"Great, Master Jiang killed all those lamas who had done all their evil deeds."

"Yes, our Gantian Town is completely safe this time."

"Captain Song, you must thank Master Jiang and Master Mao."

Townspeople, you said every word, and looked at Jiang Lin with reverence from the bottom of your heart.

Now Jiang Lin's position in Gantian Town has completely surpassed that of Mao Xiaofang.

"Master Jiang, sisters-in-law, thank you very much."

Captain Song stepped forward to express his gratitude to Jiang Lin. If it weren't for Jiang Lin's family, Gantian Town would be doomed this time.

The police department and Fuxi Hall can't deal with that Dapeng bird alone, not to mention the auspicious goddess and the corpse forest master.

"I live in Gantian Town, and they have made trouble in Gantian Town to such an extent that I can't ignore it. The rest will be left to you."

After so many lamas died, Captain Song and the others were busy, so Jiang Lin stepped aside and the scene was cleaned up by Captain Song and the others.

"Buddha of Infinite Longevity. Pasiba, as a living Buddha of Tantric Buddhism, you become a demon with a single thought. Now that you have such an end, it is your own fault. I hope that in the future, whether in prison or in hell, you can repent of the sins you have committed."

Xiao Xiami put his hands together, walked to Ba Siba, who was lying on the ground, and sighed.

Then he looked at the corpses of Atisha and others around him, and chanted a spell to free them.

As Xiao Xiami recited the Buddha's words, there was actually a Sanskrit singing resonance around him, and Xiao Xiami also faintly exuded golden light.

Seeing such a scene, the townspeople no longer treat Xiao Xiami as a child.

"By the way, what about Lobsang?"

Captain Song suddenly remembered the fake soul boy who was taken away by Ba Siba, and then he asked Zhou Zhou to search in a tent not far away, only to find Luo Sang, the little girl who was casted by Ba Siba with a sleeping spell.

After Jiang Lin cracked the spell for Luo Sang, Luo Sang knew the truth and burst into tears.

She is still in the dark.

Phasiba looked at Luosang who was crying, but he didn't open his mouth to admit his relatives. His biological father was better than his adoptive father, and he didn't want Luosang to know that his biological father was the enemy who killed his parents.

Ba Siba was put in shackles and held by Captain Song. The crisis was over, and the townspeople also went home.

Jiang Lin was walking on the road when the ground suddenly shook, but the tremor was relatively mild, and most people might not be able to feel it if they didn't pay attention.

Jiang Lin stopped and felt his eyelids twitch a little. He murmured, "The terrain is shaking. Could it be that something big has happened in the town?"

"Master, I don't know why, but I suddenly have an ominous feeling."

The Flying Rat King's senses are very keen, and the ground movement just now did not escape its perception. Just now, it had an inexplicable heart palpitation.


Jiang Lin couldn't help frowning. Animals are much more sensitive to some disasters than humans, especially rodents, so Jiang Lin had to believe what the King of Flying Rat said.

"Master, look!"

The colorful tiger king raised a tiger's head and looked at the night sky.

Although the moon is not full tonight, the moonlight is quite bright, but the strange thing is that under the bright moon, two blood-colored clouds appeared in the sky above the town.

The shape of the two blood clouds is like two huge eyes, which is extremely strange.

In addition to the color and shape, there seems to be thunder and lightning bolts in the blood cloud, which suddenly looks like bloodshot in the huge eyeball.

"A vision descends from the sky, and there is bound to be a disaster. I didn't expect that just after the incident with the Tantric Lama, there would be an omen of disaster."

Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers and pressed his eyebrows, his face was dignified.

For some reason, he had an illusion that the two blood clouds were like whose eyes were staring at him.

"Husband, is something bad going to happen? It's rare to see such an expression on your face."

"It is estimated that there will be a major event in Gantian Town soon. You should not hang out on the street if you have nothing to do."

Jiang Lin ordered Chen Yu and the others, and went back, preparing to take some time to tell Mao Xiaofang about the vision that appeared over the town.

The catastrophe in the town was over. The next day, Director Song and Uncle Three, in order to thank Jianglin and their family, and to celebrate the town's restoration of peace, specially set up a banquet in the renovated ancestral hall. All the family members were there, and they had a banquet to thank the Jianglin family, and Mao Xiaofang was also invited.

The townspeople knew that Jiang Lin did not accept gifts but only remuneration, and it was not a lion who opened his mouth, but what happened this time was far from ordinary. Gantian Town was almost flooded, so the townspeople felt that the remuneration was not enough. Thank you for making this suggestion.

Chapter eight hundred and seventieth Mao Xiaofang's hunch

When it was almost noon, Zhou Yuan went to Li Yangju to inform the whole town of the invitation, and Chen Yu asked, "Husband, shall we go?"

"Of course I went. The townspeople are very kind, and this banquet is equivalent to a townspeople gathering. It's too ugly to refuse."

Right now, Jiang Lin took his family and two demon kings to the ancestral hall. Only Xiaoli, Xiaoqian and Xiaohong, who were inconvenient to show up during the day, didn't go. Bai Rourou's master and apprentice also contributed, and Jiang Lin also didn't go. Let them go together.

At the banquet, Jiang Lin, Mao Xiaofang and Xiao Xiami sat with Director Song and the others.

There are two Taoist priests, Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang in Gantian Town. Now Xiao Xiami has become a reincarnated soul boy. He practices Buddhism and will benefit the townspeople in the future, and his status will naturally rise.

