It seems that this time, it may not only be Gantian Town that is doomed...

"Master, I have been practicing hard all the time."

"As the three disciples of the teacher, you are the most qualified and the most diligent."

After a moment of silence, Mao Xiaofang suddenly asked, "Axiu, how did Jiang Lin treat you?"

When Axiu was asked for such no reason, her face was flushed and she pinched her green fingers. Axiu responded with a coy look, "He is very good to me, very good."

I can rest assured that.

Mao Xiaofang took a deep breath and walked down the mountain with his hands behind his back.

Chapter [-] The strangeness in the Buddha statue

Now Mao Xiaofang's injury is still not healed, and there is a big event about to happen in the town. He just wants to adjust to the best state as soon as possible to face what will happen in the town in the near future.

The next day, Hei Rose found Mao Xiaofang and said that Xiao Xiami was leaving. Mao Xiaofang and A Hai also went for a ride. After all, Xiao Xiami and Hei Rose were still familiar with their Fuxi Hall.

It just so happened that Jiang Lin also went to the mountain outside the town to climb high and look into the distance, and everyone met him at the foot of the mountain.

"Immeasurable Longevity Buddha. Master Mao, Master Jiang, I have something I don't know if I should say it or not."

After saying hello to Jiang Lin and saying goodbye to Ah Hai and the others, Xiao Xiami walked in front of Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin with a frown.

"You say it."

"I have a hunch that there will be a catastrophe in Gantian Town. As for what kind of catastrophe, I don't know."

After speaking, Xiao Xiami hesitated for a while, but still stopped, in his premonition, not only Gantian Town would suffer disasters, but even Mao Xiaofang seemed to be a martyr.

It's just that it's too scary to say this, and he's not sure whether his hunch is accurate enough. After measuring it, he was pressed in his heart.

Jiang Lin didn't seem surprised by what Xiao Xiami said. He said: "Buddhist cultivates the mind and nature, and after reaching a clear mind and seeing nature, you can see the prophet. In fact, I have the same hunch, but I can't figure out what will happen. what."

Mao Xiaofang listened to the two of them, sighed, and said, "To tell you the truth, yesterday, the ancestor of Fuxi Hall appeared, and there were signs of evil and evil in Gantian Town. However, Gantian Town has experienced so many ups and downs, and I believe it will be safe. spent."

"I will also chanting and praying for Gantian Town from afar. Master Mao, Master Jiang, Sister Gui, I should go, there will be a period later."

After saying goodbye to the crowd, the small shrimps were carried by a group of lamas in bamboo sedan chairs and headed west.

"Master Mao, it seems that you have already felt this time. I wanted to explain it to you yesterday, and today I went to the mountain to see it. There is an inexplicable purple air in the sky above Gantian Town, mixed with it. Mixed with blood-colored smoke, it is really not a good phenomenon."

"I was also looking for a daoist to discuss it. Now it seems that, like me, the daoist only had a premonition in advance, and he didn't know what was going to happen. Let's pay attention to the changes."

Jiang Lin talked to Mao Xiaofang for a while, and then went to the Demon Temple.

When he first came to Gantian Town, he discovered that this temple had the aura of Gorefiend. Now that he was born with a vision, there must be a major event. Jiang Lin wanted to thoroughly investigate the source of the evil energy when he was absorbing the evil energy.

"Jiang... Master Jiang."

"Wangcai, you often get sick by eating these fruits. Eat this."

At the gate of the temple, Jiang Lin met Wang Cai, a sloppy homeless man, and he took a rice ball from a cloth bag and threw it over.

Wang Cai is from Gantian Town, but he stutters and has a little problem with his nerves. He became a homeless man and lived in the Demon Temple.

Jiang Lin saw him often, so he was quite familiar.

Wang Cai is also A Xiu's friend. When A Xiu first came to Gantian Town, she lived in the mountains and forests around the town. At that time, she met this stammering and eccentric Wang Cai.

Usually Axiu goes up the mountain to collect herbs, and sometimes asks Wang Cai if he has seen hard-to-find herbs.

Therefore, because of Axiu's relationship, when Jiang Lin sees Wang Cai eating sweet potatoes and the like, he will also give him some of the food he brought.

Wang Cai took the rice ball, bowed his waist and thanked Jiang Lin twice, and then left the temple.

Jiang Lin often came here to meditate. When Jiang Lin was around, he would go out to avoid disturbing Jiang Lin.

After entering the temple, Jiang Lin sensed it and found that the evil energy that had been there before was no longer there.

Could it have been absorbed by me?

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Lin took a paper crane and cast it to Liyangju.

A few minutes later, the mouse boy came to the temple.

"You drill a hole underground. This temple is a little weird. I don't know if it has something to do with the blood-colored smoke above."

"a piece of cake."

The Flying Rat King immediately pulled his claws and dug into the ground.

Two hours later, it had dug out a lot of caves like sheep intestines under the entire temple.

Jiang Lin released his spiritual sense again and felt it for a full hour before confirming that the evil energy was indeed gone.

It seems that if you want to improve the corpse in the future, you can only use the dragon energy.

Without finding any strange places, Jiang Lin left the Demon Temple. He estimated that he would not come back in the future.

After Jiang Lin went down the mountain and entered the town, a Buddha statue in the Demon Temple suddenly burst into blood, and the color was almost the same as the blood cloud that Jiang Lin had seen before.

