Now Ba Siba can't sit still. According to the information they have inquired, only Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin are Taoist priests in Gantian Town. Why do so many appear all of a sudden?

And there are actually ghost generals and zombie kings, and they are all with Jiang Lin.

"Ba Siba, you guys seem a little surprised? Didn't you look very confident before? Where is your confidence now?"

Jiang Lin folded his arms and looked at Phagpa quietly. This lama actually thought that one seal of the Four Noble Truths and Eight Seals could stun him.

The eight hundred and sixtieth chapters of the Potala Palace

The matter was completely beyond the expectations of Ba Siba and the others. Originally, they thought that Jiang Lin could only bring two demon kings here, but now the two demon kings are not big ones. One zombie king and three alchemists have four more. A ghost general, in total, is equivalent to the other three demon kings, plus Jiang Lin himself, the strength is more than a line stronger than their dozens of lamas.

"Chili, Min'er, give them some more surprises."


So Chen Yu, Bai Min'er, and the others showed off some magical tools, such as the Ice Soul Sword and the Soul-suppressing Bow.

After the magic weapon was injected with spiritual power, the runes inside began to glow, and at a glance, it was known that it was extraordinary.

Second uncle's!

Atisha looked at the instruments in Chen Yu and the others' hands, and stumbled two steps. Each of these instruments was powerful. Compared with the instruments inherited from the Potala Palace, they were not much different. Now all of a sudden There are four or five?

It's a joke!

Then Jiang Lin snapped his fingers again, and the charms of Chen Yu and the others emerged from the shadows, and looked at Ba Siba and the others coldly.


Ba Siba's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and a large number of ghost generals appeared again? ?

In the Atisha area around Phagpa, they were all scared and retreated. In the end of the Dharma era, there were almost no ghost emperors, and ghost kings were quite rare, even if they were ghost generals. They were horrified.

"Ghost, ghost!"

Not only Pasiba and the other group of lamas were frightened, but the townspeople behind were also frightened and screamed.

"Don't be afraid, these ghosts are under the control of Master Jiang, and they are used to break the blockade in the town."

Mao Xiaofang calmed the townspeople's emotions. Visually, these phantom Rakshasa were much more terrifying than ordinary ghosts, and it was not enough to scare people into peeing.

"Break the world!"

Jiang Lin snorted, and the colorful tiger king, the flying rat king, and the unicorn corpse were in front, with a dozen or so charming spirits standing behind them. As for Chen Yu and Xiaoli, they came to Jiang Lin's side.

"Full power to preside over the enchantment!"

After Jianglin and the others took action, Phasiba immediately issued an order. Although the demon corpses and Taoist priests assembled on the opposite side were stronger than them, they had the spirit formation as their support, and they could consume a little more.

For a time, the giant claws condensed from the demonic light, sword energy, bow and arrow, and ghost energy were all under the command of Jiang Lin and attacked the mid-air barrier in front of Ba Siba.

Jiang Lin's arms converged, Pai Yang's palms were used, and a pillar of fire blasted out.

He didn't use destructive spells like Jinwu Shuyang. First, it was very expensive, and the second reason was that if it exploded, the archway in Gantian Town would be destroyed.

Seeing that the attack was coming, even if Ba Siba and the others poured their spiritual power with all their strength, they could not make the enchantment hold on for a while longer.

Jiang Lin's attack power was concentrated in one place, it was too powerful.

Let's not talk about the attacks of Xiaoli and Meiling, even Chen Yu and the others, all of them have magic weapons of the sect's treasure level in their hands. A large rock of three meters can also be chopped into several pieces at once.

Not to mention the Heavenly Killing Sword in the hands of the unicorn corpse and the demonic light of the Colorful Tiger King and the Flying Rat King.

In addition, there is also the demon-defying bow and arrow in Caiyi's hand, which is designed to break a little.

Therefore, when various attacks landed on the barrier, it took almost no time, and the sound of glass shattering appeared in the void.

Atisha and the other lamas all spit blood.

The Four Nobles and Eight Seals of their Potala Palace's extremely powerful enchantment were easily broken at this moment, like a paper wall.

How can it be!

Ba Siba snorted and growled in his heart. He knew that the barrier might not be able to withstand Jiang Lin's torment, but he never thought that with such a blow, the seals of the Four Noble Truths and Eighth were broken.

"Chili, take back all the charms."


Chen Yu and the others knew that what Jiang Lin was most worried about was their safety, so they didn't say much, and they all recalled Charming Spirit into the shadows.

Although these charming spirits can play a great role in the battle, for Jiang Lin, nothing is more important than protecting the safety of Chen Yu and Bai Min'er.

And once the barrier is broken, there are demon kings and zombie kings. Even if they don't use Charm Spirit, Ba Siba and the others will only have one fate - go to the west to see the Buddha.

To actually collect a large number of Charming Spirits and not use them, God helped me!

After a brief shock, Ba Siba has recovered his composure. At this time, when he sees Jiang Lin ignoring more than ten charms, his mentality has calmed down a lot.

As long as they exterminate Jiang Lin with the momentum of thunder, and the remaining dragons are leaderless, they can also see the dawn of victory.

"Respectfully please Dapeng Bird, the guardian of the law! Auspicious Heavenly Mother! Lord of the corpse forest!"

Pasiba's hands turned like wheels, quickly forming a seal, and at the same time meditating on the mantra, in front of him, at some point, three more pure gold statues appeared.

After the mantra was recited, three golden lights appeared in front of Pasiba.