As for Chen Yu and the others, they were sitting with the young girls Axiu and Sixi.

The three Bai Rourou master and apprentice were quite embarrassed when they heard Sixi and the others screaming one after another, but the three of them tacitly did not explain, otherwise they would have been laughed at by Sixi and the others.

After all, they are still big yellow flowers, living in Li Yang all the time, and it is even more embarrassing to explain.

"Master Tiger, Rat King, we toast you two."

Now it is not only Jiang Lin who is respected by the townspeople, but also the colorful tiger king and the flying rat king are regarded as mascots.

"Master Tiger told you that the most correct choice for me in my life, Master Tiger, is to follow the master. Since Master Tiger and I have been with the master, it has been a great battle..."

The colorful tiger king, the size of a domestic cat, boasted on the table seat to one side.

Since it became a demon, how could it have been treated like this? If it hadn't been with Jiang Lin, I'm afraid it would still be drinking fresh blood and eating raw meat.

"Yeah, ginseng and deer antler and Ganoderma lucidum are almost never broken, and they live more moisturizing than anyone else."

The Flying Rat King was also very satisfied with its current state. Its small body stood on the table and took up a big bowl to dry it.

Although he lost some of his freedom, the benefits of being a pet for Jiang Lin were something that other monsters could not envy.

Dragon meat, elixir, and elixir in the future, this life is simply not too good!

Even the townspeople of the town use them as grandfathers as offerings, what a majesty!

While people in a large courtyard were changing cups, a group of lamas came to the door, knocked on the open door, and asked, "Is the little shrimp here?"

"Lama? Roar!"

The King Pandan Tiger was enjoying himself when he was suddenly disturbed by the lamas. He got angry and turned into a giant panda, staring at five or six lamas.

The Flying Mouse King also showed his body, staring at the lamas with bad eyes.

Oh my God!Two mountain guardian spirit beasts!

The head of the lama was so frightened that the cockscomb hat on his head was crooked.

"You lamas still dare to come? Pasibah is dying from the dharma, how dare you do evil?"

"We in Gantian Town do not welcome you!"

The townspeople saw the lama again, and the disgust that had just sunk was rekindled.

"Basaba and others are ours to deal with, what are you doing here?"

Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang walked to the seat and looked at the group of uninvited lamas.

"Basiba hides evil intentions and has become a demon. All of you defending Taoism and eliminating demons are really meritorious. Our abbot Nyingma, the Great Living Buddha Xiushu, sent us to protect and take the soul boy back to the Potala Palace."

A lama glanced at the two demon kings, then went up and handed a letter to Jiang Lin to prove that they were not with Phagpa.

Jiang Lin raised his face at Xiao Xiami, who had memories of his previous life, so it would not be a problem to recognize the handwriting of Ningma Living Buddha.

Xiao Xiami read the letter and said to the lamas, "I am Xiao Xiami, but it is a pity that Nyingma Rinpoche has passed away."

"Buddha of Infinite Life. Welcome Dase Living Buddha."

Several lamas knelt down together and bowed to the little shrimp.

"Buddha of Infinite Longevity. There are a lot of people to work on, please get up."

Xiao Xiami then turned to Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang and said, "Master Jiang, Master Mao, I'm full too, so I'll go back to the hotel with them first."

Jiang Lin nodded and waited for Xiao Xiami to leave before saying, "This little Xiami is no longer the little thief he used to be."

The townspeople always had a grudge against the Lama, so the little shrimp took them away, so as not to affect the mood of the people eating.

This kind of thinking, even a young man may not be able to take it into account.

After the episode of the Lama's arrival, the banquet continued, and Jiang Lin did not mention the matter of the natural vision during the banquet. After the banquet ended, Mao Xiaofang dragged his two drunk apprentices back to Fuxi Hall. Like the nanny, Jiang Lin just There is no past.

Throwing the two drunken apprentices into the room, Mao Xiaofang went to the patriarch statue and placed a stick of incense.

"I don't know what the omen of the terrain shaking that occurred last night was."

Mao Xiaofang turned to look at the sky outside, thinking about the changes that occurred last night.

Suddenly, the statue of the patriarch on the wall emitted a golden light, and Mao Xiaofang just turned around, and then he seemed to fall into an illusion.

Around him, there were four monstrous monsters with ferocious faces. The four evil spirits lined up their palms one after another. Mao Xiaofang seemed to have been hit hard, his head was thrown back, his feet staggered, and he almost lost his footing.

In the end, the four monsters gave him a wicked smile, and then the illusion disappeared.

Mao Xiaofang was sweating coldly on his forehead. Looking at the portrait of his grandfather on the wall, his grandfather appeared!

"Axiu, go up the mountain with me immediately."

Mao Xiaofang knew that the matter was no trivial matter, and decided to go up the mountain to check the feng shui and luck around Gantian Town.

When they got to the mountain, Mao Xiaofang climbed high and looked into the distance, and found that there was evil lingering in the sky of Gantian Town. In addition, there were purple and blood-colored clouds circling.

A premonition of the coming mountains and rains arises spontaneously in Mao Xiaofang's heart.

Could it be that Gantian Town is really doomed this time?

"Axiu, starting from tomorrow, your brothers and sisters should strengthen their cultivation."

The previous underground changes and the later appearance of the ancestors, as well as the visions above the town, all indicate that there may be major events in the town.

Mao Xiaofang felt very depressed, an inexplicable feeling that made him always want to see his disciples leave school.

It's like if he doesn't see that he has a disciple, he will never see it.

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