The thin monkey was watched by Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang, and defended himself incoherently.

"I'm so mad at me, you are still from Gantian Town, this is the ancestral hall of the ancestors! Sanyuan, take him back, and you will deal with him."

The third uncle was so angry that he pointed at the thin monkey's nose and cursed, using his ancestors to make trouble.

Mao Xiaofang opened his mouth and said: "The matter is clear, Wang Cai was also framed, I will have a fast for everyone and ask the ancestors to sin. We are descendants, and it can be regarded as an explanation."

"Then trouble Master Mao."

Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin left the ancestral hall and went back separately.

After they left, several townspeople who had a good relationship with Thin Monkey still insisted on Wang Cai and put pressure on the third uncle.

"Third uncle, why don't Wang Cai not be held accountable? Even if such a thing happens to a normal person, it is caused by his own negligence."

"That is, if he responds quickly, he will only take a few steps from here to the door, and if he comes back in time, others will not be able to get Ding Caibao even if he wants to."

"It's still a problem with his brain, and the job of watching the ancestral hall can no longer be handed over to him."

"We don't need fools to do our work in Gantian Town. If there is another problem, he will not be able to take responsibility."

"Of course you can't let him do it. You'll stay in the ruined temple in the future, or else I'll come out and fight once."

Even Zhou You and Zhang's mother cursed at Wang Cai.

In the final analysis, these people didn't take Wang Cai as a normal person at all, plus Wang Cai's cowardly character and never spoke up for themselves, that's why they bullied the soft guy and threw fire on him.

Seeing that so many people have opinions on Wangcai, the third uncle cannot ignore the feelings of the villagers. Some of these townspeople are angry, while others do not regard Wangcai as a hometown at all. The third uncle is the old man of Gantian Town. There are also difficulties, and we have to weigh the opinions of the villagers.

"I'm sorry..."

Wang Cai bowed and apologized to the townspeople and left the ancestral hall.

"Isn't that a fool to make money?"

"He was the one who guarded the ancestral hall, and he set fire to our ancestral hall."

"Smash him!"

A few children who didn't know the truth followed the adults, picked up stones outside the ancestral hall, and threw the stones at the sight of prosperity.

Wang Cai was smashed, and ran back to the Devil's Temple.

Sitting on the straw mat, Wang Cai thought about what happened to him. For a time, he felt that people's hearts were sinister and the world was cold.

Tears fell on the black brick that Wang Cai was holding. After a few breaths, blood-like cracks appeared on the brick and stone, and a black gas condensed together and rushed towards Wang Cai.

The black air rushed into the palm of his hand, Wang Cai screamed and fainted.


In a daze, Wang Cai heard the sound. After he woke up, he found that the entire Demon Temple was blooming with purple and red light, and the four Buddha statues were the light source.

"Wangcai, do you think people's hearts are very ugly and there is no warmth in the world?"

The largest Buddha statue made a sound, Wang Cai stared at the Buddha statue, thinking it was the Buddha's manifestation, and nodded again and again.

"Then do you want to change this ugly world and make everyone benevolent?"

"Uh uh."

Wang Cai continued to nod, and then the Buddha statue's eyes burst into red light and shot into the former's eyes.

"I have opened your eyes to you. Human nature is inherently evil, and you will see the true face of the world. At the same time, I have also given you the power to absorb the evil thoughts of others and purify all sentient beings. Look at the palm of your own."

According to what the Buddha said, Wang Cai looked at his palm, and a faint blood light appeared on it.

"Sucking evil thoughts, but I don't know how to suck?"

As soon as the words were finished, Wang Cai realized that he was speaking neatly, and his mind was no longer muddled, and he was very clear.

"When the time comes, you will understand for yourself."

The Buddha statue made a sound again, and there was no movement after that.

If Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang went up the mountain again to look into the distance, they would find that the purple air and blood-colored smoke over the town were rolling and turbulent, no longer the calm state they used to be.

Chapter eight hundred and seventy-five miracles

When Wang Cai was fired, the third uncle also took the time to find Shu Ning and told her about it,

After Shu Ning and Axiu found out, they were very angry. It was clearly not Wang Cai's fault, and they even drove him away.

The two went to the temple to look for Wangcai. After all, the matter of finding a job for Wangcai this time was the line between the two of them, but Wangcai was no longer in the temple.

After being illuminated by the red light of the Buddha statue, Wang Cai's thinking has become normal, and he does not dare to return to the town for the time being, for fear of being beaten again.

After clearing his mind, Wang Cai found that he would not get lost even if he was far away from the ruined temple, so he went to the far away forest to find food.



Axiu was sitting at the stone table in the yard, Mao Xiaofang sat opposite him and said, "Are you still worried about prosperity?"

"Master, those people are really going too far. Wang Cai was clearly framed. After the truth was revealed, he was actually driven away. I went to the temple several times to find him, and he was no longer there. Poor, I also lived in the mountains and forests at the beginning, and then I met Jiang Lin, and then I entered the Fuxi Hall, but he was still in the temple, and now there are not many fruits in the mountains, I don’t know how he lives.”

"Master knows. Sometimes people's evil side shows up, which makes people really helpless. Jiren have their own good looks, not to mention Wangcai is used to living alone. The townspeople know that Wangcai did not do the fire this time. It shouldn't be too difficult for him, and maybe he is already living a leisurely life in the mountains, you don't have to force him, everyone has their own way of living."

