Even the townspeople who originally only wanted to send their children to take the quiz let their children read first.

"Second Uncle's! I'm so pissed off, Jiang Lin!"

Atisha was so angry that she cursed in her heart.

Originally, things were going well, but Mao Xiaofang didn't have any problems at all, but this Master Jiang gave a bad thing to him!

Now for no reason, they have to allocate time and energy to teach children, and it can't be chanting. Only after the teaching is finished, can they find another way to keep their children, let them read Buddhist scriptures, and test them for enlightenment.

In a short period of time, it is impossible to complete this task at all.

Even so, Atisha and the others could only recognize it with their noses pinched, and they had to carry out this task.

After the school was finalized, the townspeople dispersed, and Jiang Lin was invited to Fuxi Hall by Mao Xiaofang.

Only the Atisha group of lamas blew their beards and stared.

"Give me the information about this Master Jiang!"

As soon as the mission started, Jiang Lin disrupted the plan. Atisha felt that he had to guard against Jiang Lin.

He always felt that Jiang Lin was not friendly to them, and there might be various changes in the follow-up things.

"Fellow Daoist, it's all my fault, my apprentice, Ah Chu. Alas! I'm also from Maoshan's lineage, and the ancestral court of the Southern School is just a few hundred miles away. If a lama came to preach, I wouldn't have supported it anyway."

When he arrived at Fuxi Hall, Mao Xiaofang asked Axiu to serve tea and explained to Jiang Lin why he had agreed with the lamas to run the school in the ancestral hall.

It also belongs to Maoshan. Although Mao Xiaofang belongs to the Southern School, no matter the Southern School and the Northern School, they are still one family.

Mao Xiaofang did not want Jiang Lin to misunderstand, so he explained the situation.

"I see."

Jiang Lin nodded. It turned out that Mao Xiaofang had accepted the grace of the lama's savior.

"My two apprentices really make my head big. They don't look like Axiu..."

When Mao Xiaofang talked about Axiu, he stopped again. Axiu has good qualifications and works hard, but sooner or later, he will have to marry into Li Yangju.

"Master Mao, you do have a lot of skills, but in terms of teaching your disciples, you are a lot worse than my master."

Jiang Lin talked to Mao Xiaofang about Uncle Jiu, and some things about Uncle Jiu educating Qiusheng and Wencai.

"Pork braised in rattan, why didn't I think of it! It seems that I am too generous to the two of them. Axiu, when you are collecting herbs, find a good rattan for Master."

Hearing Jiang Lin talk about Ninth Uncle's brutal beating of Qiusheng and Wencai, Mao Xiaofang felt that he had benefited a lot, but he still beat him lightly.

"Master, help."

"Help, Master."

As soon as Mao Xiaofang finished speaking, A Hai and A Chu entered the Fuxi Hall, but the way they entered was a bit special.

The two went up and down, their hands were clutching each other's ankles, and rolled in from the outside like a tire.

"What are you doing, what kind of manners are you!"

Mao Xiaofangzheng was annoyed that his two apprentices were not good enough. Now these two boys are here, and Jiang Lin is still beside him.

"Master, we went up the mountain to collect herbs, and when we were walking, we encountered a sloppy lama. He wouldn't let the farmers pass by. Not only that, but he also burned other farmers' fields. My brother and I couldn't see it, so we went up to theorize. Who knows him With one wave, my senior brother and I were glued together."

"Master, my back hurts so much, do you see what's on it?"

Ah Chu and Ah Hai kept their strange postures.

Mao Xiaofang went to lift off the clothes on Ah Hai's back, and saw a few words on it.

"There is no wire outside the Internet, but there is a heart?"

Mao Xiaofang immediately knew what these words meant, and said, "You two, tell me honestly, what's going on?"

"Master, didn't I just say that beggars and lamas beat people and burn the fields, let's go up and have a theory."

Ah Chu looked unconvinced, making Jiang Lin want to laugh.

If you, Yu Dachu, know how to reason with others, that's a real evil.

"Jiang Lin, what do those seven words mean?"

With Jiang Lin here, Axiu didn't ask Mao Xiaofang, Jiang Lin smiled and said, "This is the Buddhist word for 'wandering', which means they are both stupid. This lama is still telling the truth."

"Master, that beggar lama made us like this and called us stupid. It's too much!"

A Hai and A Chu were so angry that their noses were crooked. They rolled down the road and were laughed at by the villagers, and they even wrote and cursed on their backs.

Mao Xiaofang slapped the table and said angrily: "You are not stupid enough? That lama clearly said that you don't know the cause and effect. And if it wasn't for your rude words, how would he punish the two of you? One sloppy beggar, you really embarrass me!"

Chapter [*]: Tantric Mahamudra

Mao Xiaofang knew quite a bit about his two apprentices, but Ah Chu was not a worry-free apprentice.

Most of this incident is that Ah Chu provoked the lama.

To put it nicely, it is to go to theory, but in fact it is almost like exporting dirty.

A Hai and A Chu wanted to find a hole in the ground. Originally, it would have been shameful for Jiang Lin and A Xiu to see them like this. Jiang Lin also watched their jokes, and now even the master scolds them both.

