In addition, the Dunjia Heavenly Book also has the first volume "Tian Dun" and the middle volume "Earth Dun". The former can fly through the clouds and cross the wind, shatter the void, and soar into the void, while the latter can penetrate through mountains and rocks, and dive into the sand to escape. Travel by sea and land.

If Zuo Ci used these spells, even if Jiang Lin arranged so many formations, he probably wouldn't be able to keep this old demon.

The spells in the Dunjia Heavenly Book were Zuo Ci's reliance, so even if he discovered the serial killing formations nested around him, he didn't have much trouble in his heart, he was just surprised by Jiang Lin's formation skills.

"Old Babe, do you really think that you are a garlic? You have the Dunjia Heavenly Book, thinking that no one can cure you?"

Jiang Lin reached into his arms and took out three gold medals, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and said, "It's a pity, I have a way to escape here!"

Now that Zuo Ci has entered the Internet, Jiang Lin's depression caused by his serious injury is much less. Seeing that his injury is not serious, this old man decided to pursue the victory, but he didn't expect to return to the carbine.

Jiang Lin spent a lot of effort and cost to set up these serial killing arrays, and was severely injured by Zuo Ci before introducing them into the array.

Zuo Ci saw the lines on the gold medal in Jiang Lin's hand, his face changed greatly, and he exclaimed: "Impossible, how is it possible! How do you have a way to crack the Heavenly Book of Dunjia?!"

Back then, Zuo Ci obtained the Dunjia Heavenly Book from the old immortal Nanhua, which was the inheritance of the old immortal Nanhua. Unless the latter accepted another disciple, it would be impossible for others to obtain the method for the three escapes.

However, Jiang Lin actually has a forbidden law to break the three escapes of heaven, earth and human beings.

"Your teacher Nanhua Lao Xian can't stand your disciple anymore. He wants me to help him clean up the door. Why can't I have this way of imprisonment? The turtle in the urn is still an old turtle with lost hair. What are your last words? Want to explain? Saying it makes me happy."

"Fart! It's impossible! Old turtle, bah! Old man, I'll let you taste what it's like to be smashed to ashes!"

Zuo Ci could no longer be calm. He completely ignored the strong conflict between the spiritual power and the corpse energy in his body.

In his opinion, what Jiang Lin said was mostly true. In his life, if there was anyone who could make him fear, it would be his mentor Nanhua Lao Xian.

When the old immortal Nanhua accepted three disciples and handed over the inheritance to them, he repeatedly instructed not to go astray, otherwise he would not be forgiven lightly.

After Zuo Ci became a Taoist, he longed to become an immortal. In the end, this obsession became his own inner demon, which made him go from Tao to demon, not only secretly counted as friends, but also counted on his own apprentices and mutilated the younger generation, completely turned into an unkindness. Unrighteous old demon.

Now Jiang Lin mentioned the old immortal Nanhua, which really made Zuo Ci panic.

The spiritual power in Zuo Ci's body was surging and surging. These were the spiritual power he had absorbed in more than a thousand years, as well as the reserves that had been stripped from imperial artifacts and sacred relics.

After he became a corpse, Zuo Ci could only compress and confine these spiritual powers in his body to avoid contact with the corpse poison. Otherwise, even if he was approaching the level of flying dead, if he was not careful, his spiritual power would collide with the corpse aura. Exploded and died.

Even if he is trapped in the battle now and is eager to get out, he still needs to do his best to compress all the corpse poison and corpse gas into the corpse pill before he can use the spell.

When he was indiscriminately bombarded with explosives, Zuo Ci didn't use spells because he had scruples in this regard.

Now Jiang Lin has a way to restrain him, the surrounding formations are not easy, and Zuo Ci can't take much care of it, so he will leave the formation first.

"Old Babe, if you want to become an immortal, I will make you not even a ghost!"

Jiang Lin placed his palms in a row, and he knocked out three gold medals and embedded them on the ground in the formation, forming a three-talented potential.

Afterwards, the Yang Yan whip in Jiang Lin's palm leaped out, wrapped around one of the gold medals, and injected spiritual power into it. The three gold medals then burst into bright light, and each shot out a red light beam, which converged to a point in the sky, forming a pyramid of light and shadow. Ci was trapped in it.

