"Master Mao, Master Jiang."

Director Song greeted Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang, asked the townspeople to be silent, and said, "My fellow villagers and elders, we have something to discuss with you today. Those lamas want to use our ancestral hall to run a school and teach us Children can read and write, and if they go to school in the future, they don’t need to go outside. What do you think?”

"They're actually willing to run a school for us?"

"I didn't expect that they usually don't need to send rice and pie noodles. It's a great virtue to actually do such a good thing."

"Yeah, if there's a school in town, the kids don't have to go out of town."

A group of townspeople started to discuss, and most of them agreed. What's more, they praised the group of lamas like the reincarnated living Buddhas. Only a few people disagreed.

"I agree with both hands and feet! If the ancestral hall is empty, it is also empty. Why don't you lend it out?"

Everyone else was still discussing, and a voice roared out.

Jiang Lin followed the prestige, I will go, Black Rose.

Now that Xiao Xiami comes back from the holiday, he can help Mipu with a lot of things. If there is a school in the town, Xiao Xiami will never have to leave the town. The most important thing is that Xiao Xiami will not delay his work.

With such a good thing, how could Black Rose disagree.

I really don't treat myself as an outsider, forgetting that I am a thief.

Jiang Lin was quite speechless. Does the ancestral hall in Gantian Town have something to do with you, Black Rose?

"I agree."

"Agree to lend them the ancestral hall."

"But the child goes to school, and no one does the work at home."

"Oh, just because of your backward thinking, your son and grandchildren will have to be bullocks in the future. Only by studying is the way out!"

After Black Rose's statement, the townspeople also voted. Although a few people had different opinions, they no longer hesitated after hearing what others said.

Chapter Eight hundred and forty-nine monks also lie?

"Master Mao, what do you think?"

Seeing that there was basically no objection from the townspeople, Director Song asked Mao Xiaofang.

"If there is a school in Gantian Town, it is also a good thing that children don't have to travel far and wide to go to school."

Originally, even if Mao Xiaofang did not object, he would never say anything of agreement, but they, Fuxitang, received the favor of Atisha, and now they can only say a good word.

Damn it, Mao Xiaofang, your chest is D) (Is it covered, so big?

Jiang Lin said he was speechless. Lama runs a school, can he popularize his teachings?This is preaching.

Gantian Town is also the place where you Mao Xiaofang, but now you let others preach under your nose?


"Master Jiang, how about you?"

There was no problem with Mao Xiaofang, so Director Song turned to Jiang Lin. Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin had a lot of power to speak.

"I'm not actually from Gantian Town, but since I'm asked to express my opinion, I can only say that I don't agree."

Jiang Lin shook his head. He did not receive the favor of a lama like Mao Xiaofang, so it is impossible for him to agree to a lama running a school here.

Jianglin belongs to the line of Maoshan, belongs to Taoism, and Tantra belongs to Buddhism, not to mention that Jianglin has no good impression of this branch of Buddhism. But know.

If he came to his site to preach, it would be fine if he didn't stumble. It was impossible to get him to agree.

"The mustache agrees, why don't you agree?"

Hearing Jiang Lin's objection, Hei Rose immediately questioned her with a quick mouth.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin, she might not have spoken so politely.

"Does the ancestral hall in Gantian Town have your share? I agree or disagree, what does it have to do with you?"

Jiang Lin glanced at Black Rose, who immediately became dumbfounded and squeezed behind the crowd. Like Xiao Xiami, she had a psychological shadow on Jiang Lin.

"Master Jiang..."

Just as Director Song was about to ask, Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "This is just my personal opinion, it's just a matter of fact. First of all, it is indeed a good thing to run a school, but whether those lamas teach children to read and read, or recite sutras. What about the Buddha? If it is the former, the situation is a little better. If it is the latter, you are not afraid that your children will go to school for a few days, one by one will go to monkhood, and they will recite 'Amitabha Buddha' and 'Infinite Life Buddha'. Cut off the relationship with you?"

Even if a school is really set up to teach people to read and write, if a lama runs a school, it will definitely spread the teachings of esoteric religion. This is missionary in disguise.

And it’s still the kind that makes people have no choice, just like foreign mission schools.

This year, the ZF of the Republic of China has banned religious organizations from running schools in China, and has taken the sovereignty of education into its own hands.

Therefore, Jiang Lin objected, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Director Song was stunned when he heard the words, but he forgot about it.

If a child in the town meditates and recites scriptures every day after school, and does not go to work, then he will be a sinner.

Jiang Lin continued: "Secondly, I am a Taoist priest from Maoshan, I belong to Taoism, and the lama is Buddhism. If they were to preach around me, and if they asked me to express my position, then it is absolutely impossible for me to agree."

"Yes, Master Jiang and Master Mao are both Taoist priests and Taoists."

"Then why did Master Mao agree?"

The townspeople all looked at Mao Xiaofang, making Mao Xiaofang so embarrassed.

