You go up first.

Jiang Lin winked at the Flying Mouse King, who coughed a few mouthfuls of blood and kicked the water upstream.

Pushing the corpse poison into his eyes, Jiang Lin could see the dark bottom of the lake more clearly. There was a small hill at the bottom of the lake with a closed arch. Above the arch were four characters: Wujiao Xianju.

Chapter eight hundred and eighty fourth tricky

Sure enough, it was the old thief Zuo Ci!

Seeing the word "Wujiao" above the arch, Jiang Lin finally confirmed that the bottom of the lake was where Zuo Ci's tomb was.

Zuo Ci, Mr. Wu Jiao.

After searching for so many years, using so many relationships and financial resources, and doing a lot of things for the commander, all of this is to find the cemetery of this old man.

Jiang Lin's mood couldn't help stirring up, and he couldn't wait to enter the tomb immediately.

However, Jiang Lin is not a brainless person after all. Before he entered the tomb, there was an evil-suppressing force that forced him to reveal his body, and he did not know what kind of danger there was.

Even if Jiang Lin has advanced into Mao Zong now, he is not a person who seeks death.


When Jiang Lin was about to investigate the source of the evil-suppressing power, he suddenly felt movement in the bronze mirror in his arms.

After taking out the bronze mirror, the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword and the Snow Mountain Sun God Pearl flew out of the mirror and shot towards the arch together with the bronze mirror.

Although Jiang Lin didn't know what happened, his subordinates immediately moved. He stretched his arms, grabbed two artifacts respectively, and fished the bronze mirror into his hands.


Jiang Lin's eyes widened, using his ability to see through, he looked down at the bottom of the lake.

Although Jiang Lin can see through, but after all, he is not clairvoyant. This place is almost [-] meters away from the water surface, and there is almost no light. It is almost impossible to see the space below through such a thick rock.

So even if Jiang Lin used his abilities, he could only see a vague idea.

Vaguely, Jiang Lin saw part of the tomb at the bottom of the lake. To his surprise, there was no lake water in the tomb he saw.

What shocked Jiang Lin even more was that in this tomb, many objects were hovering and rotating, one of which was actually the Emei Amber Mirror.

In addition, what Jiang Lin could see was a long sword, a jade seal, a whisk, a Luo umbrella, and a small tower that was suspected to be in a box.

As for the rest, Jiang Lin really couldn't see clearly, and he could only confirm that there were still a few objects that looked like ancient mirrors.

Although it didn't look very real, Jiang Lin could be sure that all the artifacts in that tomb were treasures.

"How could the Emei Amber Mirror appear in Zuoci's tomb?"

Jiang Lin frowned. This last Emei treasure was only flown out of the Kunlun underground palace decades ago.

And the distance between Dinghu Mountain and Kunlun Mountain is more than a thousand miles?

Jiang Lin didn't care to see the rest of the treasures, so he gathered his eyesight and inspected the surroundings of the tomb.

Due to the excessive use of the perspective ability, blood dripped from the corners of Jiang Lin's eyes, staining the lake in front of him red.

Jiang Lin closed his eyes, and now his eyeballs felt as if they had been stabbed, and the pain was incomparable.

It's actually an array.

Jiang Lin's mind flashed some of the formation patterns he had just glimpsed, but with his knowledge and knowledge of formations, he didn't know what kind of formations the formations in the tomb were.

I tried to get close to the bottom of the lake, but as soon as I got close, the tyrannical evil-suppressing power reappeared.

Although Jiang Lin felt that he would not have much problem carrying it on, he was suppressed after all, and he didn't know what was in Zuo Ci's tomb, so he didn't want to waste his efforts for the time being.


Before entering the tomb, Jiang Lin felt that things were not ordinary.

The formation in a tomb room alone made Jiang Lin unable to see the way out, and there were so many treasures. If there were other tomb protection formations or institutions, would it be normal?

After landing on the shore, Jiang Lin checked the Flying Rat King's injury, but luckily it wasn't seriously injured.

Jiang Lin took a Ganoderma lucidum, tore a part and threw it to the Flying Rat King to restore its refining.

"Master, how is it?"

"It's indeed Zuo Ci's tomb, but it's a little troublesome. Have you checked it out before?"

Jiang Lin nodded, and then asked Zhang Quan if they had gone into the water to investigate before.

Several people have said it, and almost reached the bottom of the lake, but they were not injured by the "organ" like Xiaobai.

It seems that that power is only aimed at evil things, I don't know if it is related to that formation.

Jiang Lin pondered deeply. If the treasures he had seen before were almost the same level as the Emei Amber Mirror, they could indeed exert a strong power of exorcising and suppressing evil if they were gathered together and connected by a formation.

"There should be no lake water in the tomb. Although I didn't go in, I found some information."

"Engong, if the tomb is hollow, it would be easier to steal the hole from the mountainside, but it's just too much work."

Zhang Quan put forward his own suggestion, but when he thought of the feasibility, he did not go further.

If you want to dig a hole into the tomb from the outside, I am afraid that you will not know how much it will take, and you will have to blast it. The movement is not ordinary, and it will definitely alarm the locals, and then their situation will be troublesome.

Jiang Lin heard the words, his eyes lit up, perhaps because the deep water did not hinder him at all, so Jiang Lin really did not expect to visit the tomb from the outside.

"The workload is not the biggest problem, I have my own arrangements. I heard that Brother Zhang Quan, you can now see the mud and distinguish grass, listen to the wind and smell the water, and you can feel the internal structure of a mountain in a few steps. Seventy-seven-eighty-eight, there is no one in the world who can find the tomb and fix the palace. I will draw the location of the tomb that I checked here, and see if Brother Zhang Quan can find a good entrance. "

"Could it be that the benefactor has another way? In this case, Zhang will be ugly, brothers, start work."