Zuo Ci has three escapes from Heaven, Earth and Man, but Jiang Lin has a way to make it invalid. Zuo Ci wants to escape, but Jiang Lin will not agree!


The seal on Zuo Ci's hand changed, and a dark opening appeared in the space in front of him.

"Even if you have three forbidden methods, your own cultivation is too low, what can you do with me?"

Seeing the void shattered, Zuo Ci laughed and stepped in, but before he could finish laughing, the light of the red light pyramid flourished, and Zuo Ci stumbled out of the void again.

"how come?"

This time, Zuo Ci's face was extremely ugly. He used the escape technique, but he really couldn't leave the center of the formation.

Then Zuo Ci tried the evasion technique again, but as soon as his legs sank into the ground, he was shaken out.


Zuo Ci was not reconciled, the whole body was full of blue light, turned into a cloud of blue smoke, and drilled into the gap in the light wall of the Red Light Pyramid.

The escape technique is very clever, and the method of transformation is also very powerful, but the eggs are useless.


The spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body poured out like a tide, and the red light pyramid became more and more solid. Then he removed the fire whip and freed up his hand to preside over the operation of the formation.

Now Zuo Ci has completely become the old turtle in the urn.


The first to launch was the Immortal Death Bureau, with the keel and dragon essence as the core, a thunder dragon jumped out from the ground, rushed into the Chiguang Pagoda, and hounded Zuo Ci's body.

Rays arcs burst out on Thunder Dragon, and the electric shock hit Zuo Ci, causing thick black smoke to rise around him.

At the same time, the Xuanji Array of Seven Stars was also fully operational, and various starlights were guided by the Xuanji Array. It was as if laser guns were placed in the array, and all kinds of beams were lasing together.

The power of a beam may not be very strong, but one after another, all lasing in one place, the power is not small.

Jiang Lin could see that Zuo Ci's palm was pierced by Xuanji's beam.

With a sound of "Boom", Thunder Dragon exploded, and Zuo Ci's continuous arm was blown off again, breaking into several pieces.

Zuo Ci roared wildly in the formation, and the surrounding gravel was shaken by the roar.

"I told you to hide! Nether Chessboard!"

Seeing Zuo Ci dodging and dodging in the Scarlet Light Pyramid, Jiang Lin took out the Netherworld chessboard, input spiritual power, and held Zuo Ci in place.

Chapter [-]: The Power of the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array

Even with the strength of Jiang Lin's spiritual power, after using the Paiyang Double Palms and the Three-legged Golden Crow, and repeatedly pouring spirits into the Imprisoned Gold Medal and the Netherworld chessboard, there is not enough left.

He was worried that Zuo Ci had other Taoist methods, and the serial killing array might not be able to completely annihilate it, so he took out all the magic tools he brought.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Pulling the bow and the arrow, Jiang Lin shot out the Demon-Fufu bow and arrow one by one, and shot at the wound on Zuo Ci's body.

If Zuo Ci didn't have any injuries on his body, he wouldn't be able to use the bow and arrow to subdue the demons. Unfortunately, this old bastard has few skins on his body now. been taken care of.

However, Zuo Ci's body was full of corpse qi, and these injuries could not cause too serious damage to him. Jiang Lin took out a golden needle. Since he saw Bai Rourou's lotus needle, he made a few larger needles by himself. It happened to be used on Zuo Ci, so that the corpse qi in his body could not rush to the injured area.

"Old Bastard, you pierced my chest with your double swords, and you don't come and go indecent!"

Jiang Lin placed the Zhengbone Sword, the Heavenly Dragon Sword, the Ice Soul Sword, the Soul-suppressing Sword, and the Yanlei Sword in front of him, made them hover, and then one by one, the five swords flew out one after another, faster than bullets.

Zuo Ci's remaining palm flew out, his throat was also pierced, the patella of both knees made a cracking sound, and the last Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword hit Zuo Ci's dantian and passed through his body.

The spiritual power that was compressed and imprisoned in the dantian by Zuo Ci burst out, and the corpse qi surged, making a sound like a cannon fire in his body.


Feeling the crisis of life and death, Zuo Ci let out a loud howl, but now he has nothing to do, this time he is completely planted.

"Flying Dragon Seven Star Array!"

