The corners of Zhang Quan's mouth twitched. It was even more terrifying than the monster corpse in Chunlai Town. Whoever thinks that he has a long life should open his eyes.

Take your life to open your eyes?

However, Zhang Quan really didn't want to leave so early in his heart. He had never heard of the cemetery built in deep water. If he could see the opening of the tomb with his own eyes, it would definitely increase his knowledge.

After opening the tomb, take a look outside and leave, but never go in.

Jiang Lin found a relatively hidden place and began to set up the formation.

Even if Zhang Quan and the others were not Taoist priests, but they were robbing tombs, they still knew about feng shui and gossip, so Jiang Lin gave them some unimportant work.

Most of the arrangements are still handled by Jiang Lin himself.

A day later, Jiang Lin finally arranged several formations, and it was a serial killing formation.

After disguising around the formation, Jiang Lin went to check the progress of the excavation.

"Master, the task has basically been completed, and there should be more than ten meters of thickness from the edge of the tomb."

The Flying Mouse King came to the entrance of the cave and reported the situation to Jiang Lin.

"well done."

Jiang Lin nodded and entered the cave, followed by Zhang Quan and others.

In the depths of the cave is the tomb that Jiang Lin once saw through. The reason why Jiang Lin didn't let the Flying Rat King dig through it was because he was worried that it would trigger the formation.

And there are so many treasures in the tomb, it is likely that their power is not weaker than the Emei Amber Mirror. Since Jiang Lin wants to enter the tomb, he cannot keep those treasures in it.

If Zuo Ci was awakened, just the amount of equipment in the tomb could crush the various instruments he brought.

"Then dig, first dig a small hole the size of a palm."

"no problem."

The Flying Rat King shrank in size and scratched with his arms. After half an hour, he dug through the tomb, and a strong spiritual energy blew out of it.

The aura in this tomb is many times more intense than it is now.

The bronze mirror in Jiang Lin's arms flew out again, and it was about to fly into the tomb through the small hole.

Chapter eight hundred and eighty-six emperor weapons, holy objects, such a big handwriting!

Jiang Lin's eyes were quick, he grabbed the bronze mirror, and stuck a magic talisman on the mirror.

The bronze mirror, the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword and the Sun Divine Pearl were sucked twice in succession, Jiang Lin could not help frowning.

Could it be that the Emei Amber Mirror was also sucked in like this?

However, Jiang Lin thought about it and thought it was unlikely.

"Master, it is estimated that there is a spirit gathering formation in it, which is many times stronger than the effect of our Li Yangju spirit gathering formation."

The Flying Rat King did not dare to move, and jumped down from the small hole.

Even Jiang Lin just let it open a small passage first, so as to avoid touching any enchantment or formation mechanism. I don't know what kind of dangers there are in it. Before it dug through the tomb just now, it was really sweating for itself.

But fortunately, fortunately, I opened a small opening, and there was no accident. Even if there was an accident, there was only a palm-sized opening in the affected area, which was enough to escape.

"Everything needs to be cautious again and again. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the Longtan Tiger Den."

Jiang Lin nodded, then put his arm into the opening, and then extended it forward.

What he has to do now is to take out the treasures that hover and rotate in the tomb by ingesting them from the air.

On the one hand, Zuo Ci inside can be freed from these equipments to rely on, and on the other hand, he can increase his own equipment reserves.

With the ability to capture objects from the sky, Jiang Lin can do a lot of things without entering the tomb.

The biggest advantage is that if the formation in the tomb is a killing formation, he can avoid a lot of trouble.

Jiang Lin's arm stretched out to the other side of the passage, and sucked in the amber mirror in the tomb.

But after the Amber Treasure Mirror was moved twice, it was as if it had taken root in the void, and it was hard to shake.


Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, all the corpse poison in his body flowed into his body, and the suction between his palms increased a lot.

Just when Jiang Lin grabbed the amber mirror in his hand, the pattern in the tomb suddenly lit up, a huge force pulled Jiang Lin's wrist, and even Jiang Lin, who was carrying the pass, hit the hole all at once. on the wall.

The formation in this tomb really has the ability to absorb treasures.

Jiang Lin gradually figured out the effect of the great formation in the tomb. He shrank his arm and pulled out the Amber Mirror.

"Emei Amber Mirror??"

When the Flying Mouse King saw the ancient mirror in Jiang Lin's hand, he was stunned for a moment. It was the idea of ​​fighting these three treasures with the Panlan Tiger King and a giant snake monster, and was finally subdued by Jiang Lin.

But how could this treasure mirror appear here in Dinghu Mountain?

"The formation inside should have the ability to attract all kinds of spiritual tools and treasures. The amber mirror has spirituality, and I don't know when it entered it."

Jiang Lin looked at the treasure mirror in his hand, and felt a little relieved, the ternary power contained in the treasure mirror did not disappear much.

After that, he repeated his old tricks, using his limbs to stretch his body and his ability to capture objects in the air, to continue to capture the treasures inside.

The formations in the tomb were powerful, and every time Jiang Lin had to do a tug-of-war with them, he was not too tired.

The second treasure that Jiang Lin took out was a long sword with two seal characters on it.

Jiang Lin didn't recognize it for a while, so Zhang Quan stepped forward to recognize it.