A Xiu and A Hai glared at A Chu, if it wasn't for this half-assistant, Master wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"The last point is also the most important. A few days ago, the strange bird hovering on the dragon vein tree was actually the spiritual bird of the Potala Palace, that is, the spiritual bird and the lamas were all the way. The spiritual bird was injured. People in the town, how could those lamas not know at all, and until now they have not expressed anything. Explain, is it so time-consuming to apologize? I don't think they are candid at all, and the spirit bird itself is Don't have a purpose, they are here to find children, and they really want children to go to school when running a school, so I have a reasonable suspicion that they don't want to run a school at all, but have other intentions."

"What? That strange bird that hurt us was with this group of lamas?"

"That bird still came to find the child? After the bird flew away, they came and let our child go to school."

"There is something tricky, there must be something tricky!"

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, the townspeople were in an uproar. Originally, they thought that the lamas set up the school out of good intentions, but now it seems that it is not so simple.

"Zilong, you go and call that Master Atisha over, I will ask him face to face, if the children go to school, they are all chanting scriptures, I will not agree with them to set up a school, and I will also ask him about the strange bird. what happened."

Director Song asked his son to call the group of lamas over. It just so happened that the townspeople were here now. If they had any other motives, let them leave Gantian Town.

"Master Jiang, this time is really thanks to you."

Director Song stepped forward and held Jiang Lin's hand. This time he almost didn't understand the situation. If there was a problem in the town, he would be to blame.

It didn't take long for Atisha and a group of lamas to come to the ancestral hall. Seeing that the townspeople looked at them with bad eyes, Atisha was also a little confused.

How is this going?

"Are you running a school to teach our children to recite sutras and chanting Buddha, so that they can become lamas?"

"Did the spirit birds of your Potala Palace come to look for children?"

"That spirit bird hurt people in our town."

When the townspeople saw Atisha coming, they questioned him at a high speed. Atisha felt nervous, how could they know this information?

"Everyone, we run the school with the intention of teaching children to read and write."

Atisha could only bite the bullet and explain, in fact, they originally wanted the children to recite the scriptures after recognizing the characters, so that they could find the reincarnated soul boy, but now they can admit that they have ulterior motives.

Hard mouth, then hard mouth.

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly and looked at Atisha. Since Director Song invited him here, he considered him to be a prestigious old man in the town, so he also asked Gantian Town to understand.

"Oh? Is that so? The spiritual bird of the Potala Palace looking for the soul boy wandered around Gantian Town and injured people. How can you explain it? No matter what branch of Buddhism it is, it is a monk. You are a monk, and you lie? "

Spirit bird!Soul boy!

Atisha's face changed, but they didn't expect that their secret mission would be known to outsiders.

"This... The little monk didn't lie. We did set up a school to teach children to read and write, but... it's just that we came to Gantian Town, and we also had the task of finding the reincarnated soul boy."

After hesitating for a while, Atisha really had no choice but to entrust some of the things, but it was called another task.

Being held on to "slander" and not letting go, Atisha could only be hard on the scalp.

Chapter [*] means that the two of them are stupid!

In addition to explaining, Atisha also apologized to the townspeople and expressed his willingness to do something as compensation for the townspeople who were injured by the spirit bird.

It was only after the incident was revealed that the apology was made. For a time, the townspeople's impression of this group of Xizang Lamas was reduced a lot.

"What, it doesn't run a school at all."

"Look for the reincarnated soul boy, and use the school as a guise."

Even if Atisha is stubborn and says that running a school is purely a school, some people don't believe it, not all people are easy to deceive.

"Since Master Atisha is teaching children to read and read, I will also ask one or two people who have read books to help. The ancestral hall can be loaned to you."

Director Song still agreed to Atisha's request, but it made the group of lamas feel like they had eaten dead mice.

To put it mildly, he asked two people who had read books for help, but he was actually monitoring them.

Now we have to run a school that doesn't need to be run at all, and we have to recruit manpower to teach.

Atisha is really a smoky Qi orifice.

Jiang Lin did not object this time. Some people saw that these lamas could only teach children to read and read, so there would be no problem.

The townspeople determined that the child was not chanting Buddhist scriptures, and they had no objection to Director Song's decision.

Later, they asked Atisha about the reincarnated soul boy. Atisha did not hide it, saying that the reincarnated soul boy was the living Buddha of Dase in the future. There are many salaries.

"Villagers, this is also a good thing. If you want to send your children to be tested, you might as well send your children to study like other villagers. After the masters and the others have finished teaching, take the test. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone?"

Since Atisha kept saying that running a school was true, Jiang Lin encouraged the townspeople to enjoy the free educational resources.

When the townspeople send their children to take a test, they give it away, and they send their children to read.

"Master Jiang said yes!"

"Yes, yes, I just thought about sending my child to take the test. Since I can go to school, I can take the test after receiving the teaching."

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, the townspeople decided to send their children to the ancestral hall in two days. On the one hand, they could study. On the other hand, if they passed the test and proved to be the soul boy, they would not have to worry as parents.

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