Mao Xiaofang was trying to relieve Axiu when Ahai came in and shouted, "Master, hurry up and hide, the black rose is here again."

Ah Hai and the others have been troubled these days. Black Rose seems to be chasing after their master, and she comes to their Fuxi Hall when she has something to do all day.

Why is she here again?

Mao Xiaofang no longer had the wise demeanor that he had just explained to Axiu, and the whole person was on pins and needles.

This black rose, these days, he is either asking him to catch ghosts that are not there at all, or he is here to give some gifts, or else he is invited to watch the sunrise and sunset.

God is annoying.

In fact, the main reason was that the Guangming News Agency conducted an investigation a few days ago. When Shu Ning went to give an exclusive interview to Hei Rose, he found out that there was only one man in the whole town, Mao Xiaofang, who was too old to start a family.

So Black Rose naively thought that she and Mao Xiaofang were a match made in heaven.

If Mao Xiaofang knew that she thought this way, he would be so angry that he vomited blood.

At the same time, Wangcai returned to Gantian Town, but the faces of the townspeople he saw seemed to be painted with paint, and all of them were similar to monsters.

When a few children saw Wang Cai, they hid at the corners on both sides of the alley and placed a rope on the ground.

As soon as Wang Cai left the alley, a few children lifted the rope, tripped him, and beat and kicked him.

Wang Cai inadvertently touched a child's head, and then his hand seemed to be sucked on it.

The other children were so frightened that they ran back and called their adults.

"Brother, did I hurt you? I'm sorry, why don't I call you back."

The child who was touched by Wang Cai suddenly changed his temper and kept apologizing to Wang Cai.

Wang Cai didn't know what was going on. He just remembered that he was beaten by three little devils, so he quickly got up and ran.

After running away, he looked at his palm and murmured, "Could it be that my hand can really suck away people's evil thoughts and turn bad people into good people? It's a miracle of divine power."

Just two steps away, Wang Cai heard Zhou Yuan's voice.

"Boss, I usually have worms to catch worms for you, and thieves to help you catch thieves. Now I want to borrow some money from you."

It turned out that the three yuan was out of money now, so he charged shop protection fees everywhere, and he was arguing with the boss at an antique shop on the corner of the street.

"Everyone knows that you borrowed money to gamble on Wednesday, and you never pay back the money you borrowed. It sounds like a loan, but it's actually a protection fee. My shop has no business.

"Don't borrow it? Do you believe it if I burn your account book? I'll burn it all for you!"

Wang Cai wanted to see if his palm could really make bad people better, and if he really had the power to perform miracles, so he took courage and went up to pull Zhou Yuan over, even if Zhou Yuan was sold in his eyes at this time. Just like the Demon King.

"Brother Sanyuan, it's not easy for people to do business. It's not right for you to burn people's account books. You also have wages when you are on duty. You force people to give you money, don't you think it's wrong?"

Wang Cai has always hinted to himself that he has supernatural powers, and supernatural powers can perform miracles, so in the face of Zhou Yuan, who is like the devil, he finally finished speaking a sentence completely.

"Fool, how can you speak so fluently now? But speaking fluently doesn't mean you can meddle in your own business. Believe it or not, I'll hit you."

As soon as Zhou Yuan raised his arm, Wang Cai was so frightened that he quickly touched the former's head with his palm. Like the child before, Zhou Yuan was shaking all over, and it returned to normal after a few seconds.

In Wang Cai's eyes, Zhou Yuan's appearance was no longer the appearance of the devil, but changed back to a human face.

Evil has been sucked away!

"Wangcai, you are right. I was wrong. I was completely wrong. I have to go back and reflect. I'm sorry. Boss, I was wrong just now. I'm really sorry. I went back to reflect."

Zhou Yuan also seemed to have changed his temper, repeatedly apologized to Wang Cai and the owner of the antique shop, which made the owner of the antique shop look bewildered.

"Neighbors, in the past, I received the protection fee from you in the first three yuan, and now I give it back to you all at once, and you line up."

Half an hour later, Zhou Yuan stood on the street with a large amount of silver bills, smiling, and he actually wanted to give money to others.

A Hai and A Xiu were in a lot of trouble because there were black roses in Fuxi Hall, so they came out to breathe. They happened to meet Zhou Yuan, and found that he was giving money to people, and he was smiling.

"Sanyuan, what are you doing?"

"Hey, Xiaohai, I'm sending money. Do I owe you money? You should also go to the line."

"You don't owe me money, why do you give money to others for no reason? It's not like your character."

Zhou Yuan's face suddenly became serious, and he responded: "Ma Xiaohai, people change. And this money was originally the protection fee I received from others, and now I give it to others, I am very happy. Come on, you can send it together, Happy to share."

Ah Hai waved his hands again and again, doubting whether Zhou Yuan was hit by evil.

"Oh, what can I do? If I keep posting it like this, I won't even be scumbags. What kind of evil happened to my son today, and he actually changed his mind."

Zhou You was also lining up at the back of the line, watching his son send money to others, his heart almost stopped beating.

Chapter [*] Lei Gang Reappears

"Are you saying that this big three yuan is crazy, he actually sends money everywhere, the sun is really coming out of the west."

"I don't know if he took the wrong medicine. By the way, my son has suddenly become a lot more obedient recently. In the past, this kid used to bully his companions."

After Axiu and Ahai came to Hexing Building, they heard someone talking.

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