Listening to Nyingma Rinpoche's denial, and what he said was light, A Hai and A Chu pointed at this sloppy lama.

Although Mao Xiaofang didn't say anything, he also expressed his attitude. If there is any suspicion, he must go to the police department for investigation.

"This seat reiterates, I did not kill those children."

"Everyone, Nyingma Rinpoche said no, I believe him, depending on the situation, there may be other reasons. We will definitely find out the whole story as soon as possible and give the deceased an account. Nyingma Rinpoche is our esoteric sect Living Buddha, can't be detained yet."

Although Ba Siba said it nicely, there is only one meaning. They will investigate the murder case, and they will also take away the suspect Ningma.

"I thought you, the acting abbot, would be very fair. It turns out that you are singing double reeds here."

"I keep talking about living Buddhas and living Buddhas. Is the teaching of tantra to hide the filth and protect the murderer? It's not ashamed to call yourself a living Buddha."

The two brothers, Ahai and Achu, listened to Ba Siba's words.


Ba Siba's face suddenly turned cold, and he looked at A Hai and A Chu, and his aura radiated out and pressed them over.

The two slandered Tantric Buddhism, but Phagpa would not let them have good fruit to eat.

Both A Hai and A Chu have not yet entered the level of Taoist people, and Ba Siba is already stronger than a celestial master.

Mao Xiaofang did not expect that Ba Siba would bully the two juniors.

Rao is because of his excellent cultivation, and he was so angry that a slight low growl came out of his throat.

"Haha, I've always heard that the Tantric Buddhism is united with politics and religion in Xizang, and the living Buddha is high and majestic. When I see it today, I really think I'm lawless."

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, stood up, and burst out with undisguised aura, even suppressing Ba Siba's aura.

Chapter eight hundred and fifty-ninth Debate Conference

Originally, Jiang Lin thought that Atisha and the acting abbot of the Potala Palace appeared, and that the matter could be left to Mao Xiaofang, but now Ba Siba not only does not cooperate, but also wants to use his power to suppress people.

In the Potala Palace, he was used to Jianglin's power, but when he came to the Middle Earth, in this town of Gantian, he could not control this group of lamas.

Is this the true cultivation of fellow Daoists?

Mao Xiaofang felt the aura emanating from Jiang Lin, and his face was startled.

Even though he had known Jiang Lin for two years, he had never really understood Jiang Lin's strength. At this moment, even if Jiang Lin's aura was not aimed at him, he still felt a strong sense of oppression.

Now Jiang Lin is only half a step away from entering the golden core level, not to mention the means, just in terms of cultivation, he has already surpassed Daoist Chunhua.

He was also at the peak of the Celestial Master, and now Jiang Lin had left Daoist Chunhua behind.


Phasiba was counter-pressured by Jiang Lin's aura, his expression changed, and the Nyingma Living Buddha beside him and behind him, Atisha and others were equally shocked.

Jiang Lin looks like twenty-three or four, but his cultivation has reached such a level.

Because Jiang Lin was going to be the boss and let Mao Xiaofang deal with Ningma's affairs, but he didn't take the lead, so Ba Siba thought that Mao Xiaofang was the leader, but the situation was beyond his expectations.

"The Buddha of Infinite Life."

Feeling that Jiang Lin's cultivation was unfathomable, Ba Siba withdrew his aura and chanted a Buddha's name.

Uncle is really a cow!

Ah Hai and Ah Chu were guarded by Jiang Lin, so the pressure on their bodies lightened, and they fell to the ground, who admired Jiang Lin.

Although Jiang Lin was not kind to them, but now that they were being overwhelmed by the momentum of outsiders, Jiang Lin relieved them immediately and made them all feel good about this uncle.

"You esoteric sect went south, and when you got here, since the people in the sect are suspected of murder, they will naturally be handed over to the legal investigation. Don't do your Potala Palace's tricks here. It's fine if you don't cooperate, and you still bully the juniors. Is this your Potala Palace? I won't gossip any more, your apologetic living Buddha must be investigated by the Police Department. If you don't agree, then make a mark and see the true seal under your hand."

Mao Xiaofang only had the cultivation level of an alchemist, and he couldn't suppress Nyingma Living Buddha, nor could he suppress this Phagpa, so Jiang Lin made it clear.

If you don't agree, you have to agree, otherwise you will fight.

"This Taoist priest, this seat doesn't mean to bully the juniors, it's just that they slandered my teaching, so this seat is angry with King Kong."

"You say slander is slander? Why do I sound like I'm telling the truth? What is the attitude of Tantric Buddhism to the requirements of the poor?"

Jiang Lin was strong to the end, Mao Xiaofang said in a good voice that this Phasiba was not showing face at all, and he used his aura to force A Hai and A Chu, which is a typical shameless face, and Jiang Lin did not have a good tone.

Regarding Jiang Lin's strength, Ba Siba frowned, his face was not very good-looking. Since he took charge of the Potala Palace, he has never been treated with such a stinky face by others.

After a while, Phasiba responded: "The soul boy may be the two children, so we need to hold a spiritual boy debate meeting to determine which one is the soul boy. However, according to our tantric law, the debate meeting must require two majors. The presence of the Living Buddha is orthodox, so I would like to ask the two Taoist priests to temporarily hand over the Nyingma Living Buddha to this seat for care, and then hand it over to the rule of law after the conference is over. This seat will never bend the law for personal gain.”

