From the entity directly into fly ash.

Then, Zuo Ci in the formation, like these branches and leaves, turned into powder little by little.

"So powerful??"

Jiang Lin was also shocked by the power of the seven-star formation.

"No, my corpse pill, my corpse pill!"

Jiang Lin grabbed his hair with both hands and screamed strangely, Zuo Ci was destroyed, but the destruction was so complete that even the most precious corpse pill was gone.

Besides the immortal burial coffin, what Jiang Lin wanted most was Zuo Ci's corpse pill. If he had this old demon's corpse pill, he might be able to reach the peak of Mao Zong in a short period of time. prepare.

The jujube core corpse crystals that Jiang Lin obtained in Chunlai Town were useless. The golden armor zombies were just like zombies. Jiang Lin was worried that if he swallowed the corpse crystals, there would be some strange changes.

He completely refined the harmful substances in it and left it to his wives to use it as medicine.

So Zuo Ci's corpse pill was the first corpse pill Jiang Lin obtained.

But now, it has been destroyed by the Seven Star Array.

Not only Zuo Ci in the formation, but also the outer Bagua Furnace Formation, the gold medals inside the Seven-Star Formation and many formation materials, all turned into powder, and even the ground was three inches lower.

Eight hundred and ninetieth chapters Sai Weng lost his horse

"Pop, kill Wusoul Maozong, and get [*] Violent Qi."

Sure enough.

Jiang Lin frowned when he heard the system's beep, Zuo Ci was still alive.

If it was just a hairy zombie, the seven-star formation of flying dragons would definitely be able to kill it completely, but Zuo Ci was different. This guy was an old Taoist with a high level of Taoism during his lifetime, and he inherited the memories of the past after he became a corpse.

It is impossible to say that there is no way to save one's life.

"Master, this formation is simply too terrifying."

When the Flying Rat King saw a pinnacle hair stiff disappear into ashes like this, he shuddered from head to toe.

"Fortunately, it was killed in one fell swoop, otherwise it would be a catastrophe if he ran away."

Recalling the previous battle with Zuo Ci, the Flying Rat King was also relieved. If Jiang Lin had not made sufficient preparations to annihilate Zuo Ci, the consequences would have been serious.

If nothing else is said, if this old bastard is determined to take revenge, even Li Yangju's Heavenly Dragon Barrier will be broken open sooner or later.

Jiang Lin didn't respond, just glanced back and forth in the array.

"Break my path to immortality, destroy my corpse foundation, and the old man will refine your soul and stomp your soul, forever!"

A gloomy wind suddenly rose, and Zuo Ci's ghost appeared out of thin air in the void in the formation.

He wants to take Jiang Lin's house, once he succeeds, he will just change his body, and the road has not been broken.

Jiang Lin's corpse also has the possibility of becoming a Taoist corpse.

"Why isn't this old bastard dead yet?"

The Flying Rat King screamed and took a few steps back, but it also saw Zuo Ci's image clearly, and now only the soul was left.

"I've said it a long time ago, since you are determined to deal with you, how can you not be fully prepared. You can't even make a ghost!"

Seeing the ghost figure flying over, Jiang Lin sneered and flicked his fingers to activate the final gossip furnace.

When the black-faced god was dealing with the unicorn corpse, there was a case where the corpse's soul came out of the body and seized the body of the body. Jiang Lin had already guarded against this.

It can be said that Jiang Lin was not surprised when he saw that Zuo Ci was not dead, but also felt a little joy in his heart.

I don't know what method Zuo Ci used to keep the corpse pill and the soul.

Jiang Lin's feeling of losing his baby was swept away.


The gossip furnace formation suddenly started, forming a house-sized flame furnace, which locked Zuo Ci's corpse and soul.

Jiang Lin erupted his own Yang Yan and sent it into the furnace array.

Although the corpse soul can be refined, this time Jiang Lin is obviously not ready to die, and let Zuo Ci's soul fly away and it will be over.

"Insidious and cunning child! I can't kill you!"

The corpse soul screamed and cursed Jiang Lin in the furnace array. He never thought that in order to deal with him, Jiang Lin would put down the Xuanji Array and the Immortal Sect Bureau, and the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array, this is not even counted. After that, another flame formation appeared.

Although Zuo Ci was trapped in the Scarlet Light Pyramid before, he broke through the void in a limited space regardless of the cost.

Zuo Ci hid his own soul and corpse pill in it, and it was because of this that he was saved from disappearing when he was crushed by the dragon-shaped Daotu of the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array.

But he escaped, and there was a killing formation waiting for him.

Even if the gods encountered such a situation, they also wanted to scold their mothers.

"Insidious and cunning, you little old man is too stupid!"

Jiang Lin stared coldly at the corpses in the formation, beware of another accident.