Seeing that Zuo Ci had lost half of his life, Jiang Lin activated the strongest killing formation. Once the formation was activated, the ground within a radius of [-] meters burst into a dazzling light, and the Eastern Canglong Qisu in the twenty-eight starry nights echoed the seven-star formation. , the stars are shining brightly.

The stars are moving, the stars are like an array!

The dragon-shaped constellations are connected end to end, forming a specious Taiji map in the sky.

One after another beam of light was projected, forming a dragon-shaped road map over the seven-star array, which was pressed down.

Thousands of miles away, Mao Xiaofang from Gantian Town was sitting in the yard. Ah Chu, who was expelled from his teacher's school, had become the leader of the divine religion. Although Mao Xiaofang was angry, he was still worried about his disciples.

Wang Cai died two days ago, inexplicably, with a black brick in his arms.

Mao Xiaofang always felt that things were weird and worried about Ah Chu. While he was in trouble, he suddenly had a strange feeling and quickly looked at the starry sky.

Mao Xiaofang's Dao base and the Five Elements belong to wood, and he cultivates Yimu Qinglong Qi, so when the blue dragon of the four elephants and twenty-eight places in the sky moves, he has a feeling.

"Blue Dragon Seven Stars! Could it be that fellow Daoists used the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array?"

Could it be that the Taoist friend really went to kill the immortal? ?

The direction where the starlight hangs is not too far from Gantian Town. Mao Xiaofang's first reaction was that Jiang Lin was using his means.

At the same time, Ninth Uncle, who was in the field with Zhang Han, also looked up at the sky.

"That direction is Guangdong, could it be Jianglin?"

"Yimei, what's the matter? Something happened to Lin Zi?"

Ninth Uncle frowned and responded, "It is estimated that our son-in-law has encountered a powerful evil spirit, and even used the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array."

"Flying Dragon Seven Star Array? Could it be that the Flying Zombie appeared?"

Not only Mao Xiaofang and Ninth Uncle, but also Master Hong Jinbao, who was active in Shu, discovered the vision in the sky.

"The power of the stars, someone actually mobilized the power of the stars! There are still people who can turn the stars in the end of the law!"

Master Hong Jinbao didn't know that Jiang Lin had the seven-star formation of flying dragons in his hand, so he did not contact Jiang Lin with the Elephant of Star Movement.

On one side, Dao Master Jiang Sheng opened his mouth and said, "Senior, that location should be in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions. Dao Master Li Yang is there, could it be him?"

"Mostly it's him! I didn't expect that his cultivation level could reach this level. With him, evil demons and heretics wouldn't be able to run amok in our China."

In the same area of ​​Shu, in the north of Ya'an adjacent to Leshan, Yamada of Jiuju's faction turned his back to the sky, his face dignified.

Since his eyes were blinded by Jiang Lin, the head of the Jiuju faction returned to Japan to have his eyes changed, and now his light has been completely restored.

"Maoshan Mountain in Middle Earth, Heavenly Master Li Yang!"

Yamada let out a long sigh, feeling both resentment and powerlessness in his heart.

Over the years, the Alliance of Oriental Art Masters has mastered Jiang Lin's information, but they did not dare to touch his bad luck at all, for fear that once they provoke this ruthless man, they would be chased and killed with all his strength.

Jiang Lin stayed in Gantian Town honestly, just following the wish of the Alliance of Magicians.

"No matter what the cost, we must communicate with the divine sword Tian Congyun, and obtain the divine power of Susa's ban! Otherwise, our emperor's lofty ideals may be destroyed by this person!"


Dinghu Mountain, the Flying Rat King, Qilin Corpse, and Xiaobai all shivered, and the dragon-shaped Dao map in mid-air made them feel endless fear.

"Ah~ Flying Dragon Seven Star Array, it's actually Flying Dragon Seven Star Array!"

There was a look of horror on Zuo Ci's face. At this time, he had been pressed down by Dao Tu, and he fell to his knees, unable to move at all.

"I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled! I want to become an immortal! Immortal!"

Zuo Ci let out a final roar, the dragon-shaped road map was about to fall, and the trees around the great formation made a clattering sound, and the clattering sound was incessant.

The air was surging, the mountain wind suddenly rose, and some branches and leaves flew to the bottom of the road map, and all of them turned into powder.

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