"Clad in human skin, you can only bark a little crookedly. You are more like a dog than a dog. You are so precious, I will put it in a good place for you."

Axiu grabbed the trash basket and tossed it, and a pile of rotten vegetables fell on the vegetable stall of Thin Monkey.

"Senior brother, let's help Wang Cai back to the temple."

After a little relief, Axiu helped Wang Cai and left the vegetable market, and the thin monkey was scolding at his vegetable stall, his lungs were about to explode.

"Axiu, why does Wang Cai have a bruised face?"

Jiang Lin and Shu Ning came out of the newspaper office and happened to meet Axiu and Wangcai. Jiang Lin saw the bruises on Wangcai's body and asked Axiu what happened.

"It's really deceiving the good and fearing the evil, and actually treating people as animals. This is a medicine for wounds, and I will give it to Wang Cai in the temple."

Wang Cai was an acquaintance with him anyway, so Jiang Lin took a medicine bottle and handed it to Axiu.

"How can there be such disgusting people in Gantian Town?"

Shu Ning was also very angry when he heard what happened to Wang Cai, and was going to use it as material and put it in the newspaper.

That night, Axiu came to Li Yangju and found Jiang Lin.

"Jianglin, Wang Cai said that the fruit trees on the mountain didn't bear much fruit this year, so he went to the town to find something to eat. I wanted to send him a bag of rice, but there was only one bag of rice in Fuxi Hall, and I don't know. Will Master blame me?"

Axiu knew that Jiang Lin's family had a lot of wealth, and there was no surplus food in Fuxitang, so she wanted to get some from Liyangju, anyway, she was also the mistress of Liyangju.

"Husband, don't we still have a lot of wealth for good deeds in our family? It would be good to send some food and money to Wang Cai. He is so pitiful alone."

Shu Ning is quite sympathetic to Wang Cai's situation. It's not a problem if you don't have enough to eat and don't wear warm clothes, and you have to be bullied because of physical defects.

"There is still a lot of property for doing good deeds. There is nothing wrong with giving Wang Cai a bag of grain. But when the bag of rice is finished? Do you want to keep sending it to him in the future?"

Jiang Lin looked at Axiu and Shu Ning, and then said: "It's good for you to have compassion, but the way you help people is not so good. The main reason for prosperous wealth is that you have been away from the crowd. In the eyes of outsiders, it is An abnormal tramp. He has hands and feet. Only by letting him stand up can we help him fundamentally. Three hundred and sixty lines, there is always one thing that suits him, sweating and eating his own. Fan, such words do not say that he is respected, at least, it will not make many people look down on him, and as for the food and clothing problem, it will naturally be solved."

"Husband, I didn't expect you to be so insightful in this regard. Even though I went to school outside, I didn't think about this issue."

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Shu Ning nodded thoughtfully.

"Do you think that when our family does good deeds, they send money directly? The food I send is all to the areas that have suffered from droughts, floods and locusts. It is also given to the families of the sick. It is also learned to do charity. ."

Chapter eight hundred and seventy-third

Since Jiang Lin had no opinion on helping Wang Cai and gave some guiding suggestions, Axiu and Shu Ning discussed how to find a job for Wang Cai.

Shu Ning is a reporter by profession and is already quite familiar with Gantian Town. With her help, things will be much easier.

Jiang Lin is currently studying the secret mantra of Tantric Buddhism, as well as the magic of incarnation outside the body, so he has not participated in this matter. He still recognizes Shu Ning's ability to handle affairs.

After that, Axiu asked the cat to hold a bag of food and followed her to the Demon Temple. As for Shu Ning, she went to the ancestral hall to find the third uncle and asked if there was any simple work.

"What? You want to find a job for Wang Cai. I only have one job here, which is relatively easy, but I'm worried that he won't be able to do it."

The third uncle listened to Shu Ning Daoming's intention and shook his head again and again.

"Third uncle, you can help him, it's very easy to fight. You are the father of Gantian Town, and you know how the townspeople treat prosperous wealth. If he has a job and can support himself, others will not always be Look down on him."

