The King of the Flying Rat is very happy in his heart. He has to look at his master to stare at the mouse. It is really not knowing whether to let you stare at me.

The master is mighty!

Lao Tzu is going to do his best and die!Protect the mistress!

In the eyes of the Flying Mouse King, Jiang Lin was a proper protection, making him feel that he was valued and loved by his master.

"Dharma Protector! How is it possible? How is it possible!"

Ba Siba's eyes were completely split, and he shouted loudly. This kind of thing was something he could never have imagined.

The golden-winged Dapeng bird has a very high merit in protecting the law and abiding by religion. Because it can fly in the sky, it has played an irreplaceable role in history even when there are demon emperors and ghost emperors who invaded the Potala Palace. It worked, but now it has been beheaded!

Ba Siba originally wanted to kill Jiang Lin with the power of thunder, but Jiang Lin was even more thunderous than him.


Ba Siba doesn't look like a Buddhist monk who studies the Dharma at all. His face is full of suffocation, and he even wants to tear Jiang Lin's corpse into ten thousand pieces, and burn his corpse into nothingness one by one in the fire of karma.

The war suddenly started. The colorful tiger king and the corpse of the unicorn faced the auspicious goddess and the corpse forest master respectively. Chen Yu, Bai Miner and Xiaoli fought against Atisha and others. The flying rat king protected his mistresses. , and from time to time spewed out demon light towards some lamas.

As for Jiang Lin, he was holding a bone sword and confronting Ba Siba.

"Ding ding ding dong."

The bone sword and the golden light Falun collided, making a crisp golden sound.

Ba Siba threw the Falun and said, "Those who are in the formation are coming to fight." After Falun let go, he was able to attack Jianglin on his own.

[Note: The original version of the Nine-Character Mantra is: The fighters who are facing the army are all marching forward. As for the other two versions, they have their own sources. In order to take care of the plot of the deadlock in the future, this book uses "the fighters who are facing the army are all in front"]

After Pasiba released his hands, the knots in his hands changed, and he shouted: "The Arhat subdues the dragon, the Buddha throws the elephant, and receives the dragon elephant from this seat!"

Ba Siba's momentum skyrocketed, the monk's clothes were hunting, and the air was squeezed and made a slight whirring sound when his hands and feet swayed.

He was like a tall demon-fighting Arhat, charging towards Jiang Lin.

Dragon Elephant King Kong?

Jiang Lin had seen the description of this kind of spell in the book. It is the supreme spell of Tantric Buddhism. There are three levels in total, five thousand catties of elephant power and ten thousand catties of dragon power. Can reach [-] pounds.

This Phasiba is very strong!

Jiang Lin roughly sensed it, and now that Ba Siba is like a giant human-shaped elephant, the strength on his hands and feet is almost [-] kilograms, which is the power of an elephant.

An Asian elephant can win a tug-of-war with thirty adult men, which means that at this time, Ba Siba relies on strength alone, and thirty or so adults cannot shake him (in the way of dragging).

Eight hundred and sixty-eighth chapters, the eight thought Ba who doubts life

At this time, Ba Siba was full of elephant power, and even Daoist Chunhua, who had reached the peak of the Celestial Master, would feel extremely troublesome.

Although the strength of the zombie king is almost the same as that of an elephant, the zombies can't use it very well, and their rigidity and rigidity are far inferior to that of Ba Siba at this time.

Even if it was Jiang Lin, if it wasn't for the fact that his physical strength and his own strength had reached the level of the Zombie King, it would be a very difficult battle for him to deal with Ba Siba this time.

Seeing that Falun was rushing towards Ba Siba first, Jiang Lin threw out the bone sword, distracted, and used the sword-fighting technique to resist this tantric magic weapon.

"Swordsmanship? How is it possible that someone can still practice swordsmanship in the end of the law?"

Unexpected one after another, Ba Siba even doubted whether it was the end of the law.

