While Zhou Yuan led the way, he briefly explained the situation to Jiang Lin.

"A lot bigger than your hand? Could it be the Tantric Grand Mudra?"

Jiang Lin kept at his feet, and followed Zhou Yuan to the police department.

If there were no Tantric lamas in the town, Jiang Lin would not associate the palm print with the Tantric Mahamudra.

Now he is only guessing, and the specific situation will only be known after checking the corpse.

When he got to the backyard of the police station, Jiang Lin found two corpses on the ground half covered with white cloth, and several townspeople were crying beside him.

"Master Jiang, you are finally here."

Captain Song shook his head and greeted Jiang Lin.

Because there has been a murder case in the past two days, and the target is still a child, Captain Song has been working overtime, but he has not gotten any clues. Today, he found out that a child was hurt again, and he realized the seriousness of the matter.

There was a strange palm print on the child's body, so Captain Song sent someone to call Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang over.

"Master Jiang, take a look first, I suspect that it was not ordinary people who killed them."

"it is good."

Captain Song pulled the children's parents aside, and Jiang Lin unbuttoned the two children.

A huge handprint appeared in front of him, and both children died in this palm.

Jiang Lin sensed the situation in the two children's bodies and found that their internal organs had been shattered and their hearts were cut off.

Tantric Mahamudra, such a cruel heart!

Chapter [*] Who said witnesses must be human?

When Jiang Lin was checking the body, Mao Xiaofang and A Hai also arrived here. Captain Song breathed a sigh of relief. Both Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang were here, and the two murder cases should have a clue.

In the past two days, Captain Song has been under a lot of pressure. If the deceased is an adult, then the family of the deceased will not lose control of their emotions, but it is the precious child of the townspeople who died. You can imagine what happened to the family.

They didn't mean to make trouble, they really lost their normality because of the tragic death of their children.

Two children, one is Xiaoyu, the son of Uncle Niu, and the other is Yumao, the only son of Sister Zhang in the town.

One is old enough to have children, the other is the only seedling in the family, and the two are really falling.

But Captain Song and the others thought of everything, but couldn't find any clues at all.

These two children were obviously beaten to death, and the perpetrators were either Lian Jiazi or capable people like Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang.

However, neither of the two families have ever had any enemies, and they usually get along well with the villagers.

Captain Song also had no choice, so he did not hesitate to spend money to invite the two masters in the town, otherwise their police department would only be able to receive parents who were crying and crying every day.

"Is this the Tantric Mahamudra?"

Mao Xiaofang's knowledge is also extraordinary, as soon as he saw the palm prints on the bodies of the two children, he recognized them.

"Yes, it is indeed the Tantric Mahamudra."

Jiang Lin nodded, it seemed that Mao Xiaofang's worries had come true.

Captain Song's expression changed and he asked, "Could it be that the lama did it?"


"Master Jiang, Master Mao, we met a lama begging for food two days ago and gave him a meal. He also touched Xiaoyu's head. I hope he is smart and grows up healthily."

After listening to Captain Song and the others, Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu remembered the sloppy lama who went to their Huazhai before.

Ah Hai also said at this time: "Master, uncle, I heard from Xiao Xiami that a lama who was begging for food also touched the head of the fish maw."

"It turned out to be the lama, brothers, let's go arrest people!"

Zhou Yuan heard that the wind was raining, and immediately called up the people. The two murders made them devastated. Now that there is a clue, Zhou Yuan will be on fire, and he is going to arrest the beggar lama first.


"It must be him!"

After being yelled at by Zhou Yuan, Uncle Niu and the others also started booing. The child was killed, and the murderer has not been found. Now there are clues, how can they keep their senses, all of them have red eyes, and they want the police to arrest the sloppy lama .

"There is no evidence, so what if you go to arrest someone?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes at Zhou Yuan, and now there is only a little clue, and there is no substantive evidence or motive. Is there any use in arresting people?

"You can't be as mature as me!"

Captain Song was already upset, but was interrupted by a roar from Zhou Yuan, and he patted the back of Zhou Yuan's head angrily.This big Sanyuan has been with him for so long, and he still hasn't made any progress at all. After his father retires, he must be promoted to sit up, and Sanyuan is the captain, but this guy has always been this virtuous, how can he be qualified for the job of the police captain .

It can't help at all, and it also stirs up the anger of the family members.

Zhou Yuan had an angry look on his face, he laughed dryly, but didn't dare to say a word. Captain Song was really angry now, and he didn't dare to beep too much.

Haosheng appeased several family members, and Captain Song asked Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang for their opinions.

"Go to the crime scene first and look for witnesses."

