As for why the black rose appears in the ancestral hall, it is because of the small shrimp.

Yesterday, Black Rose didn't want to let Xiao Xiami stay in the ancestral hall, but Xiao Xiami insisted on living in the ancestral hall in order to stay with Luo Sang. Black Rose, the elder sister, had no choice.

Black Rose was not worried about the safety of Xiao Xiami. She came to check the safety of Xiao Xiami for two consecutive nights. Tonight she arrived at the ancestral hall and found that there was a fire here. Just as she was about to shout, she was caught between Xiao Xiami and Luosang Ma fainted.

"We don't know either. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. But no matter what the reason is, those lamas are to blame!"

Zhou Yuan looked at a group of lamas who were devastated and their robes were charred. Whether it was man-made or accidental, lamas definitely had the responsibility to protect them.

"Wuwu, yes, it's all of them. They killed our children."

"You pay for our children!"

After the townspeople cried, they went to the lama who was chanting sutras and chanting Buddha, and held them accountable.

Not only the townspeople, but Captain Song and Mao Xiaofang were also quite angry with the group of lamas.

With so many people in the ancestral hall, there is still a fire accident.

what to eat!

"Everyone, we are really to blame for such a thing, and we will definitely give you an explanation."

With grief and guilt on his face, Atisha couldn't help apologizing to these family members.

Not to mention the explanation is okay, as soon as Atisha said a word, many family members immediately cried and asked them to pay for their children.

"Since everyone wants to explain, the little monk will punish himself."

Atisha said and slashed his left shoulder with a knife.

"Master, no!"

Seeing this, Mao Xiaofang immediately rushed up and grabbed Atisha's wrist, but Atisha's hand knife with a golden light on the edge had already made a big cut on his left shoulder.

On the surface, if Mao Xiaofang hadn't stopped him, Atisha's arm would have been cut off by himself.

"Master, this is the end of the matter, why are you suffering? Why is there a fire?"

Before Atisha could answer, the black rose beside Shu Ning woke up and screamed, "Don't go! Put down the shrimp!"

Mao Xiaofang and the others heard Hei Rose's cry, so they quickly gathered around and asked, "Miss Mei, did you see something?"

"I saw that lama came out of the house through the wall and left with shrimp and Luosang. He knocked me out."

With an angry look on Mao Xiaofang's face, he said angrily, "It's him again? Could it be that he set the fire?"

Atisha Zhengchou couldn't find an excuse, so he followed Black Rose's words and said: "We don't know why the fire broke out. We were guarded well, but who knows that all of them have fallen asleep, including the little monk. Think about it, maybe it's a smoke."

This time, Atisha pushed his own responsibility cleanly, which was great, and someone else took the blame.

Then he said to the suffering masters: "No matter what, we all have responsibilities. This church is responsible for the life and burial of the dead, and at the same time builds a tower for the deceased, and saves them. If he returns to Xizang, he will definitely help Gan Tian. Pray for blessings and pay for sins with Buddhism.”

The townspeople really thought it was the beggar lama who set the fire, so they didn't bother Atisha and others, and cried to Captain Song and Mao Xiaofang, asking them to arrest the murderer of their son.

There were also people who begged Shu Ning, willing to pay Jiang Lin to catch the murderer.

"Everyone, Master Jiang is not in the town, otherwise he would have come forward if he knew about such a thing. I'll find him right away."

Shu Ning believed that if Jiang Lin hadn't gone to the mountain to cultivate, and so many children died in the town, he would not have ignored it.

At the same time, she also explained to the townspeople, lest they misunderstand that Jiang Lin only has money in his eyes, and that such a major event in the town never happened.

As Jiang Lin's woman, Shu Ning still cares about Jiang Lin's reputation.

"Sanyuan, block the entire border of the town! Be sure to find that sloppy lama!"

Captain Song threw his cigarettes to the ground in anger when he heard that the "again" was a sloppy lama.

Mao Xiaofang and his three apprentices set off to find Ningma and the two children.

"Husband, in the past few days, more than ten children have died in the town. I really can't bear it. Can you find the murderer?"

Shu Ning went to the Demon Temple, met Jiang Lin, and told what happened in the town these two days.

In her eyes, as long as Jiang Lin takes action, the murderer will not be able to escape.

So many children died? ?

Jiang Lin was also very shocked when he heard the news.

"Really convinced them!"

Jiang Lin was speechless to Captain Song and the townspeople. The previous children all died of the Tantric Mahamudra, which means that the suspicious object was the lama. Even so, he even gave the child to the lama to guard.

What about the brain?

Although many clues pointed to the sloppy lama, Jiang Lin didn't think he was the murderer.

The suspicion of sloppy lamas is indeed there, but it does not mean that other lamas are not suspicious!

"Husband, who are you talking about?"

"Of course it's Captain Song and the others. Except for the fire this time, all the other children died from the force of the palms of their hands. It's obviously what the lama did. This is certain. They handed the children over to the lama. operation."

When Shu Ning heard what Jiang Lin said, she was stunned for a moment. She thought about it and found that what Jiang Lin said really made sense.

Even if the murderer wasn't Atisha and the others, they shouldn't have sent the child there.

They are all lamas!