Jiang Lin actually practiced swordsmanship, and he was already able to be an imperial envoy from the air. Obviously, he had reached the point of small success.

Not only that, the long sword in Jiang Lin's hand was also extraordinary. Without the support of his spiritual power, he could still hold the Golden Light Falun in mid-air.

Jiang Lin's sword-fighting skills have already entered the hall, and the quality of the spirit sword he controls is no less than that of the esoteric magic weapon.

However, the shock turned into a shock, and Ba Siba quickly restrained his emotions.Even if Jiang Lin knew how to master swordsmanship, he had to be distracted and controlled, but at their level, the battle was not an ordinary danger.

Therefore, in Ba Siba's view, Jiang Lin must not be able to do some tricks under his hands. His magic weapon does not need to be controlled by him. Under the situation, what will Jiang Lin use to win him?

With a cold snort, Ba Siba's body moved faster. He had been guarding Jiang Lin's magic that killed the golden-winged Dapeng. Now what he has to do is to close the distance and fight Jiang Lin. Don't give it the chance to seal the spell.

"Inattentive, lack of strength, this seat will see how you fight against me!"

While advancing, Phasiba also made a statement to disturb Jiang Lin's state of mind, trying to find an opportunity to kill Jiang Lin quickly, and then help his accomplices.

"Humph! If you don't have enough concentration, you can't fight against you? You look down on yourself too much. To tell you the truth, I didn't plan to deal with you with all my strength, and you're not worthy of my full strength."

Jiang Lin sneered, and walked up to him in the shape of a dragon and a tiger.

Phagpa has practiced the Dragon-Elephant King Kong Gong, and it is not enough to deal with others, but also against Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin was telling the truth. If he showed his full strength, he would switch between the Dao body and the corpse, but at the moment he didn't need to corpse at all.

"It's ridiculous, I'm not ashamed to say it, look at the big mudra of this seat!"

Ba Siba sneered again and again, thinking that Jiang Lin was supporting himself and cheering himself up with words.

His palms turned crimson, and Phasiba slammed towards Jiang Lin's chest. He wanted to beat Jiang Lin into self-hypnosis all at once, but it didn't work.

"Panyang Palm!"

Jiang Lin's palms were surrounded by flames, and he was ready to slam with Ba Siba's palms with all his strength.

I really don't know how high the sky is!

When Ba Siba saw that Jiang Lin was not dodging but slamming with him, he was very happy for a while. He seemed to see Jiang Lin's arm being broken by his palm and spitting blood upside down.

"Fellow Daoist, what Pasipa uses is the tantric technique, Dragon Elephant King Kong. After practicing, you can have the power of dragon elephant, you can't hit it hard!"

Mao Xiaofang saw that Jiang Lin was about to face Ba Saba and shouted loudly, but Jiang Lin's palm had already been pushed out.

"Late! Haha..."

As soon as Mao Xiaofang finished speaking, Ba Siba's palm and Jiang Lin's fire palm slammed together.


Blood spurting is really spurting blood, and flying upside down is also flying upside down, but it was not Jiang Lin who flew out and spurted blood like he didn't want money in his mouth.

But Phagpa.

Pasiba's Dragon Elephant King Kong Gong is certainly a top-level spell, but how can Jiang Lin's Heavenly Corpse Transformation be summed up by the word "extraordinary"?

Even without the help of the corpse's strength, Jiang Lin's current physical strength is only higher than that of an elephant.


When Mao Xiaofang saw this incredible scene, he was stunned on the spot for a while.

The palm of Ba Siba just now had a strength of at least three or four thousand catties. After facing Jiang Lin's palm, he flew out on his own? ?

Mao Xiaofang suspected that he had read it wrong, and rubbed his eyes again.

Is the Dragon Elephant King Kong not worthy of its name?

Mao Xiaofang could not have imagined that Jiang Lin had thousands of pounds of strength, so he could only think of such an explanation.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

If Phagpa only doubted the world before, then this time he completely doubted life.