Hearing Jiang Lin talk about his abilities so mysteriously, Zhang Quan also had a proud face. Since the workload is not a problem, he will show the skills he has learned over the years.

After that, Zhang Quan and three or four brothers took a lot of strange-shaped tools, including Luoyang shovels, masonry hammers and other tools.

Several people went down to the top of the mountain, and after moving down more than [-] meters, they would beat the mountain from time to time around that height or go down to get underground soil. The division of labor was clear, and they cooperated quite tacitly. Jiang Lin also saw a realistic version. high-quality Tomb Raider movies.

After watching for a while, Jiang Lin withdrew his gaze and drew a lot of spells on his body.

If Zhang Quan and the others found a suitable entry point, Jiang Lin must use the Flying Rat King, but in order to get close to Zuo Ci's tomb, the problem of the power to suppress evil must be solved.

What Jiang Lin is doing now is trying to completely hide and disguise his aura. If he can not be suppressed, he can take the next step.

Chapter eight hundred and eighty-fifth tomb exploration!

With a "thump", Jiang Lin went into the water again and dived quickly. When he approached the bottom of the lake, there was still that evil-suppressing force around him, but it was much weaker than before.

After that, Jiang Lin went ashore repeatedly, perfected the runes on his body, and tried many times, and finally blocked the suppression.

Standing at the bottom of the lake, Jiang Lin unfolded a huge talisman cloth. The formation on it was a special secret technique, which could raise his own mental power a lot in a short period of time, but the side effects were also relatively large.

With Jiang Lin's current state and this burst of stimulation, it is estimated that in the months after the incident, he will lose his energy and be particularly lethargic.

Jiang Lin sat on the bottom of the lake, completely letting go of his spiritual sense, concentrating all his thoughts, and infiltrating the underground space.

He wanted to have some bottom line in his heart. Since the person below was Zuo Ci, and it was very likely that he was a corpse, then there might be traces of corpse aura or aura of evil spirits escaping.

After carefully sensing for three or four hours, Jiang Lin finally noticed the extremely weak corpse.

Emerging and ascending to immortals, I don’t know how many people have been deceived by such legends.

Even Zuo Ci is no exception.

It is estimated that the old guy is now covered in white hair in the coffin.

After collecting the talisman, Jiang Lin rose rapidly. As soon as he surfaced, he saw Zhang Quan and several brothers already waiting by the lake.

"Engong, we have found a suitable site for ground breaking."

Zhang Quan and the others worked for three hours below, and finally got a rough idea of ​​the general structure of the mountain. Where the soil and stone layers are not hard, and where there are gaps, Zhang Quan drew them on a piece of paper. .

"very good."

Jiang Lin looked at the blueprint in his hand and admired Zhang Quan's ability.

Although his current five senses are far superior to ordinary people, it is still very difficult to infer the internal structure from the sound of tapping on the mountain.

Then Jiang Lin called the Flying Mouse King and Xiaobai to his side, and traced runes on them with a rune pen.

"Jerry, dig into the mountain in this direction, take care of everything, Xiaobai, don't be idle, you have a special sense of dragon energy, and when there are more than ten meters away from the tomb, let Jerry stop. If there is anything unusual, go to the foot of the mountain and find me."

Jiang Lin ordered the mice and the others, and then he greeted Zhang Quan and the others. He needed some people to help arrange the formation.

"Grandpa, did you let it dig the cave?"

Zhang Quan was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that Jiang Lin would call a large group of people over to dig the mountain, but Jiang Lin actually entrusted the work to a mouse and a snake.

Even if Zhang Quan had seen the body of the Flying Rat King, he did not think that this monster could undertake such a job.

It is estimated that the cave is more than [-] meters long when dug down.

Jiang Lin chuckled and said, "Is there any problem? Rats can make holes, let alone rat demons?"

Of the two demon kings, the Flying Rat King is not as powerful in combat, but his role in other aspects is greater than that of the Colorful Tiger King.

The men around Zhang Quan looked at each other in dismay. They all felt that Jiang Lin was like talking nonsense. Rats can punch holes, but now they are not punching holes, they are going through mountains.

The Flying Rat King followed the example of a human, with his hands behind his back, shaking his head, he walked to the excavation point, and then it let out a roar, and there was a commotion in the forest.

Not long after, hordes of mice and voles gathered in front of it.

"Little ones, work!"

After a whimper, the mouse boy's body became two meters long, and his two claws scratched the loose soil in the grass and began to dig.

Then hundreds of mice and voles moved, and it didn't take long before they dug a shallow hole one meter in diameter.

This is so much more efficient than blasting!

Zhang Quan and several of his brothers were dumbfounded. The engineer shovel and Luoyang shovel were so weak!

"Engong, what is in this tomb at the bottom of the lake?"

At the foot of the mountain, Zhang Quan couldn't help but ask Jiang Lin. Although he had dug up the tombs of many princes and ministers, and even robbed the tombs of emperors, he had never visited the tombs of Taoist priests.

"I don't know the specifics, but what is certain is that it is definitely not mortal."

Glancing at Zhang Quan, Jiang Lin said again: "Zuo Ci's tomb has been found, I'm not afraid to tell you that there is an extremely terrifying zombie inside. Compared with it, the golden armor zombie in Chunlai Town is like a child. I I don't want you to go to the tomb, but if you want to see it and open your eyes, I have no problem."

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