Threads of black air spread out from the four Buddha statues, converged into one place, and finally condensed into a black brick.

Even if Jiang Lin had guessed that the Demon Temple was unusual, he could not have imagined that the real oddity was within the dusty Buddha statue.

If you remove the dust and clods of the Buddha statues, you can find that these Buddha statues are made of pure gold, and there are seal patterns on them.

It is precisely because of these formations that Jiang Lin never found the universe in the temple.

The matter of the reincarnated soul boy has passed, and Gantian Town has completely recovered, but one place is extremely lively, and that is the rice shop of Black Rose.

Now the little shrimp went to Xizang to be a living Buddha, and the black rose was blowing, saying that the little shrimp could only become a soul boy after eating the rice in the rice shop, and immediately many people patronized her rice shop.

Originally, this is nonsense, but some people believe it, and there are many people who believe it, and there is a long queue in front of Guiji Rice Shop.

Axiu also went to Black Rose to buy some because Fuxitang's grain and rice were almost finished.

Mao Xiaofang told her that, for the sake of Xiao Xiami's prayers for Gantian Town, he should help Black Rose more.

"Damn dog, people are queuing up here to buy rice, but you are picking up rice grains here, it's really in the way, get out of my way!"

As soon as she arrived near the rice shop, Axiu heard someone shouting and scolding in front of her.


"Hey! Why are you hitting someone?"

Axiu saw a skinny monkey punching and kicking Wang Cai, so she hurried up and pushed the skinny monkey aside.

Of course, Ah Xiu couldn't watch her friend being beaten up.

Chapter eight hundred and seventy-two treat people as animals

"What's the beating, I'm just beating the dog. He's squatting on the street picking up trash. He's filthy and dirty. What's the difference between him and a mangy dog?"

"Then you are unreasonable?"

"The truth is told to people, not to dogs, don't you think?"

When Thin Monkey said this, many of the townspeople lining up around burst into laughter.

"Wangcai, I'll give you the money, you don't have to pick up the rice grains on the ground, just line up to buy rice."

Ah Xiu was too lazy to reason with the evil dog and asked Wang Cai to buy the rice himself, but the skinny monkey stopped in front of him and said, "Of course Ling Tong's rice is for people to eat, how can it be eaten by dogs?"

"We don't have enough to buy, so he's not allowed to line up."

"It's just dirty, go away."

The other townspeople also joined in, but they were unwilling to let Prosperous Fortune line up.


Axiu raised her fist to beat the thin monkey, but was stopped by Wangcai.

"It doesn't matter if you can't buy it. You go back to Fuxitang with me, and I'll bring you rice."

"Do not……"

Wang Cai shook his head, he was not articulate, he could only gesture, indicating that he went to the mountain to find fruit to eat, and limped out of the town.

Back in the temple, Wang Cai was suddenly hit by a black brick on his foot. He saw that there was no one around, and without thinking about where the black brick came from, he picked it up.

It can be used as a pillow when you are sleeping.

Holding the black brick, Wang Cai tightened his belt and fell asleep on the straw mat in front of the Buddha statue.

He didn't know that it was this black masonry, which killed him in the future, and made corpses everywhere in Gantian Town.

"People nowadays are really getting worse and worse. Prosperity is not as glamorous as other people's clothes, and it also has physical defects. Those people don't need to treat people like dogs. At least Prosperity does not steal or rob, and the heart is not bad. what."

After Wangcai left, Axiu went to buy rice elsewhere, and returned to Fuxitang to tell Mao Xiaofang and the others that Wangcai was bullied.

Speaking of what happened today, Axiu was full of anger.

"It's too much. The blood of Sichen people was used to burn Cixi's tomb. We were looking for prosperity. If I were there at the time, I would definitely beat those bad guys."

When Ah Hai heard this, he was so angry that he put his hands on his hips, even if he hit someone, it was too much!

Mao Xiaofang shook his head and sighed: "The current world is really getting worse with each passing day, the world is getting worse and worse, and a person with a slight defect is actually regarded as a beast by people."

The next day, Axiu and Ahaihai were shopping on the street. As soon as they arrived at the vegetable market, Axiu saw Wang Cai being beaten again. The one who was beating was the thin monkey from yesterday.

It turned out that Wang Cai was really hungry and uncomfortable. He went to the garbage basket where the vegetable leaves were stacked to find something to eat. It happened that the garbage that was no longer needed was thrown by the thin monkey. I saw that the garbage I threw was picked up by Wang Cai, and it was beaten yesterday. It's not addicting, and today he beat him hard again.

"Why did you hit someone again?"

Axiu had not completely subsided, but seeing such a scene again today, she was so angry that she stepped up and kicked the skinny monkey over.

"This fool turned over my trash, what happened to me hitting him?"

"You all say it's garbage, and it will be thrown away sooner or later. I think you want to hit people."

"What's wrong with the rubbish, the rubbish I throw can be fed to the pigs, but this stupid dog can't pick it up. He blatantly stole things, and I didn't kill him even if I didn't kill him."

The thin monkey sneered, not knowing how ugly his face was.

Axiu stroked her sleeves to teach the skinny monkey a lesson, but was stopped by Ahai. If Axiu beat someone, Fuxitang would not be able to stand up.

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