Ba Siba stood up tremblingly, and he couldn't take care of the blood spraying from his mouth. He kept roaring in his heart. This is definitely an illusion, an absolute fantasy.

Even if Phagpa's cultivation base and Buddhism are superb, they have lost their normality at this time, and the most important thing is that the gap is too great.

He has the power of elephants, five thousand catties of power. Converting it, that is two and a half tons of power. Once he uses it, it is trivial to collapse mountains and rocks. In a confrontation, he is almost invincible.

But now, not only did the power of Phasiba fail, but he was seriously injured and spurted blood in a single blow. No one could stand this blow.

In fact, it was Ba Siba himself who bumped into it. If it was about fighting skills, it would be difficult for Jiang Lin to inflict heavy damage on him so quickly, but Ba Siba thought he was arrogant, and ended up bumping into Jiang Lin's tungsten steel plate.

"Your Dragon Elephant King Kong Gong is just blowing it! The power of the Dragon Elephant and the Power of the Snake and Pig are almost the same!"

Jiang Lin attacked Phasiba loudly, and at the same time slammed it with his palm. He didn't use any spells, and he still had to save his own spiritual power to deal with the other two guardian deities.

Now that Pasiba has been seriously injured, take advantage of his illness to kill him.

"Impossible, impossible! Is the power of the dragon elephant simply fake?"

Ba Siba was pressed and beaten by Jiang Lin, and he never stopped bleeding.

"Fighting fighters..."

"Fight your second uncle!"

Ba Siba took Jiang Lin's palm with all his strength, his body flew out, and formed a seal in mid-air, but Jiang Lin didn't give him a chance. superior.

A cracking sound came out, and Ba Siba's ribs and sternum were broken.

"Deputy Abbot!"

Atisha and several other lamas saw that Phagpa was severely injured, and they rushed over regardless of their battle circle.

Jiang Lin's thoughts moved, and the remote-controlled bone sword struck the golden light Falun, and then controlled the sword and shot at the Atisha group.

After a few screams, Atisha and the others went straight to the west.

Chapter eight hundred and sixty-ninth, a vision descends from the sky, and there will be disasters

The rest of the lamas saw that Phagpa was seriously wounded and was dying, and Atisha and others were killed by a sword. It was like a defeated soldier without a commander. 's life.

As for the colorful tiger king and the unicorn corpse, they also gained the upper hand in the battle, but winning is not something that can be achieved in a short period of time.

After dealing with a group of lamas, the Flying Rat King and the Panlan Tiger King deal with the Auspicious Heavenly Mother together, while Jiang Lin jumped into the battle circle between the unicorn corpse and the corpse forest master.

Ba Siba was beaten only for the breath out but not for the breath in, and Jiang Lin did not end his life. The acting abbot would not be able to live for long. After handing it over to Captain Song and the others for trial, there might be no need to execute him.

With the addition of Jiang Lin, the unicorn corpse used the Heaven-killing Sword Formation, and the two skeletons were smashed into pieces by the sword rain. Jiang Lin did not wait for them to gather together, his palms were discharged, and the spiritual power and Yang Yan were together. It poured out, and the two skeletons were wrapped in Yang Yan, making a sharp cry.

After taking care of the corpse forest master, Jiang Lin slashed eighteen sword qi at the Auspicious Heavenly Mother. This last guardian deity was slashed by the sword qi. The whole body was cracked, and the two demon kings sprayed demon light from their mouths, which was expelled by Jiang Lin. Together, the pillars of fire blasted the Auspicious Goddess into scattered pieces.

Since then, all the tantric lamas of Phagpa have been completely defeated, and only one Phagpa has remained.


Although he won the battle, Jiang Lin felt that he had nothing to gain.

These three Dharma protectors are all similar to the Dharma Protector King Kong in Tantric Buddhism. They have been transformed by the Buddha Dharma, so [-] to [-]% of their hostile energy has been eliminated, and together they contributed [-] hostile energy points.

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