"That's what you said, Miss Shu, I didn't expect you to read foreign books and have such a kind heart. For the sake of you and Li Yangju, I agreed, but I explained in advance that if anything goes wrong , I won't use him anymore."

The third uncle thought about it for a while, but agreed to Shu Ning. Shu Ning had done a lot for Gantian Town, and he had become the mistress of Li Yangju, so he had to give face.

After finding a suitable job, the next day, Axiu and Shu Ning brought prosperity, bought him some new clothes, and went to the ancestral hall to meet the third uncle.

"Wangcai, it was Miss Shu who interceded for you, and I agreed. You must do it well."


Wang Cai looked like he was afraid of people, and finally said two words from his mouth.

Shu Ning took a camera and took a picture of Wang Cai and the third uncle, and then published this incident and the previous incident of the skinny monkey beating people, and the skinny monkey was half dead.

Wangcai started to work at night, even if he was inarticulate and had some minor problems with his nerves, he could still do it by beating gongs and drums.

When he was on the watch, he also met Zhou Yuan, who was drunk into a pool of mud, lying on his stomach in the stinky ditch.

This big three yuan, because Xiao Xiami became a soul boy, lost more than half of his net worth to Hei Rose, and in the past few days, Captain Song sent Luo Sang to the provincial capital to seek refuge with relatives, so he showed off the prestige of the deputy captain and was good at venting his anger. Several of his subordinates couldn't stand it, so they simply invited him to dinner to get him drunk, and let him sleep for two or three days, so he was drunk in the stinky ditch.

Wang Cai helped Zhou Yuan up from the stinky ditch and carried him back home.

The next day, Zhou Yuan found Wang Cai, dragged him to Hexing Building, and shouted to the townspeople: "I tell you, this is Brother Cai, and no one of you is allowed to bully him in the future, or you will follow I can't make it through on Wednesday. He is my savior. In the future, if Brother Cai will call us, not only will we know the exact time, but we can also save a lot of drunks."

"Husband, thanks to Axiu and I for listening to your opinion, otherwise Wang Cai would not have been accepted by the townspeople."

Shu Ning heard about Wangcai's rescue of Zhou Yuan, and admired Jiang Lin very much.

"It seems that you have helped a person. You have a great sense of achievement. You only have this effect after listening to my words. Shouldn't there be any prizes?"

The corners of Jiang Lin's mouth raised slightly, looking at Shu Ning with a bit of evil in his eyes.

"You just want me to give you tofu to eat openly."

He gave Jiang Lin a blank look, but Shu Ning still sent a kiss on tiptoe.

In August, Gantian Town ushered in the annual anniversary celebration of the ancestral hall. At this time every year, a Ding Caipao will be hung in the ancestral hall to worship the ancestors.

The third uncle handed over the matter of guarding the ancestral hall and Ding Caipao to Wang Cai.

In previous years, nothing happened, but this time there was an accident.

The thin monkey who had beaten Wang Cai has been very upset these days. He always wanted to find Wang Cai's fault, but now Wang Cai is covered with three yuan. yin.

In fact, he and Wang Cai have no grievances at all, and he is also a bully who bullies the weak and fears the hard. Now that he sees Wang Cai's human-like appearance, he is not good at others.

While Wang Cai was guarding the ancestral hall at night, the thin monkey screamed for help outside the ancestral hall.

When Wang Cai heard someone calling for help, he left the lobby and went to the door.

"I'll take Ding Caipao and return it in a few days. Let's see if you stupid dog can keep doing it?"

The thin monkey took this opportunity to sneak into the ancestral hall. He stroked his sleeves and spat.

On the altar, Thin Monkey wanted to take down the Ding Cai cannon hanging in front of the tablet, but with a kick, the candle on the altar was overturned and the cannon was lit.

The skinny monkey didn't dare to stop for a moment when he saw this, and hurried away.

After Wang Cai came back, he saw that the tablets on the offering platform had already been burned.

"Oh, really."