After a long while, the shouting and cursing in the furnace gradually faded, and finally there was no sound at all.

Even Zuo Ci, who had a profound and profound experience, suffered a series of heavy losses, and even if he could survive, he would have run out of oil and dried up, and could no longer resist the power of the Bagua Furnace.

After a long time, the flames were gone, Jiang Lin let go of his spiritual sense, and found that Zuo Ci's breath was no longer there, and he was completely relieved.

"Crack! Kill the zombie soul and get [*] points of suffocation."

"The beheading is complete."

With the system's prompt, Jiang Lin finally determined that this old demon was completely finished.

"What's mine is mine after all."

Jiang Lin smiled and walked over, holding a round golden-red corpse pill in his hand.

not good!

Jiang Lin felt a sudden shock, and hurriedly threw the corpse pill out, but as soon as the corpse pill left his hand, a strong explosion occurred. The power of this explosion was no less than that of the previous carload of explosives.


Jiang Lin strengthened the defense of his head, face and vital parts, but even so, the huge blasting force made him spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Old hairy! Cough cough..."

Jiang Lin got up from the ground, coughed a few more blood, and secretly thought that he was careless.

Although Zuo Ci was completely wiped out, before he left, he actually used up his last strength and transferred his spiritual power into the corpse pill to retaliate against Jiang Lin.

As a zombie, Jiang Lin would definitely not turn a blind eye to the corpse pill left behind, which made Zuo Ci's plan succeed.

The pure spiritual power and the rich corpse aura are violently repelled, and the power generated is so terrifying.

"Master, are you alright?"

"The injury is not light, this old stray hair is really a good plan."

Jiang Lin was very angry. Since he entered the level of a Celestial Master, he has not suffered any losses yet. Although he killed Zuo Ci this time, he has also won a lot of prizes.

If you don't cultivate for a while, you won't be able to.


Jiang Lin sat cross-legged on the ground, refining the corpse poison to heal his wounds, and at the same time assimilating the corpse poison and corpse qi that had entered his body, but he suddenly discovered that the spiritual power and corpse poison that had been blasted into his body were no longer repelling.

"Haha, it's really a lost horse, how can I know it's not a blessing!"

Jiang Lin laughed. Over the years, he has also been studying the compatibility of corpse poison and spiritual power in order to achieve a balance between yin and yang, but even if he often ponders Xiaoru's body and checks the flow of yin and yang, the progress is quite slow.

This time, Zuo Ci's calculated revenge brought unexpected joy to Jiang Lin.

Not caring about recuperating his injuries, Jiang Lin calmly felt the distribution and direction of spiritual power and corpse poison in his body, and kept this situation firmly in his mind.

"Although the corpse pill is gone, the harvest is not small at all."

Jiang Lin's unhappiness was swept away. If his corpse and Dao body were compatible, and the two were compatible, then it would not be a situation where one plus one equals two.

The left-hand ability and the right-hand Taoism technique, the body is not broken, the flying stiffness of Shu land is coming, and Jiang Lin can also take care of it.

Old man, thank you very much.

Jiang Lin wanted to hurry back now, while healing his injuries and researching compatible things. This time, Zuo Ci showed him the direction.

Chapter eight hundred and ninety-five changes in Gantian Town

After resting for two hours, Jiang Lin brought the Flying Rat King and the unicorn corpse into Zuo Ci's tomb again. There were a lot of valuable things in it, especially the nine mountain ranges, which were all cast and carved with black gold or precious jade. Yes, priceless.

After searching for a while, Jiang Lin asked the Flying Rat King to summon the mice in the mountain forest to fill the deep hole and restore the previous mountain appearance.


Although he didn't find the three volumes of the Dunjia Heavenly Book, and he didn't get the corpse pill, Jiang Lin was still quite happy.

He suffered some injuries, replaced the Immortal Burial Coffin, and still had [*] points of suffocation. He also obtained imperial artifacts and sacred objects. Although most of his spirituality has been lost, they are also priceless treasures.

Other harvests are also quite generous.


Jiang Lin didn't stay near Dinghu Mountain, and rushed back to Gantian Town. There would be catastrophe in Gantian Town, and he was still worried about Li Yangju.

"eye for eye!"

"Murder for life!"

"Execute Yu Dachu!"

When he first arrived in Gantian Town, Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. He had only left the town for a few days, how did he become like this.

The town has changed a lot. There are no stalls on the streets, rows of shops are closed, and many people don't even have doors and windows.

A large group of people pulled banners in the street, gathered in one place, shouted and marched, armed with tools such as hoes and rakes, and it was almost like an uprising.

In addition, many people carried stools, doors, round tables and large beds, and went to another direction, not knowing what to do.

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