The parrot was very jealous of Jiang Lin's yang pointing, flapping his wings and avoiding shooting, the powerful demon wind gradually stopped because there was no follow-up power.

  The parrot was dealt with by Jiang Lin, and Mao Xiaofang took the lead and rushed into the cave.

  "Master Mao!"

  When Xiao Xiami and Luo Sang saw Mao Xiaofang come in, they hurriedly called out for help.

  Nyingma Rinpoche, who was sitting cross-legged not far away, suddenly opened his eyes and spread his hands, trying to land on the heavenly spirits of Xiao Xiami and Luosang.

  The speed was so fast that even Mao Xiaofang didn't respond.

  At the critical moment, Jiang Lin had already cooked the parrot again and rushed to the cave. He pointed out the second point, and the Yang Zhi Qi just bombarded the wrist of Ningma Living Buddha.

  "What is your intention?"

  Xiao Xiami and Luo Sang were less than half a meter away from Ningma Living Buddha. Mao Xiaofang was afraid that this sloppy lama would make another move, so he asked sharply, trying to attract his attention and let Jiang Linhao rescue him.

  Mao Xiaofang had seen Jiang Lin's explosive speed. At this time, only Jiang Lin could rescue the two children from the lama's hands without injury.


  Ningma Living Buddha did not answer Mao Xiaofang's question but looked at Jiang Lin.

  Jiang Lin's blow just now caused two serious burn marks on his wrist. If he hadn't reacted quickly, his hands would have been blown off.


  A mantra burst out from the mouth of Nyingma Living Buddha. His palms lined up, and two thick smoke immediately appeared, spraying at Jiang Lin and others, and then he hugged the two children and continued to speak verses, and his figure suddenly changed. Disappeared, as if it had evaporated directly.

  "Invisibility, wall penetration! Where to go!"

  These two magical powers of Ningma Living Buddha can hide from Mao Xiaofang and the others, but they can't escape his eyes.

  Mao Xiaofang ran out with Jiang Lin, and saw that Ningma Living Buddha was divided into three parts, and Xiao Xiami and Luo Sang in his arms were also divided into three parts.

  The three Nyingma Living Buddhas recited a verse together and plunged into the ground.

  Incarnate outside the body, escape the ground!

  Jiang Lin couldn't help but think highly of Tantric's spells. With his current cultivation, he couldn't tell which one was real for a while.

  This sloppy lama actually mastered invisibility, wall penetration, out-of-body avatar, and evasion at the same time.

  It can also spray smoke between the palms, and strange spells are really endless.

  The background of Tantric Lama is really deep.

  Jiang Lin had to be amazed that he had mastered a kind of body-setting spell in Taoism now, and he had seen it from outside and deduced it himself.

  But this lama who kidnapped Xiao Xiami and Luosang suddenly mastered four or five spells similar to the immobilization spell.

  This is terrifying.

Although the realm of Ningma Living Buddha is comparable to that of a peak alchemist or a first-time celestial master, with these few spells, he can also make Jiang Lin feel quite difficult.

Eight hundred and fiftieth eight chapters of the strongest tantra

"This direction, chase!"

After sensing it carefully, Jiang Lin chased after him due south.

It is indeed difficult to identify the incarnation of Nyingma Living Buddha outside the body. It is really difficult for Jiang Lin to find out his real body based on his cultivation.

However, Jiang Lin has the identity of Mao Zong in addition to his Taoist cultivation. Combining the two abilities, he has discovered the true body of Ningma Living Buddha.

Jiang Lin's speed is very fast, but Ningma Rinpoche uses the evasion technique, which is not easy to track. He needs to chase and find it, so he can't exert his speed and can't intercept it.

However, Rinpoche Ningma couldn't use the escaping technique for a long time. In the end, he could only leave the ground like ordinary people and run with his two children. Jiang Lin, Mao Xiaofang and others followed closely behind.

A fish maw-like white color gradually appeared in the east, and a group of people were chasing after them. The Nyingma Living Buddha, who was galloping in front, was suddenly stopped by Atisha and the others.

"Master, there is no need for us to chase them now. Since they are all tantric practitioners, the sloppy lama has done so many bad things. Now Atisha and the others can clear the door."