"Not only is Ding Cai's gun gone, but even the Taigong's tablet has been burned like this."

Half an hour later, many townspeople went to the ancestral hall and put out the fire, one or two crying with their ancestral tablets.

"Find a fool to guard the ancestral hall and Ding Caipao. Now, not only Ding Caipao is gone, but even the memorial tablets of the ancestors are burned like this. It's all you stinky brat, and they say that Wangcai is your savior, and they say He can be trusted."

Zhou You pointed to his son, Sanyuan, and was very angry. Originally, his family went bankrupt this year.

Zhou Yuan responded in a buoyant tone: "How did I know it would turn out like this? I thought that since he knew how to save people, he wouldn't be so stupid."

"It's because of him that the ancestral hall was burned. I think he will be drowned in a pig cage."

Things have gotten to this point, of course Thin Monkey will not tell the truth, and now he takes advantage of the fact that the villagers have opinions on Wang Cai.

When the skinny monkey said this, a group of angry townspeople agreed.

"My fellow villagers and elders, please be quiet for a while."

When Mao Xiaofang arrived at the ancestral hall, he pressed his hands down, temporarily suppressing everyone's emotions.

The ancestral hall was burned, and the third uncle had already sent someone to invite Mao Xiaofang. If such a thing happened, a ritual must be done to plead guilty to the ancestors.

Jiang Lin also came here. He was in Fuxitang to share with Mao Xiaofang his experience in researching the secret mantra. After hearing about it, he also followed to check the situation.

Shu Ning also rushed over with a camera.

Chapter eight hundred and seventy fourth robbery

"Everyone, I have heard the townspeople talk about this. The ancestral hall was burned down, and everyone didn't want it. Besides, Wang Cai burned his arm in order to fight the fire, and he was also a victim."

"Master Mao, what you said is wrong. His arm was burned, but my ancestors were burned into charcoal."

Thin Monkey took a step forward, not giving Wang Cai a chance to escape punishment.

Shu Ning defended Wang Cai: "Wang Cai also went out to check when he heard someone shouting for help. He didn't mean to be lazy."

"Yes, he also acted bravely. Wang Cai, you did the right thing, and I support you."

"Achu, don't support people indiscriminately, you have to understand the matter, Wang Cai, you said someone called for help, who called for it?"

When asked by Zhou Yuan, Wang Cai could only point outside, and then spread out his hands, expressing that he didn't know.

The thin monkey immediately snorted and said, "As soon as he saw it, he knew he was lying. No one ran out after calling for help."

"Yes, it must be a lie."

"My brain is not normal. If I make a mistake, I say I heard someone calling for help."

"Hit him!"

Jiang Lin looked at these townspeople, took a step forward, and said loudly, "Be quiet! It's very simple to know if Wang Cai is lying."

He took a few yellow talismans from his pocket, and Jiang Lin drew a spell on them with his fingertips, and then threw them on the ground not far away.

"There's a fire here, do you know what's going on?"

Jiang Lin asked the kid who came out of the ground, but the latter was trembling and replied, "Shangxian, the kid just saw the process. It was the skinny guy who squeezed his throat and shouted for help, and then the young man with his burnt hand went out. The thin man went to the altar in the ancestral hall to get something, but he knocked down the candle and caught fire."

The kid pointed at the thin monkey, and then at Wang Cai, and said everything he knew.

"Understood, let's go down."

Jiang Lin turned to look at the thin monkey, at this time the thin monkey's face was completely white.

"It turns out that you're the one who made a fool of yourself. You've beaten Wang Cai several times before, but now Wang Cai has become a normal person, and he's still doing such dirty things behind his back."

"It turns out that you are making things difficult for you, and I want to publicize what you have done!"

After Axiu and Shu Ning learned the truth, their eyes stared at the thin monkey.

What kind of scum are these people, who are prosperous and helpless, and have physical defects. This scum keeps embarrassing poor people again and again. It is really hateful!

"I... just wanted to hide Ding Cai's cannon, not on purpose. I'll put it back in... a few days, and I don't know it will catch fire."

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