"Well, just wait for the conference to end."

Now that Ba Siba has let go, Jiang Lin stopped making things difficult.

As for whether Phagpa would let Nyingma Living Buddha go, Jiang Lin was not worried.

This group of lamas came to Gantian Town to find the soul boy. With him, as long as Pasiba repented, they would not want to take the soul boy away.

"Buddha of Infinite Life. This seat will let people arrange the debate conference."

Phagpa took a group of lamas to the town.

"Master, you are so domineering!"

"Yeah, draw a line, see the real chapter under your hand, uncle, you are my idol!"

Jiang Lin's strength made the two boys, A Hai and A Chu, adore him.Before their master was here, Phagpa didn't take it seriously, but after Jiang Lin showed his edge, Phagpa didn't dare to be tyrannical.

Uncle is strong!

"Master Mao, I don't really think that Nyingma Living Buddha is the murderer. It may not be that simple, but if we investigate his words, maybe we can pull out the radish and bring out the mud."

Jiang Lin ignored the flattery of the two boys, and told Mao Xiaofang his opinion on the murder case.

He is still not ready to intervene in the next case-solving matters. He has helped to this point for free, and it is almost done. He still has his own affairs to be busy with.

Mao Xiaofang helped Captain Song solve the case, but Jiang Lin would not. He is a Taoist priest, not a police officer) (Censor.

On the second day, a group of lamas including Phagpa and Nyingma Rinpoche set up an open space in the town as a meeting place.The name of the law, the gongs and drums and the portrait of Fab are all arranged in an orderly manner, even in the open air, giving people a solemn and solemn feeling.

Many townspeople gathered around the venue to watch. Director Song, Captain Song, and several prominent figures were invited to sit on the seats on the side of the venue.

Because of their high prestige, Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang were also invited to sit with Director Song and the others.

"I didn't expect that Xiao Xiami might be a soul boy."

"Yeah, I really can't see it."

"If the reincarnated soul boy appears in our Gantian Town, then our Gantian Town will become famous."

The townspeople, you said every word, you are looking forward to the results of the meeting. If there is a reincarnated soul boy in the town, Gantian Town will also benefit from it.

"Shrimp is definitely not. I want to see that Luo Sang is. After their family of three came to our Gantian Town, the soul bird looking for the soul boy appeared."

"Yeah, have you placed your bets? It hasn't been closed yet, so hurry up and buy it."

Zhou You and Zhou Yuan took advantage of this opportunity to open a bet, intending to make a fortune, and now they are urging the villagers around them to bet.

"Let me tell you, when my shrimps were born, there was a spiritual light in the sky, and then the golden dragon descended, the earth shook, and the spiritual stone was broken, and it was clear that the spiritual boy was reincarnated!"

Black Rose is still bragging about the people next to her. This time, her brain is also hot, and Xiao Xiami has read the Buddhist scriptures for a few days, and her mouth and mouth are all Zen, so she put all her net worth on Xiami, although now I regret it, but I still want to blow my brother up.

"Che, you might as well say that the volcano erupted and the flood flooded. I will bet on the ocean again, Arosan."

Shu Ning heard the voices of Black Rose and the others not far away, and asked Jiang Lin, "Husband, who do you think might be the reincarnated soul boy?"

When Director Song and the others heard Shu Ning's question, they all looked at Jiang Lin, and even Mao Xiaofang turned to look at him.

They knew Jiang Lin's ability. Since someone asked, they were also curious about Jiang Lin's opinion.

"It's hard to say. There is an extraordinary aura around Xiao Xiami, which is the appearance of dragons and phoenixes among people, but Luo Sang is not bad."

Jiang Lin's evaluation of Xiao Xiami was like a depth bomb dropped. Almost no one was optimistic about Xiao Xiami, but Jiang Lin's sentence "a dragon and a phoenix" was too surprising.

Chapter eight hundred and sixtieth black box operation

  "I also think that small shrimp is not easy."

  Director Song nodded, the police department already knew the identities of Hei Rose and Xiao Xiami, but the two of them stole from the rich and helped the poor, and the police department has never had any definite evidence, and the two years of Hei Rose can be regarded as washing hands. Quit, so they didn't have the trouble of looking for the two siblings.

  Xiao Xiami was only eight or nine years old when he followed Black Rose to Gantian Town. The two traveled from south to north and broke into the reputation of being a robber. They haven't been caught yet, which is enough to show that this child is not comparable to his peers.

  "Master Jiang, don't scare me."

  Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Zhou Yuan shrank his neck involuntarily. If Xiao Xiami was really a soul boy, their Zhou family would lose even their ancestral home this time, and they had to eat like beggars.

  Jiang Lin smiled without saying a word. Zhou Yuan's family sold some hell bills of lading not long ago, and they gave away their money. They lied to both people and ghosts. As a result, the ghosts below did not receive the paper money burned by their relatives at all, and the whole family was badly damaged.

  Not only will there be an accident on Zhou, but also on Wednesday, Yuan is not much better.

  However, Jiang Lin would not say these things, and a considerable part of the disaster was caused by himself.

  "Even Master Jiang and Director Song said so, my little shrimp must be a soul boy."

  Black Rose was overjoyed, shouted everywhere, and bet a lot of money on her own little shrimp, and the little shrimp on the side shook her head.

  After two years of schooling, and reading some Buddhist scriptures, Xiao Xiami became more and more incapable of seeing her older sister.

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