After recognizing the tantric mudra, Jiang Lin can only say that the lama is suspicious. If he can find other clues, the chances of finding the murderer will be much higher. Otherwise, based on this mudra, Captain Song and the others will let the lamas cooperate with the investigation. Probably can't find anything.

"Master Jiang, if there were any witnesses, we would already have clues. There was nothing at the scene of the crime, and the captain checked it himself."

When Zhou Yuan heard that he was going to the crime scene far away, he waved his hands again and again.

"I said that you are a big three-year-old, with developed limbs and a simple mind. When you go on like this, when will you be able to become the captain? Who said that the witnesses must be human?"

After being scolded by Jiang Lin, Zhou Yuan whispered: "The witness is not a human, is it a ghost?"

"Could it be that fellow Daoist thought of the location of the crime and questioned the ghosts?"

Mao Xiaofang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he almost forgot that when he first met Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin used the interrogation technique to find the whereabouts of the dragon vein stone.

"Yes, there are no witnesses, maybe the murderer was seen by ghosts in the process of committing the murder."

"I'll go, this is all right??"

Zhou Yuan was dumbfounded this time. He had no eyewitnesses, so he could use ghosts as witnesses. He really increased his knowledge!

Captain Song was also quite surprised, and immediately led Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang to a wood in the town.

Jiang Lin arranged a small formation that turned the morning and evening upside down, performed a cross-examination technique, and summoned a few little ghosts to the center of the formation.

After some inquiries, Jiang Lin frowned, but there was no real clue.

Only one kid said that there was a power that they couldn't avoid suddenly near here that day, and they didn't dare to approach here at all.

Jiang Lin told Mao Xiaofang and Captain Song about the situation. The perpetrators were very cunning. Before killing people, they actually expelled the ghosts hiding underground in this place.

"Is there no other clues?"

Captain Song scratched his hair. Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang couldn't find any extra clues. It was a lot more difficult to handle.

"I'll try another method. Big Sanyuan, go to Liyangju and call my little mouse over here."

The ghost questioning didn't work, so Jiang Lin wanted to use the ability of the Flying Rat King, who could summon voles and other rats, and even rats.

"Ah? I'm going? Li Yangju is so far away from here."

"Don't talk nonsense, who else do you want to go? Give it to me!"

Captain Song roared at Zhou Yuan, and it's okay to be lazy at ordinary times, but at this moment, it's too far to go, it really sucks!

With a bitter face, Zhou Zhou trotted all the way to Li Yangju.

"Uncle Shi, are you trying to use the rat king's sense of smell?"

Ah Hai couldn't figure out what was the use of Jiang Lin calling the Flying Rat King over, so he couldn't help but ask.

"It's not using smell, or looking for witnesses."

"Master Jiang, neither humans nor ghosts can provide clues, are there any witnesses?"

Captain Song was also stunned this time. He really couldn't think of anything else to ask.

The mouse in my house is not very useful. It can make mice and voles talk. There are no ghosts or witnesses. Let's see if the mice or voles in the vicinity have any information to provide. "

"Is that okay??"

Captain Song was stunned for a moment, I rely on it, there are no witnesses, and he was stunned when he came to the ghost for questioning. Now that the ghost didn't ask anything, how could he still ask the mouse? ?

Chapter [*] Serial Murder Cases

"That... Master Jiang, can the rat king in your family be used by our police department in the future?"

Captain Song immediately made up his mind. The number of rats is not unusual. If there is any case in the future, if the rat king is used to interrogate the rats in the town, their efficiency in handling cases can be improved several times.

"Okay, five hundred oceans a day."

Jiang Lin smiled, and a lion opened his mouth. The two demon kings in his family had to protect their wives when they were out. It was impossible to borrow.

Five hundred oceans a day?You might as well go rob a bank!

When Captain Song heard the offer, he almost bit his tongue, and after that, he never said anything about borrowing it.

Half an hour later, Zhou Yuan came here with the Flying Rat King.

Jiang Lin ordered to go down, and the Flying Mouse King screamed, and it didn't take long for a group of mice and voles to gather here.

Mao Xiaofang and Ah Hai had seen such a scene, but Captain Song and the others were stunned. They had never seen so many rodents since they were young.

"Master, some of the foraging men said that they saw a man in black in the woods that day, and he killed the child."

The Flying Mouse King reported the information he had obtained to Jiang Lin, and also said that there was no breath to pursue here.

Jiang Lin frowned and told Captain Song truthfully.

"The man in black, this is not a clue."

Captain Song was worried again. Now they only had so little information. It would take a lot of trouble to find out the real murderer.

"I think it must have been someone who deliberately hid their traces, otherwise the ghosts I questioned would not have said that they had the power to expel them that day."

Jiang Lin thought it was very likely that the murderer had already inquired about the information in the town before committing the murder.

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