The ancestral hall belongs to everyone, and Director Song can't make up his mind alone, even if he has a lot of power.

In this day and age, some things still need the people of the whole town to vote.

"We understand this, so please ask the two of you for advice from the townspeople."

"no problem."

After Director Song sent Atisha and the others away, he let his son handle the matter of notifying the townspeople.

"Captain Song, I'm not from Gantian Town. Do you need to invite me over to requisition the ancestral hall?"

After lunch, Captain Song went to Li Yangju. Jiang Lin found it interesting when he knew his intentions. He asked an outsider to vote on whether the ancestral hall in the town was rented out.

"Master Jiang, although you are not from our Gantian Town, your prestige in the town is not small, and everyone doesn't think that Master Jiang is an outsider. Look..."

Captain Song was a little embarrassed. If he were in another place, he would definitely not invite outsiders to participate in the town's voting, but Jiang Lin's position in Gantian Town was too important.

His father made it clear that he must invite Master Jiang over there.

"Since the captain said so, then I'll go over there."

Jiang Lin didn't refuse. Captain Song said that he would not treat him as an outsider. If he refused to accept him as an outsider, it would be a disgrace to Captain Song and the townspeople.

Running a school?

On the way, after Jiang Lin learned the reason for borrowing the ancestral hall, he felt more and more that there was something wrong with these lamas.

The soul boy is a child. After the school is established, there will definitely be children to study. This school's eight achievements is a pretense.

It is estimated that this school is fake, I am afraid it is true for another purpose.

It's just that if you really want to find a soul boy, do you need to cover up by running a school?

Jiang Lin couldn't help but think a little more. He had a news wife at home, so he knew a lot of news information and the like.

The Dase Living Buddha in the previous life should have been killed, not a normal death.

Could it be that there is something tricky about these lamas?

Jiang Lin wanted to recall the plot, but unfortunately he couldn't think of it at all.Perhaps it was because the plot was mediocre and failed to impress him a little.

After the two arrived at the ancestral hall, the place was already full of people, and many townspeople came over. At the very least, there was one person from every family.

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