"Master, can you help us untie it? It's so hard."

When Ah Hai called out for help, it was Ah Chu who scolded people and taught him a lesson from the lama. When he went up to reason, he was treated the same, and he suffered an innocent disaster.

Mao Xiaofang pushed Ah Hai back, made Ah Chu roll on top, wrote a few words with spiritual power on his back, and said to the two: "The bell has to be tied, the two of you will find it in the mountains tomorrow. That lama, when he sees the words on Ah Chu's back, he will help you understand it."

In fact, Mao Xiaofang was able to solve the spells on Ah Hai and Ah Chu, but it was quite troublesome. He wanted to make the two incompetent apprentices suffer, so he simply didn't give them the solution and kept them in this posture. Can't even sleep.

"No, Master!"

"Humph! Go out and reflect on yourself."

Mao Xiaofang ignored the pleas of the two apprentices and pushed them back into the courtyard with a push.

"Jiang Lin, how do you explain that Master wrote 'What is right and wrong in your heart'?"

"There is a wrong at the bottom of the heart character, which is the word 'compassion', which means that monks are merciful, don't embarrass your two idiot brothers. These two guys rolling down the mountain is already a punishment, your master did not If you give them a solution and let them go up the mountain again, you will be punished yourself and apologize to that sloppy lama. Study hard, and it will not take long for you to be a teacher. "

Axiu's cute appearance is very cute. Jiang Lin couldn't help kissing him if someone wasn't there, so he also gave Axiu a hint in his words.

"I will."

There was some pink on Axiu's face, and she could wear a wedding dress when she was a teacher, so she knew what Jiang Lin was referring to.

"There are so many experts in Gantian Town, I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse."

Mao Xiaofang sat down again, feeling a little worried in his heart.

"I hope they don't cause trouble. The tantric lamas practice secret mantras, and some magic techniques have shadows of supernatural powers. Even if they are at the same level, they may not be able to take advantage of them."

Without the help of media, even Jiang Lin couldn't make A Hai and A Chu stick together right now. Tantric techniques were indeed extraordinary.

Seeing that it was getting late, Jiang Lin said goodbye to Mao Xiaofang and left Fuxi Hall.

Ah Hai and Ah Chu asked him for help, but he didn't even hear them.

Walking on the road, Jiang Lin saw Xiao Xiami playing with a little girl in Tibetan costumes.

"Luosang, are you also going to the ancestral hall to go to school? Shall we sit together?"


The Tibetan girl Luo Sang nodded, and then Xiao Xiami took her hand and said, "Go, I'll go to Sister Gui's place to get you rice cakes to eat."

I go!This kid, he knew how to chase girls so early?

Jiang Lin looked at the two children who ran past him, and felt that he was really weak back then.

When he was so old, he only knew how to watch Bruce Lee movies while holding a DVD player.

In the next few days, as long as the townspeople in Gantian Town had children, almost all of them sent their children to the ancestral hall.

As long as their own children are identified as soul boys, they will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

For this reason, a group of parents stopped working and doing business, and just waited outside the ancestral hall.

As everyone knows, even if you want to test, you have to go through a lot of procedures, and it is not possible to complete the test in one or two days.

The funny thing is that Zhou You brought Zhou Yuan into the ancestral hall, saying that his son might be a reincarnated soul boy.

As a result, it was denied by Atisha and the others on the spot, and the whole town spread the matter as a joke.

"Husband, you said it was a big joke."

Jiang Lin painted Shu Ning's eyebrows, and Shu Ning told the story.

"It's not ashamed of Zhou You and Wednesday Yuan's father and son."

"Yeah, such a big man, he is still reincarnated as a soul boy."

"If he were a soul boy, a piglet could become a Buddha."

Ren Zhuzhu and Jingjing all laughed. Jiang Lin was drawing an eyebrow on Hei Yue and said, "Don't make me laugh."

"Husband, Uncle Ping said that Zhou Yuan came to look for him. He was very urgent. There was a murder case in the town, and he said that someone had committed a murder."

Chen Yu entered the room and informed Jiang Lin that someone had come to invite him.

Someone committed a murder, what are you looking for me to do?I'm not a policeman.

Jiang Lin was quite speechless. It was early in the morning and he was busy again.

Heiyue took the eyebrow pencil in Jiang Lin's hand and said, "I'll do it myself, husband, your business is important."

"What happened?"

When Jiang Lin arrived at the front yard, he saw Zhou Yuan who was pacing.

Although Gantian Town is good, there is a lot of things to do. I don’t know how many late nights and early mornings, Jianglin is looking for people.

"Oh, Master Jiang, you are here, this time it's a big deal. Two children died in the town."

"Who would attack children? Could it be some kind of monster?"

Jiang Lin frowned. He has yet to encounter a demon that preys on children.

"Go and have a look first, the captain has already sent someone to invite Master Mao. I don't know if it's a demon, there are no traces on the two dead children, but there is a sunken palm print on the chest, no bigger than my hand. less."

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