Zhang Quan and the others are capable people who often go to and from the tomb, and they all have the ability of night vision. Even if it is dark in the deep cave, it will not affect them much.

"This... this is Chi Xiao, the sword of the emperor's way!"

Zhang Quan screamed, making a small tomb king in the tomb robbery world so mad, showing how extraordinary this long sword is.

Jing Zhangquan didn't know how many treasures there were in his hands, and there had never been one that shocked him so much.

"Take your head, colorful beads, and Jiuhuayu, it's really Chixiao! That's what Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, used to cut the white snake uprising! The Emperor Sword!"

The thin monkey on the side hurriedly lit the fire book, grabbed the Chi Xiaojian in Zhang Quan's hand, and carefully measured it, his face was full of excitement.

"Engong, this is the most precious treasure in the world. Its whereabouts have long been unknown. I didn't expect it to be under Dinghu Mountain."

Zhang Quan grabbed the Chi Xiaojian back into his hands again, and after confirming it again and again, handed it back to Jiang Lin with a reluctant expression.

Jiang Lin was also quite surprised. He had also heard of Chi Xiaojian, but he didn't expect it to be in Zuo Ci's tomb.

"Unfortunately, this was originally a spirit sword, but now the inner spirituality has completely disappeared, and it has become an ordinary antique."

Jiang Lin is a Taoist priest, and his focus is naturally different. This Scarlet Firmament Sword was originally supposed to be similar to the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword, containing extraordinary spirituality, but now it has become an ordinary bronze sword.

Zhang Quan and the others were all speechless. This is also the sword of the emperor's way. In Jiang Lin's eyes, it became an ordinary antique.

Engong's consciousness is really not ordinary people. When he sees the most precious and priceless things in the world, he does not move his heart.

Jiang Lin put the long sword into the ancient mirror, continued to retrieve the treasure, and pulled out another seal. This time, not only Zhang Quan, but even the thin monkeys screamed.

The seal is four inches in diameter, with five dragons on the top and eight seal characters engraved on the bottom: "Ordered by the sky, longevity and prosperous".

"Oh my God, this is the Imperial Jade Seal!!!"

Zhang Quan trembled, he actually saw the legendary Chuan Guoxi, who had long since disappeared!

don't go!

To the grave!

Although Jiang Lin had already said that the things in Zuo Ci's tomb were absolutely extraordinary, Zhang Quan had never imagined that it would be so extraordinary.

Emperor Sword!Emperor seal!These two are gods!

But Jiang Lin's attitude made Zhang Quan and the others doubt life again. Jiang Lin's evaluation was the same as before, a useless antique.

These two treasures used to have great power, but unfortunately, their spirituality has now been lost.

Could it be that Zuo Ci absorbed the spirituality of these treasures in the tomb? ?

Jiang Lin felt bad, even if Zuo Ci turned into a corpse, but if the spirituality and aura of these treasures were gathered, it would not be too scary.

What happened next also confirmed his guess. The small tower in the box, the umbrella, the whisk, the round seal, and the ancient mirror in the tomb were all photographed by him.

"Holy things, all holy things!"

Zhang Quan had become hysterical, and he recognized the origin of many of the treasures.

Some of them shocked Jiang Lin.

The small pagoda in the box is a legendary magic sound box. It is said that it can play fairy music. It is rumored that the music sage Shi Kuang once listened to the fairy music in the magic sound box before he knew the rhythm of the world.

The round seal is suspected to be the seal of Kongtong. It is said that people who get it can own the world, and some people say that it can make people immortal and immortal.Since ancient times, many monks have gone out to sea in search of this seal, but in the end they have all embarked on the road of no return.

Jiang Lin himself also recognized the origins of several bronze mirrors. Like Jing Yuanying, they were some of the seven precious mirrors refined by Shi Kuang.

Regrettably, most of these relics, like the first two imperial artifacts, have lost their spirituality, and the remaining few have almost lost their spirituality.

What a great handwriting!

Jiang Lin's heart was heavy. Zuo Ci was able to collect so many legendary treasures in one place and use them to "become an immortal".

Chapter eight hundred and eighty seventh feathering corpse

Even with Jiang Lin’s current method, he can only refine some spiritual artifacts and replenish the rest of the spiritual artifacts with a special method. Peel off for own use.

What makes Jiang Lin jealous is that Zuo Ci's methods are still effective after more than a thousand years, which shows how high his attainments are.

Even if it may become a corpse, lose the means of Taoism, and have the nourishment of these imperial artifacts, if you think about it with your toes, you know that it is definitely the supreme at the same level.

Jiang Lin even suspected that Zuo Ci might have mutated in the coffin.

When he took out the phantom sound box just now, he could still hear a little sound.

The sound is not the point, Jiang Lin doesn't really believe that there is any fairy music. As for those legends that someone listened to the fairy sound, reborn and gained longevity, Jiang Lin also has his own understanding.

In fact, there are not too many mysterious things. The source of sound is vibration. The transmission of sound causes the resonance of the human body's lungs and bone marrow, which can improve and strengthen the bone marrow of the flesh and even evolve.

This is what the martial arts practitioners call "the sound of the tiger and the leopard".

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