As long as the murderer is not identified in one day, these murders can be said to be that the lama killed the child, and then Captain Song and the others also agreed to the townspeople to send their children to the ancestral hall to be protected by the lama.

It’s just that!

Chapter [*] I am against this marriage!

"Husband, the fifteenth day of July has passed. Go back first and catch that vicious lama."

"Yes, life for life! Otherwise, I don't know how many children will suffer."

Xiaoli and Xiaoqian knew the tragedy in the town, and they were full of anger.

Because they have never had children, they are very fond of the children in the town. Now the innocent and tragic deaths of the children make them very worried.

"I don't think things are as simple as they seem. You guys continue to practice here, and Aning and I will go."

Some family members begged Shu Ning, and Xiao Li and the others couldn't bear it, so Jiang Lin didn't plan to practice in the temple, and dealt with the town affairs first.

"Husband, I listen to you. Could it be that the sloppy lama wasn't the murderer?"

Combining what Jiang Lin said, Shu Ning guessed what Jiang Lin meant.

As a journalist, Shu Ning is still quite sensitive to the information in her words, and because Jiang Lin is her man, she also guessed some of Jiang Lin's thoughts.

However, she was still a little puzzled. Now all the evidence points to the sloppy lama, but Jiang Lin said that things are not that simple.

"He is suspicious, but I don't think Atisha and the others are necessarily clean. Think about it, when a group of people are guarding children, is it so easy to get lost in smoke? The ancestral hall is not a confined space. Moreover, if a sloppy lama If it was the murderer, he wanted to kill the child, but why did he take Xiao Xiami and Luo Sang away, with his ability, he could kill them both on the spot."

Jiang Lin had such doubts, and another reason was that when he questioned Atisha in the ancestral hall that day, Atisha and the other lamas reacted when they heard him mention the soul boy.

If there are unspeakable words, even if it is inconvenient to explain, they will not show guilty conscience and panic.

When Jiang Lin reached this level, Mao Xiaofang's ability to observe words and expressions and listen to his heart rate was not comparable to that of Mao Xiaofang.

At that time, Mao Xiaofang did not discover these details.

There is definitely something wrong with the group of lamas in Atisha.

Hearing Jiang Lin talk about some doubts and Atisha's performance in the ancestral hall, Shu Ning also felt that things were indeed suspicious.

Guessing too much is no different. You still need to go to the town to see in detail to know. Jiang Lin and Shu Ning returned to the town together.

"Axiu, where is your master? Did Xiao Xiami and Luo Sang find it?"

Jiang Lin and Shu Ning met Axiu and the three brothers and sisters on the street in the town, and Jiang Lin asked about the whereabouts of Xiao Xiami.

Although Jiang Lin did not think that the sloppy lama must be the murderer, he was not sure. Now that the two children were kidnapped, it was still the most important thing to find them.

"Master and Hei Rose went to find it together. I found it here with the two brothers, and we found nothing."

"You guys are looking for it. When are you going to find it? Doesn't Master Mao have a golden pot lighting method?"

Now that the safety of Xiao Xiami and Luo Sang is not guaranteed, it must be the fastest way to find them to avoid their danger, but Mao Xiaofang actually uses people to find them.

"Uncle Master, don't mention it! That black rose, a few days ago, I asked Master to paint a clever talisman for Xiao Xiami, and wanted him to be a soul boy. Master didn't agree. This woman stole the talisman we drew and finally drank it by herself. She was exhausted to the point of being half dead. As a result, she came to the master shamelessly to ask for advice, asking for mental damage, taking the golden basin away, and washing her feet and underwear, the golden basin was completely unusable. ."

As soon as Jiang Lin mentioned the golden pot, Ah Chu was out of anger.

"That's right, a rude and uneducated, hateful woman."

Even Ah Hai, who rarely speaks ill of people, agrees.

It can be seen that the black rose in their hearts is like a shrew.

black Rose……

Thinking of the thief's virtue, Jiang Lin shook his head.

"Jiang Lin, Master also tried the method of the lark, but it didn't work, so we came out to find it. Do you have any method? It's too tiring and inefficient."

Axiu pinched her calf. She had been looking for her two senior brothers for a long time, and she was very tired.

"I still have some methods. Ahai Achu, you go to Master Mao. I need some hair and clothes from Xiaoxiumi. Axiu and I will go back to Fuxi Hall first, which is closer."

Jiang Lin separated A Hai and A Chu, then went over to carry A Xiu on his back, Shu Ning pouted slightly on the side, looking jealous.

After walking such a long way, she did not carry her back.

The three of them arrived at the entrance of Fuxi Hall. Before they could enter, A Hai and A Chu also came back. They walked around the town and did not find Mao Xiaofang and Hei Rose.

"Don't look for it, they're back first, inside."

Jiang Lin's hearing was very good, and he heard the voice of Mao Xiaofang and Hei Rose talking from inside Fuxi Hall.

After a group of people entered, they happened to see a scene with spicy eyes.

Mao Xiaofang and Hei Rose are actually hugging!

To be precise, it was Hei Rose who hugged Mao Xiaofang and leaned on his shoulder.

My goodness!

Ah Hai, Ah Chu and Ah Xiu almost lost their jaws.

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