Ah Chu was tired and out of breath, when he saw Atisha and the others blocking the sloppy lama's way, he thought these people were here to help.

"See the Great Living Buddha of Nyingma."

What made Ah Chu stare was that not only did Atisha and the others not clear the door, they even knelt down to the sloppy lama.

"It seems that this sloppy lama should have a high status in the tantric sect. Master Mao, the two children have been found, and there is no danger. The negotiation is left to you."

Xiao Xiami, Luo Sang and the lama who took them are already here, Jiang Lin doesn't want to worry about it any more, he doesn't have a good impression of Lamaism.

"No matter how high his status is, if the murder case in the town is not clear, I will not let him go easily. The next thing will be handled by me."

Mao Xiaofang could also see that Jiang Lin was not interested in the tantric lama, and now that the person had been stopped, Jiang Lin did not care, and he had no objection.

After Atisha and others bowed to Nyingma Rinpoche, they said that one of Xiaoxiami and Luosang might be the reincarnation of Dase Lama, and asked Ningma Rinpoche to give them to them, but Ningma Rinpoche insisted that he give the two The child was brought to Nishigami.

He is the guardian living Buddha of the Potala Palace, with great power, and Atisha did not dare to force him to stay for a while.

Seeing that Ningma Living Buddha was about to leave, Mao Xiaofang and Ah Hai naturally stepped forward to stop him.

"I don't care what status you have in Tantra. If you can't clear your suspicion and prove that it has nothing to do with the murder in the town, I won't let you go."

The last time Mao Xiaofang and Ningma Living Buddha had a battle, it was evenly divided. This time, Mao Xiaofang brought a magic weapon and was confident that he would keep this lama.

Just as the two were arguing, the sound of a horn came from a distance, and two teams of lamas came out of the woods. Eight lamas were in front carrying long trumpets and playing Sanskrit, and the monks at the back also carried a sedan chair.

After getting off the sedan chair, a middle-aged lama walked out of it. Atisha and the others immediately knelt on the ground when they saw someone coming.

"See Acting Abbot, the Great Living Buddha of Pasiba."

Nyingma Rinpoche bowed slightly and said, "See the great Rinpoche of Phagpa".

This lama has a very profound cultivation base.

Jiang Lin raised his brows when he saw the middle-aged lama. This esoteric abbot was actually stronger than the average celestial master.

Not only Pasiba, but the lamas around him are not low in cultivation, and there are actually several who are similar to Mao Xiaofang.

The strength of Tantric Buddhism is really not to be underestimated.

Mao Xiaofang's eyes also fell on Ba Siba's body, and he also felt that the latter's aura was extraordinary and could not be seen clearly.

"Everyone, please."

Pasiba smiled slightly, and then said to Ningma Living Buddha: "Ningma, the Great Living Buddha, since you are sick, why don't you take good care of your wounds and go out privately?"

Nyingma Rinpoche responded: "I just want to find the true body of Dase Lama in my lifetime."

Seeing Ningma Rinpoche's hands clasping Xiao Xiami and Luosang's shoulders, Phasipa frowned and said, "I have already handed over this matter to Atisha and the others, you don't need to worry, do you have other goals? "

When Ningma Living Buddha was questioned, most of his strength was loosened. Xiao Xiami took this opportunity to break free and said, "He is a bad guy and wants to kill me and Luosang."

Holding Luosang in one hand, Xiao Xiami quickly ran to Mao Xiaofang's side.

Mao Xiaofang also opened his mouth at this time, saying: "Basipa Living Buddha, there is a murder case in our Gantian Town, and more than ten children have died. It is possible that you Nyingma Living Buddha killed him. Since he belongs to your Tantric Buddhism, I hope that Pasipa has died. Living Buddha can cooperate and uphold justice."

Even in the face of the acting abbot of the Potala Palace, the strongest tantric practitioner, Mao Xiaofang's tone, you can hear a bit of a tough attitude.

"The Great Living Buddha of Ningma, is there such a thing?"

When Phasiba heard the words, his face changed and he looked at Nyingma Living Buddha.

"There is absolutely no such thing, I just want to give them enlightenment and empowerment, and I want to find the true body of Lama Dase."

"You empower them and then kill them?"

"Yeah, those dead children all intersect with you, and you are the most suspicious."

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