He knows how to inquire about evil spirits, and it's not a secret. Anyone who is interested can find out after a little inquiries.

First expel the ghosts and then kill, and then remove the traces and breath of the scene, making it clear that they want to get away with impunity.

"Let's go to another site to see, if it's still the same, then I can't help it."

Jiang Lin is not an immortal. If his own means are useless, he can only express his helplessness in finding the real murderer.

Sure enough, the situation at the other site was basically the same as the other.

After the completion of his job, Jiang Lin said goodbye to Captain Song. That was all he could find, and the rest was their job.

And today is the [*]th day of the seventh month. For the next three days, he will go to the Demon Temple on the mountain with his few ghost wives to cultivate, so he has no spare time.

"It's bad, Master, I remember that the sloppy lama touched Doudou's head in the street yesterday. Will Doudou be in danger?"

"Touched Doudou's head again? Captain Song, let's go to Doudou's house quickly. You send some people to protect it. Ah Hai and I go to find that sloppy lama."

Mao Xiaofang now suspects that the sloppy lama has something to do with the murder in the town, and Captain Song and the others also think that he is the most suspicious.

No wonder they thought so. The dead children were all touched and touched by the same lama, and then they were beaten to death by the Tantric Mahamudra. Everyone would suspect a sloppy lama.

As for the other lamas, it is not without suspicion, but in comparison, Mao Xiaofang and Captain Song both thought it would be better to find a sloppy lama first.

While Mao Xiaofang and Captain Song were busy, the parents in the town didn't know that their children were in danger. They were still guarding the gate of the ancestral hall, waiting for the results of the test inside.

Black Rose had already sent Xiao Xiami to study in the ancestral hall. After knowing the benefits of being a soul boy, she exhausted her thoughts.

Today's test is more critical, and Black Rose decided not to wait any longer, and worked harder for the little shrimp.

She sneaked into the ancestral hall, and when she reached the roof, the children below walked under the umbrella one by one.

It just so happened that Xiao Xiami arrived under the umbrella, and the umbrella turned wildly. When Atisha and the others were surprised, the black rose actually collapsed the roof and fell into the hall.

Atisha and a group of children are talking about Black Rose cheating.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Xiami escaped the catastrophe. Otherwise, with his performance, he would never see the sun the next day.

After school, the two children who were excellent in the test were silenced on their way back together.

"Husband, can't even you judge who the murderer is? What a vicious heart, to actually start with a child."

The three ghost wives and Jing Yuanying went to the mountains with Jiang Lin. When they saw the parents who were picking up their children on the street, Xiaoli talked about the murders in the town.

She is a mother-to-be. Although she doesn't know when the baby in her womb will be born, she is already pregnant after all, so she has a lot of motherhood in her body. Hearing Jiang Lin talk about the misfortune of the children in the town, she is also deeply sympathetic.

"I'm not an immortal. There is no doubt that the murderer is a lama. Captain Song has Mao Xiaofang to help. The truth should be revealed soon."

Xiaohong nodded when she heard the words, and said, "The sky is full, and the murderer will definitely subdue the law. By the way, husband, I seem to be about to break through to the level of a ghost king."

Jiang Lin took Xiaohong's hand, kissed her on the face, and said, "Cultivation is very hard, you don't have to strain yourself, I miss you sometimes, so it's not good to disturb your cultivation. It's my sweetheart."

Among the three ghost wives, Xiaohong usually practiced the most diligently, Xiaoli was pregnant with a child, and Xiaoqian was very beautiful because they were both loved by Jiang Lin, and Xiaohong felt that she was with the two ghost sisters. It's a little worse than that. I want to improve my strength as soon as possible and become a legitimate husband and wife with Jiang Lin as soon as possible.


Xiaohong leaned into Jiang Lin's arms, and only now did she know that she still had a place in Jiang Lin's heart.

When they arrived at the Devil's Temple, Jiang Lin arranged a formation, and together with Xiao Li and the others, they absorbed the evil spirit in the temple. At night, the moonlight fell, Jiang Lin's body and the ghosts of Xiao Li and others were slowly rising. .

At the same time, Mao Xiaofang and Ah Hai met the sloppy lama on the street, and the latter went in the direction of Doudou's home.

Coincidentally, in the direction where the sloppy lama came, three more children died unexpectedly, and they were also killed by the Tantric Mahamudra.

These Mao Xiaofang and Captain Song don't know yet.

Now the murder case in the town has become a serial murder case, one by one innocent children were brutally poisoned.

Eight hundred and fifty-four chapters send sheep into the tiger's mouth

"Master, he is the one who glued me and Ah Chu together."

"Why did you assassinate the children in the town?"

Mao Xiaofang was glad that he didn't find anyone, so he was guarding here, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The sloppy lama frowned and replied, "This seat has never killed any children, I don't know what you're talking about."

After all, the sloppy lama turned around and wanted to leave, but Mao Xiaofang let him leave, and fought a battle with him, which was evenly divided.

The sloppy lama hit Mao Xiaofang with a trick, and Mao Xiaofang also got the lama's silver needle on his shoulder.

Mao Xiaofang went to find Captain Song who led someone to protect the child, and told the situation.

"It seems that the murderer Bacheng is the lama, but why does he only kill children?"

Captain Song felt that it was necessary to protect the children in the town while arresting the sloppy lama.

The child was in desperation. Once or twice, he was related to this lama. The third time he was stopped by Mao Xiaofang. To say that he was not suspicious, Captain Song simply did not believe it.

"Could it be related to the soul boy? I will go to the ancestral hall tomorrow."

Mao Xiaofang also frowned and decided to ask Atisha early tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, the Police Department and Fuxitang received news that five more children had died unexpectedly.