When the golden light slowed down, everyone saw a six-to-seven-meter-high golden-winged Dapeng bird appeared on the left. Dapeng's head had the horns of diamonds on its head, and there was a shining orb on the top, and a pair of golden eyes like the sun. It flickered like a moon, and the mouth was a huge beak like black iron.

The golden-winged Dapeng's wings stretched out, and it was ten meters wide, and the feathers on it were like golden sharp blades, dancing in the air.

In the center is a blue-skinned female giant, wearing a five-skull crown, red hair upturned, peacock feathers as hair accessories, a skull chain around her neck, a tiger-skin skirt underneath, and a red stick around her waist.

This female giant actually has three eyes, and with the tantric instruments and postures held by her arms, it is very solemn and majestic.

The one on the right is a pair of white bone skeletons. Like the female giants, the two skeletons have clothes, accessories and instruments. Although they look like skeletons, they have a sense of solemnity.

These are the guardian deities of Tantric Buddhism. With the current cultivation level of Ba Siba, only three can be summoned.

Of course, they were only called gods by the esoteric sect, and in terms of combat power, they were on the same level as King Panlan Tiger.

After summoning the Dharma protector, Phasiba took out a golden cymbal, and after reciting the incantation, it turned into a golden Dharma wheel the size of a grinding disc.

Atisha and others also took out the magic tools such as the right-handed conch and the magic pestle, which were also bright, but the quality was slightly inferior.

These Dharma protectors and magic weapons were also the reliance of Ba Siba who dared to block Gantian Town when he knew that Jiang Lin had two demon kings.

Mao Xiaofang took a deep breath when he saw the three Dharma protectors and the instruments in their hands.

The heritage of the Potala Palace is so profound.

If you add the spirit bird that had died before, and only relying on the external objects, Ba Siba and the others will overwhelm Li Yangju.

Although Li Yangju in Jianglin is a Taoist temple, it is comparable to that of Luofu Mountain, the birthplace of the Southern School, and in this way, it cannot compare to the Potala Palace.

Eight hundred and sixtieth chapters Dragon Elephant King Kong Gong

Captain Song and the townspeople were so frightened that they kept retreating when they saw the giant Pengbird and the female giant in front of them. Although they had seen many scenes, they were far from what they were seeing.

"Master, can Uncle Master beat those lamas this time?"

A Hai and A Chu were also shocked physically and mentally, and looked at Mao Xiaofang.

Mao Xiaofang shook his head, at this time he really wasn't sure.

This kind of scene is similar to the ancient sect war.

"I always thought that our family has a demon king and a zombie king to watch the house, as well as my husband and us, and we can catch up with the ancient cultivator sect. I didn't expect Tantric Buddhism to be so scary."

"After all, there is only one head of our Jiang family, and it has only been developed for a few years. Tantric Buddhism has been passed down for thousands of years."

"Yeah, I didn't expect this group of lamas to have such a trump card."

Chen Yu and Bai Min'er were really surprised when they saw such a formation on the other side. Then they looked at Jiang Lin. Now the advantage has been tied, but there are dozens of lamas. Charming, I'm afraid it's still a tough battle.

Jiang Lin just glanced at Ba Siba and the others indifferently, and did not respond to Chen Yu and others' gazes.Even if Phasiba summoned some kind of guardian deity, and showed off the magic weapon, his heart would still be as calm as an ancient well.

As for enchanting spirits, Jiang Lin had never thought about them. These spirits were hard to buy, and they were the most suitable for bodyguards. They were his women's amulet, and he was reluctant to use them against lamas.

In case of damage, I want to replenish it in the future, but there is no chance.


The golden-winged Dapeng stared at the King of the Flying Rat with golden eyes, and even eagles were the natural enemies of rodents, not to mention Dapeng birds.

The Flying Rat King was stared at like this, and the rat hair all over his body exploded. Even if it is also at the level of the Demon King now, facing the Golden Winged Dapeng, it is very frightened.

The natural enemy relationship is there.


Another squeak resounded in the air, and a [-]-meter-tall three-legged Golden Crow suddenly appeared. The Golden Crow spread its wings and swooped over with lightning speed. to two hundred meters away.


There was a strong explosion [-] meters away, a small mushroom cloud rose, and the ground trembled.

After the wind and smoke fell silent, the three-legged golden crow had disappeared, and only the golden-winged Dapeng was left whining and dying in the big pit on the ground.

The pure gold statue on the left in front of Pasiba showed slight cracks, and finally exploded with a bang.

The golden-winged Dapeng didn't want to believe that it would be killed by a "similar" until its death. The previous chirp was so solemn, and it had the power of Lingtian, but in the blink of an eye, another clear chirp resounded, It's not far from death.

"That golden-winged Dapeng bird was beheaded by fellow Taoists?"

There was a "guru" in Mao Xiaofang's throat, a powerful demon king, still capable of flying, even if it wasn't the legendary golden-winged Dapeng, it was extremely powerful at the demon king level, but it just appeared. , called out, and was destroyed by Jiang Lin.


"Jerry, leave the rest to Tom and the Dark Lord. Your job is to protect them while they fight."

Jiang Lin instructed the Flying Rat King, and then looked at Ba Siba and the others who were still in a daze.

That golden-winged Dapeng can fly in the sky, whether it is the colorful tiger king or the unicorn corpse, it is very difficult to deal with, Jiang Lin certainly will not let it continue to exist.

Although he only used one blow just now, he was determined to kill, consuming a lot of spiritual power, and destroying the Golden Winged Dapeng with the momentum of thunder.

A powerful guardian deity of Tantric Buddhism was cut off by Jiang Lin with lightning speed.

"As ordered!"

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