The parents of these children went to see Captain Song and the others yesterday, but Captain Song and part of his staff were there to protect the people, and the other part was sent out to look for sloppy lamas, so there was no one in the police department at all.

Captain Song and the others only know the news now.

Among the dead children, three were on the path of the sloppy lama. Even if this lama had a hundred mouths, it would be difficult for him to justify it.

Simply utterly disgusting!

Captain Song came to Fuxi Hall and found Mao Xiaofang. Both of them were flushed with anger.

Seven children died in the town in three days, and now the whole town of Gantian is fried.

Mao Xiaofang thought about it for a while, then went to the ancestral hall and found Atisha. If it weren't for Ah Hai saying that a child had been touched on the head, he would have gone there yesterday.

It's a pity that even with his protection, there are still other children who were brutally murdered.

After listening to Mao Xiaofang's words, Atisha knew that the sloppy lama that Mao Xiaofang said was their protector and living Buddha Nyingma. For a time, Atisha felt both joy and worry.

The joy is that the suspect of murder has been blamed by Ningma Living Buddha, and the worry is that if Ningma intervenes in the matter of the soul boy, it will hinder their secret mission.

"Master Mao, I might as well tell you the fact that more than ten years ago, the Dase Living Buddha of this sect did not pass away normally, but was assassinated. Unfortunately, until now, the murderer has not been found. I think the children in the town were killed one by one, which may have something to do with this incident. When we came to Gantian Town, we didn’t say that we were looking for the soul boy.

Now that Ningma had already taken the blame, Atisha continued to let him take the blame. He and Mao Xiaofang shared some secrets in the tantra, and coaxed things that they had not been sincere before, as if they had other difficulties.

"What do you mean, the murderer who killed Lama Dase wanted to kill the reincarnated soul boy? I didn't expect you to have difficulties in the first place."

Mao Xiaofang is a man with deep morals and a righteous heart, but one thing is that he doesn't know people well, and it's too easy to trust people.

From the former Lei Gang to the current Atisha and even the later Yang Feiyun, it was because Mao Xiaofang was too "kind" that he suffered again and again.

"That's right, so we are eager to find the soul boy, expel the evil spirits, and unify the authentic."

Then Mao Xiaofang asked Atisha, since the murderer was a tantric person, why didn't he advertise and investigate, Atisha explained the past on the grounds that it would cause confusion among the factions in the sect.

Moreover, he also stated that his faction supported Dase Living Buddha, the people who killed the children were not the same as them at all, and he promised to help find the murderers of innocent children.

After Mao Xiaofang returned to Fuxi Hall, he told Captain Song about the matter, and Captain Song immediately had someone announce the matter on the bulletin board in the town.

For a time, the town saw the content of the notice, and the parents who sent their children halfway did not dare to send their children to the ancestral hall, and they started talking on the street.

"Oh, it turns out that those poor children were all killed as soul boys."

"No, I can't let my son go to the ancestral hall to take the test, or else he would have returned to the west before he became a soul boy."

"Yes, yes, I can't let my children go to the streets, it's really scary."

The townspeople were so frightened that their foreheads were sweating. It is good to be a soul boy, but if a disaster strikes and their children are gone like this, the sky will really fall.

Even if their children can't be a soul boy, they can rest assured that they can live well.

With the words of these people, the panic gradually spread.

Captain Song and the others knew that if something like this happened in the town, there would definitely be a shock, so they came to the bulletin board with Mao Xiaofang to reassure people, saying that the murderer would definitely be brought to justice.

Just at this time, Atisha and the others also came, saying that the incident happened because of the soul boy, and they could not excuse themselves. They asked the townspeople to send the children to the ancestral hall, and they would guard them day and night to prevent accidents.

All the townspeople thought, some of the previous children were killed on the way home, and some were beaten to death when they urinated at home at night, but it was really not safe at home.

Captain Song and the others couldn't have sent someone to protect every household. Even if there were parents at home, they might not be able to keep the children safe. So after some evaluation, some townspeople adopted Atisha's suggestion.

Captain Song and Mao Xiaofang almost believed in their hearts that the murderer was Nyingma Rinpoche, and they never suspected that it was on Atisha and the others. They had no objection to this move.

If Captain Song and Mao Xiaofang had expressed such inappropriate remarks, a considerable part of the townspeople would not be willing to send their children out.

But as soon as Captain Song thanked Atisha and the others for saying their words, a dozen or so townspeople sent the child out.

This time it is really sending sheep into the tiger's mouth.

That night, the children who spent in the ancestral hall did not have any problems, and there were no deaths of children in the town.

Captain Song and the others just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the situation did not continue to deteriorate, but they did not breathe a sigh of relief that day, and the ancestral hall caught fire at night.

Fifteen or six children were burned to death.

Chapter [*] Where is the brain?

The news of the fire in the ancestral hall immediately spread, and Mao Xiaofang, Captain Song and the townspeople rushed to the ancestral hall.

Shu Ning, a reporter, came here after hearing the news.

Zhou Yuan and his colleagues stepped up to put out the fire and carried the body inside to the entrance of the ancestral hall.

The street outside the door is full of crying scenes.

"Captain, nine children were burned to death, and the bodies of Xiao Xiami and Luo Sang were not found."

Zhou Yuan reported the situation to Captain Song. Now that so many children have died tragically, Zhou Yuan also had a look of grief on his face.

This is simply a human tragedy.

"Why is there a fire! What do those lamas eat!"

Shu Ning took care of Black Rose and was very angry at this tragedy.

She knew that Atisha and the others had gathered the children together to protect them, but it was so useless that so many lamas saw such a tragic incident!

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